Of course, just like the number of dumb hairs can fight a Holy Grail War, there is more than one Angela Manuel.

The Angela Manuel summoned by Su Han is not all evil in this world, but a young man who was tortured as the "symbol" of Angela Manuel in the Zoroastrian religion in a certain village.

Real name: Angela Manuel

Occupation: Avenger

Muscle strength :D

Durable :D

Agility: A

Magic: C

lucky :D+

Noble Phantasm: B

The power of a Servant is linked to the magic power that the Master can provide. Therefore, a top-level Master can often give a second-rate Servant the power to fight against the first-rate.

The representative here is Dirumdo.

With the help of his master Kenneth, he was able to fight against Artoria, who would only be easily chopped off by King Arthur.

Clock Tower Lord Kenneth is a very good Master, but from the Master's point of view, he doesn't even have shoes in front of Su Han.

Su Han's literacy as a master is even more exceptional.

However, even if the master is Su Han, who is the holder of the Eye of Darkness, Angela Manuel's attributes are still only out of the horrible level, which is lower than the water-filled muscle red A.

And I don't know why, the Xiao An summoned by Su Han didn't even have consciousness, he was just an empty shell.

A divine call talisman turns out to be a little An who doesn't even have a personality...

To be honest, it was the eldest and second sisters that Su Han would rather summon.

Although the eldest sister and the second sister are good-looking, they are good-looking vases.

The Servant he summoned was not even a vase.

All I can say is, expect the connection between this guy and the head of the evil **** to be discovered.

In an interview with a mushroom, Su Han, who once saw that Xiao An had the basic qualities of being the head of the evil god, and the ability to become a beast, sighed in his heart.

If you can't find it, your 10,000-odd points will be lost.

While bemoaning his own **** luck, Su Han casually answered Mio Tsongmiya's answer.

"I am an elf after all, and sometimes I will be pulled back by the neighbors."

"Just now, it's considered to be sent back to the neighboring world."

In fact, Su Han, who didn't even know what the neighbors looked like, blinked his eyes and said in a tone of "I'm tired, tired, go back to the court".

The tone that seemed to take time out of her busy schedule to perfunctory questions and answers made Takamiya Mio's eyes twitch slightly.

"How is life in the human world recently?"

Resisting the unhappiness in his heart, Mio Tsonomiya tried his best to act like an analyst of a pro-elf organization, rather than a bitter master who encountered yellow hair on the road.

Hearing this, Su Han couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

This guy actually cares about himself.

It's so weird.

Hasn't this guy always wanted to chop himself up into stuffing and throw it into the river?

"well enough."

In fact, I always felt that Chong Gong Mio wanted to smash himself into the sky, and Su Han, who was side by side with Liu Ge, seemed to think of something very pleasant.

"I'm quite happy here."

"Whether it's Yoshino, Tohka, or Kotori, they're all super cute kids. Just seeing them makes me want to kiss them, hold them up, or touch my head."

"Getting along with them is much more comfortable than seeing Westcott's dog-licking face."

As long as the time is right, Westcott will be captured directly, and then along with Yu Duchen, the boy who handed it over to Erya stretched his waist.

He is really enjoying his life now.

Stay up until two or three o'clock every day, and then be woken up by the energetic girl, go to eat breakfast prepared by jk, who is a powerful wife, and then catch up on sleep at school.

Wait until noon, and share with Yatoshen Tohka to eat the luxurious bento sent by Meijiu, and then take a nap.

When you wake up, open the group chat and chat with your group friends.

After the afternoon class was over, I organized a team with Tohka and Shizuo to pick up Kotori Wuhe and Yoshino, and then watched the newly drawn comics by Benjo Erya and played flying chess with Xiaosi.

It was a really good day.

If it weren't for the scumbags of Chong Gong Mio on the side, Su Han really wanted to go on like this.

"I really want to keep the current situation like this and continue to live."

After a long absence, Su Han spoke the truth.

"You're really unexpectedly sweethearted."

In this regard, Takamiya Mio said bluntly.

A boy who wants to maintain some kind of relationship with many girls is undoubtedly extremely caressing, and can even be called a scumbag.

"Have it?"

In this regard, Su Han looked distressed.

"Do you think it's reasonable not to keep a distance from Xiaoshi, Kotori and Xiaono as soon as you have established a relationship with Miss Yatogami Tohka?",

In this regard, seeing Su Han with a filter, I always felt that Chong Gong Mio, who was wearing yellow hair, said it very seriously.

In that sentence, every time she read the name, her voice became stressed, and when she mentioned "little man", it was as if she was going to bite all her teeth.

In response, Su Han just raised his eyebrows with a strange look on his face.

"Does anyone really take the little girl's words like 'I will be a bride for my brother in the future' seriously?"

In response, the boy, who was actually very rational, shrugged.

That look made Takamiya Mio stunned.

According to the love tool carefully crafted by her licking dog, Elliot, Su Han's affection for Tohka Yatoshen is around 70.

Having such a degree of favorability in the relationship between men and women is enough to prove that he is willing to associate with Yatogami Tohka.

"You're not interested in her?"

With doubts, Takamiya Mio asked.

In this regard, it is certain that as long as he leaves this world, Su Han, who will face the Shura field of Tokisaki Kusan and Yu Xiao Miku, has a polite and embarrassed look on his face.

In front of him, there is Chong Gong Mio to fight, and there is an Shura field in the back, where is there time to fall in love with Yato God Tohka.

"Tohka is indeed a super girl. It can even be said that men who are not sexually oriented will be very interested in her, and I am no exception."

"However, her psychological age is too naive, it's almost no different from a blank sheet of paper. When talking about love and love, let's talk about it after she has enough judgment ability."

This guy has an unexpectedly serious view of love.

In this regard, Takamiya Mio recognized someone for a rare time.

Has it improved from being sent straight to the sky, side by side with Kaz, to being thrown into the Mariana Trench?

It was certain that Su Han, who would go berserk as long as the woman in front of him got the blood of the true ancestor, rolled his eyes in his heart.

However, he is not qualified to say that she is.

The boy who was ready to kill the god's blade looked at this woman who regarded Shiori Gokawa as the second most important thing in life, and thought.

After all, he also came with murderous intent.

Elvish spells, wizard blood, forces that affect the final balance...

The puzzle of killing the gods has been completed.

Next, as long as Takomiya Mio is prevented from taking a large amount of Elf power and his combat power suddenly rises, victory will be his own.

The slender fingers of the boy, who had been intentionally touching the spirit, kept tapping on the table.

Tokisaki Kurumi has been sent away.

Yoshino, Miku, Nia, and Tohka are good children who will obey them.

Next, only the missing Tobiichi Origami, the Seven Sins, the Eight Mai Sisters, and the Star Palace Rokughuo who are far away in outer space are left.

As long as more than half of the characters are gathered up and thrown into another world, you can prepare for battle.

The youth with the strength of his own, definitely greater than two or three elf powers, had a relaxed and happy smile on his face.

The law of victory has not yet been determined, but the scale of victory is gradually tilting.

Chapter 54: Miss Erya's little abacus, meeting with Chonggong sisters

However, although the scale of victory has been tilted, after all, it has not completely fallen to Su Han.

If Chong Gong Mio suddenly recovered the remaining four elves' angels and used them to the extreme, even if Su Han took away half of his power, he would be beaten again.

Therefore, before that, you still have to find one or two elves first, so that they are ready to get out of this world.

"So, you called me specifically, and ended up asking about other women?"

"Let a girl investigate the private situation of other beautiful girls, boy, your path is narrow!"

As if encountering a very puzzling thing, Miss Erya, codenamed sister (sister),'s recognizable complaints sounded from Su Han's mobile phone like a barrage of cannons.

"What about your emotional intelligence when you attacked Little Crazy and Mickey?"

"When dealing with other women, he seems to be a cold-blooded but caring and reliable man. If he comes to me and suddenly turns into wood, it's super unfair!"

"You are hurting my self-esteem as a beautiful girl cartoonist."

Old man, subway, cell phone.

This is Su Han's current situation.

In the original plot, Westcott once used the reversal of the two Asian angels - Divine Eclipse Chapter to find the whereabouts of Xinggong Liuxu, and then launched an attack on it.

Of course, now that the elves need to be expelled collectively, Su Han naturally thinks of this article Erya.

The second sub in this article, the gender is female, and a painter of Nitji.

Xianyu spends most of his time playing games and reading comics in his apartment, but when the deadline is approaching, he will become a dead-line fighter.

In the past few days, the cartoonist named Honjo Canoji has once again ushered in the deadline.

In theory, she should be so busy now that she can't wait to paint with her feet, but...

Perhaps, this guy is more energetic than he imagined.

Listening to those series of words, what appeared on Su Han's face was such an embarrassed expression that he could no longer keep his politeness.

"Never again, give me a quick repeat."

A certain artist lady with dark circles on her eyes shouted like she was letting go.

"Before asking the girl for help, don't you know that you want to invite her to go to the amusement park? After shopping, go to a restaurant that looks more beautiful, and then talk about things is normal."

"That's called a date, thank you."

For the time being, I just wanted to collect a few variables together, and then the boy who kicked out of the battlefield together sighed and said.

"By the way, why are you so energetic today?"

"Long-term salted fish, temporary lively. Three minutes of radiance, three hours of lying dead on the sofa."

"This is the house girl painter."

Very straightforward, a girl with a book angel gave a very straightforward reply.

After saying this, her expression couldn't help but bring a little distress.

That guy Su Han doesn't seem to see himself as a woman much.

This thing is a little bit bad for me.

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