Early in the morning, Gaza City fell into a busy atmosphere.

The Saracen slave girls held fresh flowers from the garden and walked briskly through the mansion.

They lit incense, swept it, cleaned the rooms that had not been occupied for a long time, put flower pots and porcelain in the largest guest room, and hung curtains between the pillars.

Because starting from today, the Marquis of Transjordan, King Baldwin's favorite confidant, the guardian of the Holy Spear, the protector of the sacred tree, the one favored by the gods, the commander-in-chief of the Crusaders, the Marquis Lothar will stay here.

Baron Robert, the acting lord of Gaza City, looked at his drunken son who had just been dragged out of bed by the old butler. His face turned red with anger - maybe I should consider bringing your brother back from the monastery and bringing him back to the monastery. You send it in.

The old baron roared angrily: Get out of here right now, wash your body, which smells like you've been living in a stable for a month, and put on clean and decent clothes. You've been soaking in a wine vat all day long. The idiot in there!

The aristocratic young man seemed to have not yet woken up, and subconsciously let out a sour wine burp: Do we have guests?

Baron Robert's face was livid, and you didn't take it to heart at all because of what he had repeatedly explained over the past few days.

He suppressed his anger and said: The Marquis is coming, and everyone has to go out of the city to greet him. We have been preparing for this for several days!

Which Marquis...

The hungover young noble looked confused.

Who else could it be? There is only one marquis in the kingdom, the ruler of Transjordan, Hebron, South Sinai and Limassol, and the commander-in-chief of the Crusaders, the Marquis Lothar!

Robert felt that his anger was about to be completely uncontrollable. The relationship between father and son had originally eased with the Gaza City guard battle - but this incompetent guy became worse after the witch lady left. He was so dissolute that he indulged in alcohol all day long.

Of course he knew why.

If the witch lady didn't have a special status, he would be happy to match her - after all, which lord today hasn't realized the importance of wizards in war? Almost all of the powerful nobles in Europe have spellcasters under their command.

This is the general trend!

But the question is, is that witch lady a member of Marquis Lothar, trying to get in the way of the most prominent Crusader noble in the Eastern world? Don't be kidding, even his loyal master, Princess Sibylla, would not dare to have such an idea.

The noble young man was stunned for a moment, then said with a look of surprise: Then will I be able to see Miss Chelinina again?

Soissons, throw this guy into the tub immediately!

Robert could no longer suppress the anger in his heart: In addition, keep an eye on this idiot. If he dares to harass the Marquis's female family members - even if he only has this clue, even if he is executed on the spot, he will never be killed. Disgraced the family’s reputation.”

The butler responded with a headache on his face: Yes, sir.

This fact is really difficult to deal with. After all, little Robert is the only heir of the family. Unless the second young master, who has been practicing in the monastery for more than five years and has a mind full of theological scriptures, is brought back, he will be a better person than little Robert. A more distinguished heir?

By the time everything was completely packed, it was already noon.

The nobles, knights, citizens in Gaza City, as well as the monks and priests from nearby monasteries, some were holding flowers in their hands, while others were holding crosses of various shapes tightly, looking forward to it.

The scouts who came to communicate came one after another.

The army of the Marquis has arrived at Toulon Castle.

The Marquis's army has crossed the small rock.

At noon, the sun is shining brightly.

There was a layer of sweat on many people's faces, but no one complained. Some people even enthusiastically told the uninformed about Kopulosa's achievements and experiences. They spoke vividly, as if they had experienced it themselves.

Faced with the doubts of some people, they said confidently: If you don't believe it, you can ask the Crusaders who returned from the north. They have all experienced it firsthand. It is definitely a miracle!

The earth suddenly trembled slightly.


Baron Robert quickly adjusted his clothes, dusted off the dust on his blouse, placed the golden cross he wore when he participated in the Crusades in the middle of his chest, and looked into the distance.

All I could see was smoke and dust billowing at the end of the horizon.

As if in just a blink of an eye, the smoke and dust were filled with flags bearing the symbol of a flying double-headed eagle.

A row of neatly arrayed, fully armed knights, riding on tall and strong horses.

The knights wearing black, white, and blue robes, crosses of various colors, and personal coats of arms such as eagles, wolves, and bears belonging to the nobles were like a wall of steel, slowly approaching with a sense of oppression.

Immediately behind were the heavy infantry phalanxes holding shields and forming a resembling Crusader formation.

This is the Crusade led by the Marquis!

The army is mighty, and only such an army can defeat the barbaric Saracens!

People cheered excitedly.

Gaza City, which had just been invaded by enemies, was looking forward to the emergence of a powerful army in the Kingdom more than ever.


Twelve fully armed iron pagoda cavalry, like iron towers made of steel, rode the same equipped mounts, walked at the front of the team, and were the first to arrive in front of the welcoming crowd.

These armored cavalry are simply the most terrifying weapons of this era, with unparalleled momentum.

After that, there were dozens of hussars who had become famous in the Holy Land and even throughout Christendom.

They spread out like a fan, revealing behind them the Marquis in black, riding alone and wearing a dragon-head cloak.

The Marquis, who was riding on the saddle of Eclipse, slowly approached the crowd with a bird's-eye view of the mountains. He was wearing a new set of plate armor printed with various patterns and a daunting golden mask helmet.

The mask depicts lifelike facial features, even the lines on the beard are lifelike.

So majestic.

Whether it was the residents of Gaza City or the new pilgrims to the Holy Land, they had never seen such a grand ostentation of the Eastern Lords before, and their eyes were opened.

For God's sake, even the king of Gaul and the emperor of the empire may not be able to have such a grand pomp, right?

No, it's not necessarily, it's definitely not. I once saw the emperor traveling in Aachen. There is no comparison with the pomp of the Marquis.

Even just looking at the Marquis, I feel my legs shaking. If it were on the battlefield, I can't imagine what kind of army it would be to have the courage to face the Marquis.

People were whispering.

Then he saw that the Marquis took off his mask, revealing a handsome and unexpectedly young face.

He jumped off his mount, put one hand on the sword at his waist, and strode like a meteor to the front of Baron Robert.

The Baron immediately stepped forward and knelt down on one knee: Good day, under the holy light, the most noble guardian of the holy spear.

Lothar couldn't help laughing and said: Baron Robert, these are the names of bards. I didn't give myself such a nickname.

He stretched out his palm and handed it over: Good morning, Baron Robert, even when I was fighting with the infidels in Galilee, I heard your reputation for bravery. If you hadn't guarded Gaza, Adil would have died. March forward and attack Jerusalem.”

The Baron kissed the ring on Lothar's finger, raised his head, saw the gentle smile on the Marquis' face, and heard his unstinting praise. Even the Iron-blooded Baron couldn't help but feel flattered.

You are over-praising me. If you hadn't sent Miss Cellinina to help, Gaza City would have been destroyed long ago. This credit should belong to you, to Miss Cellinina, and not to the humble one who just did a good job. I am the duty of a Christian lord.”

Lothar looked up at the city gate.

Traces of the damage caused by the war can still be seen here. The dirt road outside the city has been refilled, and many bricks on the city wall have been repainted. Some collapsed places have not even had time to be repaired.

No need to be humble, Your Excellency.

Lothar smiled and shook his head: I have made enough contributions, and even His Majesty has nothing to reward me - so, I came to Gaza City, here, looking at Egypt in the distance.

He stretched out his hand to support Baron Robert: The next step is to conquer there.

His tone was very relaxed, but it contained Caesar's domineering attitude of I come, I see, I conquer.

The baron hurriedly said: My lord, I and the Christians in Gaza will contribute all our strength to your conquest of Egypt.

His peripheral vision scanned the team.

But he was shocked to find that his unlucky son had disappeared.

A layer of cold sweat immediately broke out on his back, but he still had a happy smile on his face, and asked: Dare you ask, Lord Marquis, where did Miss Cellinina go? After that war, we didn't even have time. Thank her and she disappears without a trace.”

Lothar smiled and shook his head, but did not answer.

Cellinina has now sneaked into the territory of the Saracens. If nothing else happens, there is a high probability that she has connected with the Dark Shadow trained by Coors. However, this matter is not convenient in public. Revealed below.

As a multi-ethnic state with a thriving business community, Jerusalem is far too easy to penetrate.

Among the people who came to greet them, I think there were many spies under Adil. The contest between him and Adil had actually begun before the Battle of Galilee.

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