The wall is coming down?

Who's talking?

The man in black robe wrapped tightly?

The crusaders looked at each other. They had only heard of this method from the mouths of imaginative bards.

Baron Robert leaned on the wooden hilt of his sword and placed one hand on the weighted ball at the end. With a calm posture accustomed to wind and waves, he said: Thank you for the reminder, but if the city wall collapses, Gaza City will still be destroyed. Caught in a horrific carnage, no one can escape.

It seemed that he heard Robert's reply.

Salman said nothing more.

The baron turned around, looked at the panicked soldiers, and shouted: The Holy Land Jerusalem is behind us, and our children, relatives, friends, and home are also behind us. If we are destined to be buried here, then what will happen to us? Let us be buried here, in this place closest to Heavenly Father, die for Heavenly Father and for the glory of the Kingdom!

His voice was so steady and powerful, as if the difficulty in front of him was just a small ditch that could be crossed by raising his feet, so that the panicked soldiers gradually became quiet.

Someone silently crossed himself on his chest.

Someone was sobbing quietly.

Little Robert looked at his father and opened his mouth. For the first time, he discovered that his father, who he thought would only sit in the manor drinking or beating his wife, actually had such a majestic image on the battlefield.


The baron laid his hand on little Robert's shoulder.

Not afraid.

Little Robert's voice was firm. He held on to the wall stacks and looked at Salman and the Mamluks behind him, who gradually left the camp and lined up neatly. The black armor seemed to be moving in the sunlight.

Without this wall, with just one charge, they would be trampled into pulp by these Mamluks.

But they saw that Salman’s robe under the city had been held up by the magical glow swimming in the sky, like an inflated puffer fish.

His face was not pretty, and he muttered in a low voice: I don't want to either, but a promise is a promise. I made a promise with that hateful guy. As long as you tear down your city wall, I can go home.

It's not my fault, I just tore down a wall.

He kept reassuring himself.

After doing enough mental preparation, he raised his cane and slammed it on the ground.


A spiderweb-like crack slowly spread from his feet.

The spreading speed is getting faster and faster, as if there is an invisible giant earth dragon underground, digging towards the city wall quickly.


People's feet began to tremble violently. The baron and young Robert clung to the battlements, barely able to stand.

Adil, who was watching this scene, took off his helmet and looked at this scene with amazement on his face: What a great power. Apart from the gift of the Holy Fire, there is no other possibility. No wonder my brother cares so much about these so-called spell casters.

The cavalrymen behind them were screaming.

The scene, which was like an earthquake and natural disaster, made these Arabian horses, known for their boldness and tameness, become restless. Many Mamluk cavalrymen who were not very skilled in riding were overturned by their mounts.

The smoke cleared.

The deep fissures have almost reached Gaza City’s dried-up moat—but for some reason, it has not gone any further.

Adil's face was full of surprise: What's going on? Does Salman want to go back on his word?

He waved his hand, trying to fan away the dust in front of his eyes, and squinted his eyes to look for Salman, but found that Master Salman in front of him had a golden dagger stuck in Adil's back.

The dagger was completely buried.

With the magic-breaking magic of the Demon-Resisting Gold, the silence of the Choking Hand, and the increased damage of the Lone Wolf and Wolfsbane potions, the four effects of the four effects enabled Chelinina to pierce Saler with the dagger in her hand immediately. Man's shield hit him in the back.

Unfortunately, when the dagger hit, many magic props carried by Salman also took effect. Under the multiple magic attacks, Cellinina had to withdraw and retreat quickly, unable to take advantage of Salman's rapid decline in vitality. On this occasion, he was directly executed.

Salman looked at Cellinina in disbelief, his eyes wide and round: You

Cellinina had no intention of talking nonsense to him.

She didn't care whether the target was good or evil. The task given by Lothar was to get rid of the spellcasters under Adil and help Baron Robert defend Gaza City, so she would not consider anything else.

I saw Cellinina's strong figure, as if melting into the wind.

After a few flickers, only a vague flash of white light was seen, and dozens of wind blades were swung towards Salman.

Adil shouted: Quick, what are you still doing? Go help Master Salman and kill that infidel devil!

A group of Mamluks immediately urged their mounts to rush forward.

Only a few of them are equipped with secondary weapons made of magic-blocking gold. It’s not like Adil doesn’t know that letting his personal guards deal with such a terrifying pagan devil will cause heavy losses, but Salman must not die!

If Salman dies, he and his army will have to face this pagan devil alone. With the help of such an erratic devil, the Franks' city defense will become more and more indestructible.

That's Miss Cellinina?!

Little Robert's face was full of surprise: I knew she would never abandon us. Father, what should we do now?

The Baron's face showed how lucky he was to survive the disaster. When he heard little Robert's question, he just ordered loudly: Come here, check whether the city wall is damaged. The witches of Marquis Lothar have come to support us. We are here from death. Escape from a desperate situation—this is God’s will!”

The soldiers at the top of the city cheered.

Little Robert said anxiously: Father, we should go help Miss Chelinina, the pagan slave cavalry have already rushed up!

The Baron looked at the cheering crowd and said without changing his expression: Don't be stupid, little guy. Defending Gaza City is the best we can do to help Miss Cellinina - and she may not need our help. .”

Cellinina frowned, this Salman is really difficult to kill.

He carries an absurd amount of magic props with him, which will automatically take effect as long as someone is close to him. This makes it difficult to eliminate him in a short time even if he nails the magic-blocking gold into his body, causing him to temporarily lose his ability to cast spells.

As for Salman, who was stabbed in the heart and was still alive and well, without any signs of death, it was not beyond Chelinina's expectations.

As the adults said, spellcasters in this world cherish their lives more than anyone else, so it made her feel strange not to have any backup plan.

Layers of colorful shields enveloped Salman.

Chelinina has just experienced it. This kind of shield is the same as the shield Salman used to fight against the crossbow arrows mixed with magic-resistant gold. After coming into contact with the material of magic-resistant gold, it will The power of magic transforms into shockwaves.

This is probably a special method of spellcasting developed by spellcasters in response to the restraint of magic-blocking gold on magical creations.

Just like a warrior wearing a full armor made of magic-resistant gold, the caster may not be able to use the bombardment of spells to kill him, but he can completely hollow out the soil under his feet and make him fall directly into the abyss. Fall to death.

Behind them, the roar of the Saracen soldiers came.

Chelinina turned around and saw dozens of black-armored cavalry rushing in front of her. She could even clearly see the anxious expressions on their faces.

As they got closer, the cavalrymen began to draw their bows and draw arrows.

The next moment, the overwhelming rain of arrows covered almost every corner where Cellinina could hide.

Cellinina swung her sword across.

The howling wind gathered in front of her.

She stood facing the rain of arrows and looked at the thousands of troops charging towards her with a calm expression.

There was a crackling sound.

Arrows were bounced away one after another.

Some of them were even caught in the rapid airflow, and were crushed into countless sawdust in an instant.

Demon devil.

The cavalrymen who rushed forward suddenly had such a word in their minds.

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