At first glance, it sounds like six, but in fact, the first two are completely arranged by Corsice, without any reference value.

As for the latter...

Well, before the black snake possessed Tallulah, the rectification movement was actually just a small group wandering around in the snow.

Obviously, Miss Tarua's ability as a leader is definitely not outstanding, and now, she is absolutely not outstanding in leadership ability, she is indeed directly assigned the throne of King Ursus...

This is like a college student who is a little talented suddenly receiving an invitation letter from the United Nations to go to work.

You feel that your life is stable, then work in the United Nations, add your resume, and then slowly climb up, and then there will definitely be a bright future.


When you get there, a group of big men tied you directly to the chairman's desk and let you deal with the conflict between the rabbit and the eagle, the struggle between John Bull and the Gallic chicken on the fish farm, and the country dumped the thunder element to assassinate the sea **** Poseidon...

To be honest, there is no direct fainting, it is already a good mental tolerance.

Today's Miss Tallulah is facing such a situation.

She's a small group leader who ends up running a country destined for great change...

"Excuse me, do you have any suggestions?"

Very cautious, the dragon girl asked for advice from the young man who, in his own knowledge, was basically equal to the mechanical cat.

"Personally, it is recommended to come directly to a special jurisdiction."

As if he had encountered something very interesting, the boy raised his eyebrows and said a certain name that was quite famous in history.

You mention this, and I'm excited.

The soul of the players of the p club began to burn.

In the winter of 1564, Ivan the Terrible implemented his original "special jurisdiction" in the country, dividing the country's territory into two parts.

One is the Special Jurisdiction, which is mainly composed of territory in the heart of Russia, and is ruled by the Special Jurisdiction Army appointed by the Tsar.

One is the ordinary area, mainly the remote and backward areas, which are managed by the noble lords. Many great nobles were driven from the special jurisdiction to the ordinary area, which greatly weakened their power.

Simply put, it is to cut the fan.

In this way, Ivan the Terrible quickly transformed Russia, which was only the Principality of Moscow at the time, into Tsarist Russia.

"Special jurisdiction, what is that?"

Miss Tallulah, who couldn't understand such a thing, looked a little dazed.

"Mao bear characteristic centralism."

Mao bear characteristic centralism, what is that?

Tallulah was still puzzled, but she did not ask questions again.

She saw the boy across from him stretch out his hand to her.

"These things are a bit difficult for you. If you don't know how, I'll teach you."

Don't you hate the feeling of being in power?

Looking at the outstretched hand, doubts rose again in Long Nu's heart.

As if sensing Tallulah's mood, the boy spoke and gave the reason.

"It's boring to deal with government affairs, but after all, you're my fiancee, aren't you?"

"It's a matter of course to help your fiancée, isn't it?"

The young man smiled, with a faint smile.

Help your fiancée?

A strange feeling rose in the dragon girl's heart.

Chapter 24 Sister Ta Zi is the best in the world

Cut the city.

A name that is not unfamiliar to boat players.

At the beginning of the plot, the player who is the Tower of Swordsman sleeps in the sarcophagus of Chernobog next to him, and then the coffin board is lifted by the little donkey, and then he is forced to wake up and become a ruthless migrant worker.

This place is also no stranger to Tallulah.

The silver-haired dragon girl looked at the city that was once regarded by the integration movement as a base that must be conquered and turned into a base with an unprecedented complex expression.

after all--

Not long ago, her body was occupied by a black snake, and she was hammered by Dardalia who fell from the sky.

But now, when she comes here again, her identity is already the prince of Ursus. Such a huge contrast really makes her feel "a special feeling in her heart".

\"Boss, two honey cakes and black tea.\"

Unlike Tallulah, who had an unusual expression, Su Han seemed quite natural.

He casually found a shop that looked very ordinary, said hello to the boss inside, and then patted it with a big hand to get nine coins...ahem, nine dragon gate coins.

That should never appear in the currency of Ursus, and it was photographed on the table that was wiped clean, but had traces of wind and frost, which made the plainly dressed store manager stunned for a moment.

"Are you from the Yan Kingdom?"

"Rounded up, probably."

In response to this, the young man said words that could only be described in ambiguous terms, and answered with a smile.

That scene made the native Ursus shopkeeper hesitate.

The Dragon Gate coin is the common currency of Terra Continent, but for the Ursus people, the Dragon Gate coin is still a bit... contradictory.

The reason is also very simple. The essence of Longmen Coin is the currency of the Yan Kingdom, and the relationship between Ursas and the Yan Kingdom is not harmonious.

"Your money... is not easy to get."

The manager's bear ears swayed and he looked a little embarrassed.

"The economy has been withered to such a degree that Longmen coin is more valuable, isn't it?"

In response, Su Han just smiled and shoved the few Longmen coins into the store manager's hand.

"Don't look for it, the rest are tips."

Nine hundred dragon gate coins, in front of the doctor of the guard who is proficient in human nature shouting "I, Shirtel, Jing Er", may just be the money between the teeth, but for an ordinary citizen of Ursus , which is obviously a huge sum.

It was as if he was in a daze, the store manager Ursus grabbed the money in his hand, and then looked around like a thief. After realizing that no one was there, he hurried towards the kitchen.

Soon, two platters of Ursus-style pastries were respectfully brought to the table where Su Han was sitting.

"My dear fiancee, let's have some afternoon tea."

As if he was making fun of something, the boy spoke in a relaxed and happy tone to the girl with whom he did have a marriage contract.

A monarchy is born either from the people or from the nobility, depending on which of the two has the opportunity. When the nobles found themselves unable to stand against the people, they began to unite to lift up one of the nobles and make him a monarch in order to satisfy their desires under his protection.

The common people, too, when they found themselves unable to stand up to the nobles, united in support of one of the common people, and made him a monarch in order to receive his authoritarian protection.

Compared with a person who becomes a monarch due to the support of the people, it is more difficult for a person who has obtained the monarchy with the help of the nobles to maintain his existing position, because the monarch is surrounded by many people who think he is equal to him, which makes him unable to follow his own Wish to rule or govern them. With the support of the people and the power of the monarchy, he finds himself in a very high place, and almost everyone around him is the only one.

This is a classic speech in a monarchy that was regarded as a model by Italian emperors - the Western version of the theory of water-borne boats and water-overturning boats.

Since Tallulah wanted to take on the responsibility of being the crown prince, she naturally needed to know about the general public in Ursus.

It just so happened that Su Han also received a message from Miss Chip Witch, and learned that she had knocked out many witches and could send them to Terra Continent to move bricks at any time. She needed a city to temporarily house those who could be doctors, miners, repair technicians, teachers and even temporary workers. The ultimate worker in the army.


In this regard, the current Crown Prince of Ursus is also looking into the distance, his brows slightly wrinkled.

To be honest, she doesn't really like the position of Crown Prince Ursus very much.

The nobles of Ursus are often associated with blood and violence.

This matter can be seen from the early exposure of Rhodes Island, and it will be hostile to many Ursus operators. It is not difficult to see how intense the class contradictions of Ursus are.

And Emperor Ursus was the ultimate landlord at the pinnacle of the aristocracy.

As a righteous person cultivated by Grey Snake, Miss Tarua obviously prefers to be the sword and shield of the weak, rather than the leader of the nobles held hostage by the nobles.

But things changed again when the title fell on her head.

On the back of power is responsibility. This is what everyone should understand except the Anglo-Saxon gangsters and those mud monkeys who can't help them.

She looked at the people walking on the street, every one of them looked tired, disabled soldiers wearing medals begging on the street, hoping someone could see a few coins thrown in the glory of the past, hordes of unemployed Shrinking before the labor agency, not like a bear, like a stray dog ​​with a broken spine...

However, if you raise your head and look into the distance, you can clearly see the manor of the old nobles and the new nobles.

Although it is not a good thing to label a country or region, "the force is strong, the people's livelihood is withering, and the class contradiction is serious" is the portrayal of Ussas today.

This is not difficult to determine.

In the episode - The Children of Ursus, it is explicitly mentioned that the unemployment rate in Chie City is high, and Sonya (Winter)'s family cannot support their children's high school tuition.

No, that's not true either.

In fact, they couldn't even afford the tuition fees for more basic education. Lin Dong was able to graduate from junior high school entirely because the prototype of Ursus's emperor was Ivan the Terrible.

Ivan IV was the most educated of all Russian grand dukes and tsars. He attached great importance to the development of Russian cultural undertakings, so he implemented compulsory education.

If it wasn't for the emperor's legacy, Lin Dong might even have to go to a vocational school to learn crafts and earn a living before graduating from junior high school.

In the plot, out of pity, the patriots gathered all the students in the city with the nonsense reason that "kidnapping noble students can demand a ransom", and then the students were divided into the noble student camp and the ordinary student camp on the spot, and then They fought each other, and even burned the granaries that the Patriots had left for them in the fight.

There is no doubt that both class contradictions and people's livelihood have reached a limit.

Ursus is a military state, relying on **** plundering externally and brutal repression internally. It is one of the few things in the world's political system that is more outrageous than imperialism.

The natural environment of Ursus is very harsh, coupled with natural and man-made disasters, considering that the Ark is a technology tree that is crooked to the sky, don’t think about the development of talented crops.

The name of the current emperor is consistent with that of the famous Emperor Hanbi of the Liuris Dynasty. The giant bear of Ursus is like an old general on the stage, with flags all over his body.

Of course, people take food as their heaven. If a Dao De Tianzun suddenly falls on Ursus and asks everyone to eat bread, Ursus may try to change his life against the sky.

Of course, in terms of national conditions, it should be the corn czar who will land in Ussas, and the corn planting industry should be vigorously developed (surely).


Has it decayed to such an extent?

He could vaguely remember what Ursus looked like when he was still young, and Tallulah sat silently at the table.

Although the reason she agreed to ascend the throne was to revive her best friend and improve the status of the infected, but after being crowned the crown prince, she couldn't help but care about the citizens who were far better than the infected, but were equally sad. .

"I always feel... this city is different from what I saw when I was a child."

The heavy burden called responsibility made her raise her head and look at the boy who chose to find someone to be enthroned because he did not want to bear the responsibility, with a nervous expression.

He said that he would teach himself to try to be a reliable prince or even a king.

Not long ago, she thought that the infected were weak and needed someone to do justice for them. Now it seems that it is far more than just the infected who need justice.

"Of course it's not the same. When you were young, Ursus was eating the war bonus, the military nobles were full of oil, and the ordinary people were also suffering, but now, the distance from the late emperor... er, no, the late emperor burps. How many years has it been?"

In this regard, Su Han, who planned to transform Qicheng, where the defending troops were basically going out, into the future Witch Resource Exchange City, and picked up Irena and the others here, just rolled his eyes.

Bonus bonus, this thing is not the magic power in the eyes of darkness. It can be improved without limit. I can't wait to stuff the host into a neuropathy and follow the path of freedom of Semicircle and Fujimoto.

After eating this thing, it is finished. If you want to fix it a little more, you have to reduce the high school enrollment rate... ahem, you have to fight with other countries.

"Militarism is just such a ghost. It uses the brilliance of plunder to cover up the corruption of the system and domestic contradictions. When the fig leaf is torn apart, the truth will be revealed."

"It is also due to the fact that Usas is rich in products. It is not a small country with few people. Otherwise, it will engage in militarism all day long. The country was annexed."

Just like all the key politicians, Su Han took a bite of the honey cake, then drank a sip of tea, frowning.

Heck, how can the Usatian taste as sweet as the Yankees, aren't they afraid of diabetes?

Ursus' current situation is far worse than he imagined.

"However, theoretically speaking, as long as all those military nobles are sent to the edge of the ordinary area to shovel snow, recuperate, and then develop light industry, there is still salvation."

Next, the house of a noble will probably be copied at random, and the boy who served as a place to receive the witches said something that would definitely make the nobles turn blue.

"Crack down on nobles/gatekeepers, slack off low taxes, and recuperate. This is a universal formula for feudal dynasties when they encounter problems."

Looking at the worried princess, Su Han said.

"Of course, considering that Ursus may transplant some black technology from the World of War and the World of Honkai, as well as senior technicians from the Witch World, it is also necessary to start a new type of education."

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