Derem finally asked about the whereabouts of Bishop Uldin from the soldiers.

It is true that the grand leader of the Lazarus Redemption Order is Lothar, but apart from the Guardian Knights, all other branches of the Redemption Order, especially the main hospital business, are actually under the control of Uldin.

At this time when Lothar's prestige was at its peak.

In this place that is full of injuries, and corpses that have suffered from injuries and injuries before death are carried out and buried every day. In the eyes of many people, it is unlucky to be even remotely close to this place. The most respected one will always be That Bishop of Uldin.

He searched all the way, and there were people in a hurry everywhere, and desperate cries could be heard from some tents from time to time.

He quickened his pace, and finally saw Urdin busy in a square tent with nothing special.

Bishop Uldin.

Uldin was wearing a white linen robe, standing in front of the stove, reaching out to feel the warmth of the stove.

He did not show any surprise at Derem's sudden visit, but ordered naturally:

Don't be stunned. Pass me the goose-necked flask over there, as well as the perilla and St. John's wort - and take out the poisonous snake meat in the jar next to it. Don't worry, it has been dried.

Am I here to study herbalism?

Derem was a little lost, I am obviously here to study theology!

He followed Uldin's instructions and took out the necessary items one by one. If he didn't understand anything, Uldin would patiently give him guidance.

Put the rest back in their original places. Don't get them in the wrong place. Some apprentices may not be able to tell the difference. They rely on the labels on them to identify them. The potion you prepared will kill someone if you eat it.

Bishop Uldin, were you a herbalist before?

In many parts of Europe, many herbalists are regarded as scary beings similar to wizards.

Because they can play with all kinds of strange herbs and cook suspicious soups, some of which are mixed with hallucinogens, making people feel like they are possessed by the devil.

But in the eyes of the Kurds, a doctor who is good at herbal medicine is definitely a person worthy of respect.

No, I used to be an ascetic, and herbalism was an elective subject when I was at university in Bologna.

Derem didn't realize there was anything wrong with teaching herbal medicine in the university. He asked with some confusion:


Drim tried to understand this profound word using the way he heard it: Is it the kind of ascetic who leaves everything behind and chants sutras in the monastery, or the ascetic who beats himself with a whip?

What Derem said is that the former are orthodox ascetic monks, referring to those monks who practice in the monastery, do not care about any secular affairs, do not participate in labor, and focus on chanting scriptures and praying every day.

The latter refers to the flagelgers who walked barefoot and sometimes flagellated themselves to imitate the tortures inflicted on Jesus by the imperialists before his crucifixion - such people can often be seen in Jerusalem.

What do you think of me?

Derem shook his head: It doesn't look like it.

Although Urdin's style is relatively simple, at least his shoes and socks are neat, and there are no scars on his appearance. He doesn't look like a masochist.

Uldin smiled: That's right, I'm different from them. Derem, if someone tells you that physical torture can bring you closer to salvation, it must be wrong. Life is not meant to be... Suffering.”

What do you think is suffering?

Derem thought for a moment and said: From the territory of the Impaler, on the way to Port Ella with the tribe, we ran out of supplies and were attacked by several bandit groups and Rauf's minions. , it was very difficult at that time, half of the people in the tribe died on the road - and before, because Raouf lost the war with the Marquis, several additional taxes were levied. In order to collect this tax, we I didn’t have enough to eat for quite some time.”

It was really hard.

Uldin smiled: Derim, during that period, what was your most anticipated day?

The most longed-for day.

Derem was a little embarrassed: Marrying the most beautiful girl in the tribe, and then living together herding sheep every day, eating endless cheese and meat, and drinking endless fine wines - that is the life I look forward to the most. .”

Bishop Uldin smiled and said, Come to think of it, that would be really wonderful.

He paused slightly and then said: There was a lady who was filled with sorrow before and came to the wounded barracks to volunteer to help the wounded - she was forced by her father to separate from the man she loved and was forced to marry an old and lame nobleman. Lord.

Derem was a little confused and asked, What do you mean by this?

Being the wife of an old and dying man, she can have good farmland and precious horses, slaves in the manor, endless amounts of exquisite bread and various kinds of meat, and endless amounts of sweet wine. Do you think she is really Is it bitter?”

Derem thought for a while, then tentatively said, It should be quite painful, otherwise she wouldn't have come to the wounded barracks.

Uldin smiled and said: She only stayed in the wounded barracks for three days, and two and a half of them were because she fainted after seeing the scene of blood and water splattering, and lay in bed to rest.

Derem was speechless for a while.

Before she left, she told me that she had donated a large amount of money to the Order and thanked me for curing her heart disease.

Derem, what you said is actually right. She was indeed in pain at that time. This pain does not mean that she is inferior to anyone else because of her position. The pain of a noble lady losing her love will not It’s even less worth mentioning than when you were starving. Because for them at that time, bearing this amount of pain was already their full strength.”

Uldin smiled and said: The meaning of an ascetic monk like me is to find happiness from adversity. This is much easier than trying to make yourself happy again when things go smoothly. Instead of asking for trouble, that is What goes against human nature will not bring you even half a step closer to salvation.”

I seem to understand a little bit.

Derem asked tentatively: Just like when I was hungry, as long as someone gave me a piece of bread, I would be extremely satisfied and happy, but now, even if someone gives me a large piece of grilled lamb chop, I can't eat it. ?”


As Urdin spoke, he did not stop moving his hands. Seeing that the liquid in the pot was boiling, he took out the gooseneck bottle and poured the liquid in through the funnel.

The potion is mixed and sent to Brother Frederick. He will be responsible for further processing of the potion. Just turn left when you go out.


Uldin then urged: Hurry up. After you come back, I want you to follow me to meet someone.


Drim didn't ask what to do, and just silently followed Uldin's instructions.

He felt that he might not be able to learn any theological knowledge during this period, but if it was herbal medicine, it seemed to be more meaningful than theological knowledge.

the other side.

Coors followed Lothar and asked:

Sir, you... think highly of that Derem?

What do you think?

Sir, do you want everyone to see that a soldier who is loyal to you, even a Kurd, can be praised?

Yes, but not entirely.

Lothar shook his head.

The Knights of the Order are all good talents, but they are only good in this era.

As for the thousand quotas given to him by the large-scale recruitment, it can only ensure loyalty.

This is an era of illiteracy, and there are idiots and fools everywhere. He hopes that there will be more smart people under his command.

Derim has a very flexible mind. I am willing to give him a chance. It doesn't cost me anything anyway. That's all. As for what you said, I actually didn't think about it that much at all.

Lothar patted Coors on the shoulder: Don't get caught in Hans's problem. You are far better than me in internal affairs. If there is anything you need to remind me of, please tell me immediately.

Coors frowned and looked at Lothar's hand, and said helplessly: Sir, if this is the reason why you leave all military affairs to me, I would rather you not think so highly of me. I am just a person. An old vampire.

The work intensity of working for Lothar was too high, otherwise he would not have had the idea of ​​developing a descendant. Before that, he was just a butler of the Vampire Court, and he could spend a lot of time every day tasting fine wine and grooming himself.

Those who are capable work hard, like Veneto. I dare not tell him anything important.

Lothar smoothed the wrinkles on Coors' shoulders, watched Coors' brows relax again, and said happily: Okay, Coors, the supplies Duke Raymond promised to dispatch are still waiting for you to receive them. Coordinator.

Coors smiled bitterly and sighed: I originally thought I could spend a relatively leisurely afternoon.

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