He probably understood why he couldn't react just now.

This **** exhibits abilities similar to those of the second, with his fists covered with energy bodies that bypass his own reflexes...

Considering that this guy has shown electromagnetic force before, this guy's ability has been separated from the normal single ability superpower.

He is an uncompromising multi-talented man—a man of ability who uses different abilities.

It's really fun.

interesting! !

Among the challengers, is there a multi-talented person who only exists in urban legends?

That's really good.

If you kill this guy by yourself, those idiots will understand that they are invincible people that even multi-talented people can't defeat...

"I think I know how to make my future clean."

A slender figure slowly stood up in it, like a hatching demon.

With a twisted face and a frenzied smile, Accelerator stepped down in one step, and the huge cracks appeared from under his feet, and quickly spread to a range of tens of meters! But the next moment his smile froze, and an invisible sense of weightlessness appeared around the battlefield. As far as the eye could see, a large amount of gravel, scrap iron, and vehicles floated in a strange state.

The scarlet pupils shrank instantly, and Accelerator's conditioned reflex-like ability to run himself frantically resisted this sense of weightlessness, and was ready for the next moment of violence.

The air around is surging, like a vacuum explosion! The entire giant parking lot vibrated violently!

I don't know what vector he changed. Several cars behind him that could be fully reimbursed were suspended in the air, and then the 'direction' of the impact changed. Three or four dilapidated vehicles with a weight of three or four tons were shot by shells. The speed flew straight towards Su Han.

It was an absolutely brutal scene.

Because those things are definitely not something that flesh and blood can compete against! !

"But, it's only for flesh and blood..."

As if encountering something extremely interesting, the young man reached out his hand skillfully.

The next moment, the endless black fog began to permeate.

The power of death. Wither.

It's as if everything has undergone millions of weathering and erosion, whether industrial steel, rocks on the surface, or even some substances in the air have been dissolved...

Everything, along with the black fog, turned into nothingness without order.

Accelerator's pupils could not help but shrink for a while!

What is this ability? !

In just a few minutes of confrontation, the other party has already displayed three kinds of powers, which are at least level 5 starting powers, such as electric messenger, non-elemental matter, and unknown decomposition power...

This guy is so powerful!

"Who are you?"

It was extremely rare that the young man who was at the top of the ability raised all his spirits, with a solemn expression like Sasaki Kojiro who was about to confront Miyamoto Musashi.

To this, the boy opposite didn't answer, just chuckled lightly.

He was humming an unknown song.

The voice was very melodious and nice.

However, in Accelerator's ears, there is indeed a new taste.

This guy doesn't look down on himself at all! ! !

Does anyone actually look down on the strongest superpowers?

An extremely absurd idea rose in Accelerator's heart, causing him to rarely generate anger.

This guy is actually looking down on himself!

Don't even feel entitled to know his name! !

"If you are so arrogant, then be prepared to pay the price!!"

Accelerator's aim position reached its peak almost instantly.

That brutal aura, like a vicious beast walking out of the ancient times, made the temperature of the audience go crazy!

It is conceivable that his next blow, with such a power mobilization, can definitely shatter an area directly! !


Is it possible to succeed with strength?

A red feather fluttered before the boy's eyes.

"The power of knowledge. Yu Duchen."

Chapter 9 Spa and Aleister

Vector manipulation.

An ability that is quite invincible in the physical world.

As long as you can understand the operation of the vector and just have massive computing power, then,

Even if it is thrown at the center of the nuclear bomb explosion, you only need to worry about whether there will be a lack of oxygen.

In the face of electromagnetic waves, hypnotic means such as brain water manipulation, have a strong resistance.

If Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki try to work together to control Accelerator, there is a high probability that Accelerator's chest will be dented...

However, no matter how strong an ability is, it cannot be omnipotent.

Even the bug props that simulate the star creation map have their own flaws.

Xuxing Tai Sui met the pure-blooded dragon and immediately stopped. Avesta seemed to be non-existent in front of humans and members of Zoroastrianism.

Compared with the simulated star map, it is obviously not a powerful vector control, and it also has shortcomings.

His defense is at the physical level.

For a purely spiritual attack, the power that can even resist a nuclear bomb is really a bit... Maginot line of defense.

"Finish work."

As a beautiful red flashed, the fierce number one's face instantly changed to Aba Aba, and then fell straight down.

As his clapping ended, the girls who wanted to participate in the exhibition also came over, looking surprised.

The invincible Accelerator fell.

His invincible Maginot line did not guard against mental power at all.

so easy....

Did you win?

Seeing the Accelerator who gg's a big move without releasing it, an unprecedented shock was born in Misaka Mikoto's heart.

It turned out that, in his opinion, the almost invincible number one, in the eyes of classmate Su, was actually so weak?

"Yu Duchen is a special spiritual weapon."

The young man gave a reason.

"For a person like Accelerator, it's really deadly."

So, is that a hidden weapon?

Recalling the scene of the red feathers flying all over the sky, Misaka Mikoto's eyes almost burst into small stars.

I don't like tragedies, so I went to confront the Demon King.


So handsome.

For a moment, in Misaka Mikoto's mind, some knights from the comics she had read in the past appeared.

Don't seek glory, don't seek wealth, just seek to be worthy of the heart, and seek the understanding of ideas.

So handsome.

Really handsome.

In an instant, he subdued Accelerator...

Can you follow along?

After seeing the darkness of the world, Misaka Mikoto, who had to realize that her strength might not be enough, raised the idea of ​​apprenticeship.


According to a certain country in the west, apprenticeship should be a very solemn thing.

Moreover, it seems that he and Su Jiang are not very familiar with each other.

She came out to knock down Accelerator, but in fact she just obeyed her heart.

So, before that, you have to figure out a way to have a good relationship.

It is very rare, the girl who has always been more selfish, and even has the feeling of a bear child, started to think.

Are you trying to invite her to go shopping?

Eat and drink together, and then buy daily necessities, underwear, etc., it is really good to get closer.

However, that would be a bit too much like the same generation.

A little lack of respect for the teacher's feeling.

So, are you going to invite her to a hot spring hotel near the school for a rest?

It seems good to have a hot spring together.

Coincidentally, Su Jiang seems to have just finished fighting and needs a break.

When the hot springs are over, you can help wipe your back, pass yogurt, and be attentive, and you should be able to leave a good impression.

Perhaps because of the so-called Su Han's situation, which is a bit special, Miss Misaka doesn't seem to regard it as the opposite sex.

"That, Su Jiang, I really want to help you. Next, I will contact the hotel to entertain you."

"This matter, it will not end so easily."

In the face of the unlucky **** who seemed to be happy a little too early, Su Han pouted.

"Brother Yifang is just a pawn. The real chess player has yet to show his face."

Su Han's words made Yu Duchen's man who tried to learn the so-called hidden weapon diligently.

The girl looked stiff.

Even Accelerator is just a pawn..

Then, what kind of existence would Ren, who plays chess behind him, be?

If the person in the back wants to continue the absolute ability experiment, then my sisters...

"Relax, don't worry too much."

"Mr. Chairman, he has no interest in watching Luoli control and slaughter a group of artificial humans."

"As long as it doesn't affect his ultimate purpose, he will not choose to embarrass others."

"At least, he won't embarrass me."

To put it mildly, that person in this world is probably Michael. If he strengthens it again, someone who might be able to touch the power behind the three-layered curtain said so.

Aleister's fighting power is not weak.

However, it's just not weak.

His strength lies in his high IQ and paranoid personality.

However, in terms of combat power, it is far inferior to the demon, Coronzon.

For a two-digit **** and demon with an intelligence advantage like Su Han, in a real fight, he could use force to overturn Aleister's chess game in minutes. Is that so?

Su sauce, it's a bit too strong!

Seeing the delicate face of the "girl", Misaka Mikoto felt her heart speed up again.

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