Such a thing makes Bai Yasha, who thinks that he has graduated from the problem children, and regards Halloween Queen, Alger and Sun Wukong as the real three problem children.

That guy knew all day long that he was working in the small garden, so why should his reputation be better than that of us who guarded the lower levels of the small garden?

--A certain Protoss who did not wish to be named.

Seeing that the Queen of Halloween, who likes to do evil as well as herself, actually has a good reputation, this matter is more uncomfortable for Shiroyasha than being smeared.

But now, the most cherished property of the Queen of Halloween is appearing in front of her.

In an instant, Shiroyasha's expression took on a little weirdness.

Heck, how did the queen of the Halloween sun sovereign come to herself!!

"Do you know the source of this sovereignty?"

That Miss Xingling widened her eyes, her expression full of strangeness.

"Halloween Queen's Collection."

Straightforwardly, Su Han expressed his speculation.

"Hey, boy, this isn't something that sees light."

It was like a senior who taught his junior members of the society, the dwarf star spirit squinted and said.

"If the Queen finds out about this, I'm afraid that you will not be suddenly slapped with a slap-drug, and then directly teleported to New Nippori or Changjin Pavilion, and become the ultimate philosopher.

As if feeling that Su Han might not believe it, the Xingling pondered for a while, and patted his flat chest with a serious expression.

"I tell you, don't look at the Queen's reputation, but in fact she is very vengeful and has a small mind."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but carefully looked at a certain Xiongtai, as if she was looking at a strong man who was gone forever.

"Where the **** do you, a four-digit **** of new life, who is a four-digit number, have the courage to take her things?"

"I need ten of the twelve constellation sovereigns." "This is the condition for me to start the inheritance."

Donghan sighed and said a certain fact.

Those words made Shiroyasha narrow his eyes all of a sudden.

Among the small gardens, it is not uncommon to require the sovereignty of the sun to complete the inheritance.

Hero Karna, Hercules Hercules, Eastern King of Chu...

Their inheritance is opened, and all of them do not need the sovereignty of the sun.

However, even in mythology, Hercules, who once wrestled with Zeus, only used the sovereignty of seven suns.

Now, this guy in front of him actually asked for ten?

Bai Yasha's eyes were uncertain, and then he looked at the young man in front of him with scrutiny eyes, his eyes were extremely sharp, as if he wanted to see through something.

After a long time, she couldn't help but exclaim.

"Oh, oh, I didn't expect that after the seventeenth century, human history would be able to give birth to a **** like you."

The foundation of Hakoten is the three-dimensional cross-parallel world theory.

The most important thing here is the historical transition period.

Like large-scale wars, or changes in ecosystems.

The period in which these events occurred is called the "historical transition period". This thing can roughly determine the changes of the times. In order to draw an end to history, various "gifts" will appear in this period.

However, the "historical transition period" that was enough to make the upper class turbulent was the most prosperous around the seventeenth century. Then there is the downhill road.

By the 2000s, the end point of the birth of gods and demons had basically disappeared. Even if there are at most, it is only the scale of an urban legend...

However, the young man in front of him is a new god.

Because the rise of modern occultism affects Hakoba, a **** created by modern occultism.

"Birth is nothing short of a miracle, and there is also your inheritance, who is destined by the Messiah. It is not outrageous to use ten sun sovereignty as a condition to open the inheritance."

The existence named Shiroyasha nodded and gave a judgment.

Su Han didn't show any too surprised expression about his old bottom being exposed.

His power has always been obvious, almost revealing that he is a hidden God.

"Now that you understand my needs..."

That needs to be a young man who started the inheritance of the zodiac sun's sovereignty and placed the "snake\" sovereignty in front of White Yaksha, slowly opened his mouth, and asked.

"Then, are you willing to lend me the sovereignty of the twelve constellations?"

Chapter 9 The Dirty Py Deal

"Who wants that kind of hot potato!!"

Almost in an instant, Bai Yasha jumped up all of a sudden, his eyes widened, as if he was looking at Pan Jinlian's Wu Dalang who was feeding him medicine!

"Please, have you figured out one thing, the source of your sun sovereignty is the Queen of Halloween, how careful that guy is, don't you have any thoughts in your heart?"

"Who would want to take the hatred of that super-problem child from the Queen!!"

Sure enough, this stuff is not easy to sell.

Su Han looked a little regretful.

He really didn't want the sovereignty of the equatorial snake.

This thing is really powerful, the upper limit can summon three-digit pure-blooded dragons and star beasts, and it also gives a power.

However, what his inheritance needs is the zodiac, not the equator.

The Queen of Halloween, among the three troubled children in Hakoniwa, the first to play off.

When White Yaksha was still the White Night King and Argol was still called Ishtar, she was conspired by the ancient Celtic **** Dagda and bound to the Celtic group of gods.

However, being the first to play off doesn't mean the Queen of Halloween is an idiot who can bully anyone.

It didn't take long for her to become the center of the Celtic gods, and the Celtic gods were completely her lackeys.

In addition, because of their own power in the realm, many gods are willing to make friends with her, and are willing to stand on the same front as her.

Compared to being beaten up three times in a row, just being an ordinary Sun God White Yasha without using the organizer's authority, and having lost his mind three times in a row, he has lost his mind and became an Aba Aba waste material. The Protoss who was the first to play off was the best among the three problem children.

"Don't buy it! Definitely don't buy it!!

The White Night Demon King quickly waved his sleeves and berated a certain businessman.


Although she said she would not buy it, her eyes were rolling.

Equatorial snake.

This stuff is a rarity.

In the dawn period, in order to obtain a share of the sun sovereignty, the gods and demons of Hakoba were basically fighting their brains to come out.

If you just borrow some of the sovereignty in your own hands, you can obtain the sovereignty of the equatorial snake, which is definitely the most beautiful thing in the world.

After all, who would think too much about solar sovereignty?

What's more, Su Han's spiritual enlightenment requires a full ten Sun Sovereigns. As long as he doesn't stick to monism like Messiah, he is undoubtedly qualified to challenge double digits.

A sun sovereign plus an ally who may become a double-digit ally is undoubtedly very profitable.

As for the Halloween Queen threat?

Who is afraid of whom?

Protoss, who is the first of the three major problem children, snorted coldly.

Although she played off.

However, it was not as complete as Alger was.

But after being defeated by "ThousandEyes" - the twin goddesses of creation and the end, the spirituality of Shiroyasha's "Heavenly Movement Theory" was limited, so Shiroyasha under normal conditions only has the power on a par with a sun god.

However, if she uses the "host authority", her spirituality will expand infinitely, which is equivalent to when the dawn of the universe, as the incarnation of the "Heaven Movement", reigns over all the gods' cosmology and returns to the realm of full authority.

To really fight, she wouldn't be the Queen of Halloween at all.


She and the Queen of Halloween were at the dawn of time, and their relationship was so bad because of the battle for the sovereignty of the sun.

Anyway, the relationship is so bad, it doesn't matter if it is any worse.

The value of a solar sovereign plus an ally admired by modern occultism is completely greater than the malice of the Halloween Queen.

The only problem is...

Can this guy complete Godhood Awakening?

Shiroyasha was a little undecided.

Although she has more than half of the twelve constellation sun sovereignty in her hand, this is not enough.

As a **** worshipped by modern occultism, the hidden **** needs a full ten sun sovereigns.

And it is still within the conditions of the zodiac.

Unfortunately, there are several zodiac sovereigns, who happen to be in the hands of the Queen of Halloween.

This means that Su Han's next path to enlightenment of the godhead will be very bad.

And if Su Han can't open up his godhead and incarnate into a hidden **** in the true sense...

The value is a little lower.

Although she is not afraid of the Queen of Halloween, it seems a bit tasteless to break up with her just for a Sun Sovereign and a three-digit ally.

Eat it without meat, discard it with flavor.

"If you refuse to buy it, then forget it."

Su Han, who could vaguely feel that Bai Yasha was thinking about something, shook his head.

"This sun sovereignty is really tricky." "Oh? You gave up?"

Bai Yasha blinked, his expression a little strange.

In her perception, Su Han should have abolished the power of nine bulls and two tigers, and even risked being nailed to the ground by the Queen's bombing and killing five stars to get the sovereignty of the equatorial snake, in order to exchange for investment from herself. .

As a result, he gave up so neatly?

Here, what is the reason?

There was a little thought in Bai Yasha's eyes.

"The White Night King, you are a businessman, aren't you?"

The boy clapped his hands gently, and the next moment, the people who were originally inside the house were moved outside the door of dry eye.

And his hand is pointing at the flag of the Community Alliance.

Thousand eyes.

Hakoba's largest business alliance.

This guy actually wants to buy the right to use his own solar sovereignty?!!

Unprecedented astonishment rose in Shiroyasha's heart.

"You want to pay for the right to use my solar sovereign?"

"Boy, are you kidding?!!"

"If you have the time, why don't you go to the Crusaders before the incident of stealing the Halloween Queen's equipment is revealed, and find your deity to put pressure on the Halloween Queen to borrow part of the ownership.

White Yaksha is persuading.

"As long as the Halloween Queen's face is ugly enough, we don't mind buying your equatorial snake sovereignty reluctantly, and then renting the other zodiacal sovereignty to you." "I don't think I'm down enough to go to other people.

In this regard, the young man Shi Shiran spoke up.

"Since everyone is a businessman, then follow the rules of a businessman.

All right. "

"Although I definitely can't afford the money to buy the sovereignty of the sun, but if it's just a one-time servitude for the twelve zodiac, I can still afford it.

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