When he bowed his head slightly, a pair of small hands pressed on his eyes without warning, blocking his vision.

A melodious voice like a silver bell rang in Su Han's ears, with moist water vapor and temperature.

"Heartless? Miss Tokisaki, what is the basis for your statement?"

The boy didn't even need to use the voice as a basis for judgment, the boy said the name of the girl who was blindfolded.

There were only five people in this area without Coco Danzo calling.

Su Han himself, Raiden Mei, the implanter who conquered the gem, and three group members who were attracted by points and powerful enemies.

In Raiden Mei is still autistic because he is too dangerous, Tohsaka Rin is setting up a barrier, and now that Dadalia is patrolling, there is only one person who can talk to him here.

"Hey, did you recognize me so easily?"

The beautiful, evil-looking girl let go of her hand, looking a little distressed.

Su Han turned around, and came to a girl who had not been seen very much.

Black hair is like ink, and the ragged side bangs cover the left half of the amazingly beautiful face.

She was wearing a black top and a blue school uniform skirt, and her plump thighs under the skirt were lightly restrained by black stockings, sagging slightly.

Just like the childhood sweethearts who grew up with him, the elf representing time walked to the side of the young man with light footsteps, and the wind in the walk carried a slight fragrance.

There is no doubt that this is an elf named Tokisaki Kurumi.

The boy who still had water vapor in his ears looked at the girl with a very familiar attitude after seeing him, his eyes were uncertain.

"Miss Raiden is a first-class beautiful girl, shouldn't you be gentle with that kind of beautiful girl?"

Looking into the depths of someone's eyes, the Spirit of Time, who harbored some kind of desire, complained.

"Su Jun, your performance just now is different from your previous performance of building a floor for Miss Raiden."

When she was just hiding in the shadows, she saw that someone spent half a day dismantling the taxi's mat and building a floor before placing Raiden Meiyi, and put his coat on her as a quilt.

And the reason for doing that is that if you throw Raiden Meiyi on the ground, you might catch a cold.

This operation is not to say that it is an almighty Asahi man, at least it is barely a warm man.

To be honest, Tokisaki Kurumi actually had some doubts that Su Han had a crush on a certain kidnapped cook.

After all, before that, he had spoken about his plans.

"The first purpose, of course, is to seize the gem of conquest."

After Tokisaki Kurumi was invited to this world, the boy said this when he opened a temporary combat memory.

"The power to conquer the gem is the most important thing. As long as we capture it, we can get a lot of points. If we can't capture it, you are basically running for nothing."

This is a fact.

Everyone in the group chat is quite short of points.

If you don't grab the gem that is closely related to the Third Herrscher, it's really a waste of time. Su Han, who sent invitations to the three group friends, will lose most of the initial points as the group owner.

"If it goes well, I will soon be able to take out the Conquest Gem and sell it after awakening to a certain degree of immortality because of the stimulation of the dead man."

At that time, Su Han dismissed the saying that the Eye of Darkness was immortal to a certain extent.

"After that, if nothing else happens, the anti-entropy radicals will come to attack us quickly."

"If its leader, Cocolia, is under control, we may be able to obtain anti-entropic resources and obtain more things."

Anti-entropy, one of the three major forces of Honkai world view to fight against Honkai.

At first, it was the most friendly to ordinary people among the three major organizations.

However, after the alliance leader Walter Yang was attacked by the Infinite Talonsuke who had taken the foreign key, he disappeared after being severely injured. The anti-entropy conservatives who had the upper hand were overwhelmed by the radicals and became the possession of Cocolia.

Because of the loss of the alliance leader, today's anti-entropy may be a joke in the eyes of Destiny.

As long as the Bishop of Destiny, who is far away in Vienna's Sky Island, makes a whim, the anti-entropy that loses Walter will be directly smashed into pieces.

But even this does not affect the fact that the anti-entropy family has rich resources.

Honkai Energy Crystallization, Titan Mecha, Quantization Technology...

If you can take advantage of the timing of Cocolia's experiment to control it, there will definitely be a lot of benefits in the future. At the cost, it will probably make the entire anti-entropy's favorability to him drop to freezing point, which is a disaster for the main world. It's not good for a bad Su Han.

However, if there is an action to rescue the Thunderbolt Ryoma, the side effects of this action can be alleviated.

The boy who promised Raiden Yayi to rescue Raiden Ryoma thought.

Clearly, this is a lot of business.

Once done, the whole group will flourish.

"So, in action, what should we pay attention to?"

Dadalia asked a final question after listening to someone's introduction.

"Put the main battlefield outside Changkong City to avoid affecting innocent people."

Su Han, who has no feelings for Changkong City, but doesn't think it's reasonable for an entire city to perish because of a madman's plan, said this.

After hesitating for a while, he added another sentence.

"Also, to ensure the safety of Leiden Meiyi."

To be honest, after hearing this, everyone present had a gossip for a while.

Pulling the battlefield to the suburbs as much as possible and reducing damage is still a well-understood thing.

After all, it's too rude to not respond when you have the ability to avoid harming innocent people.


To protect the safety of lightning buds...

This thing is more interesting.

After all, Su Han's main world is collapsed, and Raiden Meiyi is really a person from this world.

When he saw Su Han building a floor for Raiden Yayi, Shizaki Kuang San once felt that there was some unsuspecting peach news here.

As a result, after this guy woke up with Raiden Yayi, he first played Raiden Yayi, and then asked him to obey himself because of the safety of Changkong City.

The contrast in the middle is a bit outrageous.

In the face, Su Han just shrugged.

"I was worried that Leiden Yayi would catch a cold and have a fever when she lay on the ground, so I built a floor for her."

"In order to make Raiden Meiyi cooperate with our next work as quickly as possible, I threatened it."

"Is there a conflict between these two things?"

Ah this...

Hearing a certain guy's speech, Tokisaki Kurumi was also stunned.

"Don't think too much about anything."

The teenager who had played a lot of games in the past shrugged.

Because of his past experience of playing games, he has a good impression of Raiden Mei.

But it's just a feeling.

"Efficiency supremacy?"

Looking at the young man who seemed to be extremely efficient in doing things, the spirit of time seemed to understand something.

"Okay, don't worry about these details."

Su Han, who has always pursued efficiency in doing things, put his hand into his pocket and took out a gem.

It was a tool that Tohsaka Rin left him for communication.

But now, there is a faint light on it.

"For Tohsaka Rin, the barrier has been set up."

According to the code, Su Han, who had confirmed the situation, stretched his back, then looked at the time elf who seemed to have been intentionally approaching him, and laughed.

"Next, just sit and wait for the good show to start."

Chapter 9 The Killing Intent from Cocolia

Changkong ME Club.

ME Club is a well-known enterprise in the extreme east. Raiden Longma, code-named "Entrepreneur", established this multinational enterprise with the help of the contacts accumulated by Raiden's ancestors and the technical support of anti-entropy.

And beneath this splendid enterprise lies another place.

—Underground Factory, Titan Assembly Line.

Wearing a Russian-style military uniform, a woman with a red background and a white shawl sat in front of the Titan and Thunder Mecha, watching the virtual screen in front of her.

Purple eyes, waist-length golden curly hair, tall stature, probably had been shot by a stunt arrow and awakened the avatar. The amount of milk drawn, this anti-entropy executive has a very hot figure.

It is often said that years are like knives, and knives make people old, but in this woman, only a mature charm can be seen.

From the point of view of charm alone, Cocolia is undoubtedly a top beauty.

This beautiful woman is Kokolia, the first civil war phantom **** in the Honkai World.

In August 2013, at the Okhotsk Undersea Laboratory, one of her favorite children, Xier, accepted the X-10 experiment she led and quantized it.

Thinking that she is very good, in order to create a new human being who can lose everything, she fell into madness after seeing her daughter disappear, and decided to do everything possible to get her lost daughter back.

After regaining her composure, she quickly had an idea.

—Use the Serenity Gem to transform the Herrscher who sank into the quantum sea, and break free from the quantum state with absolute power.

It's a pretty crazy plan.

Destruction is the unpredictable will of God.

The lawyers are the apostles of God.

Every Herrscher is the ultimate embodiment of a certain physical law. Once the Herrscher who has been given the mission of ending civilization by God is born, it will cause a devastating blow to civilization.

However, this is not ironclad.

The first-generation leader of anti-entropy, Walter Joyce, was the rebellious apostle of God.

As long as the operation is appropriate, Xier can be transformed into a controllable Herrscher.

This is Cocolia's idea.

Afterwards, she set her sights on Lightning Miyori, who, like Xier, was also the holder of the natural stigmata.

This woman, who is really expert in civil war, easily seized the handle of the Thunderbolt Longma who defrauded about 3.4 billion US dollars in the name of borrowing financing and created a bodyguard for her daughter, and attacked her, putting her in jail.

When the right time comes, she will completely block the city of the sky, launch an artificial collapse, and turn the daughter of the rival Thunderbolt Ryoma into an incomplete "god" and capture her.

If the experiment is successful, Xier in the quantum sea will be able to go home, and Bronya who is in conflict with herself will also return to her arms.

Cocolia looked at the staff who accepted the order and carried out the plan, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Everything is so perfect.

Now that the backbone of anti-entropy conservatives has fallen, he is the master of anti-entropy.

The only one who can threaten her is the leader who is responsible for supervising and controlling the executor.

But the leader of Anti-Entropy, Walter Young, disappeared for unknown reasons.

Many of the things that he has done now have been regarded as trampling on the rules of anti-entropy, but even so, the lord of the alliance did not stand up to punish himself...

Thinking of this, the phantom **** of civil war Cocolia smiled even more.

The answer is already obvious.

The leader of the alliance has encountered trouble and is now weaker than ever.

As long as she can make Xier herhersor before the alliance leader recovers and punishes herself, she doesn't need to care about the threat from the alliance leader at all, and she can even use Xier's power to solve it and become the true master of anti-entropy.

What a perfect future.

Imagining the scene where he successfully captured the half-herrscher-like Thunderbolt Mei, and then experimented on it, collecting the information to create the controllable, the expression on Cocolia's face brought a little intoxication.

The daughter will return to her side, the leader of the alliance who is not an orthodox Herrscher will be defeated by Xier, and the power of anti-entropy will also be held by her.

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