The world is messed up, and I have prepared a full two hundred million points..

How can it be so uncomfortable to spend hundreds of thousands of points?

"Have you considered that your current registration status is female?"

The voice of krypton suit was faint.

"Gender issue..."

"I believe that no one can tell the difference between the good and the bad."

It's very simple, someone who is stingy at home, said such words with confidence.

"As for why I'm a boy, the reasons can be completely made up."

"I don't believe they can still ask for a man to run around in a girls' school!"

Su Han said so with the heart to carry the bucket and run away.

Although, Avesta, who he pulled out from the Dragon Lord, was useless when he didn't meet God.


This does not prevent him from making up stories through Avesta's ability.

"So, don't you plan to accompany us to ride the horses on Tokiwatai?"

Looking at Su Han who was obviously preparing to run away, Bai Yasha made a very regretful voice.

She has always liked to team up with a male.

It's not that she is an idiot and can't get along with most girls.


When it comes to voyeurism, there is still a big difference between having a man by your side and being alone.

Back then, when she peeped at the Seven Fairies, she was not found because there was Emperor Shitian who was attracting firepower.

As a result, Di Shitian was almost knocked unconscious by the Queen Mother of the West, and she pretended to be the victim and escaped.

It was a pity for Su Han to be so unprofessional.


Su Han shook his head.

"Next, I'll probably cancel my student status and go back."

Compared to the so-called Tokiwadai...

Sure enough, Kamijou Touma was more of a concern.

=====Dividing Line====

Misaka Mikoto.

A second-year student of Tokiwadai Middle School, a prestigious aristocratic girls' school in Academy City, ranked third among only seven superpowers (Level 5) in Academy City, and the strongest "Electric Shocker" in Academy City.

Capable of manipulating billions of volts of high-voltage current, electromagnetic waves, and magnetism at will. The signature stunt is a "super electromagnetic gun" formed by shooting game coins at 3 times the speed of sound.

As one of the two trump cards of Miss Big Academy.

People who don't know her can easily think of "elegant", "excellent" and even "arrogant".

But, in fact—


As if to mobilize some powerful power for 1, the girl in the Tokiwadai school uniform shouted to herself!

The next moment, a slender and slender leg slammed into the vending machine.


With the appearance of the hateful safety pants, the machine let out a scream, helpless.

Spit out a can of drink.

Espresso mixed with strawberry juice...

The girl picked up the drink and instantly turned into a bitter face.

Perhaps because it is an experimental city, Academy City is full of innovations.

The so-called fried moon cakes with green peppers and stewed strawberries with chicken leg mushrooms are even normal foods in this city.

There is no doubt that this is not a very good thing for people living in this city. ,


After all, no money.

There's nothing to worry about.

Because she was swallowed by a vending machine, the girl who developed a very strange way of taking the drink automatically opened the drink and sipped it lightly.

Maybe it's because the taste buds have been destroyed by Academy City poison, Miss Misaka feels

That taste...

Seems surprisingly good.

"Ah, another refreshing day."

The chestnut-haired girl with a slightly boyish smile made such a cry and stretched her waist.

Maybe it's because I like to use electric shocks to refresh my mind when I'm playing electric, which causes the fat to be electrolyzed, and there is no ups and downs on the slender body.

So, where do you go next?

After stretching her body, a little thought flashed in the bright eyes of the girl who had been very comfortable before learning about "Sister Misaka".

It is to go to the video game city to play video games all day.

Or to pretend to be weak and to strike up a conversation, to beat up bad boys?

Or play video games until the night, and then wait for the bad boy to come to the door and play bad?

Sounds good, but that would take too much time and might not be able to keep up with the dormitory access control.

Really annoying.

The girl was thinking hard in a bunch of thoughts that didn't seem to be very normal.



The mobile phone with the quack ornament suddenly made a sound.

ooh ooh-! ! !

what happened?

The girl hurriedly took out her mobile phone and quickly connected it.

Misaka Mikoto's social network is not complicated.

On this phone, only a few people's phone numbers are stored.

Either family members, or school teachers and principals.

Each of them is very important to Misaka Mikoto.

"Excuse me, is this Misaka-san?"

After Misaka Mikoto answered the phone, the voice belonging to the principal came.


As a student, Miss Misaka nodded instantly.

"Well, can I ask you one thing?"

On the phone, the principal's voice seemed to be a little helpless because of the shattering of the three views.

"whats the matter?"

Misaka Mikoto looked very confused.

As the headmaster of Tokiwadai, that lady has seen a lot of wind and waves.

She presided over the refusal of the royal princess to enter the school.

This thing, if you get it all over the world, you can blow it for a lifetime.

So, what in the world can make the principal like this?

"Well, what should I say, among the newly transferred students, there are two grade five students."

On the opposite side of the phone, the principal with white hair on his temples looked at the so-called withdrawal application with a complicated expression.


In an instant, Misaka Mikoto let out an exclamation.

This is an easy to understand look.

In Academy City, the able-bodied are the things that can be called a bad street.

However, as we all know, every industry has its peaks that are difficult for ordinary people to reach.

And the apex of the ability person is the super ability person of level five.

And there are only seven superhumans in the entire Academy City.

Tokiwadai's recent fame is largely due to the blessings of his own and that of a certain **** woman.

- Dual superpowers.

Now, actually transferred into two level five superpowers at one time?

The impact of this incident on Miss Misaka Mikoto was undoubtedly huge.

"Does the matter you asked me have to do with the two newly enrolled students?"

Very sharp.

Miss Misaka Mikoto sensed the possibility that the principal could find her.

In response, the principal on the other side of the phone nodded.

"Well, the classmate who calls himself the Demon King of the White Night has successfully entered the school..."

"However, there is something wrong with that student Su Xia from Shenzhou..."

"Honestly, her question is a little too trendy for an antique like me."

Thinking of the student who looked like a beautiful boy, the principal couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"what's the situation?"

Perhaps because the members involved were her own kind—superhumans, Misaka Mikoto's ears perked up in an instant.

"Avista, a superpower named after Zoroastrianism."

"The ability appears to be replicating the observer's ability and then stacking it up."

That statement made Misaka Mikoto gasp for a moment.

It is almost common sense that a person can only have one ability.

Whether it is a multi-ability person who has multiple abilities at the same time, or a multi-talented person who can show their abilities in completely unrelated aspects, almost all exist only in the story.

As a result, now there is really a multi-talented person?

I really want to see the so-called "Avista".

The girl's eyes lit up almost instantly.

For a while, I went to the game hall to play video games, and went to the alley to make bad plans, and I was instantly forgotten.

"That student, what's the situation..."

With great concern, Miss Misaka Mikoto asked.

Then, there was a wry smile from the headmaster for a while.

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