Totally asshole.

Resisting the urge to go to Siegfried now and beat him to the ground, Kiana looked at the boy.

It was a cheap-mouthed guy whose original name was Tong Mo, the most well-informed guy she had ever seen in her life.

If it was him, he should know about his sister.

"Do you know about my sister?"

The girl who yearned for affection asked the boy, her eyes filled with anticipation.

"I don't know much about your sister, I just know the level of her name."

"Then what's her name?"

Kiana hurriedly asked.

Even just knowing a name would be nice.

Feeling that he was almost at his destination, the boy who stood up to collect the money glanced at the girl who was using his sister's name and spoke.

"Your sister's name is—"

"Sirin Shaniat."

Trying to exchange a picture for a ticket.jpg

Chapter 52: Upcoming Experiments

In Honkai's worldview, females are generally more adaptable than men. Therefore, many players will ridicule that Honkai God has serious sexism.

But in fact, in the last era, human beings, male or female, were very powerless in the face of the erosion of Honkai Energy.

Honkaikami is actually a guy who treats human beings equally.

The beginning of the female Honkai power being more adaptable than the male is the stigmata plan of the last era.

In official data, the essence of Honkai Energy is the transformation of the energy consumed in the development of civilization. The more developed the civilization, the more resources are consumed, and the more powerful the Honkai will be.

In the last era, scientists led by Dr. Mei, under the oppression of the collapse, frantically exploded the technology tree, causing the civilization level to soar.

The overly developed civilization has intensified Honkai to an outrageous level, and even made the strongest warrior of the last era, Kevin Kaslana, feel desperate.

To this end, Dr. Mei proposed a stigmata plan for symbiosis with Honkai.

The specific method is to load the stigmata that can enhance the adaptability of Honkai Energy into the body of every human being, and then use Honkai Energy as the basic energy source to recast civilization.

This is a very reliable plan.

By consuming the internal energy of the imaginary number, the strength of the Honkai is reduced, and the Honkai is controlled within an acceptable range. Although the lifespan of humans may be greatly shortened due to the long-term use of that energy, but for the human civilization that is about to burp. , this is undoubtedly a life-saving solution.


The stigmata plan began to unfold.

And then...

And then, Dr. Mei burped.

She has just completed the gene editing of women, because overwork and collapse can erode gg.

Men in later generations obviously did not delay the dividend of this plan.

Therefore, women in this world are obviously more adaptable than men.

Except for the three families whose ancestors were super warriors, the adaptability of men in other regions is basically quite poor.

Therefore, St. Freya Academy, which trains warriors to fight the collapse, can actually be directly labeled as a girls' school.

After all, without individual teachers, this is a country of daughters.

After stepping into St. Freya Academy, the boy who found that all the people he met on the way was a woman exclaimed in amazement.

"Oh oh oh, can I enroll here?"

"I always feel that the male students mixed in the girls' school are very interesting Yazis."

"Su Han, can you be normal?"

In this regard, the white-haired dwarf who took someone to collect the money had a black line on his face.

"Abnormal people are happier."

In this regard, the boy who came to collect the money shrugged.

"Life is too short to have fun."

"Happiness is more important than the eyes of outsiders, isn't it?"

md, absolutely.

Theresa thought.

For this reason, she was speechless.

To be honest, hiring such a person to try to resolve the problem of a pair of sisters with opposing identities is undoubtedly a very **** thing.

Normally, it is up to you to adjust the relationship between the two sisters.

After all, she is their great aunt and Qiana's godmother, and her status as an elder is inherently advantageous...

Theresa sighed inwardly.

However, she also has things to deal with.

She had to fish Kiana out first.

For this reason, she had to test her grandfather's attitude towards the real Kiana as much as possible.

If grandpa doesn't care, she can ask for it directly.

If grandpa had arranged otherwise, she would have to find out as much as possible where Kiana was closed, and then go to rob people.

There is no doubt that the second may be larger.

After all, Siegfried had a brain cramp, and he only brought Xi Lin in the robbery once, and then let Xi Lin exist as Qiyana.

According to Su Han, grandpa wants to use various emotions to lock the k423 who is essentially the Herrscher of the Void. Therefore, he will endow him with all the beauty in the world.

Among them, family affection.

And the real Kiana, once it appears, will affect Grandpa's plan.


What a hassle.

Thinking of this, Teresa's heart began to twitch.

Just trying to find a way to get Qiyana back has almost made her feel haggard, and she has no time to mediate the relationship between the two sisters.

"Don't worry, since I have reached a contract with you, I will naturally handle the next issue."

The words of the boy who promised Teresa to solve the problem made Teresa feel slightly relieved.

Although this guy looked at all kinds of strange things, he was the one who knew the most things besides grandpa among the people she knew.

If it was him, he should be able to resolve the relationship between Sirin and Kiana.

But then again, this guy asked for his own blood for the purpose of implanting hypervariable factors.

Thinking of this, Teresa couldn't help frowning.

The matter of implanting hypervariable factors is actually the field of metaphysics.

Because implantation is a scientist's business, whether it can be done or not, and how adaptable it is, basically depends on luck.

"Speaking of which, do you want a contact person to conduct human experiments next?"

Theresa asked.

Probably because someone is an important role in resolving the conflict between his nieces, Aiwu and Udi care about him.

"The success rate of that kind of experiment is very low, I hope you can think about it."

"That's true, but I don't think the worst experiments can kill me."

In this regard, Su Han nodded.

Vishnu's hypervariable factor has arrived.

Next, just contact Grey Snake and pay some more to get the answer.

"When I convince a guy who can be called an ancestor, then I will design an experimental plan for me from Grey Snake."

The boy who didn't intend to let the World Snake experiment for himself shrugged.

Compared with the world snake, he believes in anti-entropy conservatives.

Although he is not familiar with the anti-entropy conservatives now, it is not too difficult to ask Thunder and Lightning to contact him and pay enough price to let them do something for him.

Who is Grey Snake?

Who is the person who can be called the ancestor?

Theresa, who heard two very important nouns from Su Han's mouth, changed her expression slightly, and her eyes changed a little when she looked at someone.


No matter what the experiment is, you can survive...

The origin of this guy may be more complicated than he imagined.

Theresa thought.

I really don't know where this guy came from.

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

Before Teresa could continue to think about it, the boy's crisp applause interrupted her thinking.

"We've been gone for so long, you should take me to get the deposit too."

ps: second update

Chapter 53 Remember our deal?

"You get 6000 points."

The mechanized synth sound of the group chat sounded, Su Han looked at his points column, and the data on it had become 9800 before he knew it.

Looking at the number, Su Han couldn't help humming a song.

Theresa is a very lavish fellow.

There is no doubt about that.

Although in the game, she deducts the player's salary all day long, but it is more similar to playing tricks.

As the leader of the Destiny Extreme East Branch, the materials she can really use are huge numbers.

Not long ago, he received a private chat from Tohsaka Rin and lent her 3,200 points, and his property was reduced from 7,000 points to 3,800 points.

However, after receiving some fees from Theresa, Su Han, who lent Tohsaka Rin 3,200 points to buy the call symbol, had soaring points again, and even almost broke 10,000.

As a price, in the next time, Su Han will help Xilin as much as possible to be redeemed.

Honestly, this is a tough task.

After all, it was Otto who was expecting Shirin to be the one who could be controlled.

After taking this order, the next trouble is definitely wholesale.

However, Su Han didn't care about that.

As someone who likes to read miscellaneous books, Su Han likes Greek myths very much.

In Greek mythology, there are undoubtedly many heroes.

Among them, Heracross was known for his perseverance and bravery, Odysseus was known for his wit and courage, and Ajax was known for his tragic nature.

Among the many heroes, Su Han's favorite is Achilles.

After Achilles was born, his mother, the goddess of the sea, heard a prophecy about his son: he would go down in history, but he was destined not to live to old age, and to die in battle at a young age.

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