That is the Demon God Othinus.

A demon **** whose attack power is obviously a bit supermodel.


With great interest, the existence who saw the star spirit Bai Yasha and chose the lower realm looked at Su Han and said so slowly.

Vice-President of Heaven.


As the highest-ranking angel, this monarch is undoubtedly only because he should appear in the realm of mythology.

But now, this monarch actually appeared in the world.



it's very funny.

Since it's so interesting, let's grab it and study it a little bit.

There was a slight smile on the devil's face.

The next moment, she stretched out her hand to the boy.

Like a black hole, a terrifying attraction emanated from the palm...


A nearly omniscient being.

If you want to find an adjective, then it must be infinite.

Only infinity can describe their power.

If they don't use the power of Demon God, the living corpse, then they will crush the world just by entering this world...

However, is there really no existence in this world that can rival the Demon God?


The sound of blood splashing echoed in the air.

Pain that I hadn't felt for many years, arose in the nerves of the devil.

She looked at her hands in astonishment.

It was a pair of hands that can only be described as flawless.

It is also a pair of invincible hands.


That hand belonged to the devil, but there was a ferocious wound...

The girl raised her head and looked ahead with one eye.

There, in his eyes, the boy who seemed to contain the universe was holding a sword with blood dripping from the tip.

That is Su Han.

Of course, in the eyes of this world, he is Michael.

Phase God - Michael.

What a hassle.

Seeing the girl who appeared in front of him without warning, Su Han's heart sank rarely.

Demon God Othinus.

A demon tormented by endless possibilities.

Because it is too perfect, there are infinite possibilities for anything.

The result of such a powerful possibility is that she is 55% open no matter what she does.

There is a 50% chance of blowing up the world.

Guessing boxing with children, there is a 50% probability of failure.

In order to limit the infinite possibilities, the Demon God had to create an armament called the Spear of the Lord God.

The Spear of the Lord God is not a spiritual item used to enhance the power of the demon god, but to control and adjust the power of the demon **** of Othinus to achieve 100% success and get rid of infinite possibilities.

Once the gun is thrown, it will definitely hit the target; the gun will not be shot down or destroyed on the way; after the gun penetrates the target, it will definitely return to the hands of the Lord God.

This gun can smash the symbol of human authority. Even a hero who has experienced many battles will give up the challenge and fall to the ground in the face of this force, forcibly looking at everything, if he does not exceed the limits of the human realm, An irresistible killing blow.

One shot blows the whole world, destroys the dimension of time and space, destroys everything in the world, and turns the world into a "dark nothingness where even the possibility has disappeared". In the end, even the fragments of the world themselves will be involved and become part of the attack. It's "The torrent that swept through everything At the moment without that spiritual outfit, this Demon God should be quite embarrassed.

At this point in time, even the second child, who is the material for the main gun of the gods, has not yet hung up. In theory, how did this guy who should be a late-stage character appear?

Su Han, who has not yet obtained the target for the demon god, looked at the girl in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a whole lot of trouble.

If he fights this Demon God, his winning rate is fifty percent.

It's not because Su Han is strong.

But because her own possibility is a 50% chance of defeat.

To be honest, Su Han didn't like this feeling very much.

Probability is completely limited.

That way, everything feels like it's meant to be.

"Should it be called Michael?"

When Su Han was thinking about how to deal with himself, the injured girl actually exclaimed.

The so-called angels are roughly mysterious leaders at the 8=3 level.

In theory, it is in the same position as the Demon God, but the degree of completion is far inferior to that of the Demon God.

Even if the Demon God is degraded, it is far from the existence that the angels can hurt.

And now, is he actually injured?

The girl looked at her hand, obviously she was injured, but there was joy on her face.

For the Demon God, being able to see the existence that hurts himself is undoubtedly worthy of happiness.


The girl narrowed her eyes.

This means that she can be a little more serious!

"Unlike some guy who screwed up, I'm someone who has reached the realm of pure demons. If you can't understand it here, then no matter how much you talk about it, it's in vain. I think it's better for you to give up understanding."

Does the intention of saying the above words like broken thoughts really mean anything?

She was just idle, on a whim, bored, on a whim.

However, in stark contrast to that gossip—

As if the trigger had been pulled, the dazzling and unreasonable stars rose into the sky, unleashing thunder and lightning without limit.


The king of the gods in Norse mythology.

Like Zeus in Greece, he is the master of thunder and sky.

For him, thunder and lightning are coming.

The thunder exploded in the sky, and the thunder and flashes mixed with black and purple drowned the sky. The low thunder of thunder beat the world mercilessly. Affected by it, even the earth made a dull vibration, and it became more and more intense.

Suddenly, a large vortex that covered the sky and the sun swept the entire sea of ​​clouds, tore apart the atmosphere, and revealed the true starry sky.


A loud sound like thousands of giant gods or demon dragons roaring at the same time and a light like a ten-day sky appeared in a ferocious and tyrannical way that could not be added.

The light and loud noise of the explosion of divine light overwhelmed all sounds and visions, shaking the whole world.

There is no such concept of mild damage, and the beginning is a terrifying ultimate move that can crush the stars.

In that scene, Su Han couldn't help scolding a crazy woman.

If this blow comes true, the planet will definitely be doomed.

He called out to the divine tree within himself.

Endless brilliance flows, and a whole new world begins to unfold...


The aftermath of the shock released boiling thunder, sweeping across the entire continent copied from the outside world, shoveling the entire continent flat like a concave bowl, and a huge roar resounded throughout the world.

The terrifying divine power exploded on the ground at the same time, turning into an impacting wind and waves, carrying a surging airflow and expanding wildly around.

"Fabricating the power of phase?"

That scene, in the eyes of the demonic girl, surprised her rarely.

That is the power of the Demon God.


She can be sure that the boy in front of her is not her compatriot.

He is not a demon, but he has the power of a demon.


I don't know if it's an illusion...

The fabricated "phase" does not seem to be the so-called power attached to the material world...


Your own luck is fantastic.

An unprecedented smile appeared on the witch's face.


The next moment, an endless vortex was set off on the witch's body.

In the center of the vortex, the laws of the universe cried out, and the order of the planet was constantly distorted.

In the hands of the witch, I don't know when the "crossbow" appeared.

The official name of the weapon that does not belong to "Odin" but is exclusive to "Othinus" has long been unknown, and people simply call it "crossbow". The infinitely extending and complex pattern that appears behind Othinus is like ten wings that cover the world."

There are ten "arrows" in total, and the destructive power is easy to cut off one or two planets.


In a certain corner of the world, someone was stunned as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

In a certain corner of the world, the believers belonging to the Crusaders all knelt down one after another, shaking their bodies.

Because what is presented to people is an incomprehensible scene, and what has descended on this planet is a miracle that cannot be ignored.

On this day, all human beings around the world witnessed changes enough to be written into history books and even storybooks.

There was a sudden change in the celestial body, which turned the day into night in an instant, and that night, after a short time, turned into an incomparably bright color.

Phenomena that science cannot comprehend makes people uneasy, fearful, and trembling.

The infinitely extending complex pattern, like ten wings that want to cover the world, is displayed in front of the whole world.

The magicians understood something, but could do nothing.

what is that?

What exactly is that?

That is definitely enough to trigger the doomsday...

Do you want to use the simulated star creation map to stack yourself with buffs to fight that crazy woman?

Su Han, who has a large number of simulated star creation maps in his hand, looked at the power that was directly destroying the entire material world, and took a deep breath.

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