——Twenty worlds that are connected by branches, but do not interfere with each other, except for the basic rules, there is basically no similarity between them.

"It's a bit like the little world of the dumb goose."

Looking at the incomplete world, Su Han's expression was slightly subtle.

He actually envied Duo Goose. After all, she was a woman who followed the path of Saint Seiya in the Honkaikai world, and she was indeed a fighter who was in danger.

In the end, is he actually the same kind of person as Hollander?

Su Han's expression was a bit subtle, feeling that the "domains" established according to the particle points were remarkably similar to the broken world.

If there is any difference, the world bubble of Hollander exists, and then it was sealed before being disintegrated. It only needs Hollander to maintain stability. However, the "field" that Su Han possesses is constructed by relying on his own spiritual power.

The power of Youlander comes from the world bubble, and the power of the Kabbalah particle field comes from Su Han.

He and Hollander were mirror images of each other.

In terms of epic nature, Su Han's record of making up the world is actually a bit more terrifying.

So, what kind of monster was the ancestor of the four licking dogs?

He finally realized that he might have the same all-around type as Hollander, the young man fell into thinking.

Just creation - the primordial elves can create the world and expel reality, then what kind of monsters will they be, and what kind of supermodel existence will the "God" who accepts them bow down.

"Fortunately, I didn't go on the road of fire sword back then."

It was extremely rare, and Su Han, who vaguely felt that his abilities had a very high similarity with a system that was beyond heaven, began to feel fortunate.

I always felt that if he continued to excavate at that time, it was possible to suddenly discover that a giant snake ripped apart the world and shuttled from another multiverse.

"The Road of the Fire Sword, it sounds like it matches your abilities."

"But then again, don't you realize that in a sense, you can achieve omniscience and omnipotence within a certain range through 'domain domination'?"

The Doctor, who was familiar with the three Semitic religions, stood under the giant tree and sighed that her brother had really done the trick to the end, while despising her brother's ability to be so outrageous that he never thought of developing it well.

"Remind me to develop the world, but it turned out to be just to persuade me to sleep with a few more girls. You are more outrageous like this."

Facing his elder sister's ridicule, Su Han rolled his eyes, then looked at the "domain" formed on the branches of the giant tree.

Perhaps it was because Su Han's spiritual crystals had merged with the Eye of Darkness, and the Pixiu goods of the Eye of Darkness obviously did not intend to release too much energy to create flowers and plants. Therefore, those twenty fields were all lifeless and barren.

I always feel that I can try to merge these particle fields with things like world bubbles.

Perhaps because he envied Youlandel's fighting style of borrowing strength from the world at the first sign of disagreement, Mr. Su completely ignored his old sister's desire to hug his nephew and niece, and thought seriously about scooping up some world bubbles from the sea of ​​quanta. , the possibility of fusion with these particle fields.

Turn this semi-rotten tree into an anchor, stabilize the world bubble on the verge of disintegration, and then become your own help.

At that time, perhaps his profession should be changed to "Knowledge Source. Elemental Demolitionist".

The young man who still remembered that he was a magistrate took out his diary and wrote this thought down very seriously, and then he couldn't help frowning.

He has to dig graves next... cough, archaeology, he has to support Chaldea, maybe he has to fight with the beast of mercy, and then wait for fgo2.0 to start and continue to chop trees...

After doing this, he will probably get a lot of points, and then he will light up the ultimate super power that can even be blinded by demons - the ability to save money.

Obviously, accumulating points that can blind the boss is a huge project, and it takes a lot of points. Therefore, his itinerary is full, and it seems that he has no time to wander in the sea of ​​​​quantum, and then go to the world to make bubbles.

"It's so troublesome, it would be great if someone could offer me 10 billion points."

The boy opened his mouth and uttered a daydream that was simply outrageous.

"In that case, even in a super-standard world like the magic ban, you can open the world tiaojiao mode for a while."

"Xiaohan...Did you say something unhealthy?"

In response to this, Miss Su Xia's expression suddenly became subtle.

"For boys, it would be very unhealthy if they don't know terms like juvenile, young woman Baijie, and umbrella but not knife in rainy nights."

In response to this, the boy who had almost no moral integrity picked up his schedule and calculated his next actions.

"That's true."

After thinking for a while, Miss Su Xia nodded.

If Su Han is really a nerd who doesn't listen to things outside the window and only reads books on sages, then she's probably panicked into an old dog.

Su Han has no interest in girls, and the old Su family's incense is about to die! !

"So, you should prepare for a blind date next."

The girl who helped her brother develop new abilities by relying on his brain hole answered irritably.

"But—, I'd rather talk to Romani about something."

Perhaps because of the oppression of the demon gods, the young man who was very concerned about the points shrugged and broke his thoughts.


Hearing the name, Su Xia suddenly became alert.

This name sounds obviously male! And there is an inexplicable licking dog smell.

Your brother is actually more interested in it than Theresia?

The male bronze is by my side (×)

The male bronze turned out to be my brother (√)



An iron fist landed on the head of this cranky guy, causing him to let out a cute scream.

"I just said that I have something important to do with Romani, it doesn't mean I'm a male Tong."

Perhaps it was because he finally found out that he had the ability to time, and the boy who had been worried that he would not have enough time clapped his hands and said.

"However, with your operation, it's really hard for people not to think in the direction of Nantong!"

The girl muttered.

She has promoted her best friend countless times, and the result is: "I want to talk about things with Romani." To be honest, Miss Su Xia feels that her brother has a problem with it.

"I didn't say I didn't have a blind date."

In the slightly surprised expression of Miss Su Xia, the boy who could take others to another world by special means shrugged.

"Wanting to negotiate with Romani doesn't conflict with me asking for a blind date."

"I can take my sister to another world for a blind date."

==========Dividing Line==========

Tracy, an excellent ruler with an iron fist.

In terms of means, compared with the idealistic line of Tracy, who hopes to reconcile, Tracy's means are more direct and effective, relying on tough means to stabilize the regime and draw the sin pardoner by his side.

And after Teresia's death, Teresis has become a veritable regent, not a usurper.

In terms of personality, Tracy should also be a person with considerable charisma. In the eyes of the Swordsman Tower, this man who is sure to die in the eyes of the Swordsman Tower also has a large number of supporters.

In Born in the Dark, Sarkaz said that only the means of the regent can bring the future to Sarkaz.

Exchange swords for land that can be cultivated.

There is no doubt that this is a fanatical militarist.

As a monarch who is eager to bring strength to his kingdom with bravery, Tracy, like the Black Serpent, looks forward to war, and secretly organizes a riot called the Integration Movement, hoping it can provoke Ursus and Yan , destroying the inherent international order, and expanding externally while the two hegemonic countries are at war.

However, Terra Continent did not produce the massive chaos he had hoped.

A new chess player entered the chess game, forcibly destroyed the integration movement, and assassinated the king of Ursus, as if playing backgammon or even checkers, breaking this issue of "chess".

But now, the chess player invited him not long ago.

A handsome, tall man dressed in a military uniform was walking on the land of the imperial capital of Ursus.

Behind him, the Sarkaz with masks on their faces followed silently.

That is the sin pardoner, a monster with the same name as the Uthus inner guard and the Great Yan imperial guard.

Its number is about twenty.

That is undoubtedly an extremely frightening number.

Sarkaz is a war nation, and the sin pardoner is the fighting force at the apex of this war nation.

The Shining, known as the Sword Saint of Rhode Island, is just one member of this group.

Let's show the scene of twenty sword saints appearing on the battlefield at the same time. That can completely conquer the heavily fortified war fortress! !

To be honest, when a team of twenty sin pardoners entered the territory of another country, it could be regarded as a declaration of war.

However, there are people who lead such a team to enter Ursus today.

"Five groups of shield guards can slaughter a team of knights, four inner guards can sweep a settlement, three Wendigos can conquer a city-state, two armies can destroy a duchy, a king can disturb a land, Ursus It's an extension of my hands!"

As if recalling something, the man guarded by the pardoners raised his head and chanted.

That was the declaration issued by the previous king of Ursus after he had ravaged Casimir, Rutland, and even Victoria.

After his death, he stepped into the domain of that adored king.

It's just that things are different, and the chess player who controls this land is no longer the peerless tyrant that he admires.

But a new chess player.

The King of Shadows who expelled the Ursus royal family, the great nobles, and completed the centralization of power but was hidden behind the scenes.

That would be, what kind of existence would it be?

A man who needs to use war to bring prosperity to his country, this is probably the most powerful war weapon in the world of Terra.

"His Royal Highness, what are you thinking about?"

At the moment when the violent usurped king remembered a great king, the captain of the **** behind him looked at the regent with a strange expression and asked.

"Just in memory of a great king."

Tracy replied.

"The first emperor of Ursus?"

The captain of the **** team seemed to understand something and sighed.

"This land is no longer in the hands of the king's descendants."

"It's been less than twenty years since he died, and his kingdom was stolen by outsiders. It's really sad."

"No, it's nothing to be saddened about."

Facing the sigh of his guard, the king named Tracy just shook his head.

"There is no flag that never falls in this world. It is reasonable for a weak king to be decapitated by a powerful new king and take everything away."

"No matter how much we admire that king, there is no need to fight for it."

The man who usurped the throne spoke flatly.

"after all--"

"We're here for profit."

The king looked at the sky in the distance, thinking about the thoughts of a certain shadow emperor who invited him to come.

What would that guy want to do with himself?

Work together to share the big wave...ahem, Casimir?

It is a pity that Gaul has been defeated by Ursus, otherwise, he may be able to seize enough resources by defeating Gaul, completely control Victoria, and after digesting this, raid Ursus.

Thinking of this, the conspirator felt a little regret in his heart.

Gaul was destroyed too soon.

Without the supplies of Gaul, it would be difficult for him to transform Kazdel from a regional power into a world power in a short period of time.

However, if the current chess players of Ursus can be persuaded to wage war with him, then Kazdel can also make great progress.

With militarist fanaticism, the king continued to walk.

At the end of his path, the chess player was holding a longbow and playing with it.

ps: My cat is completely dead. The seven-day high-risk area of ​​cat plague has been resisted to the penultimate day. As a result, I didn’t get over it. It took some time to deal with the cat.

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