It can even be said that this night of flames is something that the three major night empires, the Huns and even the extreme eastern government are looking forward to.

If you can, sitting back and doing nothing is the best way to deal with it.

After all, this is the trend.

The three true ancestors did not feel threatened by the reappearance of the fourth true ancestor, but looked forward to the appearance of this compatriot.

However, as the magician of Itogami Island, Nangong Nayue obviously did not expect the electors to fight on Itogami Island.

Itogami Island combines the most advanced science and technology with feng shui and magic to create a huge artificial island on the dragon veins of the South China Sea.

Even with the hand of a saint as its foundation, it is undoubtedly an extremely stable sea city.

However, can the protection of those spells really protect this island from those natural disasters?

Nangong was silent that month, his eyes uncertain.

"Maybe you can ask the boss for help."

During Nangong's silent time that month, another girl suddenly made a voice.


Chapter 22 For business or something, it's better to have an interview

Boss, this term is undoubtedly very common in society.

Everyone knows the truth about whether to wear it or not.

When you see someone calling you boss x, boss x, it's not a bad thing to satisfy other people's desire to pretend.

However, in this group chat, there is probably only one person who can be called the boss.

Nangong looked at the first name in the group chat list next to him that month.

That's the leader of the group.

Nangong did not negotiate deeply with him that month, and it could even be said that there was basically no intersection.

However, his experience had already reached her ears through other members of the group.

When he was weak, he used the power of his friends to capture the future core of the Apostle of God, and then used his uniqueness to exchange for investment from various forces.

He then travels to her world with Tokisaki Kurumi, seizes the flaws of the solitary god, usurps its power, and then crushes it.

Nowadays, people are in the world of Terra, and there is no special information released. However, it is conceivable that when facing a character far stronger than himself, he is a guy who will face difficulties and go to another world, and he will definitely not be traveling. .

To be honest, Nangong wouldn't be surprised that month if the news of "the establishment of the Terra Federation" suddenly came.

"The boss is super strong, it can even be said to be overwhelmingly strong."

It's very neat. In the witch world, people are constantly knocking people into sacks... ahem, Irena, who is going to send them to another world to be gold diggers, explains the reason.

"He is the primordial demon king who benchmarked the primordial elves. In his heyday, he could even cover the world with his own domain and transform it into a different world."

Cover the world with your own domain.

This is not to brag.

In order to complete the magician's revenge against mankind, Ike Westcott wanted to replace the real world with a new world of almighty space that exists for the magician and can make what the magician thinks come true. Banishing humans, created the elf, and the space she carries - the neighborhood.

The entire neighborhood is a random field created with the angel of Tsokiya Mio as the core.

As the existence of his counterpart, Su Han naturally possesses similar abilities.

Overwrite a world directly?

With such a speech, all the group members present were stunned.

That kind of thing is so bizarre.

It was so bizarre that everyone present could not imagine it.

"It's a bit outrageous how much stronger it is."

In the early days, Dadalia, who even served as Su Han's thigh, couldn't help but exclaim.

"In less than three months, it has become equal to God... No, is it even possible to be equal to the principle of heaven?"


The maintainer of the Tivat continent, a **** above the seven gods.

According to the skirmishers, the "sky" of the Tivat continent is false, and the existence of this false sky is the law of heaven.

The God who maintains the balance of the world is even stronger than the God who releases the realm into the world.

That friend of mine has actually become a demon **** who is the target of the latter?


It's so outrageous that I can't say anything.

"Although I have long felt that Su Jun's body's magical reserves are not like human beings, like fantasy species in the realm of divine beasts, or gods who return to ancestors, but even if the innate conditions are very good, it can't be outrageous."

It was Tohsaka Rin who was also shattered by the shocked three views.

Her knowledge is much wider than that of Dadalia. From the beginning, she felt that Su Han was not simple. If it wasn't for the fact that her old sister XP was really abnormal, she would have invited Su Han to go home to talk and ask about the marriage. Willing.

If that guy wasn't so outrageous and happened to appear in the clock tower again, he would definitely be taken off the computer accessories by the eldest ladies and dragged to the basement as a shared stallion.

Tohsaka Rin thought about the boy who was farther and farther away from the concept of "human".

It might sound outrageous, but in the magician's world, it's actually quite reasonable.

In the Xingyue worldview, magic power is obtained by refining the vitality of the magic circuit or absorbing the magic power of the world, so that the magic circuit is born with a determined quantity and will not increase due to external factors.

Many Magic Dao families are just like improving breeds, increasing the magic circuit for giving birth to children, just to facilitate the mobilization of more magic power.

One can imagine how important magic is in the world of Xingyue.

And that guy Su Han is completely anomalous among anomalies.

Before he became a demon king, he had a reserve of magic power that made his eyes straight, and now he has usurped the authority of God, and now it can be said that it is the source of magic power for walking.

Perhaps, the only person who can compete with him in magic power is the legendary second magician.

This hangs...

It's a bit outrageous.

Thinking of this, Miss Tohsaka even had the urge to "maybe the old lady will chase it herself".

There is no doubt that people in the know are all a "who am I, where am I, this is a **** dream" scene.

That scene, falling into Miss Irena's eyes, also brought a slight smile to the corner of her mouth, and her beautiful blue eyes narrowed into crescents.

I don't know when, when she sees others being shocked by the boss's ability, she will be very happy.

However, if this is the case, it seems a little unreasonable, a bit like showing off.

But then again, why are you talking about the boss, and how can you act like you are basking?

Miss Irena couldn't help but think wildly, and her face also turned a light red.

"Cough, I just lost my mind, let's talk about the situation again."

The witch coughed and then started typing again.

"Although the combat power has declined due to the integration of all his abilities in exchange for the enhancement of the new abilities, but no matter how the boss declines, his full-strength posture is also a true opponent of the country."

Capability integration?

If it was just the insider who was shocked before, then now even the little donkey who is not very familiar with Su Han and Nangong Nayue can't help but widen their beautiful eyes.

Capability integration?

One of the newest capabilities of the group chat system.

Different from the lottery that is completely gambling on the face, that function is completely prepared for the krypton gold guy.

Activate 10,000 points.

Design a strengthening plan, 10,000 to 100,000 points.

Officially began to strengthen, one hundred thousand to one million points, or even higher.

The more points are given, the closer the integrated ability will be to the boss's expectations, and it is indeed a friend of Krypton.

Dadalia is now getting electrocuted when she uses the evil eye version of God's Eye because she doesn't have enough money.

Later, he took all his points to try to repair it, but he only managed to repair part of the defect in his ability-the side effects would not occur when he was armed with the Demon King.

On the battlefield, he was a general who ruled the world. When he took off his armor, he seemed to have epilepsy.

Obviously, this ability is poor, and the label says "Go away poor".

Heck, that expensive outrageous enhancement is actually used by anyone?

A group of poor dogs looked at the icon symbolizing the ability integration project in their group chat, and looked like an Indian turtle who had visited Shanghai, Tokyo and Los Angeles one after another in one day.

Besides, Irena said it.

That guy in the group directly exchanged his strength for the enhancement of his new ability.

The power that used to be able to cover the world with a single thought has now fallen to the so-called "counter-country".

This is the price of integration ability. Then, even after paying a huge amount of points, he still needs to pay such a huge price. What level will his improved part of the ability reach?

Something terrifying to think about rose in the hearts of everyone present, and then took a few breaths to contribute to global warming in seven or eight worlds.

"What a terrible man."

Under such circumstances, Nangong Nayue could probably understand why Irena recommended Su Han to herself.

Although I have become weaker, it does not mean that you have become stronger.

The group owner who did not know where to get the massive points and completed the ability integration, even if he did not use his newly born ability, still has the combat power to suppress the true ancestor.

As long as he makes a move, even if the three true ancestors are dispatched together, if they want to start a flame night banquet, they will be hammered by crying father and mother.

Violence cannot solve the problem of the flame night banquet.

However, violence can solve anyone who wants to throw a flame night.

The only problem now is...

After thinking of something, Nangong's expression suddenly became hesitant.

She was not familiar with Su Han, and could even be said to be unfamiliar.

And back then, when Su Han asked her to release some criminals to him, she seriously refused when they used them as test subjects.

From this point of view, Su Han and her are not only unfamiliar, there may even be a gap.

Just ask him to help KO the people who want to hold a flame night banquet, what will he do?

"Don't worry, the boss has a good temper."

It seems that she noticed Nangong's hesitation that month, and the witch lady, who didn't know what she was thinking, typed quickly with one hand after knocking out a certain lily girl with a stick.

"As long as it doesn't violate his principles and gives enough points, he will agree to shoot."

Work for money?

Is he actually this kind of mercenary character?

A faint sense of eccentricity rose in Nangong's heart that month.

"So, if you want the group owner to take action, what is the price?"

It is certain that a certain scumbag witch and Su Han may have an unusually good relationship with Nangong that month, asking.

In response, a witch who proposed to marry Su Han in Ursas had a smile like a salesman completing his performance.

"Boss, we are preparing something in Ursus."

"You come directly to Ursus, will the interview be ready soon?"

ps: Suddenly a little tangled.

The content of the permafrost empire Ursus can be completely filled in after the Moon Scroll.

Next should be the Night Empire Kazdel.

The Empire of the Night had to have a True Ancestor, and suddenly hesitated a bit.

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