Very straightforward, Teresa expressed her judgment.

This guy basically didn't look at Kiana very much, and he liked it like that.

But then again, this guy seems to be the holder of the natural stigmata.

Suddenly, Teresa, who had the stigmata between the boy's neck, stared at the boy's face with her icy blue eyes.

Natural stigmata holders are quite rare. Ninety-nine percent of them are women. It can be said that male stigmata holders are comparable to pandas.

If both parents were stigmata holders, the talents of their children would definitely be outrageous.

If this guy is not a villain, and he really likes Kiana, it seems that he can try to match up.

Thinking of this, Teresa looked at the boy with a little regret.

Obviously, this guy doesn't fit the description above.

"Don't think that if you have a good relationship with Kiana, I will be tied."

Very straightforward, Theresa said to the boy who invited her.

"A-310, why are you in such a hurry?"

Su Han looked at the head of the academy who seemed a little impatient, smiled and said something that made Teresa frown.

Theresa is not a natural person.

She's a synthetic, and before she got the name Theresa, she was codenamed A-310.

However, that was a long time ago.

Decades have passed, and even in Destiny Headquarters, no one still remembers the so-called "Series A" plan.

This guy, what do you want to do when you mention this at this time?

The girl with Vishnu's super-change factor flowing in her body looked at someone with doubts in her eyes.

In his confused eyes, the boy took out a syringe from his bag and slapped it in front of Theresa.

The boy who decided to strengthen himself before going to fulfill the promise with Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile.

"Can you share some of your blood with me?"

How free is the artist.jpg

ps: I didn't finish the first update until eleven o'clock, and there are 4,000 words left...

Ah, ah, ah, I'm going to die. I'm going to die.

Chapter 47: One-handed payment, one-handed delivery

Blood is the currency of the soul.

This is the famous saying of Uncle A who does not want to reveal his name.

In a world with a fantasy or fantasy color, it is very common to use the blood and hair of others to curse them.

Undoubtedly, this kind of request is very easy to arouse the hostility of others.

"what do you mean?"

Theresa, who was completely unfamiliar with Su Han, looked at someone in front of her and asked coldly.

"Series A plan - a cyborg plan that uses Karen, the strongest Valkyrie Goddess of Destiny five hundred years ago, as the genetic body, and implants the genes of the Honkai beast Vishnu whose upper limit is at least judgement level."

Very bland, the young man revealed a plan that could be considered a secret in the destiny.

"You are really super lucky."

In Teresa's shocked expression, the teenager sighed.

Teresa's potential is outrageous.

"Imperial Honkai Beast Parfanti, Alien Honkai Beast Trax, quasi-judgment-level Honkai Beast Vishnu, just the super-variable factors I know, there are these."

It is very clear that the "girl" in front of him is simply a walking super-change factor warehouse Su Han's eyes flashed a little greed.

Those hypervariable factors are superimposed together, giving Theresa a potential that can be said to be a bug. Even if Otto set up the Cleipnir system in Theresa's armor to suppress the release rate of the activator, she still has a long way to go. Super A Grade Valkyrie level.

As you can imagine, the full power of this dwarf is outrageous.

"For various reasons, I promised a friend to help her deal with her nemesis."

"However, her nemesis is outrageously strong. If I want to KO her, I have to make a lot of preparations."

"Obviously, the most important thing in those preparations is to improve one's combat effectiveness, to prevent oneself from being discovered by calculating the enemy, and not to be killed when the door is blocked and beaten."

The youth who has unlimited vitality and is definitely a top-quality material as a test object said rudely.

"I want to replicate the hypermutation factor in your body and implant it in mine."

The series of words fell into Teresa's ears, which made her stunned for a while.

Heck, why is there such a person in this world who can confidently say that he is scheming people, and even ask for blood from people he doesn't know well as experimental materials.

"Well said."

Looking at the person in front of her who said that she was going her own way, Teresa soon felt her heartbeat speed up and her face began to turn red.

There is no reason for him, angry.

"But why should I cooperate with you?"

Theresa stared at the young man in front of her, the guy who tricked her to come all the way to Changkong City to eat ashes, and she was not angry.

This guy had invaded the branch's network before this. This kind of guy who does his own thing and is a thief is very humble no matter how you look at it.

She didn't directly teach this guy how to be a person now, because Kiana seemed to have a good relationship with him.

"Because, if you singled out us, you will lose."

Righteously, the slender, girl-like boy under his feet said such words.

Pick us up?

What is this saying.

Theresa was stunned, and after chewing for a while, her eyes narrowed.

"Are you threatening me?"

"That's right, but you can say no."

The boy who wanted to solve the problem without force as much as possible opened his mouth.

"It all depends on your choice."

Unlike Raiden Mei, who was arrested by her father, and Kiana who was alone, Teresa has the entire destiny behind her.

If nothing else, as the head of the Destiny Extreme East Branch, she definitely had a vote of people in contact with her when she was in action.

As long as she disappears, the information about her disappearance will be transmitted to the headquarters of the Destiny.

Once you do it, then it is estimated that a large number of Valkyrie of Destiny will be killed immediately.

Sister Tazi, who overturns the car every day, and Youlan Duo Ge, the bully of Destiny Village, who thinks she is a hard-working player, will probably come over, and maybe they will be able to see the big boss of this world, Otto.

Although Su Han can ask the group of friends to send an invitation letter when he is being hunted, and then go to another world to hide for a few days, and then go to the World Snake for human body modification after the pursuit and elimination meeting.

However, when the rewards are the same, why go to the high difficulty book?

It's not a concave point.

Kind of, but not quite.

Such words fell into Teresa's ears, causing her fair forehead to burst into some tender blue veins.

Is this tower meow human?

Ready to vote for the Contradiction Literature Award?

"Give you three minutes to explain the situation to me."

The voice of the white-haired ball, whose fists were hardened, was unprecedentedly violent.

"I don't think you want to be smashed by Judas either."

"Break me down?"

"If I get smashed, you might not find your real niece."

The young man looked a little worried.


Just now, Theresa, who was still hugging "Kiana", was stunned.

My niece was here just now.

Then, her expression froze.

Could it be that this guy ambushed someone outside and is now holding Kiana?

She quickly looked in the direction of the door, and found that a certain white-haired dumpling was lining up to buy milk tea, and she couldn't see the attack at all.

Kiana, she is clearly here.

So, what this guy means is...

"Miss A310, you haven't figured it out yet, what do I mean?"

The boy who called Theresa the lab number followed the direction of Theresa and sighed.

"Although you have a high affinity with fakes, it is estimated that you will get along very happily in the future, but it is a betrayal of Cecilia to treat fakes as real."

A310...lab number...fake...betrayal to Cecilia...

A series of key words flashed in Teresa's mind.

Before that, the scene of the boy in front of him insisting on opening "Kiana" was played again in her mind.

She stretched out her hand suddenly, grabbed the collar of the boy next to her, and pulled it to her face with all her strength.

The distance between the two is so close that they can feel each other's breath.

This kind of action appears between men and women, it is definitely very ambiguous.

However, Teresa didn't care about that anymore.

"The real Kiana, where is it!"

She drank coldly in a low voice.

"Also, what happened to that replicator!"

"Miss Teresa, don't you think it's immoral to threaten a businessman like that?"

The boy who was pulled by the collar had an embarrassed look on his face.

Under Teresa's gaze, he calmly took out another needle from his pocket and slapped it in front of Teresa.

"One-handed payment, one-handed delivery."

ps: There are only two thousand words left, and today's update is over.

As long as you finish the last task, you can go to that place (pointing to the bed)...

As long as you finish coding the last two thousand words...

Chapter 48 Can I ask you one thing?

One-handed payment, one-handed delivery.

Listening to these words, Teresa really wanted to punch the **** in front of her on the head.

Heck, what time is it that he is still doing money and goods transactions here.

But, in the end, Teresa held back.

The identity of this guy in front of him is very special.

He even knew the code name of his laboratory, and knew that Kiana was an artificial person.

It's cool to have no problem with this punch.

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