Seemingly aware of something, the young man did not continue to ask, but laughed and said to the enemy who was inseparable with him.

"Just to my liking."

Slowly, a cruel smile appeared on the man's face.

Su Han's body is a better container than Solomon.

It has the principle of revenge and the authority of concealing God. After swallowing it, it can easily obtain nearly infinite energy. Based on this premise, it is easy to get the magic power to complete time travel again.

He would never let go of that body.


That man had absolutely no way of rejecting the power contained in his body.

It's cruel.

The man sighed in his heart.


"That's why the struggle is so magnificent."

This is the fight.

Risk of life, dignity, and everything!!

Winner takes all, loser has nothing!

"Know our great cause, our ideal, and the true meaning of our birth!! ArsAladel Salomonis!"

The man howled!

Chapter 64 The End of the Beast of Mercy

The power of the human principle was burned to the ground, pouring down.

The ultimate spiritual power was directly transformed into the materialized Yuehua, impacting the world.

That was definitely the most terrifying attack ever.

The complete beast gave up his persistence and showed his strength in a true sense.

"If you are really a **** above, then try to show me your power!"

The man roared lowly, and the cold killing intent caused the surrounding temperature to suddenly drop to below zero.

It's not an adjective, it's a fact!

The moment he chose to use his accumulated strength to improve his spiritual foundation, his strength increased to an unbelievable level just as Romani said!!

Layers of frost are produced on the surface, and the cold aura emanating from it can literally freeze the souls of all creatures.

Just relying on personal will, it directly distorts reality.


It's just a trivial manifestation of its power.


There are no questions.

The world begins to shatter.

It is only theoretically that it will not interfere with the spiritual power of the material world, but that power has completely exceeded the cognition of normal people!!

It is so huge that Gaetia itself can't control it to strike a person with precision, and it can only be displayed as an area attack!!

The power vented from the sky, the stability of twisting time and space with ease, is enough to shatter the crumbling space in an instant by the power fluctuations of the Star Continent.

A picture scroll like **** is displayed here.

If the divine tree at the center of the world is not so dazzling, then this power will definitely smash the neighbors directly, descend to the earth, kill all the weak lifeforms, and impact the powerful lifeforms into soulless ones. The Walking Dead! !

The man named Getia had an unprecedented expression on his face.

This blow is undoubtedly the strongest blow he has displayed so far, and its might is so powerful that even he himself will be on the verge of dying because of the revenge.

However, on this battlefield where dignity, glory and even everything is bet, he is willing to pay the price of being seriously injured by the reason of revenge!!

There is hardly any inversion.

The divine tree was crumbling.

The branches are broken, the leaves are falling.

The splendid brilliance of the past has also become dim.

Because of the principle of revenge, the body of the Demon God Pillar that launched the attack twitched violently, bloodshot eyes were all over its eyes, and blood dripped from the corners of its mouth and ears.

Cracks appeared on his body like a china pounding...

That is the third Noble Phantasm, half of the oppression it brings.

Because Gaetia captured the heart of the beast of revenge at the last moment and gained 15% of the authority, he has a certain immunity bonus to the principle of revenge, but even so, his body still makes people feel for a while. shocking.

In the group chat, the expression of Romani who was watching the live broadcast suddenly changed.

It's just that Gaetia, who received half of the counterattack, was hit so hard, so what about Su Han?

In the group chat, the young man still had Shi Shiran's expression.

However, behind it, after it was fully revealed, the divine tree that almost covered the sky and the earth, all the branches have been broken...

The Tree of Kabbalah could no longer hold on.

This is a fact that can be seen at a glance.

After the complete liberation of Getia, the spiritual base scale is higher than Su Han. Among the existences that have clearly appeared in this world, the only ones who can stabilize his head are Oort and Chaos.

Oort, the Oort Nebula uo surrounding the solar system, has the largest spiritual base in the solar system.

Chaos, a mechanical **** from a different universe, only exists in the Dyson sphere in science fiction stories.

The current Getia is second only to these two!!

"Hurry up and escape, it's still too late."

The man named Romani was almost shouting at Su Han in a roaring tone.

On weekdays, he would never do this.

But now I can't handle that much anymore

"Pass the ten precepts you stole to me, only I can deal with Goetia now."

As long as Solomon is killed, there will be no rescue technique, let alone the burning technique.

This is the most efficient way to fight now when Getia is almost unmatched!!

The whole world will be saved.

The price was simply the loss of a doctor in Chaldea.

However, just like before, the boy still looked like he had a pair of left earphones coming out of his right ear.

Even now, the tree of Kabbalah has no way to protect him, causing his body to break like a Gaetia, revealing shocking scars.

"Don't be too anxious, doctor, I'm basically a complete beast of revenge, and my vitality is very tenacious. Even if the Kabbalah tree is destroyed, it's not a problem to resist the power model's human cannon for ten minutes. The weather is very hot, and it has been said that the group has not built a group for so long, otherwise, let's find a beach and build a group another day."

However, in the face of that absolutely deadly attack, the young man said such words in an incredible way.

Two unrelated topics are somehow linked together.

"By the way. I remember that you and Merlin have been cursed. It seems that if you don't soak in hot water, it's a girl. Oh. They're already girls anyway, so why don't you go and give your good brother Dadalia a treat?" "

Team building!!

At times like this, is it an opportunity to talk about team building?

Romani, who had perished with Merlin before, forced a wry smile from the corner of his mouth.

Is this the time to do boring **** here?

The situation is already one-sided.

Getia's combat power is completely beyond common sense.

The God of the Otherworld may be able to rival the God of the Alien, but in front of this monster, it is still one step behind.

Based on the divine tree transformed by his heart, even the main trunk has been transformed due to the extreme high temperature



withered yellow.

Romani was stunned.

He raised his head and looked at the live channel again.

In that field of vision, the world that was originally dilapidated and completely relied on the divine tree for maintenance was once again distorted.

And the reason is the extreme high temperature!

After the massive spiritual power is materialized, it certainly possesses extremely powerful physical oppression.

However, compared to the phenomenon of light and heat in the physical field, under the same "magnitude" effect, the ability of mental force to destroy the physical level is naturally not comparable to that of light and heat.


Not long ago, Getia had clearly passed through the Temple of Crown Time, and transformed all the heat that he took to burn people into spiritual power!!!

So, where does this heat come from?

Romani looked up at the sky.

There, the once bright moon is regaining its radiance like a sun wheel.

Perhaps because of the connection between the master and the familiar, Goetia, who had almost an overall advantage, also noticed the difference.


too hot.

This is not a lie.

The space is physically distorted by the heat.

The transpiring heat is scurrying over this broken world.

A few of them drilled through the cracks in the world and fell into reality. Almost in an instant, the country called Australia ushered in wildfires that affected the entire Australian continent in advance...


Is the air so hot?

Hasn't energy been transformed into spiritual power long ago?

Those forces, even if materialized, should bring about the oppression of \"quality"

Confusion rose in Getia's heart.

At what...

Mental power brings high temperature and high fever?


Isn't Su Han going to fight with him?

Why, there is no attack here?

Even if he lacks offensive ability, even to the extent that he needs the help of a holy swordsman's sword, he won't be so down that he will be beaten all the way...

over here, what happened

Because of the counterattack of the principle of revenge, the man who was already devastated coughed violently.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

The damage caused by this reasoning of revenge is astonishing.

He even felt his own existence and was greatly hurt...

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