
Lothar used force and smashed Hans' iron-gloved palm onto the table. The force was so strong that the table board instantly cracked.

Hans said with admiration: Sir, you are amazing.

The two had an arm wrestling match, and Lothar actually won!

You kid.

Lothar smiled. Now his basic attributes have finally caught up. Without the blessing of the blood waterfall, he is not far behind Hans and is basically on the same level.

If it continues, the outcome is unknown.

Hans still lost his temper.

He said with a serious face: Sir, I really didn't give in this time.

Lothar rolled his eyes and said to himself, the attributes on the system panel are all displayed here, I can see them clearly.

Veneto, who was silently wiping his weapon next to him, muttered in a low voice, This bitch has really ruined the face of our wolf clan.

At this time, Lothar suddenly felt a heat in her chest and took out her coat of arms. Anna's charming voice came from the opposite side: I heard that you fought well in this battle. The material on the Karelian fire dragon, Have you considered selling to me?”

Nonsense, I won't sell it to you, and I have no other channels.

Okay, then I will take time to go to Jerusalem in two days.

Lothar said hmm and asked, How was your fight in Sicily?

Anna was obviously in a good mood and said with a smile: Your emperor has done a great job this time. He has sent a large army to surround Napoli and contain a large number of enemy troops. We took the opportunity to land in Sicily and the progress was pretty good. smoothly.

Lothar thought the same thing. It was time to divide the spoils before they could fall out. The two sides should still be in the honeymoon period now.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few more words before hanging up the communication.

Okay, another sum of money is coming. The army's military expenses are finally settled.

He paused slightly and then said: Coors, I will trouble you in the next period of time. I want topographic maps of all important locations in the Sinai Peninsula, the distribution of enemy fortress garrison, and the local power factions in Egypt. Divide.”

Taking the initiative is completely different from being passively defensive.

Especially in a place with extreme water shortage like the Sinai Peninsula, it is crucial to collect intelligence in advance and plan the march route. Lothar has always learned from how he lost the Battle of Harding in his previous life.

Kors nodded slightly: I will instruct the Shadow of Darkness to start investigating immediately.

I won't have dinner in the camp today. I have to meet with people from the Knights later to discuss some loan matters.

In this era, there were a large number of usury bans in Europe, but this could not prevent the loan sharking industry from becoming prevalent in places with developed trade such as the Apennine Peninsula. The annual interest rates of some loan sharks even reached a terrifying rate of more than 40%.

If a big noble borrows money to fight a war, the interest rate may even soar to 100%!

Because the collateral for loans taken by these great nobles is often their own real estate and manor, or even land under the control of the enemy - once they lose, the lenders will not have the ability to collect debts from the enemies holding swords.

Even if you win, you have to be careful of the nobles turning their backs and getting rid of the creditors. This kind of thing has happened.

The risk is high, and the interest rates will naturally be high.

The Knights are also a monastic organization after all, and their appearance cannot be as ugly as those merchants.

The interest rate is unlikely to be too high.

After all, interest on money is the death of the soul and the bridge to hell. The current grand leaders, Gerald and Roger, are both decent, and they are not like Jewish businessmen who spend every penny.

To be honest, Lothar is also very keen on the banking industry that the Knights hold in their hands, but Lothar does not have the unique conditions for these two.

On the one hand, the Knights own thousands of manors scattered across Europe, which means that branches of the Knights can easily open to every corner of Europe; on the other hand, the Knights also have the credibility of the church.

In addition, the main business of the Knights is not lending to merchants, but to pilgrims. The Knights, who are powerful in the Holy Land, have naturally become giants in the banking industry. This is a two-way choice.

After all, in this era of rampant banditry, it is obvious which way is safer to set off on a pilgrimage with a bag of gold coins in your arms or a hidden ticket exchanged at the Knights branch.

In the evening, Lothar made an appointment with the two grand leaders to meet at the Knights Templar camp.

Good night, Grand Commander Gerald, Grand Commander Roger.

Lothar walked into the tent and took the lead in saluting the two captains of the knights. He seemed not to mind at all the offense Gerald had given him.

The two of them also stood up and crossed themselves on their chests: God bless you, Marquis Lothar.

Two Grand Leaders, my purpose of coming must have been discussed with you two by my Holy Treasurer.

Roger couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: Lord Lothar, the Director of the Holy Treasury under your command is really a talent.

Roger and Gerald couldn't help but have a headache when they thought of the quarrelsome Kors who was more difficult to deal with than a vampire or a Jew.

Lothar smiled and said: Indeed, I also think that his request for your free donation of 100,000 suludes is too much. Although conquering Egypt and liberating Christians is the most sacred cause in the world, all aspects of the Knights The operation of the company also requires money to support it, so how about this number be reduced to 50,000?

The two chiefs looked at each other and couldn't help but roll their eyes.

It's shameless to work together, you two are from the same origin.

Gerald coughed lightly: Your Majesty, Marquis, it is our well-deserved obligation to donate money to the Holy Crusade, but the Holy Treasury of the Jerusalem branch does not have so much money for the time being.

how many?

Lothar's eyes were bright, she really had the courage to be affectionate!

Gerald was silent for a moment and made a gesture: Thirty thousand gold coins, but I hope to take the head of the demon dragon and place it in the temple of the Knights' headquarters as a sacred object for people to admire.

Lothar immediately showed a bitter look on his face: I'm afraid this won't work. The purple princess of the empire, my best friend, Her Royal Highness Anna Ducas has agreed with me to exchange for 200,000 Suredes gold coins in exchange for the dragon's death. remains.

What you two don't know is that this giant dragon is a high-level fire dragon unique to the Karelia region. Even one of its scales is an incredible treasure. Dragon blood and dragon meat are also valuable magic weapons. Medicine materials, two of you, imagine how amazing the defense would be if the dragon scales of this fire dragon were made into scale armor?

The two chiefs were confused by Lothar's deception.

That's true.

The body of this giant dragon is so big, and those scales can at least be used to create hundreds of sets of scale armor, and hundreds of invulnerable cavalry. Even if Saladin attacks again, he will be beaten to death, right?

Plus those magic potion materials like dragon blood, dragon meat, dragon tendons and keel bones.

Two hundred thousand seems to be really worth it!

To be honest, Lothar just bullied these two people for being ignorant. The Indominus Dragon is also an above-average dragon species. A heart that condenses the essence of the whole body is only exchanged for 5,000 gold coins and a set of magic books. This is still in Anna's in hand.

If there is no channel, it can only be used as an ornament that can be used as a heater in winter, and you have to worry that one day, the Indominus dragon will suddenly burst out of its shell and swallow its head.

As for the dragon blood of the Karelian Fire Dragon, it is actually useless.

The same goes for dragon meat.

Once this thing cools, it will solidify as quickly as lava and turn into stone. The dragon blood that Lothar absorbed can be regarded as waste.

As for using the dragon scales of the Karelian fire dragon to make dragon scale armor, there is a big problem in terms of craftsmanship. Even a magic craftsman like Malus can only process a few sets in a month. There is no chance of forming an army.

Dragon bones, dragon horns, etc. are good magic materials, but they are not worth 200,000 gold coins at all. If the whole dragon is sold to Anna, it will only cost 50,000 gold coins until it dies. This is Anna's conscience.

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