The maid named Rita was standing in front of Yallweite with a gentle voice, but in those wine-red eyes, there was an unprecedented sharpness.

Obviously, the fact that Indestructible Blade and Xuelian Squad went on a mission together, and the result was a good start, was a very unpleasant thing for her as the Vice-Captain of Indestructible Blade.

"Miss Anna encountered an enemy in the process of monitoring, and then was defeated within a third of the species."

Only to see that the data reported by the instrument Anna held had soared, and then Yallweite, who was directly burping, said in a low voice.

Anna Shaniat.

The B-rank Valkyrie to which the Xuelian Squad belongs.

Probably because of the bloodline of the Three Destiny Royal Family, she became a Valkyrie when she was twelve years old, and the outstanding achievements are simply an abnormal field.

To become an A-level Valkyrie before the age of eighteen, this kind of unbelievable thing to ordinary people, it is indeed a matter of course for her.

And now, this Valkyrie, who is infinitely close to A-rank, has disappeared.

Only ice debris remained.

"If the enemy can solve Miss Anna who is infinitely close to the A-rank Valkyrie in a very short period of time, the strength of the target may be..."

Speaking of which, Yallweite did not continue.

She looked at the S-rank Valkyrie who dragged her directly to the scene of the accident not long ago, her expression a little sad.

"She encountered an enemy who was definitely above A-rank."

Rita sighed involuntarily as Yallwight's conclusion was announced.

To fight against an Apocalypse knight with at least A-rank strength, just the fate of Anna, a B-rank Valkyrie, no longer needs to be said.

Not to die, but to be captured.

The Valkyrie is a warrior, a person who may die unexpectedly at any time, and a person who always carries the fate of everyone on his shoulders.

Since it was impossible to just ignore the destruction in front of them from the beginning—then, in fact, from then on, they had already decided what their lives would be like.

The Valkyries will not give in easily.

Because before they became Valkyries, they already knew that their fate was only to die young.

They already had the belief that they were sacrificed.

I already knew that I would die in the end, so how could I be afraid of being killed by the enemy?

Ana probably lost the battle with the belief that she would fight the enemy to the end.

Rita, who had a certain impression of Anna, felt a little sad because Anna was a fan of Hollander.

There are only two consequences of defeat.

Death and capture.

The former means the end of a lifetime, the latter represents torment, suffering and sacrifice...

Either way, it's a sad thing.

However, people always have to live in the moment.

It was not the first time that Rita, who had seen her comrade lose her life, took a deep breath and calmed down.

Compared with investigating Anna's whereabouts, it is more important to analyze the situation now.

Only in the tactical sense, it is undoubtedly a bad thing that members who should be lurking in the dark and slowly search for the enemy are captured by a powerful enemy.

This means that the investigation of its own side has been discovered.

After learning that someone is investigating them, the enemy will definitely choose to escape or fight back quickly.

This is undoubtedly an extremely bad thing for the Inextinguishable Blade and the Xuelian team with important tasks.

Their main task is to collect information on the enemy, determine the target location, and let Captain Hollander go to sweep everything.

However, this kind of thing happened. The Inextinguishable Blade and Xuelian Team, which should have been in the dark, were suddenly pulled to the bright side.

The enemy is dark and we are clear, this is absolutely terrible for those who collect information, just like after watching the third season of Attack on Titan, excitedly chasing more comics, and then seeing a certain ending.

The Valkyrie of Destiny is searching for someone in Changkong City. Once this kind of thing comes into the ears of the target, he will probably react very quickly.

Flee or fight back.

Do whatever it takes to get that guy back.

If he can't be caught, then kill him.

This was the order of Bishop Otto.

If the enemy counterattacks, it's fine. We have Horandel as the last weapon. As long as the enemy stays, there is only one way to defeat.


What if he chose to run away.

An organization with an apocalypse knight close to S-rank wants to escape, who can catch it?

Rita's slender eyebrows were almost frowned.

If the enemy chooses to flee, it will definitely be a disaster for the one who has been ordered to be arrested.

If you insist on finding a worse development, it is probably only the enemy who anticipates the appearance of his own side from the beginning, lays a trap, and waits for his own people to keep jumping into it.

Are you going to block the entire long sky city directly next?

A ruthlessness flashed across Rita's pretty face.

Contacting the extreme eastern political arena to block the Changkong City for trumped-up reasons, this kind of thing undoubtedly sounds very outrageous.

However, for Destiny, this kind of thing is not outrageous.

However, it may cause the anger of the country in which it is located in the future, which is a very troublesome thing.

But, fortunately, here is the far east.

The government of the extreme east is best at showing its fangs to the weak and bowing its knees to the strong.

And destiny is the uncrowned king of this world.

Then report directly to the bishop.

With the mentality of not doing anything, Rita made a decision.



Yallweite's exclamation suddenly broke her thoughts.

"What's up."

Rita, who was startled, asked Yalvette.

Yallweite put the props she was carrying with her in front of Rita and pointed to the spot of light on the monitor.

"The coordinates of Ann and Anna appeared, and they appeared on the outskirts of Changkong City."

Chapter 69 Meeting with Sister Ta Zi

It is still a suburb of Changkong City.

It is still the dilapidated three-nothing building.

Still a scum who is good at kidnapping.

Like history repeating itself, the conditions of the past come together.

The only difference is probably that the person who is tied here this time is not some super gullible cook, but the future Miss Binglu.

"You bastard, you are shameless!"

On the mat where Raiden Mei was lying, the girl's angry voice was very loud.

The source of the voice is a cute and outrageous girl.

Long chestnut hair, pink eyes, and delicate facial features reminiscent of delicate French dolls.

Miss Anna felt extremely aggrieved.

Not long ago, because of the gap in combat power, she was almost punched in the head by a humanoid Honkai Beast.

Then, she was forced to confess.

We are soldiers, people who may die unexpectedly at any time, and people who always carry the fate of everyone on our shoulders.

Since we couldn't just sit idly by from the very beginning - we've already decided what our lives will be like from then on.

If there is any hesitation to say that someone sacrificed...

I think they should not have thought carefully about what it means to be a 'Valkyrie'.

This is what she was taught at the Valkyrie Academy.

As a strict Valkyrie, Anna naturally chose to refuse.

At the moment of her arrest, she was ready to sacrifice.

No matter if she faces severe torture, drug torture, or even assault, she will not give in.


Then none of the above events happened.

A certain guy just held a sweet boiled corn, shook it in front of him, and asked.

"Want to eat? If you want to eat, exchange the contact information of Hollander."

Pretty naive bait.

Suspiciously naive, this method can extract information from people over the age of eight.

Miss Anna naturally refused.


"Since you refuse, then I will leave you in the suburbs. When you leave the signal shielding area, your positioning should be able to recruit your teammates."

The guy, in front of himself, ate the corn and said nonchalantly.

"Although there will be more procedures, but there is not much difference."

That guy, from the beginning, was able to find Lord Hollander. She asked herself for data, just to speed up the process.

I was starving myself.

In fact, the girl who was a snack food looked at a guy who was cutting sausages and marinating eggs, and wanted to cry inexplicably.

In the face of the poor and weak abuse of a certain prisoner of war, someone just threw the cut ingredients into the cup noodles, then clapped his hands and shouted as the locals did.

"I'm gonna start now."

Then, the fragrance of junk food diffused in the air.

Probably because there is only a cushion where people can sit, this guy is sitting next to Anna.

One mouthful of noodles, one mouthful of thinly sliced ​​ham, and another sip of soup when the cold wind blows, sighing, "The medium-cooked noodles taste just right."

This kind of eating junk food and talking in the tone of reviewing high-end restaurants is undoubtedly an extremely rustic video.

In normal times, Miss Anna would only feel that such a person is so pitiful, and then think about whether to donate some money to let him eat something good.

But now she...


Because of refusing to provide information, the stomach of the girl who had been starving for a while rang again.

It's a bit frustrating, but...

Anna felt drooling in her mouth.

"Would you like something to eat?"

Seemingly aware of Miss Anna's situation, the boy raised his eyebrows and placed the fork wrapped in a layer in front of Anna.

"Qi is very hungry; Qian Ao is on the road for food; he eats when he is waiting for the hungry. There are those who are hungry; they cover up and gather their aunts; they come rashly. Qian Ao serves food on the left, and drinks on the right, saying: 'Hey! Come and eat! .' Raise his eyes and look at it; he said: 'I don't want to eat the food that came to me; so much so.'"

Food that comes from swearing, of course, refers to alms that are insulting.

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