Webb clenched his fists and his lips were a little pale.

Like a sharp knife, it tore open his arrogant heart and brought out the dripping blood


\"rider, you surrender."

The Master looked at the Servants who were staring at him, motionless, and whispered.

On the battlefield, quietness is definitely not a good thing.

At the time when the clouds are dense, there is no rain falling, which obviously does not mean that it will be sunny next.

That is, the prelude to the storm!

When the current dynamic is interrupted, then it will be a hurricane-like offensive.

Attacked by five servants at the same time, my group has no chance of winning

"I am the one who disobeyed the order of the Matou family master. You don't have to wait to die with me."

Weber smiled bitterly and said to his Servant.

\"Although I don't know what your trump card is. However, you can let the five Servants choose to examine and wait for the opportunity, rider, you must be very strong.


The man whose job is rider is also very embarrassed.

Since the enemy is already cautious because of his own Noble Phantasm, then...

Most of them have also studied their own weaknesses.

Rider couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Killer hunters and Shinsengumi who hold down the army, Gorgon sisters who can control the army, and excellent assassins

If they were pulled into the army of his king at one time, then he would definitely be restrained by his subordinates, and then killed by the assassin or Medusa.

However, if he is only one or two people involved, he can indeed win.

However, how do you deal with the next part of the Servants after you have consumed all your magic power?

Hell, even though he had never used a Noble Phantasm, he was targeted.

Perhaps, this ending was decided the moment he accepted the call.

The enemy with a high probability of summoning seven Servants alone has the advantage of crushing all enemies.

All, the defeat of this group is almost inevitable.

himself is dead.

Before being reborn, it was just a scrap of dust in history.

However, Weber is different.

He is so smart, so good, so low self-esteem.

The inferiority of magic ability and the difference in personal talent have caused his master to fall into confusion, and even to the point where he needs to be recognized by others.

However, people will eventually grow.

Rider believes that his master is capable and grows up, just like the frail and sickly teenager in Macedonia, who has become the current self.

This kid is a good seedling, and he only needs to bring it to the battlefield to sharpen it for a while and then he will shine his own light.

It's a pity that there is no room for sharpening in this battle. Rider is a bit regretful. He can only hope that this kid can discover his potential sooner in the future.

In the course of his life, he should have recognized his own excellence, become confident, and become a real man.

Feeling the silence, Weber smiled bitterly.

Really dissatisfied with me.

Indeed, if it wasn't for his own drag, how could the rider be reduced to such a point.

"Raise your head."

The rider's voice was louder than ever before, almost like a bell roaring.

That bold voice made Weber tremble for a while.

However, unexpectedly, the Servant did not get angry, just spoke in a flat manner.

"Tell me what you think of the word partner.

Webber choked for a moment, but, under the gaze of those red eyes, he hesitantly stated the definition of a partner in his heart.

"Friends who fought side by side."

"very good."

The man answered while bathed in murderous aura.

"Then, since you are this king's partner, why aren't you proud?! You want to feel sorry for yourself here?!"

The king's voice, like a giant hammer hitting the city wall, shook the magician's heart.

Are you a .rider partner?

Webber's heart was inexplicably a little sincere.

This is an endorsement from Alexander the Great.

"Remember, you are the person recognized by this king - Istandar!!" "Is my partner!"

The man whose job was rider took a deep breath.

In Weber's blank expression, endless mad sand began to blow up.

As if the world was distorted, the scorching sand swallowed everything in sight.

Dry, scorching winds swept the world. The slightly gray sky turned into a clear sky, and the ground beneath his feet was replaced by barren sand, and the infinite yellow sand stretched to the end of Deo's blurred vision.

One image after another appeared in the open space, like a mirage army. As time went by, extremely vibrant colors covered those ghosts. The summoned warriors were some mighty, some were weak and thin, but they couldn’t. The denial is that these people are qualified fighters.

Some of them followed the rider in the South and the North, with extraordinary achievements, and obtained a spirituality far beyond ordinary people. Some people admired the later kings of the rider. They are willing to put down their pride and follow the rider to fight in the Quartet. Some people are themselves Famous and powerful warriors who are overwhelmed by the spirit of the rider and willing to be driven by him...

That scene was simply suffocating.


"That is, our partner!"

The man named Istandar laughed loudly, and in the smile, was overflowing with pride, our partner.

Weber was a little confused.

Those who follow the rider are their own partners?

"This king's life is in vain."

"For the endless sea that does not exist, it even led to the demise of the empire."

The king laughed, as heartless as ever.

However, Weber could understand his heartache.

The ocean that I and my partners have tried their best to pursue has never existed...

The meaning of his life has almost been denied.

"However, this king has no regrets!"

That was the most romantic man laughing.

"Because, without that journey, I wouldn't meet my friends!!"

The rider has no holy sword, no deviation, and no divine authority.


He has a bond with his friends.

"Master, as ancients, we are stupid and powerless."

"What we are following is the sea of ​​falsehood. Even our whole life is only moving on the edge of Europe, Asia and Africa, like a frog at the bottom of a well.

"If we knew about these things in the past, we would definitely aim to patrol the world."

The man stood in the yellow sand and threw his struggling Master on the body of his beloved horse with one hand.

"What are you doing? Rider!!\"

The magician's heart trembled slightly.

"As ignorant ancients, we have never stepped out of the corners of Eurasia and Africa, and know nothing about the more distant regions."

"However, those places are so beautiful that when we imagine it, our hearts begin to flow."

The man who had absolute control over this world smiled. He was not polite, even rude.

He stared into the distance.

Under the floating castle, the direct army under the Tsar and the assassins of the Shinsengumi have assembled, and the Greek snake **** has also begun to take off his blindfold.

Incomparably fast, the strong man slapped the horse's **** with a whip, and the war horse galloped away with the struggling magician.

"I entrust our wishes to you."

In the time that Weber gradually blurred, that rough voice echoed in the air.

"As our eyes, hold your head high, and patrol the world!"


Chapter 53: Miss C, you have so few studios

"It's already been three times, and there's still two more to go before the Holy Grail." The handsome boy sat in the courtyard of Matou's house, holding a book and flipping it gently.

On top of that, a story is written.

"In order to protect his master, Istendar the Conqueror pulled all the enemies into the inherent barrier, fighting to the death without retreating. The sword skill of the God's Domain penetrated his throat."

Istanbul was defeated.

This is the third one.

archer Gilgamesh.

Berserker Vlad III.

rider Istanbul.

Honestly, this list is actually pretty luxurious.

The apex among the normal servants - Gilgamesh.

I do not encounter Istandar, who is almost invincible against the country and the border.

Even after Vlad III, the most hip-stretched, connected himself to the dragon veins, he was an exceptional Servant who could release 20,000 "pile" in an instant.

However, they were dying one by one and suffocated.

Those who died from the backstab of the master, died before the master was attacked, and the supply of the master's magic power was insufficient..

"Next, can we expect Kiritsugu Emiya to blow up King Arthur's dog head with a shot and say, 'Your Majesty Arthur, I didn't lie?"

Su Han rubbed his chin and whispered.

"So, what are you going to do with the remaining two?"

Not angry, the girl's voice sounded next to the guy who imagined words that could make some people confused, with a strong resentment in his voice.

The source of the voice was a girl.


Blue eyes.

The facial features are good, and the cute face is a bit foul.

It's definitely a ghost.

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