"Compared to swords, spears, swords, and halberds, it's a bit too domineering."

"So, how are you going to convince that traitor?"

On the side, the raven holding a sniper rifle looked a little stiff.

She came here just to hear Grey Snake say that this time there may be a difficult sniper target and she needs her own help.

Because the gray snake bid was very high, the raven came.


As a result, according to the speeches of these two goods, the one who was targeted by the sniper is a super invincible old monster!

To be honest, the raven, who yearns for a normal life, kind of wants to run away.

"It's not a big problem. I probably know how to resolve the conflict between Mr. Su and Kevin, and let him release Lord Kevin."

In response, Su Han couldn't help shrugging.

As a traveler, Su Han has been thinking about a problem.

How to drill the bug of group chat.

After pouring Raiden Meiyi unconscious with a bottle of wine and knocking Uncle Xing unconscious, he came to a conclusion.

If a person can be completely unconscious, it seems that it can be sent out as a red envelope.

Therefore, as long as two groups of friends cooperate with each other, it seems difficult to emigrate across the world, but it is not impossible.

No doubt, this is an interesting but boring idea.

After all, group friends only need to spend a small amount of points to send invitations to complete the world span.

However, Su Han felt that there should be other uses for this.

For example, convince some people who have been disappointed with the living environment.

The boy raised his head and stared at the God Key above.

He believed that the owner of the Second God Key could hear his own words.

"I think you also want to be able to fight with your friends, not against each other, don't you?"

After saying this, the whole environment became silent.


"You want to convince me to release Kevin?"

A very magnetic male voice came from above the second **** key.

Quietly, a man with a handsome face and a Greek style appeared in front of Su Han and his party.

That's Su.

"Of course."

Su Han smiled and said.

Chapter 57 Rebuilding the Ark

"Nice to meet you, Pioneer, Su."

Like a very polite junior, the handsome young man looked at the handsome man who came out of the world bubble and saluted.

"Highest tribute to the Fire Chasing Moth."

"In this day and age, it's not easy to meet someone who still remembers the name of Moth Chasing Fire."

"I'm also very happy to meet you."

The ancestor of the Apocalis family quietly appeared in front of Su Han.

With his appearance, in just an instant, the raven holding the key of the third **** and the gray snake carrying the Kevin doll disappeared from this world.

Grey Snake has said that they have a chance to kill su.

This is a fact.

The Third God's Key is a piece of equipment that can kill with one hit, and Kevin's doll is not weaker than Su at all.

As long as the Kevin puppet can entangle Su, as long as the sniper is good enough, there is indeed a chance to kill this super soldier who is not specialized in combat.


The premise is that Su does not break up the team.

A Thousand Realms One Multiplication Basic Ability - Space Transfer.

The man with bright red eyes waved his hand, and space and space began to be replaced.

In the time when Su Han's eyes twitched, the three-man team had been broken up by him.

Grey snake is gone.

Raven is gone.

Only the boy from another world left standing against the few forerunners in this world.

"Can you tell me why?"

Fifteen hundred years ago, the man who sealed his friend looked at the boy who would persuade him, with a strange expression on his face.

"Because, you don't really want to seal your friends at all, do you?"

The teenager who felt that the probability of killing Su in the mouth of the gray snake was the probability of tx was not afraid, and said it bluntly.

Facing a super soldier who specializes in spirituality is actually a super dangerous thing. If you are a little careless, you may be pulled into an illusion, and then your memory and personality will be modified.

This is also the reason why Su Han does not want to deal with Otto.

That guy who didn't inherit Su's character at all would definitely use Mimic Yu Duchen.

Compared to Otto, Su's character is simply a saint.

No, this description may be problematic.

In Honkaikai, one of Su's names is Shakyamuni, the saint of the Shakyamuni.

In the last era, he was originally a doctor and chose to become a super soldier in order to save patients with "sleeping sickness".

After entering this era, in order to protect the human beings in this era, he chose to break with his best friend, and even nearly gave his life.

Because he took over the forerunner mission, he observed the tree of imaginary numbers alone until his lifespan was exhausted.

There is no doubt that Su's character is very good.

Under the circumstance that Tiger Hi and Shizaki Kusan's time retrospect were sheltered, he didn't mind Su's exchange of words.

"The difference between you and Lord Kevin is just the failure of the three major plans. Do you need to start the stigmata plan?"

"If it weren't for this difference, you and Lord Kevin would definitely be fighting side by side, instead of one being imprisoned and the other choosing to self-imprison."

Hearing these words, Su was silent.

In the last era, he and Kevin have been friends since their school days. Later, they joined Moth Chasing Fire and became super soldiers, and then they became pioneers in batches, fulfilling the mission of guiding mankind...

Under this premise, the depth of his relationship with Kevin can be imagined.

To be honest, as long as one of him and Kevin is a woman, they have already digested it internally, and there is no such thing as Dr. Mei.

"you're right."

Su looked at the boy and admitted it.

It's probably because I haven't heard anyone mention the name Moth Chasing Fire for a long time. Su felt a little emotional, and didn't mind to accompany this strange-looking boy and say a few more words.


The boy's words fell in his ears, making him stunned.

"The premise of the Stigma Project is that the Fire Project, the Ark Project and the Hengsha Project have all failed."

"But, I think, did the Ark plan really fail?"

The Ark Project, a plan executed by a pair of pioneers who have lost contact.

About 1,500 years ago, they lost contact with the Fire Chasing Moth, which became the last straw for Kevin to decide to carry out the stigmata plan.

Now, the young man in front of him actually said that the Ark plan did not fail?

Su always felt that her mood would not fluctuate because of "leaves that don't wither" and things other than Kevin.

However, now his mood has changed because of the boy in front of him.

If the Ark Project did not fail, it was indeed a reason for Kevin to abandon the Stigma Project.


"Project Ark was not a successful project."

Very bland, Su expressed his judgment.

"It was the most helpless of all plans."

"Leaving one's hometown and rebuilding civilization may be able to survive for a period of time, but in the end, it will still face the erosion of collapse."

Perfect answer.

Su Han thought.

The Ark plan is really useless.

In the Honkai worldview, Honkai is a cosmic disaster, how can it be so easy to escape?

However, it is only in the collapsed world view.

"Have you ever seen me during the observation process?"

The boy silently called out the name of the Noble Phantasm in his heart, activated it, and began to randomly give Kuang three numbers.

This can be regarded as his agreement with Kurumi. When dealing with people with spiritual abilities, he cannot relax because of his good character.

Therefore, he made an agreement with Tokisaki Kurumi.

During the time he negotiated with Su, he would always type random letters to Kurumi.

If he is invaded by psychic abilities, he will stop typing.

After that, I can only ask Miss Kuang San to go back to the past and tell myself at that time not to negotiate with Su and change history.

Have you ever seen me during your observation?

The second **** key, which can observe the **** keys of many parallel worlds, relying on this **** key, Su can easily see countless "one people".

Su believed that the boy in front of him knew this.

After all, it's no secret to those who know Fire Chasing Moths.


Is he someone who will not be observed by the Second God's Key?

Outside the tree of imaginary numbers, there is an endless "ocean", and beyond the ocean, there may be more unknowns...

This is Dr. Mei's guess when he was doing research.

In more distant fields, there may be a real pure land.

Thinking back to this, Su completely opened his eyes and stared at the young man in front of him, the scrutiny in his purple eyes was strong.

"Can you tell me about your history?"


"Is that kind of thing important?"

In this regard, Su Han smiled slightly.

"Compared to the origin, shouldn't you care about how to rebuild an ark in a short period of time?"

Chapter 58: All kinds of martial arts, this is a white wolf with empty gloves

The Ark Project.

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