I was so busy that I wanted to take a nap last night and slept until morning.

Chapter 28 This is probably the savior


Rebelled directly! !


The pinnacle of gods and demons, the ultimate deflated third, the combat power of the top three in double digits.

White Yaksha....

The Protoss of the Primordial Star, the combat power is probably tenth in double digits.


In Hindu mythology, the last savior, the real all-powerful martial artist


In theory, the god-king who has died without even his tombstone, let's count it as a three-digit number.

Queen of Halloween.

The second of the three major problem children, with double-digit combat power.


The third place among the three major problem children is not a three-digit exception, but the ability to fabricate monsters is disgusting and outrageous, and it is more difficult to deal with than many two-digit numbers.


Seeing his subordinates burst out with a series of nouns as if reporting the name of a dish, the face of Mr. Di Shitian, the king of the gods, also became as ugly as Miha Youch saw the account book.

The brain is shaking.

The brain is shaking.

damn it.

There are only seventeen plenipotentiaries in the entire small garden.... The old man of classmate **** took back the spirituality and naturally fell, but, with the addition of Galji, there are still seventeen plenipotentiaries.

As a result, the enemy army directly gathered at least four double-digit combat power.


Aren't the White Night King and Yahweh mortal enemies? ! !

Why, they are mixed up now? ! !

It was like the gate of a reservoir had opened, and cold sweat was oozing frantically on Di Shitian's back.

Almost instantly, his clothes were soaked through.

The combination of four double-digit combat power..

What kind of weird alliance is this?

There are about thirteen two-digit numbers that do not stand on its side.

However, nearly half of the thirteen two-digit numbers were not in Hakoniwa at all.

In addition, the remaining two-digit numbers are not in one heart.

The earth star beast Typhon is the absolute devil. He is sealed and cannot be released at all.

World Ryugu Limo is Shiroyasha's friend...

The spiritual fish Matsya has a close relationship with the Christian religion..

After thinking for a while, the sweat on Di Shitian's body almost cooled down with his heart.

That is to say, the fighting power that I can stably pull to my side is probably only the two goddesses Alpha and Omega, Brahma, Sakyamuni and King Zeus, the king of the gods.

Considering that there is a certain **** who has usurped the power of the demon king in the enemy, the two-digit number of the gods and spirits, in front of this brother's platform, is like bringing his own seasoning, and jumping towards the fat in the pot.


All of the above characters are gods.

That is to say, as long as he confronts the only **** who holds the authority of the Demon King's dystopia, he will be violently killed on the spot!


Here's a few more hits.

Di Shatian's mind rarely gave birth to the idea of ​​fucking and not playing.

However, after all, he is the Lord of the Heavenly Army and the Chief of the Little Garden.

Anyone can shoot 3-pointers, but he can't.

There must be a way.

There was the anxious, sweaty Lord of the Heavenly Army pacing.

Let yourself think, where is the way to break the game.

I am the strongest and the one who holds victory.

This was his catchphrase when he was still the head of the evil god.

As the **** of victory in the past, although Di Shitian looked like a decadent uncle, he was, after all, an existence that could be called a wise man.

Soon, he thought of some flaws in the alliance.

The enemies are strong, many.

However, they did not reach, beyond the double-digit level.


If you find a paradox game that can imprison double digits, then you can catch them all.

In this world, there is exactly the power of a **** and demon holder.

- White Night King.

The "Celestial Movement Theory", one of the most ferocious demon kings "the final trial of mankind", the celestial law that existed before the concept of heaven and earth was born, dominates the center of all cosmology.

To be honest, this kind of reincarnation technique was something that Emperor Shitian wanted to learn in his dreams.


Guys with a high starting point, because it is too easy to get power, so they don't cherish them too much. Just love the waves.

She lost three times.

There have been three defeats in the past: the first defeat, Shiroyasha was forced to make the decision to set the sun, and the world was divided into day and night; the second defeat, the division of the sun was divided into three parts; the third defeat was decisive , and even the spirituality of the "Tiandong theory" itself has been ravaged.

Although she looks very free, the ownership of the White Night King is not in her own hands.

Her ownership is in the hands of the two goddesses Alpha and Omega.

As long as the two goddesses are contacted and they are forced to give orders to the White Night King, there is still a chance for everything to be restored.

Di Shitian only felt that his palms were sweating, and his breathing became short and rapid.


The enemy is four two-digit combat power.

On my side, I can find the twin goddesses, Sakyamuni, Brahma, and Zeus, who can explode with double-digit attack power.

As long as Shiroyasha turns against the water and seals off the enemy...

It doesn't even need to be sealed too much, as long as Yawei's **** is sealed off, the game is over.

Galgi, Queen of Halloween and Alger are strong, but they are not dominant in numbers.

On my side, I still have the support of the Heavenly Army and the major groups of gods, at most for thousands of years.

A **** rebellion will end.

Di Shitian took a deep breath and forced himself to behave calmly.

In front of subordinates, the existence of the king must be calm.

Only in this way can we do it, let the subordinates be infected by the atmosphere and be confident.


This time, he also has a chance to win.

As long as the two goddesses move when the White Night King and Yawei appear at the same time, give an order.

The rebellion, then, can be terminated.

Thinking of this, a tired smile appeared on Di Shitian's face.

Although it is possible to draw a rest, but the battle between the two digits is not a situation similar to that of the gods and demons seeing the demon king dystopia, causing one side.


Otherwise, it will basically take thousands of years to solve it.

It took **** thousands of years to clean up Alger.

If it involves a battle close to ten and two figures...

Such a battle can be resolved within 10,000 years.

Ten thousand years.

Under the blow of many affairs, the king of the gods rarely brought a little tiredness on his face.

Maybe it's time to prepare for retirement.

The position of Hakoba manager is still too heavy.

You should take a break too.

Perhaps, opening a bar in the red light district would be a good choice.

The God King, who likes wine and beauties, sketched such a scene in his mind, and a rare smile appeared on his face.


When this battle is over, you can prepare to resign.

The Lord of the Heavenly Army also has the position of the head of the small garden, whoever likes it should be the one.

Unfortunately, it may be difficult to see White Yaksha in the future.

The smile on Di Shitian's face subsided.


The ultimate evil **** who disregards the life and death of the lower-class people and tramples on the rules of the small garden for his own selfish desires.

No, considering that the guy's choice after establishing a new small garden is likely to kill his followers, he may have even betrayed the gods and demons.

The dictator who has only himself in his heart must be expelled from Little Garden.

And Shiroyasha actually walked with him...

Di Shitian sighed involuntarily.

Although I don't know why Shiroyasha mixed up with that super invincible **** Yawei...

But right is right and wrong is wrong.

If you make a mistake, you will pay the price.

In the future, I have solved the Queen of Halloween, Galji and others here, and the next step is to gather the power of Hakoba to solve Yawei.

And after Yawei is solved, the next one is her, the **** and demon who was betrayed by the order of the small garden...

What I can do, maybe after the battle is over, describe him as an undercover agent beside Yahweh, and keep his clear name.

The God King shook his head and began to take out a very special gift.

That was his unique gift as the head of the little garden.

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