In the vast loess, a light blue light flashed.

The embarrassed old man fell to the ground and looked behind him.

Fortunately, the female demon didn't catch up.

That's right, the distance she teleported is hundreds of miles away. Even if the female demon could run as fast as Shemel's fire dragon, she wouldn't be able to catch up in a short while.

Salman's eyes were filled with the joy of surviving the disaster.

What had happened just now was simply too terrifying. It was definitely the most thrilling experience in his long life. He felt that he was only a hair away from eternal sleep - he could feel the destructive power lingering on the two swords in the hands of the female demon.

Once you touch yourself, you will definitely die.

He waved his staff, and the yellow sand swallowed up his body as if it were alive.


How stupid!

Salman's face was full of regret and remorse.

This is the consequence of easily breaking the agreement, agreeing to those secular rulers, and participating in secular wars.

As long as I am more diligent and work harder every day, I will be able to collect that bit of material in a few decades. Why should I risk my life of hundreds of years just for this little thing?

He swore.

Whoever will use any conditions to tempt him to leave his secluded place in the future will be his sworn enemy!

No, I have to drink the chameleon potion as soon as possible. The heart constructed by the magic model is too energy-consuming to maintain.

Under the city of Gaza.

Looking at the Mamluk cavalry who retreated in embarrassment, Adil showed a bitter smile on his face: It seems that the honor of recovering the Holy Land will not fall on my head after all.


The female swordsman, her robes fluttering in the wind, holding her swords in her hands, was looking at him with an indifferent expression.


The strong wind turned into an invisible blade and carved a deep ravine in front of her.

Adil let out a long sigh, raised an arm, and signaled: Let's retreat, go back to the camp, and then send someone to keep an eye on this female devil. If she leaves Gaza City, the first Let me know as soon as possible.

He paused slightly, and then said to the messenger beside him: Go and inform my king, Gaza City cannot be taken.

There was an indescribable dejection in his voice, but there was also a feeling of relief.

In the Crusaders' camp.

Hans, why are you here?

Lothar, who was dealing with military affairs, looked at the visitor with some surprise.

With a mysterious smile on his face, Hans came forward and said, Sir, do you see what good things I have brought you?

In the tent, Veneto looked at Hans's smile, crossed his arms, sneered in his heart, and cursed with some disdain: Flattery.

This is.

Lothar looked at the yellow-green beans wrapped in white cloth in Hans' hand, brought them to the tip of his nose and smelled them, and then asked with some uncertainty: Coffee beans?


Hans nodded repeatedly: You can taste it, it only has a very weak bitter taste.

Lothar was surprised and picked up the coffee beans from Hans' hand: Where did it come from?

He remembered that according to the history of his world, this special drink that was used to replace alcohol would not become popular in Arabia until the Ottoman rule.

Hans smiled and said: Isn't there a caravan camp next to our military camp? Today I went shopping with a few knights of the Royal Knights, and happened to see an Abyssinian businessman chewing these beans. ——They use coffee beans as a kind of portable dry food, dry them and chew them.”

Why is it green?

Lothar didn't understand coffee and didn't like drinking coffee, but that didn't affect the fact that this thing could become another pillar industry in his territory.

Hans hesitated and asked, Maybe it's not cooked yet?

At this time.

Lothar suddenly frowned: Hans, wait a moment.

He took out the slightly hot coat of arms on his chest, and after picking it up, Chelinina's calm voice sounded from the other side: Sir, I failed to kill the enemy's spellcaster. He escaped with the help of teleportation spells.

Lothar was slightly startled, but still said: Are you okay?

I'm fine, but his condition is very bad. I pierced his heart with magic-blocking gold. No matter how many ways the wizard uses to save his life, he won't be back on the battlefield in a short time.

Okay, I get it, good job, Nina.

Do you need me to rush back immediately?

Cellinina's voice sounded again.

Lothar hesitated for a moment, then said: Forget it, Saladin's two armies have been frustrated. Next, he will either withdraw his troops again and return without success, or it's time to give it a try. Time is limited, and you can't rush back. That's too late.

As if she was worried that Cellinina would act on her own initiative, Lothar added: Nina, Gaza City depends on you.

Yes, I understand.

After hanging up the communication with Cellinina, Anna said: Is it time for the decisive battle?


Lothar stood up and stretched: Saladin can either retreat or advance. If he retreats, it seems safe, but then he will face endless internal friction. The rest of his life will be spent forcibly squeezing his hand. On the dynasty created.”

His voice paused slightly and he said confidently: So, Saladin will not retreat.

After his words fell, he said loudly: Hans, blow the horn and send the order down. All soldiers in the Transjordan border area will prepare for battle immediately! Thorle, inform His Majesty the King for me - that the fighter plane has arrived!

Prajna, put on my armor for me.

Lothar stood up and strode to the armor stand.

At the same time, not far away opposite the Crusader camp.

In Saladin's camp.

Master Shemeier, why do you want to see me?

Your trusted general has been summoned. Gaza City may not be captured.


Saladin was not surprised, but a glimmer of expectation flashed in his eyes: Didn't Master Salman take action?

Shemaier sighed with some regret: I took action, but according to Adil, there is a high probability that he died at the hands of a Frankish witch.


Very strong.

Shermail knew Salman's strength. Even if he and the fire dragon attacked together, it would be almost impossible to kill Salman if he could defeat him.

Schemaier's voice was a little solemn: Adil believes that now that the enemy's strong reinforcement has been lured away, it is a good time for you to advance.

Saladin was silent.

His eyes were full of restraint, and his usually calm body actually trembled a little: What if the enemy has a more powerful spell caster? I remember that in the intelligence, Marquis Lothar has two female knights with extraordinary strength.

There is a high probability that this person will not be as strong as this one. At least it was so difficult for him to kill a small black dragon some time ago... Hehe, Saladin, you don't know. There are not many spellcasters in the world who can reach Salman's level.

Shermail's judgment was very objective, but he still said: I have to remind you that spellcasters like Salman who are willing to fight for others are very rare.

Not including Master Shemel, right.


Schemaier had no intention of fighting for Saladin.

The price of several hundred pieces of material a month is not enough for him to do what Salman does.

Saladin thought for a while and then said: Normally, how long will it take for the witch to get here?

Shemaier shook his head and said: I don't know, it may take two or three days, or it may be longer. It is also possible that she is good at space magic, or possesses such a treasure, and she came to us in the blink of an eye.

So, you're still gambling?

Saladin hesitated.

Schemaier suddenly said: Saladin, how can there be a 100% sure war in this world? In the past, when you led tens of thousands of troops and were defeated by the Frankish little king leading hundreds of knights, you certainly never thought that you would Lose?

Takidin, who was standing by the side, was furious: How outrageous!

Saladin, however, smiled calmly and laughed heartily: Indeed, having too much has made me cautious about looking forward and backward. Master Shemail, please use your dragon beast to clear the way for our army.


Shemail bowed slightly and left the camp without even looking at Takidin.

Accompanied by a suppressed dragon roar.

In the camp, more than a dozen Tyrannosaurus locked in animal pens raised their heads and roared.

Saladin was high-spirited, put on his helmet, stepped on the shoulders of the Nubian slaves, and got on the horse: Send the order, the time has come to recapture Gudes, and the time has come to expel the evil Frank barbarians from the Fertile Crescent. !”

For the Holy Fire!

The Kasaji guards surrounding him shouted loudly: Holy fire is above, supreme!

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