On Nkosopa's main city avenue,

La Culres' gaze shifted from Qin Chuan, who was leaning against the wall and had a leisurely demeanor, to Kira.

"Why are you still alive?!"

"Heh... I'm the king of evil!What is it to have an immortal body~ What is so surprising?!"

"You monster... Then I'll come back to crusade against you with my own hands!


As the rousing mechanical sound resounds,

Amber-like crystals gather and disperse on the surface of La Culles' body, forming a gray cold armor!

Seeing this, Kira stepped forward directly with his sword, but was stopped by Daygaogu halfway.

At this time, La Cules rushed out more and more, and the holy sword in his hand was slashed, and it was immediately inserted between the two!

"Stand down, I'll kill it with my own hands!"

However, Daygogu was not entirely at the mercy of La Cures,

This time, it came completely on the orders of the Worm King VIII!

Therefore, he is extremely dissatisfied with La Cures' sudden intervention!

"That's my head, and it's my honor!How could it be handed over to you so easily?!"

The roar fell,

Dai Gogu immediately swung the big axe in his hand and slashed at La Cooles mercilessly!

Bang bang bang!!

In a series of three attacks, the buildings on the left and right sides were cut off by the waves of air swung by the axe, and a hideous hole was cracked on the ground, which was also due to the power of the axe blade!

But compared to the Butan warriors, who relied entirely on defense and strength, Daygaogu,

La Cooles is an ingenious technical flow warrior, more powerful than any king's fighting skills,

Easily pierced through Daygogu's attack and dodged with agility!

However, this battle is what he is bound to take,

Now, if you don't give Daygaogu a little color, I'm afraid it won't stop.

As soon as I thought of this,

La Curres, who is constantly calculating, also understands that it is time,

He looked at Qin Chuan next to him imperceptibly, and nodded slightly,

Immediately, the backhand took out a golden thing from the four-dimensional chrysanthemum behind him!

It is a dazzling golden crown with various precious gemstones!

The first time he saw the crown, Qin Chuan chuckled,

And Kirana's eyes widened violently under the goggles,

The image hidden in the depths of the memory quickly flashed in my mind!

"That's... How could it be..."

I saw that Lacures seemed to have expected Kira's reaction, ignored him at all, and directly pressed the crimson gem on the front of the crown, and then carried it directly on the top of his head like a crown!


"The king's armor is armed... The Ancestor is coming!"


With the melodious singing sound,

The six gems set in the crown immediately emitted a dazzling light, and at that moment, the golden power originating from inside the crown was unlocked, and the souls of all the gods of cultivation suddenly unfolded around Lacures, and when the golden armor surrounded him, he completed the transformation of the emperor and the stag armor king!

The bright golden armor, the two elegant and chic cloaks, and the face are completely like wearing a crown, which looks majestic and majestic!

At the moment of its formation, the dazzling fluctuations instantly shattered the high-altitude live broadcast machine.

At the same time, Kagurazaki, who was watching the battle from afar in the country of Tufu, frowned, and suddenly felt a little annoyed that he didn't go to the scene!

Because just now he was not only shocked by the power that the crown brings, but also seemed to think of something else,

For example, the King's Crown Spear he got by accident not long ago!

There are many similarities in the workmanship of the two, and they may even be one.

If that's the case, then what you get will really become an important thing to lay down the situation in the Five Kingdoms!

screen rotation,

On the streets,

After the transformation of Lacures was completed, he immediately pulled out the King's Holy Sword, pulled the trigger, and the King's Finish suddenly exploded!


The golden blade of light instantly tore through the ground and slashed and hit Daygogu,

However, what is shocking is that this one-hit general actually carried it with his body!


Boom !!

I saw it roar angrily, and the big axe in his hand fell from the sky and smashed down on the light blade in front of him!

The giant force immediately split the blade in two, causing it to explode into the streets on both sides!

"Even if you dare to command me?!, I will be guided only by my king!"

The voice fell,

Daigaogu strides forward, and he is about to fight La Cooles again,

But at this moment, a blade of fire flashed like thunder,

The entire street was split into two halves on the spot, and a sword qi abyss that spanned north and south directly appeared in front of Dayi Gaogu, blocking its way!

"Your king was defeated by my men last time, this time, do you want to help him get back face?"


Daygogu looked sideways,

The person who just made the move was Qin Chuan, who had never spoken,

It narrowed its eyes, and slowly raised the large axe in its hand:

"I know you, the Lord of Truth who pretends to be a ghost, right?

"Do you know who cut off its left arm?"

"What ?!!"

Dai Gogu was furious,

· ····· Asking for flowers·· ·······

From the time of its recovery, it found that the left arm of the Worm King VIII had been hidden under the cloak,

I thought it was a question of standing posture and perspective, but I didn't ask about it.

Unexpectedly, it has been cut off?!

"Not only will I kill it, but I can also kill you!"

As soon as this statement came out,

Qin Chuan's figure came in front of Da Yi Gaogu in the blink of an eye,

The fiery sword in his hand slashed out from the bottom up,

Just listen to a piercing explosion,

Dai Gaogu reacted in time and blocked it with the long handle of the axe,

But Qin Chuan's real purpose is to kick his right foot immediately after!


I saw the blazing flames condense wildly on his right leg, like a fire dragon attacking, instantly tearing Dai Gaogu back a few steps, directly smashing into the walls, and shooting backwards into the end of the street!

Seeing this, La Cooles

Immediately turned his head and ran towards Kira with his sword, and his sword was caught off guard!

........ ..... ...

The defenseless Kira is difficult to parry,

Immediately knocked away by a huge force, directly backwards into another street,

It seems that he deliberately made room for Qin Chuan and Dayi Gaogu to distance himself, and it seems that he has something secret to say to Kira alone.

"You bastard, you dare to sneak up on this king!"

"No need to sneak attack, you're still not my opponent!"

La Cures rushed out again,

The Zero Holy Sword in his hand condensed the dazzling golden light and stabbed straight towards Kira!

This time, he was already on guard, and the constant sword was in front of his chest to resist with the sword body,

Unexpectedly, Lacures twisted at his feet, and the forward stabbing stopped abruptly, and he turned directly and slashed horizontally!


The crisp sound of metal colliding sounded, but it was not the collision of two holy swords, but the sound of holy swords slashing on the armor!

Countless electric sparks exploded in Kira's chest, and the strong force slashed it dozens of meters away on the spot, and once again fell into the ruins, drowning in rubble and dust!

"This is the true power of the king! You can't do anything, so you should bow down!"

La Culles approached step by step with his sword,

Finger on the trigger several more times,

A steady stream of energy poured out of the sword body,

The rich and sharp golden blade of light shines in the sunlight and cannot be shaken!

【King Charged... The end of the king!]

At the same time, on the other side,

Dayigogus, who rose from the building, slammed his axe to the ground,

It secretly shook its somewhat numb palm, and looked at Qin Chuan who walked out of the smoke and dust with caution but great anger in its heart.

I saw that there was a white driving book in his hand at some point, which was slowly unfolding!

"You are a beast, just use the power of the beast to make you surrender...!"

...... Scholar.

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