Listening to Su Han's inexplicable failure to strike up a conversation, but insisting on finding a way to go downstairs, Shokuhou Caoqi was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

The emotional intelligence of this guy is really contagious.

If you want to find the stairs, don't you just need a cup of milk tea or a piece of cake?

In the case of the man's face value online and an apology, as long as the other party's things are not excessive, Shokuhou Cao Qi definitely doesn't mind showing his tolerance and giving the other party a step down.

Of course--

The premise is that the other party is willing to apologize.

Well, a cup of milk tea with a piece of cake.

Only a bunch of remote controls were found in the bag, and the girl who couldn't find a bank card or credit card looked at the exhibition in the cake shop in front of her, and a rare star flashed longing in her eyes.


Expressionless, Su Han clapped his hands, took out a golden leaf from his pocket, and passed it as a red envelope.

"Golden Leaf, as a general equivalent, it should be able to cover you for a month... No, a week's living expenses."

"Hey, uncle, are you unexpectedly rich?"

Very suspicious, Shokuhou Caoqi accepted the red envelope with a slightly suspicious expression.

However, soon, the doubts on her face disappeared, and she jumped into the cake shop. Cake, sell yourself.

Maybe it's because the memory has been deleted, it's completely different from the character in the set, and it looks very lively.

Because of the Tokiwadai uniform that represented the famous lady, the clerk contacted the boss after being suspicious for a while, checked it, and gave all the desserts he wanted and the remaining change to the identification. An outrageously high girl.

Just like all the little girls who love sweets, this superpower who gave up on the past quickly found a place and ate his favorite dessert in a big mouth, and his beautiful star eyes narrowed all of a sudden. became a crescent moon.


As if she suddenly remembered something, the girl quickly clicked the cake in front of her, and the next moment, the cake that had been cut in half was sent to another world.

"what is this?"

Su Han looked a little surprised when the cake was suddenly delivered.

"Although your speech is very salty, uncle, but, after all, you are someone who can call out my name. If you think about it this way, you are also my acquaintance."

"Is it a strange thing to invite an acquaintance to eat a piece of cake?"

As if predicting Su Han's reaction, the girl playfully picked up the dessert fork she was using, and shook it with a playful expression, with a little smugness that predicted other people's behavior.

Will the guy who claims to be the queen actually turn into a little devil after losing his memory?

Seeing the girl who was using her own money to treat herself to dessert, Su Han couldn't help but sigh.

How reasonable is this kind of behavior of borrowing Buddha's flowers?

"Okay, uncle, if you want to say something to me next, just say it directly."

Perhaps it was because she had already filled her stomach, and this flat chest was reminiscent of the eldest lady who was the only designated spokesperson for Shenzhou Tablet. She couldn't help blinking her eyes and asked with a smile.

As a superpower, Shokuhou is obviously very rational.

After messing around, she quickly thought about another thing.

--who I am? What am I going to do?

First of all, according to the unknown salty and wet uncle, he should be a superpower at the peak of the spiritual system.

This ability basically rejected the possibility of being persecuted by others through mental ability and losing memory.

When she first woke up, she also went to the toilet to observe herself, and did not find any injuries caused by the beating, and the probability of physical damage could basically be dispatched.

If you rule out two possibilities at one time, then the scope of the reasons for losing your memory will be reduced to a certain extent.

External machine influence, drug ingestion, and -- own behavior.

Vaguely, you can feel that the girl who is resisting taking out a remote control from her bag seems to have some answers in her heart.

"This uncle who seems to know me very well, can you tell me my story?"

"For example, I have a pessimistic view of those things in my life or something."

Sure enough, the IQ of superpowers is high.

Su Han couldn't help but think of one of his substitute students, and he couldn't help but look a little contemptuous.

The paramecia, who is not alone and never uses its brain, can only be sent to Siberia to pull a sled, compared to the bee-eater.

"Didn't you already guess some possibilities?"

He didn't learn Kelsey to be a riddle person, and Su Han explained the reason very bluntly.

"The best clown can't relieve his depression, and the person with the strongest mental ability can't understand his own mind."

"The strongest mentally capable person in history has become a bridge between himself and others because he hates his own ability, so he chose to give up his memory and start a new life. If your amnesia state was not beaten out by other people , then, the reason why you lost your memory should be this."

Such an answer made the physical waste wood who was eating the cake looked slightly unhappy.

If she wants to give up everything and embrace a new future, it doesn't seem to hold true for her.

after all--

She already knew what kind of person she was in the past.

No matter how much she resists the past, she will soon learn who she is from the casual communication of others in her life.

after all--

A vertex is a vertex because there can only be one.

In this city where he has left a lot of traces, it is only a matter of time before he is caught up by his past.

So, do you want to live in another place next?

The superpower who didn't want to know about his past at all, thinking about it, his slender and beautiful little hands didn't know when he touched his small bag.

Although she lost her memory, she didn't even need to look at it to find out her ability to give commands to the corresponding remote control, and she had already informed her of the abilities she possessed.

Emotional transplantation, memory correction, impression manipulation, mind reading, child degeneration...

With an ability close to the Swiss Army Knife, he can survive in an unknown city.

However, it is better to have someone take care of it.

Academy City's weakest group of seven is no nonsense, Shokuhou Kaori is an out-and-out physical idiot.

It doesn't make much sense whether the other party is a good person or a bad person. After all, he is the strongest mentally capable person.

She didn't want to use her abilities, but when necessary, she didn't mind using her abilities. The psychic lady stretched out her hand and tapped her chin, her beautiful eyes flashing a little slyness.

\"Uncle, do you want to try to fall in love with me?\"

Chapter 56: Prying Your Boyfriend Has a Price

\"Uncle, do you want to try to fall in love with me?\"

The bizarre speech spit out from the girl's mouth, causing the people in the group chat to fall into a collective shock.

"Ah this... I've only known you for a long time, and I'll give it for nothing. Boss, have you recently acquired something very strange, such as equipment that increases your favorability?"

The first to react was Miss Irena.

This witch lady, who seems to have seen many strange props because of her background in the magical world view, asked very seriously.

Forcing goodwill through special props sounds outrageous, but if it happened to the boss, it would be as natural as an origami master digging a basement at home.

With such a premise, it was hard not to make Irena wonder if Su Han had acquired some strange weapon.

"Don't make a fuss, there are weapons that forcibly increase the favorability level—there are rare things in the world view. Where can I find that kind of weapon that increases favorability?"

Su Han, who didn't remember his bizarre ability at all, replied angrily, and then seemed to remember something.

"The key of erosion seems to have that ability."

"But the thing about the Jizo Yusoul is still buried in the ground, and I haven't had time to dig it."

The key of erosion - Jizo Yusoul, because of the trouble of one of the thirteen heroes of the fire-chasing moth, the key of God is destined to be difficult to form.

The power and soul of the Herrscher of the erosion of the previous era exists in the half-completed God Key, which can silently expand a person's likes and dislikes of external things like a virus, and turn the infected into himself 's servants.

Thinking of this, Su Han felt a little regretful.

Back then, he was forced to a dead end by the dumb goose, so he could only surrender, and he was unable to dig out the item that the Herrscher turned into that almost led to the extinction of the human race in the previous era.

If you can get the Jizo Soul, then where will there be so many things?

Go directly to the Destiny Intranet, and pinch the power supply that should probably be called "Otto's AI".

After pinching, you can appear as "Otto Apocalis" and directly control the destiny.

Or, go directly to the candidates of the Herrscher, plant the seeds of "erosion" in their hearts in advance, and organize a team of Herrscher troops when necessary.


It's a bit late now.

The young man, who can fight even if he meets the end, looks very annoyed.

After a few months, if he can think of this, how can he still fight alone?

It is what you should do when you plan your strategy in the tent and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away.

The boy who had already knocked out the epic mission - the decisive battle against Takamiya Mio sighed.

For him now, the general Herrscher is actually no different from the miscellaneous soldiers, and the plan to obtain the Herrscher's allegiance through the key of erosion is naturally meaningless.

However, if Jizo Miku can usher in an upgrade, it should be useful in his future combat power.

Su Han pondered.

Then, he couldn't help but look at Shokuhou Misaki, who was probably thinking of some weird idea, and then looked at Tokisaki Kurumi, who was his real girlfriend, feeling a little hesitant.

Although Miss Tokizaki has been numb to the point of forgetting what vinegar smell is because she has been faced with a tauren by her clone all the year round.

However, Shokuhou Shiki is going a little too far.

It was certain that a certain superhuman was playing a very strange abacus, and Su Han sighed.

In front of him, he dunked the green hat. In his knowledge, no one had ever swallowed this breath, except for Mio Chongnomiya, whose endurance was worthy of a "god".

I feel that there are other ways to make this superhuman who doesn't know what he is thinking about come to Su Han to think about it.

So, still refuse-

"Su Jun, promise her."

Surprisingly, a message from Kuangsan Tokisaki made Su Han stunned.

Miss Tokisaki didn't seem to be provoked.

"That girl named Shokuhou Misaki is a ticking time bomb, isn't it?"

A very rational answer came from Tokisaki Kurumi's private chat page.

"Although I don't know what she is thinking now, but anyway, since she wants to be with you, she naturally wants to meet you."

"Anyway, it's better to promise."

That expression made Su Han's expression, who was the real boyfriend of Tokisaki Kuangsan, suddenly become subtle.

Tokisaki Kurumi has a really great personality, and turns a blind eye to the close relationship between himself and other girls, but, in the face of this kind of direct buttoning behavior...

If you're not angry, it's a little abnormal.

She is not a tower rua who was married in name.

"Don't you think that her speech is improving the adaptability of you and Bishop of Destiny?"

Su Han's expression was very subtle.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter to me."

The girl whose expression could not be called gentle or full of wives wrote the name "Shokuhou Kaohsi" on her memo with the fearful expressions of the other elves beside her.

Most of the time, she can turn a blind eye to the fact that her man is very close to other girls. After all, more than half of the girls who are very close to her man are her compatriots. The other part is also a good boy who gets along well with each other.

"It's good to analyze from the overall situation, don't worry about some of my feelings."

The elf lady who proposed to let Su Han accept the confession said with a smile, and anyone could feel the wrong words.

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