Perhaps it was the bloody scene of the execution of deserters in the square that attracted more attention, or perhaps it was because it was noon, the weather was hot, and the market camp, which had been bustling for several days, became sparsely populated.

The fireflies who worked hard to pick up the guests at night were still asleep at this time. At least, they didn't see any attractive scenery.

A group of ten people from Shayuebu were walking in the camp.

Young people are still immersed in excitement.

Derim, if you become a knight, are you also qualified to canonize us as knights?

Derem shook his head and said: Yes, but it has no substantive significance. I heard Master Ulm say that in the hometown of the Franks, there were poor and landless knights everywhere. They often could only do The path-cutting robber.”

Of course, knights can theoretically be made knights. In order to achieve a class jump, many businessmen often find a poor knight to donate a small amount of money to them and let the family heir serve as his attendant.

But this is moot.

Many wandering knights without fiefs had a worse reputation on the continent than bandits. After committing adultery and committing crimes, when they were hanged on the gallows by the local lord, they would not be exempted from the title of knight.

It's nice to have a false name.

Derem said helplessly: Well, if you all think so, I will also canonize you as knights after I get the knighthood, but we can't afford a priest to preside over the ceremony.

Forget it.

The mature Ali said: What's the use of having an empty title? At most, it's just to sound nice when talking to others, but we don't know Germanic. Moreover, a title obtained in this way can easily make others look down upon.


Everyone also came back to their senses.

Derim continued: We Kurds are very conspicuous in the camp. Indeed, as Ali said, it is better for us to keep a low profile.

Young people, ideas come and go quickly. Someone immediately said with a smile: By the way, do you think we should join the hussars or the armored cavalry company? I heard that in this battle, it will still be the hussars. More gains were made. One-third of those who were canonized as knights this time were from winged cavalry; however, the losses of the armored cavalry would be smaller. They were as if they were wrapped in iron sheets, and ordinary weapons would not hurt them at all. Not to them.

Derem said helplessly: How can it be so easy? Do you think it's your choice?

Hey, isn't the Marquis planning to expand the standing army company? The news has spread all over the place! Lord Ulm is optimistic about you again. He may transfer you and us into the Hussars Company.

Derem couldn't help but laugh and said: Don't think about it. There are so many people waiting in line to join those companies, and we haven't made any achievements. Even my title of knight was earned by Old Shech and the others with all their hard work. Yes, ask yourselves, whose martial arts and riding skills can compare with those of the Hussars? Who can wear such heavy armor, draw a bow and arrow, charge with a gun, and wave a mace on horseback? Is everything possible?

These words made everyone feel discouraged.

A group of young people who wanted to make great achievements and prove that they could shoulder the future of the Shayo tribe ended up not doing as well as a group of old bones who stayed at home, which really made them feel ashamed.

Derem coughed: Okay, during this rest period, everyone should practice their martial arts, collect the bounty they received, and buy some decent armors for each of them first - those from the Saracens. The armor captured here is cheap, so you have to buy it as soon as possible. The reason why so many of our brothers died in this battle is because the armor and weapons are not as good as others.


A group of people agreed and selected clothes in the market.

After shopping around a lot, I still didn't find what I liked.

After asking about the price of the last stall, Derem felt a little sad: The clothes in these markets are really too expensive.

Just a robe costs ten gold coins of Surides. At this price, it can be exchanged for ten big fat pigs.

The vendor was probably a Jew, with black eyes, wearing a raised yellow headscarf, a blue coat wrapped in a white linen shirt, and a six-pointed star pinned to his chest.

Hearing this, he lay on the chair and said lazily: Why is it so expensive? This is a silk robe collected from the camp of a Saracen noble. It is light and sun-proof and has excellent breathability. It is already sold for ten gold coins. It’s a good price.”

Silk burqa, where are the fools?

Derem rolled his eyes. No matter how rich he was, he couldn't be extravagant enough to make a burqa, because it was simply impractical. The burqa was used to block the sun and dust, so what's the use of being breathable? Breathability is an attribute that underwear only needs.

He touched it and said, Isn't this just a burqa made of soft leather and linen?

The vendor looked a little confused and reached out to slap Derim's hand away: If you can't afford it, don't touch it. Poor people can go to the opposite side and take a look. You can exchange for the bloody clothes taken from the dead over there with just one silver coin. All in one.

Ali couldn't hold himself back anymore and said in broken Germanic: Watch your attitude, businessman, this is the captain of our cavalry team, and he will accept the knighthood from Marquis Lothar this afternoon!

It's hard to believe that the merchant actually understood it and said with disdain:

Oh, the Marquis is going to invite my uncle to a dinner party tonight. Don't use the Marquis to pressure me. He is just a quasi-knight who has not yet accepted the canonization and looks like a Saracen.

Speaking of the word accurate, he deliberately emphasized his tone: Even the identity of this quasi-knight may be fake - show me your coat of arms, otherwise, I have reason to suspect that you are a bluffing fake.

That's enough Ali.

Derem didn't want to offend this guy who looked very rich. Although he was a Jew, he was probably backed by a local business guild. His group of people were Kurdish immigrants, so there was no need to cause trouble for him.

He grabbed Ali's arm: Let's go and have a look on the other side. If there is any blood, let's just go back and wash it off.

The merchant snorted and sat back down.

He was really not afraid of Derem. His uncle was the largest grain merchant in the northern part of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Even Duke Raymond often invited his father to banquets. He didn't look down on a mere poor knight at all.

Ali gritted his teeth, his face full of anger: Derem, if you hadn't stopped me today, I would have smashed that guy's head.

Then what? Hanging on the gallows?

Derem cursed in a low voice: Don't cause trouble. We are outsiders after all. Don't cause trouble to Lord Ulm.

Ali was silent for a moment and sighed: I heard that the Marquis has recently recruited a group of Kurdish cavalry. Their leader is Abdullah. He is a Zoroastrian and is highly regarded by the Marquis.

Do you think we should go and join this Abdullah?

Derem was a little moved, but then he still shook his head and said: No, let's not forget that our Shayo tribe has left the Kurdish gathering place in the north for many years, and even our accent has changed. We are now directly under the Knights of Ulm. Guards, it will not do us any good to switch to a person who does not know his background.

Ali thought about Derim's words, nodded and said: Derim, you are still thoughtful. Sheikh wants you to lead everyone. Sure enough, there is a reason for him.

Derem and his party bought a yellow blouse opposite, which was also made of soft leather and linen. The price was indeed quite low - or in other words, this was the real going price.

In the past few days when various military supplies have flooded into the market, the prices of Saracen robes and armor have dropped a lot.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the group also purchased several sets of second-hand scale armor in the market. Although there were traces of sewing on them, the quality of the armor was barely passable. Some rusty and damaged armor leaves were only found at the quartermaster's place. Replacements can be obtained for a small fee.

Let's go get something to eat. If we go back at this time, there will definitely be no food in the camp.

Ali warned: Derim, you must eat more at noon. I heard that after the canonization ceremony, the new knights need to go to the temporary church of the monastery to pray for a whole night. During this period, eating is prohibited.

Don't worry, I will definitely fill my stomach as much as possible.

Derem replied, but still felt a little unrealistic in his heart.

That was a knight conferred by the Marquis himself. This kind of honor was going to fall on him?

The canonization ceremony in the afternoon was grand, with many spectators, and was presided over by senior clergy such as the Archbishop of Tire. His Majesty the King personally attended the ceremony, clearly demonstrating Lothar's current power.

During the ceremony, Lothar canonized forty-six meritorious officials as knights. At the same time, he gave them land as their own fiefs and asked them to swear to serve him.

This is the highlight of canonizing a knight. It is not only the virtual title given to a knight when he is canonized as a knight, but more importantly, it establishes the feudal relationship between the lord and the knight and stipulates the rights and obligations of both parties.

Cellinina stood in the crowd, silently watching this scene, not knowing what she was thinking.

At this time, a figure walked towards her.

She said hello: Good day, grandpa.

Very polite, but also distant.

Veneto, who had always had an unruly face and was seven dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied towards everyone, now seemed a little embarrassed. He smiled awkwardly, but he didn't know how to show the kindness of a grandfather - he I always feel that I am still very young.

Nina, can you tell me what kind of person your father is?

Didn't you say that before?

I only heard a general idea that time. It seems that he almost overturned the rule of the Yaxi Wolf Clan?

Chelinina thought for a moment, seemed to be organizing her words, and then said: Master

Veneto interrupted: Don't call me that, just call me Veneto. The age gap between us is probably not that big yet.

Well - Mr. Veneto, as you just saw, my lord has conferred many knights today.

Yes, I saw it.

I wonder if you have noticed that the vast majority of them are not from noble families. In the words of our wolf clan, they are all wandering wolves, untouchables who are not from the family and are only qualified to be our domestic slaves. Or a peripheral member of the family.”

Your Excellency canonizes them because of their talents and meritorious service.

Cellinina's tone paused for a moment: My father, your son, did the same thing as you, he moved the foundation of the Basilicata family to Texas in the New World, where, An organization called the 'Wolf Federation' was established, recruiting a large number of wandering wolves and giving them equal treatment - now, do you know what kind of person my father is?

Veneto's eyes widened, his expression full of confusion.

From what you described, he sounds like a lawless guy, even more deviant than me.

The old order of the wolf clan has long been deeply rooted in the thoughts of every wolf clan. Even Veneto was momentarily shocked by his future son's feat and was speechless. This was different from his original The powerful approach to power is completely different.

What about the end?

What's the last thing?

Veneto asked: Of course it's the end. The Wolf Lord will definitely not sit back and let this 'association' develop.

Cellinina was silent.

She and Giuliano didn't realize that even a foolish man like Veneto could see it.

It failed.

Veneto could already guess the ending without Cellinina's answer. He sighed: You are still too young, it would have been me.

If it were you, we might not be here anymore.

Cellinina interrupted.

Veneto was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing: It sounds like I am a brainless reckless man. Okay, I admit that sometimes I am a little reckless, but I don't dare to show my teeth to the wolf master - mine My son is better than me.

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