This world is very different from the world in my impression.

No, it may not be right to describe it as a huge difference, the correct way to say it is, in another world entirely.

Because her biological sister is one of the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire, Hiuyu Wan, who has heard a little about the keys of the gods, can be sure that this is a world similar to the world bubble created by the second key of the gods, Qianjie Yixuan.

A world bubble has never been a stable thing.

If there is no suitable "anchor point", it will disintegrate at any time, and then turn into dust on the quantum sea.

"Sakura...we are running away, if you carry a fuel bottle, we may not be able to escape, if you can't escape, you will never see the tomb of your favorite Karen again. "

Higuomaru's voice was specially accentuated in the section "Your Favorite Karen".

A dog can't lick the house.

This is common sense.

However, under this persuasion, the anguish of Yae Sakura's face disappeared and became indifferent.

Escape from a world bubble is a very difficult thing.

The combination of himself, who is a pseudo-herrscher, and the half-crippled Higuomaru cannot always escape and ascend to heaven.

If you add a drag oil bottle, it is really possible to cause yourself to be trapped here.


You're a person who shouldn't exist in the world, isn't he?

And this young man, still young, should have an infinite future.

Using the power of a damned person and a monster to send a child back to the world as a business is worth it, isn't it?

In the end, Yae Sakura, who forgave Karen, had a bit of relief in her expression.

"I will take good care of this child, Higumaru, shut up!"

"Even if I bet everything on you and me, I will let this child return to the world he should return to!"

As the adoptive father, the fox-eared beauty, who was in charge unexpectedly, drank coldly, causing a tyranny to flash across the face of the terrifying monster.

Sakura, does he really want to lick it to the end?

But that's fine too.

If she kills this boy who seems to be related to the white-haired dumpling in front of her, she will definitely go wild.

The tyrannical red fox that still had a little bit of belonging to the Herrscher looked at the boy who was hugged tightly in his arms, and there was a glint of envy or disgust in his eyes.

"Humans, disturbing other people's good things has to pay a price!"

Without warning, the terrifying Honkai Energy erupted from that weird fox.

The terrifying black emanated from her body and turned into a sharp claw, tearing apart the atmosphere, ravaging the land, and the rapidly rising wind pressure was like a wailing ghost. Like the same black lightning, the sharp claws attacked the boy's neck directly, and the turbid black mist was pulled into a shocking spiral along the impulse of the sharp claws.

In this regard, the witch who held Su Han in her arms suddenly burst out with power.

Higuomaru is a monster that lives with her. She knows very well that this monster will never be willing to use her power to help humans. For this reason, if she wants to use its power to help the child leave this strange place. The world must be completely destroyed in advance! !

Today, she wants to cut off all ties with this demon fox!

"You've been living here for so long, it's time to pay the rent!"

The fox girl, who was still protecting the boy with one hand, had a slender sword in her hand without warning.

The next moment, an extremely cold knife light flashed in the air.

Just like in the last era, the swordsmanship wielded by the swordsman who was honored as Moment, along with the sword's light like the cherry blossoms withered, burst into the air, cutting the terrifying giant palm.

The witch's appearance that she would rather give up her combat advantage and protect the young man fell into the sight of the demon fox, making her an unnamed fire in her heart!

"Give me death!!"

The demon fox howled furiously, and the terrifying Honkai Impact erupted again.

This time, it wasn't the previous petty troubles, and even Yae Sakura's terrifying aura had changed.

"Go back and wait for me."

Yae Sakura whispered to the boy who was being guarded by her.

In response, Su Han just rolled his eyes.

Herrschers are dangerous, but they are only dangerous compared to ordinary people.

In Yae Sakura's horrified expression, the young man disappeared from his side without warning, and appeared in front of Higuomaru's sharp claws, and Shi Shiran stretched out his hand.

The next moment, like an eraser passing a pencil mark, the erosive claws that can absolutely shred all buildings into nothingness.

what is that?

Higuomaru's eyes widened, completely unable to understand everything in front of him.

His own power was directly wiped out? !

Binding Herrscher - Anti-Energy Herrscher.

As a Herrscher born for fusion warriors, her ability is to create an enchantment with a radius of 100 kilometers, all the energy in the enchantment will be weakened, and the Honkai Energy, which is the source of life for fusion warriors, will be directly wiped remove.

In a sense, she is not only the natural enemy of the fusion warrior, but also the natural enemy of the Herrscher.

Unfortunately, the Herrscher of this generation happened to be Su Han's beast.

As if all the power was drained in an instant, the fierce demon fox smashed to the ground heavily, twitching violently.

what happened?

Almost synchronously, such questions flashed in the minds of Higuomaru and Yae Sakura.

"That, although I don't know what happened."

Under the expressions that Yae Sakura and Higuomaru were completely incomprehensible, the boy stretched out his hand and scratched his head, his expression subtle.

"However, the Herrscher of Erosion is actually my prey."

Chapter 16 The person you love dies, but not completely

Miss Yae Sakura was in a complicated mood.

very complicated.

As Miss Karen's good friend, the vixen in Lord Otto's eyes, this shrine maiden deeply loves a heartless nun, and she loves Wu and Udi with the same breath as that nun, and is definitely her direct descendant teenager.

In this world, which is very different from reality, according to Hiyuwan's statement, it should be called the "world bubble". Every creature may be thrown into the quantum sea because the world is too fragile and disintegrated in the sea of ​​​​quantum. The sea, or become a traveler, or be dissolved in the "sea".

As the adoptive mother or adoptive father of a certain child, she did not hesitate to break with Higuomaru completely, to seize the power of the Herrscher of Corruption from her, so that she could use the ultimate form of the power of the Herrscher of Corruption—— Erode reality, open the world bubble, send the child out of the world bubble that may disintegrate at any time, guide him and navigate the way back to the world he should return to.

Such a choice is undoubtedly difficult.

However, the Miko was willing to risk everything for this.

There is no doubt that Miss Yae is a woman with an extremely strong sense of responsibility.

Compared to some guy who gave his daughter's name to his adopted daughter to deceive himself, he was so clever that he didn't know where to go.

The only problem is-

Yae Sakura looked at the boy in front of him who had found a grill out of nowhere, tied the demon fox directly to the grill, and began to prepare cumin, cooking wine, and chili powder, and fell into silence.

Higuomaru, Yae Sakura's lifelong enemy, a peerless monster who can enlarge or shrink the feelings of outsiders at will, and can even directly control external substances.

That's the monster that Karen risked her life to seal instead of uproot.

Judging from the arrogant speeches that the demon babbled on during the time she was sealed, the reason why she was sealed by Karen was actually because of her integration with herself and the poor technological level of Yae Village.

If she is not integrated with herself, then she can escape at any time without being bound.

If Yae Village's technology level is a normal city, she will erode the satellite and become a nightmare for the whole world.

There is no doubt that the fox demon named Hiuyu Maru was able to be sealed, it was indeed a matter of luck.

Once the seal is broken, she will gradually return to her role as a "herrscher" and regain her due strength and majesty.

However, the current situation is indeed...

Yae Sakura looked at the young man who was pulling his coat from the man who fell to the ground because of Honkai's energy erosion, and then set it on fire, preparing to grill the flying fish balls, with a dull expression.

The so-called adopted son seems, seems, probably does not need help.

"This is actually my hunting ground."

The boy who had been thinking about how to bite the eroded "reality" of Higuomaru turned his head and explained.

"In the normal world, hunting the Herrscher will inevitably affect the outside world. If it is in a city, it will cause hundreds of casualties if you are not careful. The loss in the battle with the Herrscher is almost inevitable. However, the loss of this thing, naturally, it is best to reduce it if it can be reduced.”

"So, before hunting Herrscher or other enemies, I will be used to unfold a 'Particle Field' to cover the reality, and pull the hunting target or mortal enemy into the battlefield."

"In this world that is close to the inherent enchantment, my power will be maximized, whether it is from the perspective of reducing losses or strengthening myself, it is very reasonable."

The expression of Miss Yae Sakura, who heard those words, was a little dull.

What is a lawyer?

What is the particle field?

What is the inherent enchantment?

This fox witch understands every word, but after putting it together, Miss Yae feels that the boy in front of her may be speaking in Martian language.

I don't know, that's probably what she thought.

However, in any case, this child is probably much stronger than himself and Karen teaming up to be able to easily hunt down the unparalleled monster like Hiuyuwan.

He can even force the Herrscher to the battlefield of his choice, and solve the disaster without affecting any people.

As expected of Karen's child.

Probably the world's second Kalenbuki fox, came to this conclusion from a tricky angle.

Maybe it was because of presbyopia in the past five hundred years, or maybe it was because of the Karen filter. She saw that the young man deeply felt that he was suave, upright and awe-inspiring, and he looked like a decent young man who had experienced the world.

As expected of the child of Karen.

So, is this child married?

Miss Sakura, who was obviously her adoptive father in her role, looked at the boy who was estimated to be the age to marry, and fell into thought.

Miss Sakura herself is the blade of blood sacrifice, and she is also the witch who is responsible for slaying demons and exorcising demons. She has a lofty position and is extremely powerful. Civilians propose marriage to her, which is like courting death. The squires and nobles see her in a kimono soaked in demon blood. It is said that the soul is flying away, but at least he was scared half of his life, and naturally he has no lust.

Therefore, in her life, no one dared to propose to her.

However, I have never seen a pig run, and after all, I have eaten pork.

Since the age is suitable, then it is time to prepare for the marriage problem.

Substituting into the role, the witch who was obviously an ancient parent looked at the extremely powerful young man, pondered for a while, and spoke quickly.

"Can Su Er have a favorite woman?"

Su Er?

What kind of weird pronunciation is that?

Su Han was completely shocked by the fox-eared witch who was obviously planning to take over.


This is the half-baked way to call it from where.

Also, you are really ready to be a parent! !

Besides, this question is too tricky.

There are so many girls who are more than friends with me, how to answer? !

Just make a list? !

Su Han couldn't help but help his forehead.

"Marriage, there is no..."

Like the Sea King who claimed to be single, the boy gave a speech that made Miss Yae frown.

Su Han's apparent age is obviously more than fifteen years old.

In her day, if a man was sixteen and still unmarried, and if he had any reason to "serve the gods", then the government would come to urge him.

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