That is the angel of the six choking star palace.

The ultimate weapon that can put enormous pressure on the entire earth even when it is not strengthened...

Almost instantly, the halberd was thrown by Su Han.

directly into the girl's mouth.

Those eyes were neither scary nor sharp. It's just that there is no emotion at all, it's like the switch has been turned off.

next moment--

Perhaps because of the strong feeling of vomiting, Index's body seemed to vibrate violently.

With a snap, a static-like touch was transmitted to Su Han's hand.

Index, quietly opened her eyes, her eyes glowing red.

That's not the color of the eyeball.

What appeared in the eyeballs was a magic circle that was as bright red as blood.

In the distorted expression of the bad priest, Index's eyes shot a terrible and dazzling bright red light, and an explosion occurred.

That strong explosion caused a bad priest to be directly smashed out by the shock wave! ! !

"—Warning! Chapter 3, Section 2, Index—Librorum-Prohibitorum—the 'collar' of the forbidden book catalog, the first to third enchantments have been confirmed to be destroyed. The regeneration preparation... failed. The 'collar' cannot regenerate by itself, Judging from the current situation, in order to protect the 13,000 volumes of the 'Bookstore', the priority should be against intruders."

Like a jelly stuffed in a plastic bag, Index slowly and strangely stood up as if she had no bones or joints at all. The red magic circle in both eyes shoots all around. That can no longer be called human eyes.

His eyes were completely devoid of humanity, and he couldn't see the warmth that a girl should have.

"—Successfully prepared to execute the most effective magic against single trespassers. Next, the specific magic 'Sanctuary of St. George' will be activated to destroy the trespassers."

With a loud bang, the two magic circles in Index's eyes expanded in one breath. In front of Index, two magic circles with a diameter of more than two meters overlapped. As if they were fixed to two eyeballs, Index shook her head slightly, and the magic circle floating in the air also moved.

Index begins to sing - a "song" that the human mind can no longer comprehend.

In an instant, the two magic circles centered on Index's eyes suddenly began to emit light and exploded. That scene was like a point in the sky—a spot close to Index’s eyebrows, an explosion of high-voltage electric current, and a feeling of lightning flying in all directions.

However, instead of blue-white sparks, what appeared was pitch-black lightning.

Although completely unscientific, it looks like space has been torn apart and created cracks. Then there was another loud bang, centered on the junction of the two magic circles, as if shooting at glass, the black cracks spread out in all directions again, shooting straight to every corner of the room. These cracks looked as if they were a wall in themselves, preventing anyone from getting close to Index.

On the inside of the crack, there seemed to be some kind of pulsation that was expanding outward with a sound.


The bad priest beside him was trembling.

St. George's Field.

That is the highest level of magic in this world.

Why can Index, who was declared to be a magic waste by the church, use this? ! ! !

"It looks like you should understand something."

The boy looked at the crazy Index and shook his head.

In this way, it seems a bit inconsistent with the character of a beautiful girl...

And, fight is fight.

What are you doing with so many effects.

Pointless mana drain...

"So, let me change it."

The young man smiled, and the next moment, the sacred Fang Tianhua halberd once again penetrated the nun's chest...

Unlock the master. Fully open.

Almost instantly, the nun turned into ashes...

All connections in her body have been "severed".

However, her soul was preserved and was inhaled by the divine tree...

The next moment, the authority representing the Herrscher of Death was revealed from Su Han's hands, and the new Index began to be born...

"Okay. Your wish has been fulfilled."

Before he knew it, the boy who had captured thirteen thousand magic books laughed. Then start uploading group files.

"The contract has been made. Next, you should know what you are going to do."

After saying this, the man disappeared from Stiyl's eyes.

Grass-style cross sect is a continuation of the Japanese underground church organization during the shogunate era. It is a sect that can only exist in the city. In order to avoid the pursuit of the shogunate, it completely disguised its teachings as Shinto and Buddhism, so it has evolved in a different direction from other churches.

He specializes in doing things under the table, using the idol principle to the extreme, and can perform magic chants or rituals with seemingly innocuous actions such as dialogue, eating, and dressing. At the same time, he is a fighting group that is good at weapons.

By merging Buddhism, the Church, and Shinto to complement each other, it seems that all weaknesses have been eliminated.

The price, of course, is the loss of the advantages of other denominations.

Mediocre hexagon.

This is the best interpretation of this sect.

However, it is such a useless sect. But there is a very powerful Pope.

The Pope of the Grass-style Cross Church sat on the towering building with a solemn expression.

Kanzaki Kaori.

18 years old, tall and beautiful woman wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

One of the less than 20 saints in the world, with the strength of the top ten in London.

French name "Salvere000" (to help those who cannot be saved).

"Yishen", who is good at attacking with the Japanese sword "Seven Heavens and Seven Swords" called "Lingdao", and "Seven Swords" who attack with a line. It is rumored that only true gods and angels have the strength to defeat her.

For Kanzaki-san, the Puritans were an **** organization.

Because the saint is very strong and must be controlled, the Puritan guys controlled the church that belonged to her, and then forced her to serve the Puritans.

Unlike bad priests, she has a strong distaste for Puritanism...

However, the soil of falsehood occasionally produces flowers of sincerity.

It can be called fortunate or unfortunate.

She met the girl who smiled warmly.


The unfortunate lamb who guards knowledge.

The partner who teamed up with her has already moved forward.

However, now he has not brought people with him and will...

Did something happen?

Kanzaki felt a little anxious.

"Hello, I'm back, Kanzaki."

While she was extremely anxious, a young boy's voice came from a distance.


Soon, a bad priest in very tattered clothes appeared in her field of vision, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

But soon, doubts arose in her heart again.

Only Stiyl came, not Index.

"Where's Index?"

Very direct, the sage asked his partner a question.

"She's running out of time, you should know, this is not the time to play...

"The child is free."

"She was simply cursed."

In response, the magician who had been deceived by the church spit out a hateful voice between his teeth.


Kanzaki's expression was a little bewildered.

Without the experience of Tyr in history, it is difficult for her to understand the state of Tyr today.

"I met a godlike person, and at the cost of running for it, I exchanged for Index's health."

Kan Ze's own stupid companion, Stier sighed.


Those words, not only failed to alleviate Kanzaki's doubts, but made her frown even tighter.


The most powerful monarch of the angel family - Michael's honorary title.

Is Steele crazy?

Said he met the Angel Lord?

"You have to know that this world is not for the archangel to exist."

In this regard, the man smiled, without giving too much explanation, just heading towards the airport leading to London.

"Have you ever thought about it. There may be 'Saints' representing 'God' in this world."

"Perhaps, in the future, we may be able to see saints representing the one and only God."

Chapter 16 The Appearance of the Demon God and the Report of the White Yaksha

Aspects of Norse Mythology.

The existence honored as Odin is sitting there quietly.

Among many mythological characters, Odin is definitely a model worker.

Whether it's a game or a movie, the **** king who still leads the gods to fight to the end after knowing the fate of the end.

In the Ragnarok of the Gods, the macho who rode bravely forward on a horse is the king of macho in the eyes of countless Nordic mythology lovers.


The king in this world representing the Nordics, and the so-called myth...

There is a slight difference.

Just looking at her appearance, she was just a thirteen- or four-year-old girl named Bai Zhe sitting on the throne.

She has long wavy blond hair and green eyes, her right eye is covered with a black leather blindfold. In a fur coat (cloak) with an open front, he wears a black leather jacket no different from a bikini, and on his head he wears a witch-style hat with a protruding front and a wide brim.

That is Othinus, who created the Norse mythology. Othinus, who is known as the "Demon God", was not born a Demon God. She acquired wisdom through a special method.

On the basis of this wisdom, Othinus offered her right eye, which she dug out with her own hands, at the Fountain of Mimir, and systematized the "sacrifice" through the ritual sabotage of "digging out a unilateral eye with her own hands" , let her sublime into a demon **** with the body of a mortal.

The "eye" is still sinking at the bottom of the icy cold water of the Mimir Fountain. If it is retracted and inserted into the eye socket, Othinus will be transformed from a **** to a human being, and the power of the demon **** will also be lost.

Just like the monk is trying to redeem the world, this demon **** also has his own wishes.

That is--

Create the perfect world.

Because of the powerful power to reorganize the world at will, he is reluctant to look back, and even if the desired thing (understander) is not in front of him, he only cares about creating the "next world".

Using the landscape in her mind as a blueprint, she desperately shaped the world according to it.

She once gave up her powers for fear that her powers would cause damage to the now-good world.

However, it didn't take long for her to change her doctrine again.

She is worried that the world that should be designed to be perfect is not really perfect, so she wants to add to the published work (the remodeled world), so in order to return to the "magic god", she takes back from Orells what she had given up with her own hands. strength.

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