Raiden Mei will think that the teacher **** is her destined lover, there is absolutely a ghost!

I have to find that **** teacher who is claiming to be raking in the salary, and thoroughly understand the matter!

I felt that I was not taking the initiative to attack, and a few years later, I could see the white-haired ball of Miss Yayi hugging her child and greeting her with her brain shaking violently.

As soon as she thought of a little loli or a little girl who looked similar to Yayi calling her "Auntie" in a milky voice, she felt that her great power was about to be overwhelmed.

I haven't adopted the Apokalis family yet! Why is it green? !

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!"

As if possessed by neglect, the white-haired dumpling held his head with a distorted expression.

After a long time, she just came back to her senses.

It's no use crying here.

If you want to change the way to become the green hat king with the eight iron hat kings, he will definitely not be as incompetent and furious as Yinglulu here, but put it into action!

So, let yourself go to find the whereabouts of the teacher first.

I vaguely remember that Su Han still had a little connection with his aunt. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket and opened the connection. Her hand, which was not holding the mobile phone, seemed to cheer herself up and sat for herself. Cheer up gesture.

"Mister bastard, I won't lose to you!"

Chapter 5: On the Sadness of the Artificial Herrscher and Miss Banya

The extreme eastern branch is the most special of the many branches of the mandate.

During the second collapse, Otto's favorite granddaughter felt her grandfather's cold-blooded nature and decided to defect with Siegfried.

However, because he underestimated the power of the Destiny Headquarters, the white-haired dumpling who was still very smart when he was a child had to compromise, using "staying in Destiny" as a condition, in exchange for the opportunity for Siegfried and his daughter to run away.

However, although it was said to stay in the destiny, a certain white-haired dumpling obviously did not like his grandfather, so he chose to go to the extreme east, which is extremely far away from the headquarters of the destiny, and established the extreme east branch according to his own ideas.

But now, for various reasons, this organization established by a well-known five-short-and-white-haired old woman fell into the hands of another person because of a py transaction.

"Brothers, take office in Jidong!"

At the airport of the Far East Branch, the boy's very recognizable voice spread through the air.

The source of the voice was a handsome young man.

Just like a certain famous Ma, he hummed a song while holding the letter of appointment, and rode on a donkey that he didn't know where he got it, with his head held high.

Perhaps because there was a carrot hanging in front of it, the donkey, which seemed to be somewhat similar to Amiya, also held its head high and looked imposing, and on the **** of the donkey, there was also a big speaker that played continuously. someone's recording.

"When the minister comes, the sky will be there. If the minister comes, St. Freya will be at peace!"

In the eyes of everyone as if they had seen Zhong Kui, the young man swaggered towards the office dedicated to the head of the extreme east.

There, Theresa, who looked MMP, was waiting for the handover ceremony.

Unlike Qiyana, who was inexplicably detained because of Ji Youzhong's second illness, Su Han was actually in a pretty good mood.

This is not difficult to understand.

Dr. Romani has been burned by Renli, and the news of Renli freezing is numb. He pinched his nose and signed a contract with himself. Next, he used everything from Chaldea to support Su Han in exchange for saving Renli, or , even if human beings are destroyed, they can still take the last chance for human beings to run away.

Therefore, Su Handa can directly convene all the discipliners, and give Galati a bright future.

In stark contrast to Su Han is Kiana's aunt.

Because he was deprived of his status as a minister, and he was demoted to a salary that was deducted for ninety years, he couldn't make any money at all. Maybe there was a captain who paid for the money. The look of the five short white-haired pseudo-loli It's like wearing a pain mask and then another pain mask.

Infinite Takiko is a retired A-rank Valkyrie with a considerable amount of savings. In addition, she is also a tactics class teacher at St. Freya Academy, so she doesn't care about the captain's salary at all.


Theresa is different.

Teresa did have a lot of savings, but those savings were all used up by someone who took advantage of the situation, and they all depended on the minister's salary to support her life, pay Kiana's living expenses, and buy limited Hom comics.

And now-

Looking at the salary column that has been advanced for 90 years, Miss Teresa's expression can be said to be crying without tears.

"Yo, long time no see, senior seems to have lost a lot of weight."

The teenager who emptied almost all the savings of a certain white-haired dumpling tied the Amiya Jinger vertical painting on the edge of the green belt with the expression of "I haven't seen anything, I really haven't seen it" from the unrelated people. , then fed a carrot, entered the minister's office, and greeted a senior who had been fired.

Those speeches with a little concern made Teresa almost cry.

Who do you think did this!


Hard, hard.

Fist hardened.

Looking at the innocent looking boy, Teresa felt like she wanted to jump up and kick him on the knee.

Theresa's current situation is entirely because the teenager in front of her wants to set up the base on Hyperion, but she doesn't want to be a captain, and then she was dismissed as an unwarranted...emm, based on facts, she was directly demoted, and she was also dismissed. He was demoted to the poorest occupation in the extreme eastern branch.

However, as the leader of the Destiny branch, the most basic decency is still required.

"Excuse me...sir, do you have any special mission here?"

It was very difficult. Theresa showed a polite smile to the teenager in front of her, with a little caution in her beautiful blue eyes.

Su Han is very evil.

Since the first time we met, this guy has given people an unpredictable feeling.

You can talk about the secrets of the destiny without hesitation, or you can easily contact the forces of all parties, turn the clear situation into chaos, and then gain benefits from it.

Such a man is actually very dangerous.

He suddenly and inexplicably chose to take office in Jidong, which really makes people wonder if there is any conspiracy.


The most common thing this guy does in Jidong is to lie to his niece to give him a substitute lesson.

The whole person looks like an irresponsible teacher, and it is really difficult for people to connect him with the world's top behind-the-scenes masterminds.

However, considering that his grandfather was always smiling, he did not rule out the possibility that the young man in front of him was just using his lazy appearance to hide his essence.

"Of course, according to the bishop's order, in the extreme eastern branch, build the buildings of the True Ancestor Plan and the Prometheus Plan, and then form the strongest team in the history of destiny."

True Ancestor Project?

Prometheus Project?

Theresa, who had seen the same description on the promotion order of Wuliang Takizi, was stunned, and then her expression suddenly became alert.

Su Han is a super weird guy.

Grandpa is also an elusive person.

Now that these two plans are simultaneously associated with two of the most incomprehensible people in the world, it really makes one think of conspiracy theories.

"Can you explain a little bit about these two plans?"

The girl who was actually one of the experimental bodies of the "Prometheus Project" stood on tiptoe, raised her head and tried to face Su Han directly.

Facing the question from the white-haired dumpling, Su Han felt like a cat, rubbing her head in his unkind expression, and explained it very naturally.

"The True Ancestor plan is to inject the blood of a creature named True Ancestor into the human body, like the fusion warriors created in the previous era, so that humans can be strengthened."

With the blood of the true ancestors, let mankind usher in evolution?

Theresa looked at her hand, and she understood that she also had the blood of the Honkai Beast in her body.

Is this to gradually promote fusion warrior technology?

If that's the case, it doesn't seem like a bad thing.

So what about the so-called Prometheus project?

What does the plan in the name of the legendary fire thief stand for?

Thinking of this, Teresa's expression became a little uneasy.

She felt, perhaps, that it would be Pandora's Box.

"The name of the sage who stole the fire of the gods is Prometheus. Do you think, in this world, is there anything worth stealing from Prometheus?"

The teenager Shi Shiran smiled, and then threw a piece of paper in front of Theresa.

Theresa quickly picked up the piece of paper, and the moment she saw it, her pupils shrank violently.

That's a list.

"Sirin Shaniat, Kiana Kaslana, Theresa Apocalis, Infinite Takiko..."

A list with less than ten names on it.

And unfortunately, Theresa almost knew half of the people above!

Either a student or a friend, or even myself!

"As you can see, all the above characters are adaptable holders of the Herrscher, and if they face a big collapse, there will be a probability law..."

"In order to reduce future losses, I want to create Herrschers who are at least obedient to human beings in the Far East."

The young man who was looking forward to ruling the Herrscher stretched lazily, and then Shi Shiran spoke.

"It doesn't belong to the part of destiny. I have sent troops to hunt down, and the adaptable holders of the Herrscher related to you, please assemble them."

==========Dividing Line========

Snow in Siberia, very cold.

There is no doubt about that.

Even though it's already March, the Siberian wind is still cold, and it will bring a while of frost and snow from time to time.


In a snowy field, the girl's breathing sounded beside a bonfire, with a little fatigue.

The source of the voice is a very cute girl.

With long gray hair, dark gray eyes, and delicate facial features, he doesn't look like a Slavic race, but he looks beautiful like a fairy in myth.

She was wearing fairly thick clothes, leaning on a snow shovel that was a bit huge compared to her petite body, and gasped.

Obviously, for a girl of her size, shoveling snow for a long time is obviously not an easy task.

If that scene is uploaded to the Internet, it will definitely arouse the sympathy of the majority of sp netizens, as well as the scolding of Slavic men.

It's not like domestic labor at all, it's a form of corporal punishment.

In fact, if anyone ever asked that, he was right.

This is corporal punishment.

The girl, who was obviously tired, was breathing heavily as she recalled her mother.

Anti-entropy agent Cocolia is dead.

The woman who thought she was very good came to the end of her life half a month ago after going crazy.

She was caught by anti-entropy conservatives and put on trial.

The artificial man who made the leader of the alliance without authorization, and then the main cable is anti-entropy, and violated the covenant to carry out the Herrscher experiment in the sky city...

One crime after another, was publicized in the internal court.

No one speaks for it.

Conservative surrogates resented her attitude of treating human life as a must, and radical surrogates were already furious for being deceived by her.

Almost of course, Cocolia was hanged at the Anti-Entropy headquarters.

Shameless, as Europeans execute robbers, robbers, and thieves.

If it weren't for the protection of a big person behind, I am afraid that the entire Cocolia orphanage would be implicated and hanged one by one like Cocolia.

The girl who knew that it was a miracle that she survived looked back and looked into the distance, where the children who once belonged to the Cocolia orphanage looked very rough there, but it was enough as a shelter from the wind and rain. soup is boiled in the labor camp.

In the extremely cold weather, this inaccessible labor camp has not been cut off from the food supply, and there are still bread, butter and sausages.

To be honest, apart from the lack of vitamins and fiber, the food here may be called good.

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