In the student days, there was a word called "persuade to quit".

Persuasion means to persuade to quit, literally speaking, it is still very mild.

But anyone with any brains understands that this is a term coined to get people out of school with dignity.

If I want to use a metaphor, it is probably that Hitler sent Rommel a pistol with only one bullet to let him test its power.

These statements are obviously in a conventional way to make the target burp a bit of face.

"Mrs. Cocolia, can you leave with dignity?"

The boy who seemed to be saving some face for Cocolia threw the sharp blood blade that could cut even a famous sword in front of the defeated woman.

The young man smiled, his obsidian-like eyes swirling with the breeze blowing through the still water-like microwaves, and the brilliance of all things swayed in it.

That scene is enough to make most of the girls heart beat.

His voice is also crisp and clear. If the way of speaking has a little ancient rhythm, without any modification, he can play the role of a young boy who was unrestrained in ancient times.

However, when the voice fell into the ears of Cocolia and Xing, it made them feel a chill that went deep into their bones.

he came.

With a death sentence.

Sentence announcing the death of Cocolia.

All this must be changed!

In a trance, Xing roared in his heart as if seeing the endless darkness on the young man.

Otherwise, it's all over!

Mother Cocolia will be put to death, everyone in the orphanage will be implicated, and Bronya and that crybaby will never come back...

"You guy-"

Xing Xing, who no longer wanted to see tragedy in the orphanage, clenched her fists, and the power of the stigmata emerged again.

Houkai, which is completely beyond the comprehension of normal people, erupted on her body, strengthening her body and giving it strength.

Like a vigorous tiger cub, the girl with the short knife in her hand was completely violent.

The power of time brought extreme speed, and the slender skin was torn by wind pressure, and blood beads oozing out.

The short knife in his hand turned into a streamer.

Dangerous, deadly.

So, give me death!

Xing has never been as thirsty for power as this moment.


The sound of pulling the trigger sounded.

When Xing's knife arrived in front of the boy, a bullet hit her.

Then, time stands still.

The girl who jumped up just stopped in the air, her face remained angry, the blade in her hand was still sharp, but it could not hurt anyone.

Then, a violent black shadow engulfed it.

"This kid with the same ability as me, I can't let you hurt, my most important person."

The girl who had never appeared on the battlefield finally showed up.

"Thank you, Miss Kuangsan."

The boy who had been honoring his companion all the time smiled and thanked the girl who had solved Xing by himself.

"It's just a little effort."

Listening to the group leader's thanks, the girl's beautiful red pupils almost turned into beautiful crescents.

"After all, with your undead body, let alone a sword, even if you throw it into the magma, you can still get out of your body."

"Hey, hey, that's going to hurt a lot."

The corners of the boy's mouth twitched slightly, who would not be burned to death by the magma.

"Okay, stop talking."

"Dadalia's side can't hold it anymore, go and help."

In front of the officer who regarded the Walter clone as his trump card, the boy issued the death penalty to the Walter clone.

"With you as a support, everything will be resolved very well."

This defiant attitude obviously angered another group of people here.

"Unknown enemy, leave the executor for me!"

The roar from the anti-entropy radical members came.

Then, the sound of a mechanical start sounded.

Anti-entropy is an organization that is extremely good at mechanical engineering, and they have the most advanced weapons in the world.

Whether it's gunships, missiles, mechs, they're all specialized.

Undoubtedly, at this moment, that sound is the horn of war.

It is conceivable that when those weapons roar together, the anti-entropy people will teach him what war is.

However, even if he was locked by the anti-entropy radicals, the boy's expression did not change.

This is also not difficult to understand.

The Eye of Darkness endowed him with an inextinguishable body and theoretically infinite magic power. He didn't need to care about danger at all and could show his will to the fullest.

He just continued to speak shyly.

"Lord Cocolia, may I ask you to die?"

It was clear that there were still boys from other anti-entropy troops around, and they didn't care about them at all, and announced loudly.

"With the support of the world snake, secretly steal the gene of the leader of the alliance, and use this as a blueprint to create a large number of replicators, and then use the replicators as puppets to usurp the power of anti-entropy."

"Afterwards, disregarding basic morality, he attempted to create a major collapse in Changkong City, using the people of a city as sacrifices, trying to awaken the Third Herrscher."

"Can you commit so many mistakes earlier and leave this world decently?"

As if a tsunami occurred, the anti-entropy members who threatened Su Han in the distance were completely stunned.

Awakening the Third Herrscher, this kind of thing is something that the radicals are aware of, and it is not a big deal.

They were originally radicals in anti-entropy, and they did not take human experiments as wrong at all.

Making androids isn't a big deal either.


Making replicas of Walter Joyce...

Create a replica of the man who leads anti-entropy, fights Honkai, and fights destiny, and then controls the right to anti-entropy?

In other words, what his group has done so far is actually a betrayal?

For a time, a dead silence permeated the land.

"What evidence do you have to prove this?"

On the anti-entropy position, there is probably the voice of the representative of the anti-entropy radical today.

"You don't think that a man who can fight against the destiny by himself and become the enemy of the bishop of destiny can only construct a hundred times the gravity field."

Very straightforward, the boy gave his evidence.

"Walter Joyce's gravitational field power comes from analyzing the key of God - the Star of Eden. The power that Walter can reproduce is the same level as the Star of Eden and the largest expansion mode of the Star of Eden. , is ten thousand times the gravity."

"I think, no matter how injured he is, he won't only be able to show hundreds of times the gravity."

A death-like silence spreads indefinitely.

"Bang bang bang-!!"

After a long time, gunshots rang out.

It was an attack from the anti-entropy position.

The gunshots sounded one after another, accompanied by women's wailing and terrifying blood-colored plum blossoms.

The precise shot, like a poisonous snake, hit the woman's limbs mercilessly, abolishing all her mobility.

Then, the previous voice came from the anti-entropy position again.

"This unknown friend, I think, we should be able to talk."

Chapter 26 Anti-entropy? It's Snake Shield

oh oh oh.

Which Xiongtai is doing it?

The boy who planned to kill Cocolia directly or give Cocolia as a small gift to Thunderbolt Ryoma looked at the woman with his limbs twisted directly beside him, and let out a cry of surprise.

That was definitely an attack from a top gunslinger.

The role of sniping is to use high-precision kills to carry out precise strikes on target military units, making them incapacitated and deterring them.

Because in order to ensure one-shot kill, it is necessary to aim, the weapon will vibrate when shooting, and the accuracy of continuous shooting will be reduced, and the range of current sniper weapons is already super long, and a slight vibration can cause great effects. deviation.

How high is the vibration requirement for sniping?

Many war shooting games have a breath-hold function, which means that just a slight shake caused by the sniper's own exhalation is enough to affect the accuracy.

The enemy who was thousands of meters away was undoubtedly using a burst sniper rifle.

With that kind of weapon, it was possible to make bullets grazed through Cocolia's limbs with unparalleled precision, breaking its limbs, without killing it directly, or even letting its limbs fall off.

With this achievement, he will definitely become a **** among snipers. In the future, snipers from all over the world will have to give him three incense sticks before they go on the battlefield.

"Tohsaka, you go back first."

Su Han, who felt as if he had encountered a very serious enemy, whispered to Tohsaka Rin, who was the most fragile in his group.

Tohsaka Rin is a magician.

A sorcerer who deceives the world and achieves various phenomena.

Hypnosis, displacement, curse, life exploration, seance...

These bizarre and hair-raising techniques are only basic skills for her. There is no doubt that her ability in the eyes of uninformed people is like opening the door to the evil door, and the evil door is home.

Before that, she took advantage of the fact that the Titan, which could hammer the Valkyrie into pieces of the Valkyrie, had no measures to defend against magic, and dismantled those mechas that cost tens of millions.

As long as she is willing to play yin, even someone ten times stronger than her is likely to be directly slain to death.

However, most occupations have shortcomings.

Tohsaka Rin's body is actually very fragile.

Moreover, it is difficult for her technique to affect the place that is at least seven or eight kilometers away from her. If there is a conflict, she will be an immobile target in front of the top sniper.

"I see."

Tohsaka Rin, who had basically done nothing after he came here, felt a little unwilling.

However, having already understood the current situation, she chose to follow Su Han's advice and tore up the invitation letter.

In front of everyone's eyes, the girl turned into a ray of light and disappeared from this world.

"Since you said you want to talk to me, why don't you come out and meet?"

Probably because the whole family is either a forensic doctor or is studying forensic medicine, and the teenager who doesn't care about the **** scene greets him in the distance.

Unlike the crispy skin of Rin Tohsaka, he is a magician who is integrated with the Eye of Darkness.

Well, although he doesn't even know how to do magic, he is indeed a magician. In theory, he is a magician at the level of the taboo field.

Because of the magic power of the reverse transfer, he is almost immortal. If you want to kill him, you must at least tie him to the center of the hydrogen bomb explosion.

But considering what the system gave, Hu Hai, who could escape even if he encounters space blockade, time reversal and other things, is really difficult to find something that can bind him.

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