Immediately after that, the red light of the sword lit up again, like the claws of a man-devouring beast, and opened its fangs towards Qiyana.

On one side is the innocent boy, and on the other side is the petite girl who fell to the ground, the outcome seems to be decided...

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

What greeted the blood blade was a scorching projectile.

The flames splattered everywhere, and the scorching projectiles turned strangely into different arcs under unknown techniques.

The continuous gunshots sounded, reminiscent of the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke.

The normal mode of the Seventh God's Key, which is kept by the Kaslana family, is the double spear.

The girl named Kiana naturally uses this skill that has been handed down for thousands of years!

Even though the boy tried his best to swing the sword, he was accidentally hit in the shoulder by one of the bullets.


The blood-condensed blade fell to the ground because of an injured arm.

"My lord, times have changed!"

The girl holding the revolver she got from nowhere pointed the gun at the boy's head with a wide smile on her face.

"What age is it, you still play real sword duels?"

"You don't talk about martial arts."

The boy lowered his head, Kiana couldn't see his expression, and his shadow trembled slightly because of the leaning of his body.

Feeling the anger of that voice, Kiana felt a little uncomfortable.

Someone else played one-on-one with him, and he ended up playing Aedana with him. This is not very authentic.

That kind of over-the-top look really makes Kiana think of her best friend Raiden Mei.

I always feel that I have filled the so-called Bushido's grave with a handful of soil again.

Relying on Kiana, who won't talk about martial arts, thinks.


Soon, that uncomfortable feeling turned into complacency.

No matter what, he won.

Start with a Hanhan hostage yourself, and then try to replace the hostage with the hostage.

Qiana, who felt that Su Han's operation was really stupid, thought, but the boy who was aimed at by the gun opened his mouth.

"Don't worry, Kaslana is a knight family, as long as you don't do anything too hurtful, I will eventually—"

Before the words were finished, Kiana's face froze.

There was no other reason, the cold metal material pressed against the back of her head.

Behind her, the black-haired girl had a charming smile on her face.

When did it come out?

Isn't it a good one-on-one?

Kiana's expression was unprecedentedly stiff, as stiff as a petrified statue.

"Since you don't talk about martial arts, then it's also a very reasonable thing for you to single out me and Kuang San."

Simultaneously with it, the boy who had been put on his head by a gun also turned into a shadow and disappeared without a trace.

Appeared again, already behind Kiana.

The next moment, the shadow jumped up.

In Kiana's dazed sight, darkness engulfed it.


This **** is even less virtuous than himself.

Chapter thirty nine

For Miss Kiana, the recent experience is undoubtedly bad.

Inexplicably, good Jiyou disappeared.

It took half a day of effort, and nothing came out, and then inexplicably received a letter from the kidnapper.

And then, it's a battle...

A battle to compete against the lower limit of morality.

It hurts.

The famous Sword Saint of Reed, Kiana felt the pain in the back of her head, and her expression was slightly broken.

Because of someone's looks a little young and the one-on-one behavior that seems to be deadly, Kiana originally thought that the enemy was a young master who had no social experience and needed to be severely beaten by the society...

As a result, he was more shameless than himself. Halfway through the fight, he directly called people to besieged and beat him, and even called it "you singled out the two of us".

Heck, this is a one-on-one hammer!

Fire, really super fire!

The tightly bound white-haired ball felt the cold touch brought by the cement floor against his face, and the grief and anger in his heart could not be described in words.

"Yo, wake up."

At a certain moment when the white-haired dumpling was distraught, the clear voice of the young man rang from the side.

The girl who was tied into a caterpillar raised her head with difficulty and saw a handsome boy.

Black hair, black eyes.

That highly recognizable appearance cast a haze on Kiana's entire face.

This guy is the guy who beat himself up just now.

At this moment, this guy is carrying a large box of takeaways, greeting Qiyana like a childhood sweetheart.

"Kiana, your previous performance was good enough."

"If it wasn't for my superior skills, or I would have been killed by you."




Kiana was silent for a long time, just staring at the boy.

If the line of sight has lethal power, I am afraid that a crumb traverser has not been beaten into a sieve.

Obviously, someone's way of greeting is a little bit of hatred.

"Want some?"

Someone who didn't take Miss Kiana's sharp gaze seriously at all sat on the newly bought sofa, opened the takeout, took out a fried chicken leg, and shook it in front of Kiana.

As an atypical traveler, Su Han does not have the gourmet proficiency necessary for the protagonist of Shenzhou Netwen.

He's a culinary idiot.

If one day takeaway disappears and various restaurants close, there is a chance that he will starve to death on the street.

Therefore, after tying Qiyana, he went to pack a bucket for the whole family.

The golden chicken legs, even though it was a little cold, still had the unique aroma of junk food, which made Qiana, who had been hungry all day, instinctively swallowed.

In order to find Leiden Yayi these days, she didn't have time to eat properly.

However, she quickly suppressed the urge to raise her head to nibble on the chicken legs.

I have already died violently like a gourd baby saving my grandfather, and I have become a prisoner. I am in this situation, and I still want to eat chicken legs. What kind of idiot is that?

"who are you?"

"Where is Yayi?"

Kiana looked at a guy who didn't talk about martial arts and questioned like a barrage of cannons.

"Hey, hey, you are a prisoner. Is it really good to talk to me with this attitude?"

As if encountering something very distressing, Su Han squatted down, stretched out his hand and poked the girl's fair and elastic face.


Did you not ask for information?

The girl whose face was poked was very unhappy.

He didn't admit defeat at all, and after being kidnapped, he tried to use his status as a prisoner to lower the target's vigilance and ask for information.

"However, for the sake of you and me, let's introduce me to you."

As if feeling something, the boy suddenly opened his mouth and said.



I don't know how this guy

Kiana's beautiful little ears pricked up slightly, for fear of missing a word.

"I said I came to this era through time travel to save your lover, do you believe it?"

As if he had encountered something very interesting, Su Han said the words that he used to tease Leidian Yayi before.

Then, he met a pair of dead fish eyes.

"Are you stupid?"

That's what those eyes conveyed without a doubt.

Su Han was not surprised by this.

He just wanted to make fun of people, and he didn't expect to fool people.

In other words, Leidian Yayi had a moment of hesitation when he listened to him, and that was what shocked him.

"Been taught a lesson."

The boy groaned like this, then stretched out his hand and cut off the rope beside the girl in front of him.


The completely unexpected development made Kiana stunned.

She looked at the young man who was unbound for her at that moment, and she was a little helpless for a while.

She didn't quite understand why this guy wanted to untie himself.

"You are this?"

The petite girl asked the boy a question.

"Because, from the beginning, I was planning to trade with you."


Kiana, who was severely beaten, was completely blinded.

Are you planning to make a deal with yourself in the first place?

Could it be more outrageous?

"Is it hard to understand?"

The boy looked at the girl next to him with the look as if he had eaten flies, and Shi Shiran explained.

"I said at the beginning that I'm here to negotiate with you."

"The reason why I started with you is that you don't listen to me at all."

The boy's words fell in Kiana's ears, causing her body to tremble slightly.

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