3. Tokisaki Kurumi

A guy who was killed by his past Jiyou, trying to save time to change the world line and reverse the "spirit's sad wish".

When watching the appointment, Su Han's biggest impression of her was her head.

After all, her head is the bust measurement.

4. Tohsaka Rin

One poor lady, if she is seduced, there is a chance to evolve into Ishtar, the goddess of wood, or the autistic little angel Ailey.

5. Amiya

As we all know, chimera refers to an organism composed of cells of different genotypes, and the representative of this is the mule.

And the last one is...

Su Han, whose luck has not been very good, was stunned.

It seems that there are only six people in this group.

Chapter 2 The group leader is actually me?

The dimensional chat group is a very small skirt.

This is a sure thing.

Today's universities trick freshmen into joining with their school hours, and then turn them into part-time job introduction groups, starting at five hundred and capping at two thousand.

A total of six people's skirts are pitifully small compared to the number of those things.

Therefore, the possibility of each group member being upgraded to the group owner is quite high.

So, you are considered lucky to hit the one-sixth probability?

The boy who was suddenly appointed as the leader of the group looked at the sixth position, and his amber eyes were filled with surprise.

There, the two characters of Su Han were written impressively.

The group leader is by my side (×)

The group owner is me (√)

"The group owner has confirmed that because the group owner's strength is too low, the 'prevention of the group owner's violent death gift package' is issued."

Before Su Han could get used to it, the mechanical synthesis sound belonging to the chat group rang.

Prevent group owner violent death gift package...

Hearing these words, Su Han's expression also became subtle.

He couldn't help but think of the prophet who was unknown until now.

The sudden death of the former group owner seems to have brought a big crisis to the group chat, so that now the chat group has to send a gift package to himself as the new group owner.

"It's...subtle enough."

In fact, someone who wanted to act as the fuse of the former group owner's hiccups incident followed the instructions given by the group chat and clicked on the gift package.

"You got the item. Eye of Darkness, Noble Phantasm. Tiger, Brilliant Light Burning, 1000 points."

Looking at the contents of the gift bag, Su Han couldn't help being stunned.

The Eye of Darkness, the reverse transfer energy in the poisoned milk powder system, is also the cornerstone of the male magician system.

The Eye of Darkness, which is definitely a top-level magic furnace heart, can burst out almost infinite magic power. As long as the transplanted person does not suffer a devastating blow beyond the recovery range of the Eye of Darkness, the fusion person will not die.

Noble Phantasm. Tiger, brilliance burns!

A Noble Phantasm formed by the iron-like mental power of the King of the Caves, who was imprisoned in the moon.

Through super-high-speed thinking and forcibly reflecting it on the body, super-speed action equivalent to using "time stop" is realized.

Needless to say, the body can even escape from the invisible prisons of time and space.

The regeneration ability that can be resurrected as long as it is not completely destroyed, the escape ability that can break free even if it is bound by time and space, if you add a turtle shell, it is simply the king of fate.

I have to say, the gift package of the group chat almost wrote "Don't die violently" on it.

"Please collect the 'Prevention of Group Owner Violent Death Package' as soon as possible and go to manage the dimensional chat group."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Su Han felt that there was a bit of resentment in the system notification sound of the chat group.

Feeling that resentment, Su Han's eyes couldn't help but drift away.

Although it was the guy who called himself "The Prophet" who was dying, but that **** was directly related to him.

Because there is no such premise that the system is on the verge of collapse, the previous generation group owner probably did not receive anything, and could only go to the pit to kidnap and steal red envelopes.

He, the guy who almost skipped the group chat, received a spree instead.

sin, sin.

Another day, buy a cemetery for the former group owner and build a tomb for him.

The current group owner who had received the gift bag bowed to the void of nothingness, carried forward the spirit of craftsmanship as the locals did, and then began to fiddle with the group chat.

Now that he has received the group leader's salary, he should naturally go and see.

However, it is better to know a little about groups before doing so.

Very naturally, Su Han began to turn on the group function.

As a chat group, there are three functions of the dimensional chat group.

One is the invitation function, which, as the name suggests, randomly invites people from different worlds to join the chat group.

The cooling time is one month. Of course, if someone in the group is willing to spend points, this cooling time can be eliminated.

The second is the group face base, which consumes a certain amount of points to invite group friends, and then allows group friends to enter their own world and stay for a week.

The third is the Qun Mall, which is capable of providing the products of the Qunyou world, as well as turning over high-energy units in exchange for points.

"It always feels like an uncertain commodity specially selected to deceive krypton."

Su Han took a general look at the products in the group.

Items of the month (there will be refreshed on the 15th)

Charcoal-grilled Originium Insect. Large serving 16 points

Hero's experience book 160 points

Holy Relic Blind Box 320 points

Spirit Crystal Fragment Blind Box 1600 Points

Stigma. Random 3200 points

Call 6400 points

Except for the so-called charcoal-fired Originium worm, none of the items have a designation, they are all blind boxes.

But no matter what, if you can exchange it, it will be of great benefit to yourself in the future.

Not to mention anything else, for Su Han, who will have to live in the collapsed world next, unless he intends to rely on the vitality brought by the Eye of Darkness to repeatedly infect, repair himself and brush the collapse resistance, otherwise a stigmata will definitely necessary.


It's also too expensive.

The boy with only 1,000 points in the points column frowned.

Random stigmata required a full 3,200 points, but he only had 1,000 on hand. Even if these stigmata were divided into upper and middle orders, he could not afford them.

Heck, is it difficult to take the road of resisting the collapse and relying on tenacious vitality to resist the collapse?

The corner of Su Han's mouth twitched.

That way is too masculine.

So, next, you have to find some high-energy substances to earn points, otherwise, sooner or later, you will be forced to become a macho.

And in this city, what are considered high-energy substances?

In Su Han's mind, the figure of the Herrscher of Rice flashed.

In the Honkai World, the second Herrscher Sirin is a Herrscher who has been endowed with five powers. In the Second Honkai War, the anti-entropy people borrowed an item called the Moonlight Throne to extract her power. Going out, those powers turned into four gems.

Representing Lei's conquest gem, it is in Leidian Mei's body.

If it is the core of the pseudo-herrscher who symbolizes the "Apostle of Thunder", it should be worth a lot of points.

Thinking of this, Su Han couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

However, Raiden Mei is actually living under the surveillance of the anti-entropic radical leader Cocolia and the Archbishop of Destiny Otto.

Once they found out that Lei Dian Yayi was missing, they could not remain indifferent. It was almost inevitable that they would use a large army to hunt down the robbers.

It seems that it is not enough to take out the gem of conquest alone by relying on oneself.

Even with the help of the system, the boy who still didn't feel that he could fight against many enemies by himself looked at the group chat.

Just now, he saw a lot of names that were very familiar to him.

Chapter 3 Brothers, are you short of points?

Because the group owner suddenly died suddenly, the group chat was very lively.

Probably to understand the situation in the group, Su Han did not enter to say hello, but squatted on the side of the road and acted as a screen peeping monster.

The Spirit of Time: "So, did the previous liar who was spoiled for a long time and who could make a mistake with only two girls in the Wuhe family have an accident?"

The opening is a lightning strike.

There are only girls in the Wuhe family, and there is no such thing as Gil in Shidou-san or Shiori-san.

Su Han, who ate an incredible melon as soon as he came in, observed a second of silence for the former group owner.

The spoiler was slapped in the face before it even started. Under such a major premise, it is a bit difficult to pretend to be a fool to get benefits.

Executive Officer Bottom: "Although the group owner only talks about classical classics and wants to fool people when he mentions martial arts, martial arts should be very mediocre, but he also cheated some points when we didn't react, and it should be enough to buy some from the mall. Strengthening, why is it gone?"

"I also want to invite him to come to Tivat and have a good relationship with him."


After the failure of the spoiler, the former group owner's plan to use classical scriptures as a martial art to fool people also failed, and he was hated by Mr. Zhongli's wallet.

Doctor who loves cake: "There are some things, don't talk about it, the former group owner may be in an emergency, so he wants to defraud everyone's points and strength."

"The dead are the bigger ones, so don't mention these anymore."

continue to be sad.

The good old Dr. Romani also felt that the group owner was very problematic. Now, out of pity, he began to maintain the last dignity of the deceased.

"Wait, the live broadcast of Magical Girl Merry-chan is on, I'll go offline first."

Sadness on top of sadness, that maintenance was as fragile as a pancake in front of Merlin's temptation.

Never fall off the chain: "I feel like a third-rate liar really has nothing to be defended by a doctor. You don't know how arrogant his attitude is. He looks like someone in a difficult situation."

Unsurprisingly, all you see in the group are the group members who died violently before the discussion.

Except for the little donkey who doesn't seem to be online for some reason, everyone is discussing passionately.

Seeing these words, Su Han couldn't help but help his forehead.

Good guy, the former group owner is really the best.

Except for the Ami donkey, which has not appeared so far, among all the people present, only the doctor is willing to say a few words for him for the sake of "the dead are the greatest".

Listening to Dada Ya's words, it seems that he plans to directly retaliate against the former group leader at today's "face base time".

A good spoiler pretending to force the flow can be completed like this, it is absolutely amazing.

"So, what exactly is in the newcomer's red envelope?"

The magician lady, who is an electrical waste, sat at the desk and typed hard.

Probably because it was difficult to type, her slender calf swayed impatiently, and a section of thigh above the black silk was exposed beautifully, reflecting a tender white light under the bath of light.

"It's a zombie."

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