Under the city of Gaza.

The shouts of killing shook the sky.

With their shields raised above their heads, the Saracen soldiers lined up in neat rows were pushing the siege towers and battering rams, slowly approaching the city wall.

From time to time, someone was hit by arrows fired from the city and fell to the ground.

But the number of enemies is simply too great.

Although Gaza City is a key protection target, Baron Robert, who supervises it, did not send many troops to participate in the Crusade in Jerusalem. However, the total strength of Gaza City is only 3,000, and most of them are temporarily recruited militiamen.

The balance of strength between the enemy and ourselves reached a terrifying one to ten ratio.

Baron Robert, who was standing on the top of the city, put his palm on his sword: Aim at the enemy's siege tower, light the rocket - let go!

The Crusader archers at the top of the city began to ignite the fire arrows. This special fire arrow head was hollow and filled with sulfur, asphalt, and grease-soaked linen. It was a weapon for fire attacks, but it also sacrificed range and accuracy.


There was a clanking sound.

Most of the arrows hit the siege tower and were bounced off by the iron sheet covering it. Only a dozen or so arrows penetrated the siege tower, but they were unable to ignite the siege tower that had already been splashed with water.

Seeing that the siege tower was approaching the city wall.

Baron Robert loudly ordered again: Throw the fire pot!

The fire jars used by the Crusaders were far less flammable than the Greek fire of the Eastern Empire. The flames covering the siege tower were clearly far from being able to burn this behemoth.

Finally, the siege tower pressed against the city wall.

The Saracen soldiers who were already ready immediately kicked open the baffle, placed it between the city wall and the siege tower, and swarmed towards the city wall.

However, the siege tower has a narrow springboard and the number of troops that can be deployed at the same time is limited.

In addition, the Saracen army coming from the direction of Egypt was not well prepared. Therefore, after the four siege towers built near the city wall, they fell into a hard fight for a while. Many of the soldiers who climbed the city were killed by the Crusaders. Pushed off the city wall, he fell heavily to the ground.

Some of those who had not yet been thrown to death could not receive treatment at all on this chaotic battlefield, and could only wailing and waiting for death to come.

Be careful, Master!

A squire wearing a red robe pushed a knight away, and received a hit from the mace, which cracked his helmet. There was blood from the squire's orifices, and he fell to the ground and looked lifeless. .

The surviving knight stabbed the opponent with his sword, but immediately realized something was wrong.

This sword actually only penetrated the enemy's scale armor, but was blocked by the lining of the mail underneath. This tall Mamluk soldier showed a ferocious smile under the mail helmet, and covered his gloved left hand. He grabbed the armed sword thrust out by the knight, swung the mace with his right hand and hit the knight's head again.


The flying spear almost missed the knight's shoulder and penetrated directly into the Mamluk soldier's head. The powerful force caused him to take several steps back.

The knight looked back.

Only then did he realize that it was his father. Baron Robert, in his busy schedule, took the opportunity to throw this spear.

But soon, the sound of footsteps was heard again on the pedal in front of him.

In the dark siege tower, there seemed to be a giant beast slowly emerging.

The number of soldiers fighting side by side has become smaller and smaller. Even if the number of siege towers is limited, the enemy is outnumbered and the enemy has many elites. Once they reach the top of the city, many militiamen are recruited to defend the city. Not its opponent at all.

The unknown enemy finally appeared.

There was another group of Mamluk soldiers in heavy armor. They were armed with maces, straight swords, and round shields. They were all wrapped in iron armor. They uttered pagan prayers, like a group of tigers coming out of the gate to attack the small people. Robert pounced.

Little Robert yelled Ah.

He picked up a Crusader's kite shield and faced the enemy.


The hammer hit the barrel helmet with a heavy muffled sound.

His eyes suddenly went dark, and the things he could see between the gaps in his armor became blurry.


He fell among the corpses at the top of the city.

I do not know how long it has been.

When little Robert woke up, he crawled out of the pile of corpses. The heavy, armor-covered corpses weighed him down and he could hardly breathe. The strong smell of blood became more and more intense under the scorching sun. The smell is unpleasant.

After getting up, I discovered that the battle situation had actually stabilized.

A siege tower had fallen aside.

There was no enemy left on the city wall where he was standing, and most of the defenders had gone elsewhere to support him.

His father was still standing in front of the enemy at the top of the city, and loudly ordered: Let go!


The ballistae at the top of the city penetrated the siege tower with a clang. The iron sheet covering the siege tower was no match for this powerful ballistae. It was like a piece of paper being torn apart easily.

The end of the crossbow arrow was connected to a rope, and the rope was connected to a suspended boulder. As Baron Robert gave another order, the rope hanging the boulder was cut off by the Crusader's ax with a click.

The suddenly falling boulder immediately moved the rope at the end of the crossbow, causing the entire siege tower to be deflected by the force of the falling boulder.

Accompanied by a roar.

The dozens of Mamluk elites who were about to attack in the siege tower all roared in horror.

Immediately, the siege tower collapsed to the ground.

The soldiers inside were either beaten to pieces or beaten to death alive.

Perhaps this was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The urgent trumpet sound sounded for the enemy to withdraw.

The Saracen soldiers began to flee in confusion. Some Saracen soldiers who were still trapped on the city wall did not notice the sound of the retreat horn. When they came back to their senses, they found that they were surrounded by enemy troops.

Seeing the Saracen soldiers abandoning their armor and fleeing in embarrassment, the Crusaders guarding the city all showed a sense of joy in surviving the disaster.

Little Robert took off his helmet. His beautiful blond curly hair was completely wet with sweat and clung to his cheeks and forehead. He was panting heavily, took off the jug next to him and drank a gulp of it.

I don't know where Miss Cellinina has gone.

He particularly remembered the scene when Cellinina left that day, with the yellow sand in the sky, the chasing cavalry, and the witch who cast an arrow in the Saracen scout's neck without knowing what spell she cast.

If she is still here, with her witchcraft, no matter how many enemies she attacks, she won't be able to achieve any results, right?

Little Robert's face showed deep regret and envy, and he didn't know what kind of personality charm the Marquis Lothar, whom he had never met, had to win the service of Miss Cellinina.

In the camp under the city.

Adil looked gloomy: Master Salman, are you still unwilling to take action?

On the side, the caster, who was wrapped in a black robe, a turban, and a veil, said with a cold expression: Your Lord and I made an agreement not to attack ordinary people - I only agreed to work with him after he agreed. cooperate.

If you were really merciful, you shouldn't have watched my soldiers die in the hundreds on the enemy's city wall!

Adil said angrily: All my siege equipment has been destroyed. If you want to take Gaza as soon as possible, you have to send soldiers carrying simple ladders to climb the Crusader wall. You know how many people will die? ?

Building siege equipment relies on technology and time.

There are indeed craftsmen in his army who are good at building siege engines, but where can they get enough materials to build siege engines in a short period of time nearby? Where did he find the time to waste time in Gaza City?

Master Salman was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: An agreement is an agreement. Once there is a precedent, there will be others.

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