This battle did not start in the end.

In fact, when the enemy discovered that Lothar and his party did not carry a carriage or camel team filled with gold and silver treasures, they had already backed down.

The reason why we came up to him was just to try to extort some property.

This is an era where the big fish eats the small fish.

At any time and in any war, the cost-effectiveness of inputs and outputs must be considered.

If he loses too many close associates, his position is likely to be shaken, and the benefits will be very little.

In addition, there is also the possibility of being attacked from the front and back by reinforcements sent by Savoddin.

The enemy still took the initiative to retreat.

When Lothar asked him to sign up, he didn't dare to answer the question, which showed that he was not a reckless person who just ignored him when his head was hot.

Losa, at this time, we absolutely cannot choose to hand over our wealth.

In this desert, there is no morality or any norms that can restrain your enemies. Handing over your wealth will not only not make your enemies stop, but will expose your weakness.

Abdullah walked side by side with Lothar and taught him by words and deeds.

Lothar drew inferences and said: It will also greatly dampen the morale of the soldiers. Even if they originally planned to let us leave, the enemy may change their minds.

That's right!

Two full days passed.

They bypassed Irbid, where Savoddin was personally stationed, and chose a longer and less traveled road to avoid possible enemies.

Lothar had no confidence that he would be able to get past Savoddin if he encountered him again.

After passing this hillside, you will see Cammont in front of you.

Abdullah smiled and stopped in front of a sand dune.

Lothar's expression was a little complicated: Are you guys leaving?

Abdullah nodded: Holy fire, Lord Lothar, it is my honor to fight alongside you. If I am still alive after this time, I may choose to take the boys to join you. .”

After he finished speaking, he added with a smile: I hope you already have a rich enough fiefdom by then, because the wages of the young men under my command are not low.

I promise I will.

Lothar patted Abdullah on the shoulder, looked at the Kurdish cavalry behind him, and said sincerely:

You are the most heroic and skilled cavalry I have ever seen. I am proud to have served as your commander, and I sincerely wish you all a safe trip.

He touched his shoulder with his right hand and nodded slightly: May Heavenly Father bless you and may the holy fire burn forever.

The Kurdish cavalrymen put their hands on their shoulders and returned the salute.

During this time, they got along very well with Lothar.

This changed their original stereotype of the Crusader nobles.

Of course, as Lothar performed the mysterious witchcraft, the Kurdish cavalry's feelings towards Lothar changed to 30% favorability and 70% fear.

Abdullah was a little moved, but he laughed and said: Losa, you are praying to two gods one after another. This is not pious at all.

Lothar smiled and said: Perhaps my god and your god are actually the same god? After all, they are both creators.


Abdullah did not comment on Lothar's blasphemies.

He left Lothar's side, nodded to Hans, then looked at the two witches and touched their shoulders in turn.

Goodbye, two distinguished ladies.

Goodbye, brave and hard-working servant.

Hans returned the greeting hastily.

I was a little flattered at first, but when I heard the word hardworking, I couldn't help but feel a little resentful.

Do I just follow the lord and do odd jobs?

He looked at Lothar for the last time, and a smile appeared on his face that was tanned by the sun, and his teeth were dazzlingly white.

Immediately, the cavalry slowly left one by one.

Lothar watched the retreating figures of Abdullah and a group of Kurdish cavalry, as if he were watching Gao Jianli, Jing Ke's assassination of Qin, on the banks of the Yishui River.

After a long while, he sighed.

How many waves can a few dozen cavalry cause in Syria, where a hundred thousand troops are stationed?

Even if the 100,000-strong army is just an approximation, even if it is divided by ten times, only 10,000 people are still not a behemoth that can be shaken by just a few dozen cavalry.

This is a group of worthy warriors. Their loyalty to their monarch is better than most knights in this era.

Hans's face was filled with emotion.

Lothar patted Hans on the shoulder: You have worked hard these days.

Hans nodded with deep understanding: Indeed, sir. You have left all the rough work to me. I have to build two tents and feed eight horses by myself. I sincerely hope that you can find some companions for me as soon as possible. .”

Lothar's face darkened.


Didn't this guy curse me that I can only draw one-star cards next?

If you come less, I won't be less helpful!

After saying that, without waiting for his retort, Lothar said: Quickly pace, let's go into the city to rest quickly.

What he wanted to do most now was take a cold bath.

He hadn't taken a shower for nearly a week. He trudged under the scorching sun every day, and even with the small air conditioner like Prajna to cool him down, he was still sweating profusely.

Caimon is a somewhat rundown frontier city.

The wall was in disrepair for a long time, with large pieces of wall peeling off.

Occasionally, passing caravans enter the city, but they only stop for a short time before going deep into the interior.

There were no fountains in the city, only a dirty drainage ditch running through the center of the city. There was a thick layer of slippery filth accumulated in it, and it smelled like an exposed dry toilet.

It is located on the northeastern border of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. To the north is the former Principality of Antioch and today the Syrian Governorate of the Kingdom of Ayyubid.

as a gateway city.

Here we are always faced with Saladin's 100,000-strong army in the north, so even the lords of this city abandoned their fiefdoms and ran to the palace in Jerusalem to serve as stable masters.

In the tavern.

A few guests were drinking wine.

Lothar and his entourage pushed open the door and walked in. The two women took the lead in finding a corner to sit down, while Lothar and Hans came to the bar.

Someone laughed and joked: Ha, two noble knights, they are sitting at the same wine table as us. Do you want to have a drink together?

Lothar showed a humble and polite smile: Of course, I'm treating you.

As he spoke, he popped out a silver coin with his finger.

A glass of ale each for these guys, me and my companion.

Thank you, generous lord!

Father bless you, Sir Knight.

The guests were all smiles.

Lothar popped out two more silver coins and pressed them on the table: Prepare two clean rooms and enough bathtubs for four people to take a bath respectively.

After that, he looked at the guests.

Gentlemen, is there anything unusual happening in the Holy Land these days?

The guests looked at each other, not quite sure what was considered unusual.

Does the knight also want to hear the gossip about the stonemason's woman next door who put a solid cuckold on her while her husband was out?

At this time, a man who seemed to be well-informed stood up and said: Master Knight, you are a German, right?

Lothar nodded and said: Yes, I am Lothar from Allgäu, from Swabian Switzerland.

The man said: Yesterday, I heard from a businessman that your emperor was fighting with the Lombards on the Apennine Peninsula.

It is said that it was because the Lombards ignored the emperor's orders and resisted paying the Crusader tax. The emperor couldn't bear it anymore, so he decided to take action against them.

Ah this.

Lothar was a little unbelievable.

This Emperor Henry was not as ambitious as the famous red-bearded Emperor Frederick the Great at the same period in history.

His attitude towards the domestic princes, especially the North Apennine princes who were separated from Germania Magna by an Alps, has always been quite soft.

Why is it that at this critical moment when relations with the Pope are about to ease, the style of painting suddenly changes, and thunderous measures are adopted?

Someone said worriedly: It seems like it will take a long time for the German Crusaders to come.

This is indeed a big deal.

Lothar nodded, raised his glass and took a big sip of ale. This kind of ale in the tavern has a light bitterness and malty aroma, and the alcohol content is negligible. It is a thirst-quenching artifact.

The man added: Besides that is Balian of Ibelin, who is said to be dueling with Guy of Lusignan.

When he said this, his face was beaming with joy, as if he had experienced it personally: Both of them fell under Princess Sibylla's skirt. In order to compete with each other to see who is more suitable to become the husband of Her Royal Highness, they decided to marry her in three days. , a fair duel of knights in Jerusalem.”

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