This arrogant bastard, a Germanic barbarian from the mountains outside Jura, dares to openly ignore His Majesty's appointment and keeps saying that he will join the heretical emperor of Greece!

Sebastian lost his temper at his servants.

He is just a small border count. Does he think he is already a high-ranking king?

The servant advised in a low voice: Your Majesty Cardinal, are we going to go back home and miss this most likely feat of regaining Egypt in hundreds of years?

He pointed at the knights' competition field not far away, where a strict line of troops was forming, a mixed team of armored archers and iron pagodas charging forward slowly - their opponents were a group of Crusader armored sergeants.

The drill between the two was very exciting. The knights charged calmly, like hammers, while the armored sergeants remained motionless, forming a tight square formation, like anvils.

Look, my Lord Cardinal, this is the army under Marquis Lothar. This is an army that has gone through hundreds of battles. It is by no means comparable to the mercenaries we brought. He is by no means a little man. It’s so simple to become a vassal!”

The servants didn't understand military matters, but these soldiers followed orders and orders with high spirits. Even laymen could see some clues.

Especially the iron cavalry with human and horse equipment. In comparison, the European knights are more like a group of ragged beggars.

Sebastian was shocked.

He remembered what Lothar said before.

The Queen of Greece must be sponsoring him!

Otherwise, where would he get so much money to maintain such an elite force? His territories, Limassol, Hebron, Port Ella, even if all these places were plundered without leaving a drop of oil, it would be impossible. To scrape together so much money.”

Sebastian was born as a clerk, and his sensitivity to numbers was far beyond what other people could compare to.

He paced with his hands behind his back for a long time, and finally clenched his fists and slammed the wooden stake in front of him: You are right, as the most devout servants of God, we must not miss this grand event.

If we leave in a bad mood, even His Majesty will be dissatisfied with me.

He's back again?

Hearing the footsteps, Lothar asked without raising his head.

Coors nodded with a smile on his face: My lord, you have a clever plan, and I admire it.

Lothar smiled and shook his head: This is not some magical plan, he just has no choice.

Let him in.

When he saw Sebastian again, Lothar's attitude was much colder than at first: Why did your Excellency the Cardinal leave and come back? Do you want to point at my nose again and insult my reputation? Do you think I’m not worthy of holding the Holy Spear?”

Sebastian smiled awkwardly: Marquis Lothar, I know you hate me for trying to gain control of the sacred tree, which made you unhappy.

But before I knew that you were the guardian of the holy spear, I only knew that you were a secular lord. How could you control the sacred tree? Now I know that as a person who has received divine favor, the Marquis has his own miracles. The sacred tree It’s just right for you to guard it.”

Lothar carefully observed the micro-expression on Sebastian's face, which was full of frustration.

He couldn't help but shook his head. His psychological quality and acting skills were really average. If he wasn't a well-connected person, Lothar wouldn't be able to figure out how he got the position of Cardinal.

Your Excellency, speak directly.

Sebastian coughed slightly to cover up his embarrassment: What do you want, Lord Marquis, you might as well say it directly.

what do you want?

Rosa Youyou said: Instead of asking me what I want, why don't you ask me what can you give me?

After Lothar finished speaking, he added: Duke Raymond sent his second son, led a thousand elites to serve me, and sponsored a large amount of supplies, in exchange for the title of the Principality of Cyrenaica.

How much does Your Excellency the Cardinal think the title of Alexander, the Latin Patriarch, is worth?

Sebastian suddenly fell into deep thought. He didn't think there was anything wrong with buying or selling the priesthood, but he was really thinking about what he could offer now.


There is certainly no shortage of Lothar.

Being able to afford such a wealthy and wealthy armored cavalry, whether with or without the support of the Eastern Empire, proves that Lothar is definitely not short of money, otherwise he could have chosen a more cost-effective Western European cavalry.


He is a cardinal, not a knight of the order. Even if he has his own personal guard, the number is pitifully small. At most, he can only pay to hire a mercenary group. But can mercenaries be considered elite?

Obviously not!

Even though the mercenary group he led had a good reputation in the Apennines and was well-equipped, he knew very well that in terms of combat effectiveness, mercenaries who fought for money could never be the same as those who were truly pious. comparable to the Crusaders.

That’s supplies!

Sebastian's eyes lit up, and he said sternly: Your Majesty the Marquis, I would like to send you a letter, in the name of His Majesty the Pope, requesting the monasteries and churches in the Holy Land to donate a batch of supplies to the Crusaders commanded by the Marquis. .

That would be best.

Lothar said expressionlessly: But I don't know yet, how much supplies will be available and when will they be available?

Sebastian gritted his teeth: I will collect enough military supplies for ten thousand people for three months as soon as possible!

This amount of money is not a small amount, especially now that prices are soaring.

Of course, his private purse did not have so much money, but this was official business. Many believers in the parishes under his original jurisdiction had donated money to the Crusades and money to purchase indulgences.

This money was invested in Lothar, and no one could blame him.

But he originally wanted to pay tribute to His Majesty the Pope.

Although he is a confidant of the Pope, how can this relationship be maintained? Isn’t it just his unshakable tribute every year? Otherwise, how could he be appointed as Patriarch of the Diocese of Alexandria as soon as the church received the news?

A smile immediately appeared on Lothar's face: Please sit down, dear Cardinal, please forgive me for being rude before.

A bunch of good words were thrown at him, and Sebastian, who was used to hearing flattering words, felt a little flattered for a moment. After he recovered, he was so angry that his teeth itched - was this guy born in the year of the dog? His face changed. So fast?


With the scorching sun above his head, Nasser raised his kettle and took a sip from the freshly filled sweet spring. The refreshment brought by the well water dispelled the heat in his heart.

Rather than riding a spear, he felt he was better suited to writing poetry in his room with a reed pen.

What a pity, such sweet and refreshing spring water.

Looking at the soldiers carrying the dead bodies and preparing to throw them into the well, Nasser felt a sense of sadness.

This is a well that has supported countless nomads and large livestock for countless years. Now, it is about to be destroyed by the people it nurtures.

He turned his back and planned to use this feeling of sadness to write a poem to express his feelings. Then, he heard the deafening sound of horse hooves and the panicked shouts of the soldiers beside him.

Enemy attack!

It's the Frankish Hussars!

Run quickly, we are no match for them.

The battle ended soon.

Even the hussars who came from afar, under the leadership of Hans, still easily killed these elites under Lord Alish. The only survivor was Nasser, who was better at writing poetry.

So, there is the following record:

When I discovered the Frankish hussars, I saw the leader, wearing a helmet that looked like a flapping bird of prey. The slits in the helmet had eyes like those of a hungry wolf in the wilderness late at night.

And the mount under his crotch, I can guarantee that it is more majestic than any horse I have ever seen.

The speed is like a demon in the dark night. It seems that it only took a moment to rush in front of us.

He swung a black lance like an iron rod, and blew poor Luther's head open in front of me - my horse was frightened, and was struck by that. A giant horse that looks like a demon.

I fell to the ground and broke one of my legs under the weight of my poor, stunned horse.

Hans, who was wearing a giant winged helmet, looked at the frightened Nasser and frowned: Take this lucky guy away and find out his origins!

Don't kill me, don't kill me!

Let me go, and I promise to send someone to pay you the ransom. I swear on the honor of my family and my devotion to the Holy Fire!

Nasser was frightened and shouted loudly in the Saracen language. Hans could understand one or two of the sentences and said with some surprise: You are the lord of Arish and Feraima, and the lord of Assar. son?

Nasser nodded quickly.

He spoke Greek, but not the language of the Franks.

Take him under custody and ensure his safety.

Hans raised his finger at Ulm and said, Brother, this may be a big fish. It's up to you whether you can pry more information out of his mouth.

Ulm responded solemnly: I understand, my lord.

Hans turned over and jumped off his mount, patted Eclipse's slender neck covered with horse armor: Man, did you run well this time?

Eclipse raised her head excitedly.

It had had enough of staying in the stable or following the marching team slowly. It needed to run unbridled and needed the thrill of blood dripping on its body. So, it was taken out by Hans to let it roam. .

Hans smiled and whispered: Remember what we said at the beginning, don't really let yourself go just because the adults are not here - especially remember, don't eat people, there is something prepared for you in the saddle bag Dried meat, I’ll feed you when there’s no one around.”

Eclipse nodded humanely.

Nice horse!

Hans patted Eclipse's neck again, and then commanded solemnly: Everyone, check whether the water source is contaminated. If not, replenish the water source on the spot and feed the mounts. We will continue to set off later.

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