Su Han joined Wuming, most likely because he wanted to use "salamandra"'s contempt for Wuming as an excuse, and then sent a random air bag to be scolded.

When the anonymous members are bullied, then the next step is a very reasonable counterattack.

In the case of being humiliated first, there is nothing wrong with forcibly opening the gift game and stripping "Salamandra" only to the shorts.

"The devil will believe such outrageous words. I think it is more reasonable for you to say that you like the beauty of the black rabbit."

The witch muttered and complained.

"Because of the beautiful girl, you directly put all your chips on it, not once or twice."

"It is better to say that it is attracted by the nameless condition, rather than being attracted by the rabbit."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

The rabbit next to him turned red all of a sudden.

huh huh

Su Jun is interested in himself?!!

No, just kidding.

Su Jun, didn't you and yourself meet for so long?

This is too outrageous!

Looking at the blushing rabbit, the witch couldn't help but feel a little fiery in her heart, walked to the boy's side with a smile, and then

He grabbed Su Han's ribs and twisted it 180 degrees!

At that moment, Su Han's face really distorted all of a sudden.

Please, that black rabbit is just shy and easy to shy!!


Did he do anything to the black rabbit?

Inexplicably, it was just like that!

No, I have to tease the black rabbit another day, otherwise, it will be a big loss.

After the boy was twisted back and forth, he took out a...

Statement of work.

The manual was directly stuffed into the hands of the blushing black rabbit.

"what is this?"

Miss Black Rabbit looked a little surprised.

"How to say it? In the past, didn't Wuming have many allies? Since there are allies, I want to contact them, it will be good for Wuming's revitalization."

After all, Black Rabbit, you are from the time of the big league. You should have some understanding of the people there. You can take up diplomatic work. "

The boy handed over the contract to Black Rabbit to reorganize the alliance with "Salamandra".

Black Rabbit's expression suddenly became hesitant.

Three years ago, Arcadia was defeated in the game of a currently unidentified Demon Lord, and everything necessary for the community was taken away overnight. In this case, it is difficult for the allies of the past to be willing to establish with the nameless. Equal namesake relationship.

"Don't worry, just send it over."

The young man smiled, as if there was some kind of magic in his smile, which made Black Rabbit's heart settle down all of a sudden.

"As long as you can get the letter out, your job is done."

Chapter 13 The Darkness Hidden Behind the Demon King's Alliance

"So, what's next?"

After packing Miss Black Rabbit directly to the community "Salamandra", for some unknown reason, the boy who fell in love with single-sided glasses stood on the desolate ground, with a little distress in his expression.

As someone who doesn't have much pursuit, Su Han came to Hakoba just to

three things.

Whoring spirits, whoring spirits, or whoring spirits of other horses.

If you want to reap the inheritance of absolute evil and perfect the cancer of spirituality, you need to kill a certain dragon that makes countless gods and demons numb their scalps.

To reap the spirituality of the hidden God, it takes a full ten sun sovereigns

If you want to contact the magic dragon, it is estimated that you will have to wait for a long time.

after all

Now that the black rabbits have not been bullied by the group of fire dragons, they have no excuse to go to them to settle accounts, and then directly stage a martial arts hall.

Even the martial arts hall can't be staged. Naturally, it is impossible to get the dragon horn of the Star Sea Dragon King to open the seal of absolute evil, not to mention to promote the spirit of absolute evil.

The latter statement is now nonsense.

He has a sun sovereign on hand, or the equator series.

Although Shiroyasha also has a lot of solar sovereignty, most of her hands are the equatorial series, and the solar sovereignty of the zodiac is not much.

If you want to gain more sun sovereignty, you must contact the Greek gods, the League of Demons and the Queen of Halloween.

Unfortunately, he is not very familiar with the above roles.

"So, what should I do now is to go back to Chaldea and take care of the Alien God?"

Su Han, who felt that his neighbors might be able to grow up by devouring the Lostbelt and the World Bubble, fell into thought.

Since it is destined to fight with absolute evil, Lingge is undoubtedly unreliable.

He might have to learn from Emperor Shitian to come down to the sky and be a human being.

Since there is no way to rely on the spirit to obtain power, then try to borrow the power of the "soul".

Ten domains, ten reversal domains, can completely merge many small worlds, and after the world is annexed by the neighboring world, the souls of the lives of those worlds will also become Su Han's strength.

Even if their efficiency is not as good as those of the so-called Eternal Calamity Destruction series, they cannot rely on their arrogance to stain the universe, and they can still gain strong power.

And the magic of the forbidden world.

That seems to be ready for a bit.

But that thing is really super expensive.

A group of salted fish, but the super-playable demon gods nest near the earth, waiting for an "arbiter" or an existence that breaks their omniscient and omnipotent power like a lunatic.

If you don't give enough money to the group chat, if you make a little noise, then there will be a group of demon gods watching.

For the time being, it's impossible.

The best plan now is to go back to Chaldea, then kill the alien star god, grab a large number of fantasy tree seeds from his hands, and cultivate the Lost Belt.

The boy thought about it, and then made a speech in the group.

"Who wants to go to the Lost Belts with me

"Turn your big head!!"

"Hurry up and go to the pier for me!!"

In response, a certain white-haired loli jumped to the unnamed land without warning, and in Su Han's shocked expression, she jumped up and kicked Su Han's knee.

Su Han turned around very deftly, dodging the attack that was very unfriendly to his knees, and then asked a question.

"By the pier?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Anyway, it's a hidden **** who can become the center of the group of gods, with some basic political concepts, okay?"

That Miss Xingling made a sound in annoyance.


Well, I actually came from the inversion of God.

Relying on killing the Hidden God, the eyes of the high-ranking teenager were a little erratic.

In theory, he should be regarded as a fake, Yawei, altero + reversal + usurping power.

This kind of setting is more like the enemy of the gods than the god-like ones.

To be honest, if this identity is completely pulled out, the people of the Cross religion will definitely be at odds with Su Han.

However, since Hakoba decides that he is a hidden God rather than a reversed God, then the problem.. should not be big.


In this world, cross religion is indeed enough to be called the existence of the dock.

Thinking of this, Su Han couldn't help rubbing the necklace under his neck.

A long, long time ago, this guy was one of the most important figures in the entire Little Garden.

She has had many names.

Ishtar, Ereshkigal, Maria, Lilith..

The Lord of Ten Thousand Demons is her honorary title. When she becomes angry, the three thousand worlds will suffer from poisonous beasts.

There is no doubt that this is a terrible guy who is no weaker than the queen of today.

But in front of the Crusaders, even she ended up being packaged into a box and thrown to the Greek gods.

One can imagine how fierce the Crusaders are.

As long as you get in touch there, you may really be able to ask for the Sun Sovereignty of the Zodiac series from the Queen of Halloween.


"Don't you think that someone like me, who is full of secrets, is not suitable for being in the sun?"

The boy raised his eyebrows with a cold expression.

Generally speaking, being able to contact the Crusaders is really an incredible treat.

However, for Su Han, it was a bit limited.

In this regard, Bai Yasha also seemed to have expected Su Han's reaction, sighed, and looked extremely distressed.

"I know, of course you don't want to be bound by rules, but."

"As one of the incarnations of God, he also captured the criminals imprisoned by the Crusaders - Alger, do you think that the people of the Crusaders would let you wander around outside?"

There was a little helplessness in the voice of the star spirit named Bai Yasha.

"I said that after knowing your situation, the Crusaders will only let you go with a few words, do you believe it?"

That kind of thing doesn't really matter.

Su Han rolled his eyes in his heart.

Here is the lower level.

Three-digit gods can't come down at all.

Unfortunately, Su Han's current spirituality is four-digit exceptional.

Well, that is the level of arm wrestling with three figures.

Plus the simulated star chart, the "soul" of the family, as well as Alger, Leticia

To be honest, most of the three-digit numbers have to be pressed to the ground and beaten violently. If you want to solve him, you must let a bunch of three-digit numbers go to the lower bounds.

However, considering the nature of Su Han's simulated star creation map, the three-digit collective lower bound may be giving away a spree.

after all

This thing is an out-and-out murderous soul-refining stream.

The "soul" of the person killed in the battle will become his strength, and it will also become Su Han's family.

The fiercer the battle, the more cruel flowers can bloom.

What doesn't kill him will only make him stronger.

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