In response, Shiori Wukawa shook her head vigorously.

She looked at the young man sitting next to Yatoshen Tohka, stretched out her hand and brushed her temples, with a very complicated expression.

Not long ago, she met this teenager in the classroom.

At that time, he almost wrote "I am dangerous" on his face.

Strong, aggressive, calculating...

At that time, he was like a mountain pressing down on his heart, making it hard for him to breathe.

As a result, can you really communicate with yourself normally now?

The girl looked at the purple-haired girl sitting next to someone with a slightly complicated expression.

But, is there something wrong?

Why, when I just went to learn dancing for a few days, Tohka became this guy's girlfriend.

Shiori Gokawa is not a paramecia type of female, anomalous who likes females.

She is happy to save the elves, in fact, because of her past.

Abandoned by her mother when she was a child, she was so desperate that she wanted to commit suicide because of the loss of her relatives. With this kind of spirit, Shiori-san is very sensitive to the despair of others.

There are roughly two kinds of people in this world.

A person who, after being hurt, wishes everyone to be the same as him.

Another kind of person, after experiencing injury, will silently lick the wound, and then go to help people in the same situation as himself.

Shiori Wuhe is undoubtedly the latter.

It is her life principle to never be indifferent to those who are in trouble and sad, and to be open to them.

To that end, she'll be happy to lend a helping hand to whoever is in grief.

It was also out of this principle that she helped Yatogami Tohka.

However, although helping Yatojin Tohka is only out of his own principles, after getting along for a long time, Shiori Wukawa obviously has a very deep affection for him,

The innocent child who had been following behind him suddenly ran away with a man. This situation was rather melancholy for Miss Shiori Wukawa.

She probably understands how old mothers feel when they see their cabbage being arched by pigs.

However, it would be a good thing for Tohka to have someone to rely on.

From the point of view of reliability, Su Han, who can ask dem for hostages, is obviously stronger than his own broken organization.

Recalling the funny comparisons in his team, Shiori Wuhe looked at Su Han with a little affirmation.

Besides, Murasame Reine also said it.

Because of the request of the same kind, there is a high probability that the ice master will not use angels on humans. In addition, his spiritual power is ridiculously low, and it is difficult to cause a space shock. Now he should be harmless in a short period of time. of.

Thinking of this, Shiori Wuhe could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In a short period of time, there should be no need for me to be tough with this hard bone.

Next, let's try to build a good relationship with Yoshino slowly.

Use Su Han as a medium to get acquainted with different elves, and then go and seal them up. As long as all the elves are sealed, you can rest for a while.

Perhaps, after completing his mission, he will take the college entrance examination like a normal person, go to university, and then meet the person in his life and have a sweet love.

Thinking of this, Miss Shiori Wukawa also had a slight smile on her face.

However, before that, you have to make sure that you have no problems with your studies.

Shiori Wukawa looked at his watch, and quickly packed the tableware, then waved to Su Han and Tohka.

She, Tohka and Su Han are all students from Zen Middle School. At this point, it's time to prepare to go to school.

But then again...

What about origami?

Tobiichi Origami, one of the members of AST, is also his classmate.

Although she is very strange, she often helps herself.

Not long ago, Shiori Wukawa, who could always see one of his classmates wandering around his house, frowned involuntarily.

However, in the past two days, she has not appeared in his sight at all.

Is she sick?

Chapter 49 Miss Sakura's XP seems to have a problem

High school, a beautiful word.

Some people have worked hard during these three years to add knowledge to themselves.

Some people are full of vigor, swaying their youth on the sports field.

Of course, there are also a few rarer guys who have fallen asleep and are ready to come back next year.

Laichan High School is regarded as the gatekeeper of the first-class high schools in the extreme east. Therefore, most of the students in this school have good grades, so this situation rarely occurs.

All in all, this is a place full of bookish and youthful scents.

This kind of thing changed a little after the arrival of a traveler.

The handsome-looking boy was lying on the table while his classmates and teachers hesitated to speak, typing in the void.

"To rent a murderer, a sadist, a sociopath, and a traitor at a high price, ten points a day. If you have a special occupation or special race, you can increase the price."

In the youthful classroom, an unknown traveler who was preparing for an experiment opened a group chat, and the publisher offered a bounty of youthful vitality.

He chose to give up the mission that sounded outrageous like the Road to the Sword of Fire, but such missions as Ko Takamiya Mio still had to be carried out.

For this reason, it is still necessary to recruit some test items as the carrier of spirit crystals, as well as to reverse the means of production of spirit crystals.

It is obviously time-consuming to catch some big villain by yourself.

If you have that time, it might be better to tease Shiori Wuhe in front of Mio Takamiya, and enjoy the ultimate enjoyment of putting a hat on the 'God', or give incense to the former group leader, and ask him to bless the next group member to be cute. , suitable for training problem girls.

Obviously, it is too troublesome to find big villains on the streets, and it is something that Su Han doesn't like very much.

"The purpose is to conduct a sociological experiment."

"After the experiment is over, it will be returned within 24 hours to ensure that it will not harm its body."

Next, Su Han, who was obviously going to use his own spiritual crystal fragments to make trouble with Yu Duchen, pondered for a while, and tried @All.

The dimensional chat group is a small group.

Because the population base is extremely touching, it is destined to be unlikely that the 99+ mob scene will appear every day in this group chat.

Only @All can summon people.

To be honest, Su Han didn't like this kind of situation very much.

After all, if there are too few people, there will be very little chat history.

There are very few chat records, and every time I show up, I will usually reveal things like summoning laborers. In this case, it is still a bit embarrassing.

Probably because he was a half-assed foreman, Su Han was still a little concerned about his image in the eyes of the group members.

However, it is too embarrassing to let yourself be in the water all day long.


Wish there are a few more cute children to liven up the atmosphere.

After getting in touch with Yoshino, Su Han, who found that he was super happy about kissing and hugging, tried to introduce lively children to make the group friends speak and liven up. By adding historical records, he concealed that he had always regarded group chats as laborers. the behavior of the intermediary.

After losing a little point to the group chat as a prayer fee, Su Han chose @All.

Looking for test subjects or something, please ask the group friends.

It's still too much trouble to find a heinous villain or something.

"Ah, is it a human experiment? Forgive me for this kind of thing."

The first to reply was Dr. Romani.

While drinking coffee and working overtime, this doctor Fenmao, who was watching the group chat by chance, felt helpless, and jumped out between the lines.

The establishment of the Human Rights Protection Organization, Chaldeas, was a very bad process.

The builder of Chaldea, the monarch of the Celestial Division of the Clock Tower, Maris Billy, is a man with the element of instability unique to a magician.

It is conceivable that a morbid man who has no morals but loves all mankind can do something for the "human security organization" he wants.

The notorious smell of human experimentation and taboo doctrines, even in the past few years, still permeates Chaldeas.

Obviously, doctors who have witnessed human experiments with their own eyes are very opposed to human experiments.

"Group owner, it is very bad behavior to conduct human experiments at will."

Instead of holding the same opinion, the voice is slightly weak, like a little donkey that has just come out of the command center.

She, who is of the same lawful good alignment as Rooney, is obviously very resistant to such a dangerous-sounding experiment.

after all--

Although Su Han said that the purpose of recruiting people was to conduct a sociological experiment, he also promised not to harm the body of the test subject.

However, if it is really an experiment that has no effect, what he should do is to seriously recruit experimenters, not to ask for some guys who can be directly sentenced to death.

This girl, who obviously prefers voice input to typing, is very serious about the group owner who is easy to distort the concept of life,

"Life is precious. Although it's a bit inappropriate to say, I still want to remind you that if you treat life as material at will, instead of intelligent life, your worldview may gradually distort—"

A really reasonable story, with the sound of footsteps coming from far and near, it was replaced by a scream.

"Knife Tower, I don't want to go to the command center to work overtime!!"

"Donkey Ami, you still have a lot of work to do, and you can't rest yet."

Ah this...

Su Han silently mourned for the little donkey for three seconds, then looked at the other group members.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the scornful voice was inexplicably familiar.

Where did you hear it?

Su Han couldn't help pinching his eyebrows, thinking for a long time, and then to no avail, he gave up thinking like Kaz.

"If I really meet someone who is guilty of heinous crimes, I don't mind arresting you and repaying the debt."

"However, murderers, sadists, sociopaths, and treasonous thieves aren't something you can meet if you want to."

Soon, Miss Tohsaka, who claimed to never lose the chain, made a voice.

The head of the Tohsaka clan, who was autistic because he really couldn't find his servant, is now covering his head, angrily scolding that the system call is poisonous.

Every time she used the Command Spell to order the Servant to appear, she fainted on the spot, and when she woke up, it was what it was supposed to be.

The Servant was not found, but instead owed the group owner a lot of points. This kind of thing caused Miss Tohsaka to fall into extreme pain.

It will take at least a few months to pay off this debt.

Tohsaka Rin covered his face with a very painful expression.

Next, unless Su Han and Sakura meet each other's eyes and don't care about these, he will have to become a working soldier for the next few months.

However, the ghost knows that Sakura is not interested in human males!

Probably because Su Han's aptitude in magic is like a goddess and his appearance is very close to Sakura's aesthetic, Miss Tohsaka Rin tried to see if she could sell her sister for glory.

Then, she got an answer that made her three views almost burst.

"A beautiful young man with black hair, black pupils, extraordinary magic talent, and even greater than a hundred orthodox magicians?"

"Oh, it's really amazing."

"If Mr. Kenneth finds out, it is estimated that he will do everything possible to get him under his own door, and then try to use him as a stallion to optimize the blood of the El-Mello family."

At that time, Sakura discussed with her sister the standard of mate selection for the other half with a tone like "1+1=2".

"Sounds good. If it has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, I might really be a little bit moved."

"after all--"

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