
Shokuhou Shichi won't care.

It's easy to ask why.

"By the way, although you are traveling with the captain, don't give up training because of travel."

A certain goose strongly asked her to record her life on time and send it to her...

To be honest, Shokuhou Caoqi really wanted to give that golden goose a hint that she would never look for him in her life.

But unfortunately.

There is a whole world bubble in the body of that big goose.

She herself is a walking universe.

If the system of the day of wrath is used to describe it, it is a natural **** of seeking Taoism.

The hypnotic skills of his three-legged cat were really weak in front of that golden goose.

So, you'll have to play two hours of sandbags later.

The full queen's face turned slightly black.

Shouldn't it be the **** Tokisaki Kurumi?

If you ask Shokuhou who you hate the most, it is undoubtedly the spirit that represents time.

That black-and-white guy has nothing to do with a girl with a good temper, a good heart, and a lack of scheming.

Because she is actually quite soft-hearted.

Can't go.


The so-called unstoppable hand is only for good children.

Holding a stomach full of resentment, the girl began to wrap her wrists around her hands.

Because there is nothing wrong with girls who are good-natured, so take their own anger!

Almost at the moment when the sandbag was tied, Shokuhou Caoqi threw a punch, instantly hitting the heavy sandbag high!

In this regard, I always felt that Shokuhou Caoqi was a sports idiot's entourage, all of whom widened their eyes and instantly doubted life.

"Any questions?"

Apparently, Shokuhou Misaki's expression was different because of the misaligned gaze.


In fact, I wanted to speak more bluntly, and the followers who felt that something was wrong muttered.

Then, as if remembering something, she suddenly spoke.

"By the way, Queen, we recently got some news from the guards that may be of interest to you."

"what news."

"Because of the uneven distribution of spoils, the first and second new recruits in the academy city entered the orange together."

The words are not surprising and die endlessly.

Those words, like some kind of magic power, instantly made Shokuhou Misaki's eyes widen.

I don't know, but I was shocked.

"For various reasons, the second one took pictures secretly in school, and was discovered by the dormitory aunt."

"In order to protect herself. She gave her friends away."

Speaking of which, the attendant lady couldn't help but help her forehead.

"And then, the number one didn't deny it...or, he couldn't deny it, his choice was to pull the number two down."

"It is said that these two even got angry and smashed the detention center directly."

Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help covering his face.

She really didn't want to admit that she and those two guys were acquaintances.

Among them, Su Han is even her favorite guy...

"Your Majesty, now they are both locked up and need bail..."

"However, both of them seem to be orphans and socially dyslexic, so no one is going to rescue them..."

Perhaps it was because she had read too many conspiracy novels, and the expression of the girl who followed Shokuhou to pray suddenly became serious.

"Whether it is the first Avesta or the second White Night Demon, they are all powerful helpers."

"Are you going to try to bail either party?"

This is a very good idea.

Two super powerful fighting forces were locked up just like that.

Consider that they are antagonistic.

unlikely to please both at the same time.

Therefore, it is a very good choice to choose one of them as the target to win over.

However, in this matter, there is no choice at all.

after all--

She was very fond of someone who was imprisoned.

In addition, another detainee was also known to her.

She has to go to bail for both of them.


If you ignore the White Night King and only rescue him, will it be possible to create a contrast, and then brush a wave of favorability?

Or, with the help of this time, ask him to accompany him on the streets?

The girl was lost in thought.

Shokuhou Caoqi stretched, then stood up and raised his **** at a cloud in the sky that looked like a clock.

Your man, my wife is set!

ps: so sleepy...

Also, the number and relationship of the forbidden characters are so complicated...

How did the hippo remember so many names...

Chapter 18 The Unexpected Shura Field

In this world, there are unbreakable alliances.

This alliance can be that red giant.

Or the European Union, which is now intrigued.

Of course, it could also be-

"Bai Yasha, you son of a bitch! Wait until I get to the half-step digit and see how I deal with you!"

Just like Jehovah, the boy who climbed into the double digits with the power of the Demon King Dystopia covered his nose where he was punched, and spoke viciously to a certain white-haired star spirit in the detention center.

\"You bastard, what's wrong with me letting you take the pot?"

The star spirit also had a furious expression.

"Damn it, the money that I secretly sold my Sun Sovereign before has not been given to me!!

"Damn, pay me back!!"

"If you want money or not, you will die!!"

"That old lady took your dog's life for a long time!!"

Around the two demon kings who are currently the first and second in terms of setting, the detention center that is said to be able to hold on to General Li Mei's bombing has become a big pit.

Just a few minutes ago, an opposing wave composed of ideal fluid and solar wind directly blew the entire detention center away...

At the edge of the ruins, a group of guards and juvenile delinquents were shivering.

"So... where is the bail going to be paid next?"

Looking very beautiful, the girl with short brown hair looked at the ruins and fell silent.

Not long ago, she learned something from her junior girl who was serving on the Disciplinary Committee—a guy who lives at the top of Academy City is now squatting in oranges.

The reason is to take a photo of the girl's private room with the second person, and then the second person who was imprisoned confessed...

This is a very sad story.

But that's not the saddest point.

The saddest thing is that the second person who was identified as being forced to become a lackey was directly exposed.

That is to say, the first and second place are the same raccoon dog.

"So...sama, why did you come to such a place to bail out that violent ape!!"

Kuroko, who had always been dissatisfied with Miss Misaka, also held a bag of bail money, walked forward with a dark face, and chatted with Mikoto Misaka.


She is also here to get people.

To be honest, as a disciplinary committee member, she actually doesn't want to hunt for people.

It's not that the relationship with Bai Ye is not good.

It's just that her work ethic doesn't allow her to hunt for people.


Who is Bai Ye?

He can shamelessly exclude his name from the three major problem children, and then confidently let Sun Wukong, who fought against the heavens for the sake of brotherhood, take the name of one of the three major problem children.

"If you don't come to save me, then some of the videos in your phone's memory will be made public by me."

Don't be afraid of being shattered, you must leave your innocence in the world.

In that kind of extreme crisis, Miss Kuroko could only choose to pinch her nose to save people.


Logically speaking, he should have come alone.

After all, this thing is really not glorious.


"Sir, who is that anthropoid?"

"What's your relationship with him?"

Full of resentment, Miss Heizi, who originally planned to travel alone, but did not expect her elder sister to run more diligently than herself, felt the top of her head sinking slightly...

"Su Jiang... No, Su Jun is not an ape, he is a very powerful person."

Almost habitually made Su Han the girl of Su sauce, and complained.

That seemed to be a bit too intimate, and Kuroko Shirai on the side couldn't help but bring a bit of solemnity on his face.

Misaka Mikoto encountered a big crisis not long ago.

This is the little news she heard when she was beaten and fainted.

The shameless and unscrupulous researcher deceived the elder sister, instead of using the donated DNA for the treatment of muscular dystrophy, he turned it into a military artificial human, and the material for human experiments...

To be honest, at that time, my elder sister actually collapsed.

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