Not long ago, she was bitten.

The younger brother of the Doctor, a teenager who even looked down on the existence known as the true ancestor of vampires.

He chose to drink the blood of the true vampire ancestor because of his sister's unreasonable trouble, and then bit himself.

As if to recall something, she gently stretched out her hand and stroked the scar. The scene in that dark night appeared in her mind.


As if something very strange had been triggered, the woman's face flushed alluringly red, and her plump thighs couldn't help but tighten.

Not long after the gaffe, the doctor quickly took out the needle, drew his own blood, and started testing.

Soon, various hormone data about her came out.

Some data... overrun.

In an extremely difficult situation, the doctor took out a pen and paper and wrote on the report.

"After drinking the blood of the true ancestor, the experimental subject did not show that the blood race was activated, and the blood-sucking person would have a strong desire. It can be guessed that the experimental subject did not cover the blood of the true ancestor because his bloodline was too strong. , but selectively absorb and strengthen.”

Honestly, that feeling is really unforgettable.

Kelsey once didn't believe that someone would go crazy because of sex, but if the pleasure brought by sexual desire is consistent with the sense of being bitten by the boy, then she can understand.

That extreme joy made Kelsey wonder if he was taking some kind of psychotropic drug.

"If the doctor wants to cut off his family, then don't worry."

Even alone, the lynx muttered to himself.

After confirming the data after being sucked blood, the doctor immediately began to come up with another blank experimental report.

The title read "Research on Substances Infused by Target X's Blood-sucking".


Didn't find out what it was?

He could clearly feel that his body was formed when he was pierced by the fangs, and the doctor whose chest seemed to be hot gently lifted his collar and observed his chest.

At that point, something should have been injected.

However, at that time, I was patronizing and restraining my desires, and I didn't pay much attention to it, I could only be sure that it seemed to be hidden from my chest.

What exactly is that?

The woman who had used almost all the instruments in Rhode Island to check her body couldn't help but sighed.

Sure enough, still no results?

Thinking like this, she couldn't help but look at the clock in the laboratory.

It's getting late, it's time to rest.

After half a day of experiments, it was only found that the blood-sucking behavior of the vampire ancestors would cause the old lynx whose vampires had elevated certain hormones to return to his dormitory, take off his coat, and hang it on a hanger.

As a doctor, Kelsey has a very serious cleanliness addiction. After completing the experiment, he will naturally choose to take a bath.

Take off the clothes, turn on the shower, the white skin is hidden in the hazy water vapor, like a dream.

So, what the heck is going on?

Standing under the shower, the doctor stroked his chest with a puzzled expression.



Without warning, hot sensations rose in her chest, making the doctor who was showering stiff.

Chapter 41 Could this be the legendary reverse summoning?


A monster from another world.

As a collection of magical powers, the so-called Beasts are monsters between the physical and the virtual, and their lower limit is very high.

Due to the difference in the overall mana level of the vampire generations, the strength of the beasts is also different.

However, they are the trump cards of the vampires who are the kings of the demons after all. Even the lowest-level beasts are not inferior in destructive power to gunships or tanks. With the rise of the vampire generation, the power of the beasts also explodes degree rises.

Beasts are extremely powerful monsters, this is common sense.

With the magic power surpassing that of the True Ancestor, it is natural to be able to summon the highest-ranking Beasts.

Three minutes ago, Su Han thought so, and gathered a little bit of magic power to forcibly tear open the door to the world where he lives.


Su Han looked at the figure that he summoned... which could probably be called a beast. On his face with a cynical smile, a rare expression called horror appeared.

From the outside, it was a girl.

Light green short hair, shoulder-length, green eyes, like emeralds.

If you look down, it will be a beautiful spring.

One of the slender arms is hidden in front of Yingying's chest, perhaps because the arm is too slender, and only the most important part of that wonderful arc is covered, while the other arm is pressed down on the chest. inner thigh...

Even if she tried to block it, her delicate skin and the moving curves of her slender waist were still clearly visible.

In the center of her collarbone, in a slightly sunken position, it is easy to recall the eccentric pattern of the tree of inverse Kabbalah shining faintly.

That is one of the best riddlers on the Terra continent, and the most stinky cat in Rhode Island.

That's Kelsey.

In this world dominated by vampires and beasts, a mon3rh pendant appeared.

"Boss, is this the most destined beast?"

The witch, who was almost blown away by the magical hurricane, looked at the naked beauty who seemed to have some foam on her body, with a look of astonishment.

"Boss, are you sure the name of the summoning technique you are using is Beast Summoning instead of Harem Technique?"

"If you want to achieve the art of the harem, the person who was summoned by me should be someone with the ability of time."

In front of his heart, the young man with the tree of positive and negative Kabbalah looked at the big cat who was complained by his elder sister as "stinky mouth until six or seven hundred years before he was married", his expression stiff.

The essence of summoning beasts is the same as the summoning of servants in the world of Xingyue. In fact, they are very similar. People with hot temperaments are mostly cold and ruthless characters who cannot summon any beasts with the ability of ice, snow and healing. , and it is unlikely to summon any Holy Light pets.

So, do you have anything to do with this stinky cat? The only one who will like this product is Dou M! !


What the hell! !

"Have you seen enough?"

Just like asking the death row prisoner if he wanted to adjust the bgm when he was shot, Miss Lynx's eyes were so cold that she seemed to be able to freeze time and space.

As a friend of the Doctor, Kelsey doesn't hate her brother, and at a meeting, he almost hammered himself into the traveler who was going to accompany Theresia.

This is not difficult to understand.

After all, that was completely on his side, and would help recapture Kazdel and even resurrect Her Royal Highness's friendly forces.

Although the guy seemed to have done something very rude to himself, he himself seemed to be unaware of the changes after he drank the blood of the True Ancestor, and it could be considered that it never happened.

Although... still very angry.

But after all, it can't be beaten, and for the time being, it can only be treated as if nothing happened.


Some things can't be done too much.

Kelsey, who was still taking a bath just now, didn't even have time to grab a towel, and felt the sight of her body wandering, and her voice was cold.

In less than two days, her summoned beast, mon3tr, was dismantled, people were beaten, bitten, and even summoned after taking a shower...

"Can I say I haven't seen enough?"

In the face of Kelsey's questioning, Su Han instinctively made a speech that made the young lady beside him froze.

Although I often heard that the old sister was breastfeeding Kelsey like she was breastfeeding Skadi, Kelsey was a vicious beauty after all.

Well, beautiful people's bad breath is called poisonous tongue, and the bad ones are pure bad breath.

The exceptions are Bow Step Flash and Black Mud Flash.

He's good-looking, but he's still a stinky man who needs to push his head into the toilet to wash.

Listening to the shameless speech from his close friend and brother, a layer of frost condensed on Hello Kitty's face.

As if making a decision, with Su Han's shocked expression, she let go of her arm covering her body and strode in front of Su Han.

The sight of spring in the garden filled his eyes, making the boy who didn't summon the beast he wanted instinctively swallowed.

"Does it look good?"

The Hello Kitty, who was dragged out just after taking a bath, suppressed the anger that was overflowing in her chest, and let out a rare smile. The smile was so bright that Su Han, who thought this cat only had bad breath, was stunned.

Heck, the Queen Mother actually still laughs and even gives benefits.

Following his own desires, Su Han nodded.


"Since it's so fun to watch, then it's time to charge some viewing fees."

On the side of Irena's gloating expression, the naked cat's graceful arms like the neck of a swan are raised high in Irena's amazed look...



The beautiful hand was raised high and fell heavily, and the crisp applause sounded, making the young man's face rise...

Um, nothing floats up.

On the contrary, the pain like a bone fracture spread all the way down Kelsey's wrist to her perception center.

It hurts! !


It's been a long time since I felt... um, Kelsey, who had not felt this severe pain for a day, couldn't help but let out a pained sound.

The foundation of Su Han is a fusion warrior who can wrestle with the Emperor-level Honkai Beast, even if it does not include the bonus of positive and negative Kabbalah, he can still face the cannon.

His face was so hot that he wanted to hit him, so he guessed he had to let the Patriots shoot in marching mode.

"...what are you doing?"

Looking at the big cat who slapped himself, but started to eat pain, Su Han was silent for a long time.

The sound of eating pain came from the mouth of the stared Hello Kitty, making the surrounding atmosphere extremely embarrassing.

It was obvious that he was the one who was beaten, so why did Kelsey look like he was beaten?

Su Han rarely felt that his brain was not enough.

Kelsey, who chose to slap the pervert fiercely, felt the unidentified gaze on the opposite side, and felt that his gaze was darkened by anger.

Why did this guy have nothing to do with him after he fanned him?

What kind of anti-human creature is this? !

For a while, a strange silence formed between Su Han and Kelsey.

"Boss, could your face be the legendary Wall of Chloe?"

The first to react was the scumbag witch who was a bystander.

The witch hurriedly took off her coat and put it on Kelsey, who was now in a worse condition than a vacuum, while complaining to her boss, who was really getting more and more outrageous.

"The physical resistance is extremely high, the magic resistance is extremely high, and there is even a counter-injury."

"That's just the most basic protection provided by the hypervariable factor and the Kabbalized Eye of Darkness."

Su Han, whose physical strength mainly comes from the Honkai Beast factor, looked at the witch who was putting a coat on Kelsey, and quickly took off his coat.

Irena's coat is not big, only enough to cover the upper body and the area to the base of the thigh. If Kelsey only wears that, if the walking range is slightly increased, it will disappear on the spot.

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