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Chapter 44 Miss Teresa's heart mmp

A parking lot in Changkong City that only special personnel can use.

The helicopter's rotors sliced ​​through the air, and a huge roar echoed in this usually deserted place.

It was a black helicopter that was still circling, the cabin door was open unreasonably, and a short figure was standing beside the cabin door.

Like a child getting out of a car.

The short-statured, five-short-white-haired old woman in a nun's clothes jumped down with a cross that was taller than her own.

Falling from a height is undoubtedly an extremely tragic accident.

During the falling process, the gravitational potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy. When the faller contacts the ground, the terrifying force will smash the faller’s bones one by one, and the broken bones will be inserted into all organs, causing violent Concussions can even shatter the brain.

It can be said that those who can survive a fall from the sky are legends!

If you carry a heavy cross that is accelerating, it is no longer something that can be described as death.

That is simply courting death!

However, the people who come here now do just that.


A dull sound followed on the ground, and the heavy cross fell to the ground together with the dwarf.

The smashed ground made a huge scream, the ground was broken inch by inch, and the suffocating terrifying cracks spread outward like a spider web...

And the guy who caused all this landed smoothly.

Pointing on the toes, it fell lightly, like a flying swallow.

If Newton knew about such a situation, he might not have let him fly out of the urn, become a humanoid, and cry.

The person who made such a move just had a gloomy face and looked into the distance.

Not long ago, Teresa, who received a letter, looked manic like never before.

World Snake's hacking skills are high.

In other words, the World Snake Cadre - Grey Snake's hacking skills are very high.

Among the three protagonists of the collapse, the most skilled hacker should be Bronya, who is now assigned to Siberia to shovel snow.

The gray-haired loli with the urban male protagonist template can easily hack into the Destiny Database and use the Destiny's History Museum as a supplement for Qiana.

And Grey Snake's hacking skills are even more outrageous than Bronya's.

In the plot, he easily broke through the intrusion program of the Hyperion main system and the anti-entropy database defense, and played with Bronya, who was in charge of the guard.

Undoubtedly, after he chose to shoot, the photo album and accompanying letters and maps that someone took were naturally conveyed to her.

"As you can see, your niece is in my hands, please come to Changkong City alone, if you don't follow..."

There was no following after that, but the meaning of the threat was self-evident.

He will tear up votes.

Thinking back to the email and the accompanying picture, Teresa felt like a fire was burning inside her body.

She knew that it was the flames of anger.

Anger can destroy a person's sanity.

This is what my grandfather taught me.

As a superior, no matter what the situation is, you should remain calm. Meaningless anger will only affect your ability to judge. Only when you are calm enough, you can see the situation clearly.

Then, in the intricate situation, use everything as pawns, constantly count the gains and losses, and win the final victory.

"Sure enough, I can't be as rational as grandpa."

Grinning her teeth, Teresa's slender hand slammed into Judas' body, and the majestic force made Judas, who had fallen into the ground slightly, go deeper.

In 1972, Destiny Bishop Otto Apokalis created her from the DNA of Destiny's most Valkyrie Karen Kaslana 500 years ago, and the cells of the fusion emperor-level Honkai Beast "Vishnu".

Because of her resemblance to Karen, she was soon appointed by Otto as head of the Apocalis family.

Birth is related to taboo experiments, and he is one of the patriarchs of the three major families. Grandpa is the uncrowned king of this world...

This kind of bizarre life experience brings terrifying power and status, and at the same time, it will undoubtedly make people discouraged and dare not get close.

Therefore, her childhood and youthful years were lonely.

She had imagined countless times that it would be great if there were other androids with complete consciousness in the initial experiment.

In that case, she would not be alone.

However, that is impossible.

Therefore, she is alone.

This loneliness, until the appearance of a woman named Cecilia, was marked as a terminator.

"Are you... Theresa?"

The woman stretched out her hand to herself.

That gentle woman is the only person in the world who is not afraid of herself and treats her gently.

Cecilia was the light in her heart.

And Kiana is Cecilia's daughter.

Now that Kiana is suffering, how can she ignore it?

"Theresa, I want you to calm down."

In the earphone, there was a warning from Infinite Takiko.

"The enemy specifically asked you to go to Changkong City alone, obviously with bad intentions."

"You should understand that."

"Of course I understand this kind of thing."

With the map given by the enemy in hand, Theresa took a deep breath and spoke.

"But that's not why I'm holding back."


"Not so many buts!"

Before Immeasurable Tajizi said all the words, the white-haired ball made his own declaration.

"I bet on the glory of the Apocalis family, and I will definitely rescue Kiana."

Listening to that resolute speech, on the other side, Immeasurable Takiko, who will join the battlefield as a supporter next, fell silent.

After a long time, she opened her mouth and sent her most sincere wishes.

"I wish you a smooth journey."

"Well, I will triumph."

Next, the head of the academy, who will be the vanguard and the enemy opposite, has an unprecedented calm expression.

The enemy suddenly attacked Kiana, most likely because of an attempt to elicit something.

And the person you want to attract is most likely yourself.

The head of the academy, whose IQ would be online when Cecilia was involved, thought of this, and a little coldness flashed in his eyes.

To lead a snake out of its hole is to do a good job of being bitten by a snake.

She did come alone.

However, this does not mean that no one will come after she arrives.

Thinking like this, she kept walking forward according to the route given by the enemy.

The goal is to be in the downtown area.

Really cunning guy.

Theresa looked at the people passing by, her expression becoming more and more gloomy.

If something goes wrong, these people will become his hostages to threaten him.

Really, it fires me up.

With her stomach full of fire, Theresa kept moving towards the goal.

Finally, she stopped in front of a Mak Kee store and frowned slightly.

Invite yourself at McKee...

This is too insignificant.

She snorted coldly, took a step forward, and opened the door.


She froze.

In her field of vision, the white-haired girl was pinching a chicken leg and eating it.

"That..., little sister, do you want to eat?"

Seemingly aware of something, the girl was stunned for a moment, then turned her head and gently shook the drumstick at herself.

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Chapter 45 This is my sister, Teresa (assured)

little sister?

Hearing these words, Teresa's face turned green.

As a Valkyrie who fought on the front line of the battlefield before the second collapse, Teresa's age is quite an astonishing number.

However, her appearance stayed at the age of twelve because of the Vishnu gene in her body.

The fact that she looks too young is undoubtedly a very troublesome thing for Theresa, who has always been in a high position and needs to maintain her dignity...

A little sister, Teresa was trembling when she heard it, her whole body was sweating on a hot day, and her hands and feet were cold.

Also, aren't you kidnapped?

Not long ago, Teresa, who also saw a paramecia tied up, as if it had a chance to enter the Lihua-Route at any time, looked at the girl who was nibbling on the chicken legs, her brain was in chaos.

Why did you come here to eat Maiji?

Eating Mak Kee in the center of Changkong City, is this how prisoners should be treated?

The unfolding here is completely different from what she imagined!

I didn't know it at all, but I just heard from a dandy saying that after taking the photo, I invited myself to have a working lunch. The girl who came to Mak Kee looked at the "girl" with white hair and blue eyes like herself, and her expression suddenly changed.

That guy is like himself.

No, it should be said that the guy grew up to be at least 60% similar to himself.

This degree of similarity, no matter how you look at it, is blood relatives.

The beginning of the memory is that the girl in the snowy field looked at the guy who was suspected to be related to her, and her brain was also in chaos.


Where did this little guy come from?

Your own cousin?

However, Dad said he was an only child!

He doesn't even have a brother, where did he come from as a cousin?

When the brain also noticed that Teresa looked similar to herself, Kiana's thoughts rushed like a wild horse.

Probably because Siegfried did not give a thorough introduction to her family, so her understanding of Kaslana was a family with few people.

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