In the Saracen camp shrouded in night, clusters of bonfires and torches are like stars in the earth.

In a military camp, the Mamluks took off their armor, wore long robes, and sat around a campfire eating dinner.

A Janissary of Jewish origin was bragging loudly about his experience of killing a two-headed basilisk: I used a round shield to block the basilisk's petrifying rays, and pretended that I couldn't move. When it gets close, it kills with one blow!”

Holy fire, you can't imagine how terrifying the blood of the basilisk is. As soon as my sword penetrated, only the sword grid and hilt were left. If I let go later, the deadly poisonous water would It will corrode my hands too.

A story full of holes.

The Mamluks sitting around listened very carefully and kept asking for follow-up questions.

The Jew showed a proud smile, took a sip of the broth, and then said calmly: I took the snake head and planned to give it to the local leader in exchange for the reward, but you know, no one will believe that a Jew can do it. Become a heroic warrior - even though I bear no resemblance to a traditional Jew except for being stabbed in the butt when I was just a baby.

and after?

someone asked.

The Jew laughed and said: Of course I killed the leader who wanted to steal my bounty. Because of this, I was demoted as a slave and sold to His Excellency Abdullah. Blessed by the Holy Fire, this is unfortunate. Very lucky.

For His Excellency Abdullah.

The soldiers started making noises one after another, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Fulk watched this scene with a smile. He kept moving his hands, tearing the dry wheat cake into small pieces and soaking them in the mutton soup. The wheat cake was filled with soup and became soft and delicious. stand up.

Everyone knows that this guy is bragging. The two-headed basilisk is a taboo creature in the desert, more terrifying than the manticore. It is said that its size is no less than that of the Tyrannosaurus in captivity.

Even without using the deadly petrifying ray, without using the deadly toxin that can turn a clear spring into poisonous water without using a drop of saliva, it still has the majestic power that can easily strangle an elephant.

But a free storyteller is a very pleasant change in the boring military camp life.

What's more, because spellcasters are involved in the war, now is the time when these soldiers are particularly interested in legendary novels. Before, legends were just legends, but now, legends are closely related to every soldier.

The food is good.

Fulk's owner came and sat down next to him: I spent a lot of money to prepare this for you. The Mamluks in Laozalas in the camp next door can only drink some gruel tonight.

It's really good.

Fulk had to admit this. In the military camp, there was nothing better than a steaming bowl of mutton soup after a hard day's work.

As for whether the Mamluks of Laozalas could only drink gruel - he thought it was impossible.

Although the Mamluks were slaves, they were the most important military force that every Saracen lord relied on. No matter how stingy or foolish a person was, they would not be stingy with this small amount of money and food.

You still don't want to call me 'Master'?

Fulk was silent.

He had no intention of betraying his beliefs. If he could escape, he would have run away long ago.

But the Saracen army, which had suffered night attacks, paid more attention to the defense of the camp than before.

Whether it is day or night, it is difficult to escape from the camp.


The man chuckled and said, Forget it if you don't want to. Then you should always call me by my name. You can't always call me 'you' and 'you'. It's too disrespectful.

The firelight illuminated Fulk's face. He was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: Your name is too long, I can't remember it.

Like everyone else, just call me Abdullah.

Fulk joked: But if I call Abdullah, at least half of the ten people in the entire camp will stand up and respond.

Abdullah means slave of the sun god 'Ra' and is a common name among Zoroastrian believers.

Then just call me Ivan. This was my old name.

Fulk said without hesitation: Mr. Ivan.

Mr. Fulk.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Fulk looked at the man's handsome face illuminated by the firelight, and couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart. He must admit that he was lucky to meet such a good master like Ivan - it would be great if we were all Christians.

Eat quickly, we have to feed those big animals after eating.

Ivan urged as he picked up the broth and ate it.

What he didn't see was that in the shadow behind him, a bloody line flashed away.

Ivan and Fulk pushed the heavy cart and walked through the camp.

Behind them was a large group of slaves, pushing carts of cattle and sheep, all freshly slaughtered - this was also the reason why the rations of the Saracens in the camp were deteriorating during this period.

The daily rations consumed by these large animals are comparable to that of a Persian war elephant, and all they eat is meat.

If this continues, before we can defeat the Franks, we people will have to eat vegetarian food every day.

Ivan sighed softly.

Fulk was silent, but he felt a little happy in his heart. In the past few days, he could clearly feel that the food rationing system had begun to be implemented. The staple food was barely enough, but the daily ration of meat for the cavalry was continuously reduced.

With Saladin's prestige and the double blessing of religious fanaticism, this little thing was not enough to shake the morale of the Saracens.

Fulk tried: Ivan, what do you think of today's duel?

Ivan raised his eyebrows: We won, brother, that's all - I know you think this is not glorious enough, but as my king said, Your Excellency Veneto was blessed by the Holy Fire, not What a monster.

Do you really believe that?

Ivan was silent for a moment, but he gave an unexpected answer: The person sent by the other side is not a normal person. If he is a normal person, who can dance that heavy iron spear into a windmill? Who knows if there is something hidden under that layer of human skin? devil.

Fulk persisted and asked: You don't believe it either, right?

Shut up.

Ivan complained impatiently: You can't say this kind of thing casually. I don't care what kind of monster it is. As long as it can help us win this battle, even if it is a monster, it is still a good monster.

He spoke very quickly: If I can win this battle, my master may grant me a rich city as a fief. I have this qualification. Then you will be my right-hand man and enjoy endless wealth. Spice, wealth, women.

I will reward you with a castle. You can set up a road to collect taxes, or you can build your own manor around it.

Imagine this kind of good life!

So, stop saying such stupid things!

Fulk was silent.

In his heart, there was strong self-blame and fear, because just now, the beautiful vision Ivan described really moved him.

If this battle is really won, his barren territory of Langedoch seems not to be important at all. Here, he can also be a lord and wear the gorgeous silks that he could only glance at in the past. , you can eat meat sprinkled with spices at every meal.

Heavenly Father, is this the temptation of the devil?

He shuddered and crossed himself on his chest: Ivan, don't talk about this. Let's finish feeding these animals earlier so we can go back and rest earlier.

Ivan didn't dwell on this anymore, and his tone calmed down: Yes, that's right, I'm very tired today. I hope our king won't let us stand in the scorching sun for a whole day again, just to watch that short period of time. A duel for a few minutes.”

Coors' shadow melted into the darkness, watching here silently.

Unexpectedly, he met an acquaintance in the enemy's camp - Fulk had been recovering from his injuries in the castle of Hebron for a period of time.

It’s just that he has no intention of recognizing Fulk.

The Saracen camp was as large as the Crusaders, and there were many merchants accompanying the army. They were responsible for selling goods, helping to maintain logistics, and also had the responsibility of purchasing spoils of war.

Nothing is easier to penetrate than them.

Long before the Saracen army set off, the Shadow of Darkness had already been placed in the hands of the people. As long as they followed the blood marks left on their bodies, they could accurately find these spies.

These people are much more reliable than Fulk, an acquaintance who may or may not have been incited to rebel.

This night, Coors worked extremely hard.

It was almost early in the morning before he left the Saracen camp.

Lothar, who was still in high spirits after a sleepless night, looked at Coors who walked into the room and asked without raising his head: Is the matter done?

It's done.

You didn't do anything extra, right?

Coors said respectfully: I just took a look at the enemy caster's camp from a distance and left. They were very heavily guarded. If you get closer, there will be a triggering detection circle. It is very difficult to assassinate them.

Lothar frowned: Coors, you are also a master assassin. Please help me estimate how confident it is that if it is Cellinina, she will assassinate an enemy spellcaster and escape unscathed?

Coors whispered: Sorry, sir, although I want to comfort you and say that I am very sure, but

Lothar interrupted him: How sure are you?

Coors shook his head: I can't estimate the exact number, but there is always 30%, but this is based on the condition that Miss Cellinina needs to be assassinated and she needs to worry about facing two powerful spellcasters. , if the enemy has only one spell caster in Egypt, or if his strength is not as strong as the spell caster in Saladin’s camp, the certainty will increase a lot.

Lothar breathed a sigh of relief: I hope everything goes well.

In the Saracen camp early in the morning, commotion spread quickly.

A devoured and mutilated corpse was discovered in a hidden corner.

His body was covered with horrific tooth marks, and his chest and abdomen were completely cut open. For a beast, the most attractive internal organs were missing, and there were a few dark triangular scales scattered nearby.

With the help of thoughtful people, almost within a few hours, the news that the monster raised by Saladin's spellcaster was a man-eating beast swept through the entire camp like a hurricane.

Wait until the missing persons are counted in each camp.

People were horrified to discover that hundreds of people disappeared without a trace last night alone, and their bodies, which had also lost their internal organs, were discovered in hidden corners one after another not long after.

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