In this regard, Su Han sighed.

Also, the current self really doesn't look like a decent person.

Su Han, who was rejected by Nangong that month, didn't pay too much attention to it, so he happily opened another person.

"Oh, buddy, are you looking for criminals as experimental materials?"

Dadalia's reply was refreshing.

Probably because he is also a flat-headed brother, so his impression of Su Han is surprisingly good.

"If that's the case, I remember that there are a lot of mixed green forests on a certain piece of land next to Liyue. I'll go around and I'll give you as much as I can catch later."

The executive, who was signing the bill sent to Mr. Zhong Li, gave a very relaxed and happy reply.

"At that time, Zhang Xiang, Jiangxia Yangmu, Wang Kuang, etc., in Nanjun, raised troops in Yundu Lulin, and called them 'Xiajiang soldiers'.

There was such a passage in "Han Shu? Wang Mang Biography".

Because he overthrew Wang Mang, who was too big to drag his feet, Lulin also took on a bit of the color of eliminating violence and peace.

Probably to put gold on his face, the robbers who are also dissatisfied with the government in later generations will also call themselves heroes in the green forest.

And what kind of robber in the ancient background is, it is not necessary to say much.

If ten kills ten, there may be innocent people, but if ten kills nine, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net.

"Thanks then."

"Probably, when will the so-called test items arrive?"

In this regard, Su Han was not pretentious, and agreed very directly, and then quickly asked when Dadalia would be able to send things over.

"Tomorrow morning at the most, if the speed is faster, it will probably be sent to you tonight."

Dadalia gave a very efficient answer.

For this man who once slaughtered the entire lair by himself, and subverted the territory of a great noble by himself, cleaning up a robber's lair is no different from drinking water and eating.

That's really efficient.

It was very clear that Su Han, who was really in a hurry, looked at the vacant seat beside him.

In the plot, the elfization of Tobiichi Origami is a later event, not the present when many elves have not appeared.

It's life and death.

Su Han thought.

If the progress of elvenization reaches a certain level, then the next **** will no longer mind showing himself as a "god".

However, compared to her, she is obviously more efficient.

The teenager who can perform the Spirit Crystal Reversal Experiment Level at the latest tomorrow morning pinched the red feather hanging around his neck, thinking.

There is only one piece of the puzzle called Victory.

When he completely controls the technique of capturing the crystal of the reversal spirit, victory will completely fall to his side.

So, before waiting for Dadalia to send people over,

He took out the paper and took out the picture that he had printed from Irena.

"Xiaohan, Xiaohan, what is this?"

Probably out of the curiosity of a child, Yatoshen Tohka looked over and looked at the picture that seemed to give him a sense of ignorance all along.

To this, Su Han did not answer directly, but told another story.

"They talked to each other and said, 'Come on! We're going to make bricks and burn them through.' So they used bricks for stones and lacquer for plaster."

"They said, 'Come! Let us build a city and a tower with a tower that will reach into the sky, that we may make our name known, lest we be scattered throughout the earth.'"

What is this talking about?

Miss Yatoshen's amethyst-like eyes, who didn't understand the situation at all, were filled with confusion.


At this time, the one who caught up was Shiori Gokawa.

The girl who made Su Han feel very similar to Raiden Yayi, like Raiden Yayi, is an invisible secondary disease.

As a middle-aged patient, she seems to have recited some unintelligible words.

"um, yes."

In this regard, Su Han nodded.

It was the same friend?

Thinking of this, Shiori Wuhe, whose soul seemed to have been ignited in a long time, couldn't help but look forward, wanting to see what the pattern that would make the elves suddenly recite Genesis looked like.

But after seeing the pattern of the tree, the girl's delicate little face suddenly turned into an embarrassed look.

"This is the tree of Kabbalah."

"Humans unite to build a tower that hopes to lead to heaven and a tree that grows in heaven. It is not the same thing at all."

"It's not really a thing."

Just because Irena called Kabbalah the Tower of Babel, the boy who chanted a passage of Genesis stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head.

Humans challenge the towers built by the gods.

Reveals the tree of life of the Path of the Fire Sword.

Of course, the two are not mutually exclusive, but Irena's name for Kabbalah still affected Su Han, making Su Han always associate these two things together.

Sure enough, elves are elves, even if they are integrated into human society.

In this regard, the girl who used to be a senior middle schooler sighed, and then broke down.

"The knowledge about the tree of life, the Tower of Babel, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, I will give you some popular science later."

Ah this...

Su Han, who had listened to professionals talking about relevant knowledge, raised his face politely without losing his embarrassed expression, and then tried to change the subject.

"Well, what are you going to eat tonight?"

Chapter 51: The Crisis from Westcott

London, England.

The City of London is one of the 32 counties in Greater London, England. It is also known as the City of London because of the large number of banks, stock exchanges, gold markets and other financial institutions gathered there.

As the world's first financial city, every company here is famous in the world.

If the British gayland is a second-class nation like Li, then every year, dozens of "Vampire Kings of the Empire", "Unyielding Men of the Financial World" and "Geniuses of Once in a Thousand Years" can be produced here. .

Luckily in the misfortune, the fine tradition of Da Chang's hobby is to engage in purple, not the second disease. Therefore, people around the world do not need to endure embarrassing cancer to see the recent financial trends.

Among these companies that can call the wind and rain in the financial world, there is one company that seems out of place.

"The lancer appeared."

It sounded with a strong unwilling voice in the military-industrial enterprise called DEM.

The source of the voice was a blonde beauty.

Hot body, serious expression.

There is no doubt that this is the most powerful magician, Ailian, who was killed by Su Han not long ago because he did not wear a display device.

The wizard who followed Westcott looked at the man who had the same goddess as the one he loved, and threw a stack of reports on his desk, narrating the latest information.

"When Chonggong Zhenna started investigating in Tiangong City, he found traces of him in a school."

"Oh, has my dear gun knight finally appeared?"

Not long ago, the man who chose to perform magic treatment on three artificial satellites as a space-based kinetic energy weapon turned his head and looked at a woman who apparently wanted to put on a battle armor and fight an assassin. eyebrow.

"That's something to be happy about."

I just thought that destroying the world might make me feel happy, so I chose the wizard who took revenge on all mankind and flipped through the information passed by the AST, and the voice was very pleasant.

He flipped through the findings from the AST with a smile on his face.

"Should it be said that it is the top predator in the world, it doesn't seem to want to hide its identity at all."

"Think about it carefully, after all, it is the man who knocked down most of the top five magicians in the world in just a few seconds."

"Of course he can appear in Jidong at will. After all, even if the masturbation team in Jidong is dispatched collectively, it only takes a few days for him to send them to meet the ancestors."

"Even if Emperor Kaokawa of the Foot Basin Country goes to the Lighthouse Country and releases the atomic bomb, it will not change the fact that the entire Foot Basin is mowing grass in front of the knight of the spear."

"After all, even if it is a hydrogen bomb, if it is decomposed before it is detonated, it will lose all its power, right?"

Listening to Westcott's compliment to a certain elf, Ellen's face became more and more ugly.

The reason is also very simple.

She was one of the three top five magicians in the world who was directly clicked away in a few seconds.

Westcott's admiration of his enemies was a bit harsh to her ears.

"Westcott, do I need to take someone to capture him next?"

As if to wash away the shame, this woman who, with her excellent aptitude, can truly hunt elves by herself, looked at her compatriot who was sitting on the boss chair not far ahead and spoke.

"His angel's attack pattern is very simple. As long as he is not hit by it, he is definitely not my opponent."

This is a fact.

After opening the absolute realm, Aileen's combat power will be so high that she can fight against multiple elves.

"But you'll die with just one hit."

Westcott looked at his compatriot with a look of interest, and laughed in front of the silent Eileen.

"Theoretically, as long as the manifestation device can continuously produce random fields, it can be blocked. However, unfortunately. The enemy's best thing is to tear free random fields with angels in an instant, and in new random fields. Before the realm is generated, the display device and the holder are disassembled together."

"Unless the reaction speed can far exceed the generation speed of the random field or there is armor that can resist that long spear, otherwise, whoever is in front of the lancer is just a poor **** who can easily run over it."

"Without the above conditions, if you want to kill him, you must command multiple space-based kinetic energy thousands of miles away, and at the same time launch a fatal blow to the entire city from different angles."

The man named Westcott stretched out his hand and stroked somewhere on the desk.

Then, the scene of outer space appeared.

Above that, the three satellites that have been covered by automatic machines and turned into war machines are being fixed at the location of Tiangong City.

Looking at the satellite high above the outer space, Ai-lian fell silent.

To be honest, although she is a veteran of the DEM established by subverting human beings, she joined here is not so much determined to take revenge, but to follow the number one dog licking dog, Boiling Yangyang and double-faced turtle's sworn brother Ai. Lott.

"Really... are you going to attack Tiangong City?"

The voice of love, who had slaughtered all the humans who slaughtered its own village in the past, hesitated.

"If you fail, you will surely die."


must die.

The knight of the gun is not a loner elf, he has a good relationship with the nun, the nightmare and the songstress.

The singer's ability is to control people's hearts through her voice.

Yu Xiao Miku is a girl who looks a little silly.

However, she also just looked silly.

As long as she wants to, she only needs to appear in front of a few people at the top of the secular world and sing a song, and then Westcott will become the world's hunting target.

How could Westcott resist the siege from elves and humans at the same time?

Faced with questions from his few kin, Westcott just smiled, a suave smile.

"Isn't that good too?"

"Humans slaughtered our village, so we established dem to avenge the humans."

"I imprisoned the nun and tried to assassinate the lancer. Naturally, I have to prepare to be tortured to death by the elves, right?"

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