However, since you are here, let yourself have a good time.

Looking at the distance, it seemed to be a Titan mecha that had its core removed in an instant, and a cruel smile appeared on Watt's face.

He hasn't done it for a long time.

Then let's kill as much as you like.

The clones, who had inherited the tyranny of the Herrscher, looked around, looking for the direction of their prey.

"Lord Walter, are you looking for a subordinate?"

It was as if he was specifically waiting, and when he was looking around, the young man's clear voice came from not far away.

The source of the voice was a very handsome boy.

Black hair, black pupils, and the skin around his neck is like white porcelain.

Watt was stunned.

He knew that person, and not long ago, he saw this guy through Cocolia's surveillance.

Among the three people who kidnapped Raiden Mei, this person was the one standing in the C position.

I was just thinking about how to catch the robber who kidnapped Leidian Meiyi and clean it up, but now he actually jumped out.


What he calls himself... subordinate?

I don't understand at all when I have such a subordinate, Watt's expression is unprecedentedly confused.

"Are you... a member of Anti-Entropy?"

The understanding of anti-entropy is limited to Cocolia and several representatives of the radical faction, Watt hesitated for a while, and asked.

"Not so much now."

He said without batting an eyelid from someone who couldn't fight with anti-entropy.

"However, although I am not a member of Anti-Entropy, I have always admired Lord Walter and look forward to joining Anti-Entropy one day."

This is... your own fan?

Watt, who was really caught off guard by the current situation, looked very shocked.

I came to catch a thief, and it turned out that the thief was his fan, which made Mr. Watt, who was not very smart, a little confused.

However, this look did not last long.

Soon, a manic smile appeared on the face of the android.

He stretched out his hand, and the terrifying Honkai can gather on it, causing the surrounding atmosphere to tremble.

The Lawyer of the First Lawyer's "Reason".

As long as it can be understood, it can be re-engineered and even mass-produced.

In addition, as long as it is copied by the First Herrscher, "muscle memory" will be formed, and the body will remember its blueprint so that it can be copied better next time.

This memory is passed along with the body, so even clones of Walter Joyce who do not hold the Ninth God's Key, the Star of Eden, can use their gravitational control abilities.

"Since you know I'm Walter, why are you hindering my plan?"

As long as the other party's answer is unsatisfactory, it will directly use a hundred times the gravity to kill the replicator with a cold voice.

"Are you going to be my enemy, the First Herrscher?"

Pretty close.

Looking at Watt who was too deeply involved in the play, Su Han's mouth twitched slightly.

Is this Hamby really a clone of Joyce?

How can you be stupid and have no emotional intelligence?

"Lord Walter is a hero of mankind, how can I be an enemy of you."

An embarrassed but polite smile appeared on the boy's face.

He also needs this guy to point out the location of Cocolia's base, so that he can clean up the guy who has a lot of resources that can be exchanged for points.

Maybe, in the next battle with Cocolia, this man has to take the lead.

Therefore, now he obviously can't give an order to let Dadalia and Tokisaki make three shots, and this can only be said to be the Pinduoduo version of Walter to have a taste of what it means to kill at first sight.

"As long as the time is right, I will naturally go to you with the Thunder Buds and work for you."

It was impossible for Su Han, who had let go of Thunder and Lightning Yai with the Conqueror Gem in his body, to salute the guy who could be considered a Herrscher for the time being, and said softly.

"The time is right?"

Hearing those words, Watt couldn't help frowning.

This kind of words that seem to have a lot of hidden meanings short-circuited his brain, which was not smart.

"If a traitor is difficult to control, I swear to die on the side of the Qing Jun."

Very naturally, the young man read out a passage from the New Book of Tang.

"Have you heard of 'Qingjun's side'?"

Qing Jun's side.

One of the main reasons for insurgents to rebel against the central government in the history of China.

However, its original intention was a righteous act—to clear the cronies and bad people around the monarch.

"You mean, there are traitors by my side?"

After listening to these words, Watt, whose brain is not so funny, sneered.

"Why should I believe your own words?"

"It's just me, standing within your attack range now."

The immortal boy said in a deep voice to Watt who inherited Joyce's fur ability.

"If I lie, you can kill me in an instant."

The words of betting on life fell into Watt's ears, making his expression dignified.

Could it be that there is really a traitor by his side?

Watt, who was just a puppet, suddenly turned gloomy.

He couldn't help but take a step forward, walked to the boy who was indeed within his attack range, and drank in a low voice.

"who is it?"

In this regard, the corners of the boy's mouth evoked a slight arc.

He looked at the replicant who had the same face as the anti-entropy leader and gave an answer.

"Cocolia is making your replicants in an attempt to subvert anti-entropy."

Update delayed

Going to hit the list today.

There should be two or three changes after zero.

That's it.

Purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato Pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding.

Chapter 16 Help Anti-Entropy, Start from Me

The correct argument for replicants should be human clones.

In the early twentieth century, Weber coined the term "clone" to refer to other individuals that asexually reproduce from a single ancestral individual.

In 1938, German scientists first proposed the idea of ​​mammalian cloning.

In 1978, American science fiction writer Rovec wrote a book called "Clone Humans", which is about a wealthy businessman who transplanted his own somatic cell nucleus into an enucleated egg, and then transferred the embryo that was cleaved in vitro to a human. In the mother's womb, after a full-term pregnancy, a healthy baby boy was finally born. This baby boy is the clone of the businessman who provided the somatic cell nucleus.

With the development of the times, human cloning is no longer a dream in science fiction, but a reality that is about to emerge.

However, this reality is too heavy.

Ethical relations, human rights issues, the relationship between clones and the original...

Once the technology of human cloning is popularized, all kinds of problems that will lead to the collapse of society will occur.

There is no doubt that human cloning, unlike cloning technology, is a topic in taboo territory.

However, if you can gain power and power by stepping into the forbidden area, I am afraid that many people are willing to go to explore that area.

"You mean, Cocolia...that woman is plotting against me?!"

As if a volcano in his heart was ignited, Watt's face, which had always been frivolous, gradually became gloomy.

Obviously, the fact that he was cloned completely angered him.

"If it's just a clone, it's naturally not the opponent of Lord Walter."

"But what if she has another Herrscher in her hands?"

The boy spoke about a possibility at will.

Watt's face became more and more gloomy.

That guy Cocolia, the plan he gave him, seems to be hiding more conspiracies.

"Master Cocolia is a very ambitious person. When she obtains the effects of both your replicator and the Third Herrscher, you should be able to imagine the next choice."

The teenager smiled, and then put a tall hat on Cocolia's head.

In the beginning, he and Cocolia had no grudges.

But the dead men in Changkong City were basically born because of the Honkai Energy crystallization arranged by Cocolia, and he was almost sent to reincarnation by a dead man not long ago.

Under this premise, he obviously doesn't mind throwing some dirty water on Cocolia.

No, it's not right to say splashing dirty water.

After all, that crazy woman in Cocolia was probably thinking of that.

I've always been curious about how Cocolia, who was just a small warlord at the beginning, conquered the anti-entropy radicals with a little playfulness on the corners of his mouth when he looked at the faces of Walter and Walter.

Is it relying on the support of the "leader"?

If the "Alliance Leader" no longer supports you and wants to kill you, will the anti-entropy radicals still obey your orders?

At that time, how many cards do you have in your hand to play?


So far, Tokisaki Kurumi has not made his debut, nor has the young man's eyes turned slightly for his son to activate the Demon King's armament.

Listening to Su Han's analysis, because of his rebelliousness, Watt's expression, who had been acting alone, gradually became hideous.

He had heard something.

Cocolia is creating a replica of Walter. In addition, she does not hope that the third Herrscher will become the enforcer of anti-entropy in her attempt to capture Raiden Mei, but to become her weapon.

Once she completely controls her clone and the third Herrscher, with the character of that ambitious woman, she will definitely try to become the master of anti-entropy.

That woman, trying to finger her position!

kill her!

Absolutely kill her!

Thinking of this, the breath of fear overflowed from Watt's body, and the terrifying collapse can constantly stir the surrounding atmosphere, making the air cold and sticky.

The matter of Raiden Mei is no longer important, and now there are more important things to deal with.

The most ferocious side of the power inherited from Joyce is emerging.

That scene made Su Han, who had no resistance to collapse, frowned, and then took a step back.

Although he is immortal, even if he swallows the core of Honkai Energy, he may not die, but whether he will not die is one thing, and whether he will be infected is another.

He is not yet big enough to use his own vitality to resist the erosion of the collapse.

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