This kind of disease has a very low infectivity to the human species. Unless the brain cramps directly insert the source stone into the body, the human species will basically not be infected with ore disease.

However, for the Orc race, this is an extremely susceptible disease.

Feeling the ever-changing faces of the people around her, Irena-san felt a little bad.

When she entered here, she reluctantly inserted some Originium into her body, and then joined the group as a doctor who was infected by the natural disaster.

However, at this moment, he is showing the Originium Skill that can cure other people's ore disease.

Physicians cannot heal themselves, this explanation...

You can't deceive people at all! !

Of course, in just a few minutes, the entire medical team was sealed.

And then--

"Miss Irena, you should never be an infected person, why did you appear among us?"

A slightly gloomy voice came from a distance.

The source of the voice was a white-haired boy surrounded by countless monsters whose bodies were highly crystallized.

Short stature, slender limbs, and feminine features are filled with a kind of tyranny.

That's Mephistopheles.

One of the leaders of the integration movement, the Originium technique is to generate Originium inside the human body, turn people into "herds", and then use them.

"Irena-chan, since you have such a wonderful ability, why are you hiding?"

Just like an overly lively girl chatting with her friends, the beautiful and cute-dressed woman waved at Irena from a distance, as if she was inviting her friends to prepare for a dinner party.


This guy didn't have the words behind a bunch of burly men over two meters tall and armed with swords, spears, swords and halberds.

Sarkaz mercenary.

Until the end of the civil war in the Kazdir, at least ostensibly, was the most common armed force in the desolate frontier of the Kazdir.

They are each a small team, sometimes they are recruited by some nobles with huge funds and materials, and sometimes they also spontaneously form some mercenary alliances.

That American cockroach is the head of a mercenary alliance.

If you are caught by the guy who lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of subordinates of infected people, then the tower meow is finished.

Next up is definitely being locked up and used as a ruthless healing machine.

The girl with white-gray hair slapped the broom handle like a desperate drag racing party stepping on the accelerator, making herself fly faster.

In the integration movement, except for the tower rua possessed by the undead black snake old sao, there are only four characters who can be called bosses.

They are useless wanderers, Froststar who is a top warlock like the leader Tallulah, the former Ursus general Patriot, and Faust, Mephistopheles, and W.

Among them, Tallulah, Froststar and Patriot were injured to varying degrees in the confrontation with an executive who used the power given by the gods, and it was difficult to travel, while Faust was always with Mephis. Task Force Action...

To be honest, the troops that are chasing after him are already the last fighting force of the integration movement.

At the same time, so many elite troops are chasing, to be honest, except for some of the combat power is really out of the ordinary, or learn from the young master, otherwise there is only one way to die.

It can even be said that he can float here and there all the time, just because the enemy expects to be captured alive, so he hopes to use the method of siege, chase and interception to exhaust himself, and then calmly capture himself.

Otherwise, he would have been set on fire by those archers and Sarkaz warlocks.

However, even in such a bad situation, Miss Irena still did not choose to open her return ticket, but tried her best to circle here with the guys who are now scattered and chasing her.


On the broom, and Miss Irena, who had been floating for a long time, took a deep breath and sighed. When there were a bunch of archers and warlocks in shooting motions, it was very tiring to run around.

"Boss, hurry up. If you slow down, your three good employees will be finished."

Irena, who had released her distress message not long ago, murmured.

I don't know if something happened on the other side, but the boss cut off contact after replying and coming right away.

I can only hope that the boss will not suddenly drop the chain like Tohsaka Rin.

Irena, who was chased all the way by the people in the rectification movement, was so angry that she was counting on her boss to help vent her anger, and muttered.

At the moment when he muttered to himself, a beep sounded in the group chat system.

"Your friend, Miyoshi students sent you a designated red envelope."

The boss's aid finally came.

Irena's expression suddenly became excited.

Although the boss himself did not seem to arrive, his red envelope arrived.

So, it must be equipment.

Thinking of this, Miss Irena's eyes began to light up.

Su Han is a master of weapons.

Not the kind of weapon master who always draws cards crookedly and collects seven wolves and four books and five classics all day long, but a serious top weapon collector.

The key of thunder cleanses the seven dusts of sin, the key of death is black and white, the angel of the key is unsealed, the angel of the wind is the hurricane knight, the angel of change makes a witch...

No matter which one it is, it is an armament that can let him kill the second-hand behind him in an instant.

Thinking like this, Miss Irena stopped abruptly, and then, with a surprised or solemn expression on the opposite side, clicked to open the red envelope and smiled proudly.

"Next, it's time to fight,"


"Put--" With a sound, the sound of the human body falling to the ground sounded in the open space.

What came was not a weapon, but a girl.

Purple hair, good figure, fair complexion, wearing the school uniform of St. Freya Academy, and...

Look serene.

In that scene, Irena's expression suddenly froze.

When I was in an emergency, the boss sent...

a cook.

Chapter 6 Do you know what the price will be for raising the sword against me?

Looking at the girl who suddenly landed, the corners of Miss Irena's face twitched slightly.

The person who fell to the ground is undoubtedly a beauty.

The long purple-black hair was tied into a kendo ponytail with a purple spotted bow, adding a heroic spirit to the girl's extremely soft face.

The British style school uniform, which is obviously specially cut, nicely embellishes the girl's body full of youthful vitality, and the curve is extremely attractive.

In fact, many girls like to see beautiful women more than boys.

It has nothing to do with sexual orientation, it is simply a love of beauty.

As a super narcissist, Irena is undoubtedly a lover of beauty, and is therefore very good at appreciating beauty.

To be honest, if this beautiful girl whose way of appearing is a bit outrageous is willing, Miss Irena doesn’t mind picking up her long-lost painting skills, helping the person opposite to paint a picture, and then asking for a glass of sweet wine as a reward.

A free meeting, a poetic departure.


Is it normal time for ta meow now?

Miss Irena twisted her swan-like neck slightly and turned back with difficulty.

At a glance, there are all Sarkaz mercenaries and herds. If you look closely in the distance, you can see some snipers whose stature and environment are almost integrated...

The so-called ambush, but that's it.

Cold sweat seeped out from Irena-san's forehead.

Hey, hey, boss, what are you doing! !

What about the black abyss where you can unconditionally decompose matter?

What about your purifying seven dusts that can directly strike the enemy from high latitudes?

What about your Hurricane Rider who can shred tsunamis directly?


Even if you don't want to give weapons, you can give them away!

The captain and vice-captain of the Inextinguishable Blade, the elf representing the ten particles of Kabbalah, the head and captain of the Far Eastern Branch...

It's really not good to bring a few anti-entropy mechas here! !

What the **** was sending a cook over here! !

The boss is aware that he has received money from Shizaki Kuangsan and intends to help her lead the way. Is he planning to kill himself, the second or fifth boy?

There are thousands of thoughts floating in the heart of Miss Irena, who has a ghost in her heart.

Then, she herself denied this possibility in her mind.

The boss is an asshole.

When a girl asks his subordinates to help with this kind of thing, even if he finds out, he will only pretend to be a little distressed, and then feel relieved.

After all, he really liked Tokisaki Kurumi.

After all, when he was still weak, Tokisaki Kurumi was the girl who stood with him and supported him unconditionally.

He didn't respond directly to things like courtship, simply because he had witnessed all the civilizations of human beings, etc. It would be difficult to complete it for a while, and it would be a bit dangerous, not suitable for travel plans with girls.

Because the future is dangerous, I don't want to establish a too close relationship with girls in advance. After all, it is not very suitable to take risks when someone already needs to be with you.

But because he is a boring slut, it is also a very difficult choice for him to directly cut off with a girl.

Due to various complicated considerations, the guy who complained that he was half-baked more than once chose to stop moving forward and maintain the relationship at the level of friends.

Of course, he also understands that one day this relationship will change because of the girl's progress, and his travel plans will also change...

All in all, the guy whose thinking is as changeable as an eel when he doesn't execute the plan is unlikely to throw himself into the rectification movement and be beaten because he is the catalyst in the middle.

So, why did the boss throw a cook to himself?

Miss Irena fell into deep thought.

Could it be a brain cramp?

It's not impossible, after all, he was fighting with the eccentric who can cover the earth in the random field of Mio Takamiya before. Because of the pressure problem, it is reasonable to have some mental problems.

"Irena-chan, are you planning to go back with us?"

Just when Irena was thinking that the group leader might be seriously ill when she did this, the voice of a certain American cockroach came from the opposite side.

The beautiful mercenary with a lazy expression obviously didn't know or wanted to know the mental process after the appearance of Leidian Yayi. She just stared straight at a certain person who was suspected to be preparing to enlarge, and in the end, she was replaced by a coma. The witch of the girl, with a little scorching heat in her red eyes.

She has more things to pay attention to.

The Sarkaz are a race that has often been labelled.

Powerful, brutal, and aggressive.

They are the most ferocious race in the world, and the other races' cognition of the Sarkaz people is no different from that of evil spirits.

The reason for all this is their powerful Originium adaptability.

- They are either infected or susceptible.

The strong adaptability of Originium has made the Sarkaz clan stronger and at the same time they have achieved a very sad fate.

Their lives are short and painful.

The tragic fate surrounded by an incurable disease called ore disease makes almost every Sarkaz extremely desperate.


Now the turnaround has happened.

Recalling the clothes that were repaired on the healed person, a smile rose at the corner of W's mouth.

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