Are you kidding me?

The man said with some disdain, what Cellinina said seemed like fantasy to him: Although you are a product that goes against tradition, since we are no longer in the previous world and we all serve adults, I There will be no further investigation, there is no need to fool me with such nonsense.

It's just that you have to stay away from me, I hate the smell of hybrids!

Lothar is already observing the card introduction of this guy.

Title: Bloodthirsty Wolf

Name: Veneto di Basilicata

Category: Berserker

Quality: Epic (five stars)

Grade 1

Intimacy: Cold

Strength: 35

Agility: 30

Physical strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Mental strength: 10


The more he fights, the braver he becomes: Veneto is trapped in a protracted battle, the blood of the beast gradually boils, and the recovery speed of physical strength and health increases exponentially.

Fury: After Veneto's health drops below 30%, his attack power will be doubled, and he will ignore most negative effects and gain a medium-priority overlord effect.

Werewolf transformation: Veneto releases the wolf blood flowing in his body. When transforming into a werewolf, in addition to mental strength, all attributes will receive additional increases. The increase effect is best on the night of the full moon, with a maximum of no more than 50%.


Werewolf Immortality: After Veneto's health drops by 30%, this skill will be automatically triggered, slowing down the loss of Veneto's physical strength and greatly increasing his physical resistance.

The Heart-Taking Hand: Needs to be unlocked through elite level for the first time.

Bloodthirsty Wolf: Needs the second elite level to unlock.

Description: Veneto was a centurion of great renown from the Basilicata family.

Because of his pure bloodline and excellent fighting talent, he had high hopes from many people. However, his excessive desire to fight and his difficulty in getting along peacefully with anyone made him unfit to compete for the position of clan leader.

Due to a conflict with the Yaksi wolf tribe, he was exiled to Veneto, a coastal town in Matera. He spent all day doing nothing, becoming drunk, degenerate, and tired of life.

One day, after a mysterious voice told him that he would be given endless battles, he decisively chose to accept the mysterious man's invitation and come to another world.

Comment: As long as you can give me a hearty fight, I will never back down even if there is boundless purgatory ahead - Veneto.

A standard berserker template, the basic attributes are much higher than that of Hans, who is also a pure-blood wolf. The numerical value is sufficient, and the skill combination is reasonable. It can be regarded as a very powerful warrior follower.

Unfortunately, it seems that my brain is not working very well. It may be impossible for me to be able to act alone like Hans.

As much as I want to say, 'I'm really joking,' that's the truth. Your temper is worse than I imagined.

Cellinina's expression was very calm. Yesterday's giant ship, the legendary Tower of Babel, indeed had the power to travel through time. It was not strange to summon her grandfather, whom she had never met before.

It's just that this kind of thing still sucks.

She glanced at the melon-eaters around her calmly. Except for Prajna who still had a calm expression, the others looked very interested and looking forward to the follow-up development.

Veneto wanted to sneer, but the wolf's wild instinct noticed that Cellinina didn't seem to be lying. He couldn't help but look at Lothar and asked with confusion on his face: My lord, what on earth is she talking about?

Lothar pondered the logic and explained: She is Cellinina, the only daughter of Giuliano, the current patriarch of Basilicata - as far as I know, you should not be from the same era.

Not from the same era.

Veneto's face looked a little ugly: In other words, everything she said is true?

Lothar shook her head and said: Chelinina is not a person who likes to joke.

Veneto let out a long breath and stared at Cellinina for a long time, his eyes full of awkwardness and entanglement. After a while, he said: Why did I become someone else's grandfather for no reason? Look carefully, she is quite beautiful. little girl.

Chelinina said seriously: Strictly speaking, we actually have nothing to do with each other. After all, you haven't married yet and have children, and even my father doesn't exist. Naturally, we can't talk about blood ties.

Veneto glanced at Lothar helplessly, then turned his head: Sorry, little girl, what I just said was not intentional.

Knowing that Cellinina is most likely his granddaughter, Veneto is now entangled. He never thought that he would marry a human woman and almost trigger a civil war between pure blood and mixed blood.

He also didn't expect that the person he just spoke harshly to would actually have a close connection with him through blood inheritance.

Okay, let's break up. I was expecting it to be a beautiful girl, but I didn't expect it to be a big, stupid guy with a head full of muscles.

Jeanne whistled. She had also heard the name of the bloodthirsty wolf, but to be honest, it was not very loud. He was just a bellicose lunatic. Among the two Sicilian wolf clans in the past, they were only considered average. superior.

Who are you?

Veneto's eyes were fixed on Jeanne, feeling a little familiar and a little unbelievable.

Jeanne said lightly: Yes, that's right, it's what you think.

Veneto opened his mouth, sweat forming on his forehead at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jeanne patted his shoulder with a smile on her face: My first impression of you was not very good. If you want to beg for food from adults in the future, you should be more honest and remember that trouble comes from your mouth.

Seeing Jean Napi's smiling face, Veneto, known as the war mad, couldn't even feel the slightest bit of anger.

Seeing everyone dispersed, he let out a sigh of relief.

It's actually a glorious knight

Only Lothar was left, and he sighed softly: Chelinina is a very outstanding and talented little girl, and her father Giuliano almost destroyed the Yaxi family's centuries-old struggle against the Wolf family. Rule overthrown.”

This Giuliano, is my son so powerful?

Veneto's eyes were full of shock.

He was once exiled because of his conflict with the Yakxi family. He still knew the power of the Yakxi family.

Lothar raised her hand and patted his shoulder: Your descendants are so outstanding, so I have high expectations for you. Don't let me down.

Veneto said quickly: I will.

Lothar said a little confusedly: Chelinina is a very lovable girl.

Veneto said with both pride and shame: She is indeed very beautiful. If you look closely, she does look a little similar to me.

So your attitude towards her angered a lot of people.

Lothar paused and added: Including me.

As soon as he finished speaking, the pressure belonging to Dark Lord Lothar swept out.

Veneto felt his body sink, as if a big mountain was trying to press him down, and he almost fell to his knees.

He did not resist this force, knelt down and apologized sternly: I'm sorry, sir, I shouldn't have said that. I will pay attention to my words in the future.

Very well, Veneto.

Behind Lothar, the phantom of the dragon appeared on the wall of the throne room.

He stretched out his hand, like a devil who had contracted with a servant, and pressed it on Veneto's shoulder.

Now, pledge allegiance to me.

The system's prompt sounds: Your subordinate Bloodthirsty Wolf Veneto is impressed by your powerful strength, and his favorability towards you has been raised to friendly.

Lothar paused slightly and lifted Veneto up: Okay, that's it for today. I'll take you to a place to arrange accommodation. You are still at a low level. If someone comes to trouble you, you should be a little more restrained.

Veneto asked with some embarrassment: Sir, won't you upgrade me to a higher level first?

Lothar reassured: There are only so many resources. You have just arrived. How can I upgrade you if you haven't made any contribution?

Veneto opened his mouth, but finally closed it, because he also agreed with Lothar's statement. Otherwise, if it were all based on preference, he felt that with his own personality, it might not be his turn to upgrade in this life.

In the evening, Coors came to report: Sir, Saladin has taken action!

Lothar frowned, put down the document in his hand and said, Tell me in detail.

News came from the 'Shadow of Darkness' in Aleppo. Saladin personally led an army of 30,000 people and marched from the north of the kingdom to Tiberias, the territory of Duke Raymond. According to what they saw with their own eyes, there were 30,000 soldiers in Saladin's army. Dragon beasts will accompany you.”

“Is there any movement in Adil in Egypt?”

not yet.

Kors handed over a roll of parchment: This is a drawing made by the 'Shadow of Darkness' based on the appearance of a dragon beast. It is said that this is a war beast tamed by a spellcaster named 'Shemaire'. He once worked for Rauf served for a brief period and was the creation of the Manticore Knights under Rauf. He is now Saladin's chief palace advisor.

Lothar frowned.

In this era when there are many dragon beasts, it is not difficult to kill and capture a dragon beast. For example, the ferocious dragon that Lothar killed in the Coliseum of Constantinople was captured by the Varangian Guards. of.

But it is too difficult to tame a dragon beast.

He spread out the drawing, and there were two different dragon beasts drawn on it. One was very similar to the Dire Rex, and the other was even bigger, with a pair of huge wings. From the looks of it, it was definitely a real giant dragon.

Lothar had seen the Dragon Illustrated Book in the Imperial Library and knew that this was the so-called Karelian Fire Dragon. It was not only good at its scorching breath, it was also extremely powerful in melee combat, and it belonged to the proper advanced dragon category.

There are five of these wingless dragons and only one with wings, Coors explained.

Lothar frowned and said: There were giant dragons joining the battle from the beginning. It seems that if we don't go over, the fall of the north has become inevitable; but what about Adil in Egypt? He will definitely not stay contented forever. .”

At this time.

The shouts of the messengers came from afar.

Sir, His Majesty the King has an urgent message, asking you to immediately lead the Transjordanian army to the north. The day after tomorrow at the latest, it will join the Jerusalem coalition and go north to resist Saladin's invasion.

I see.

Lothar took the letter with the wax seal intact from the messenger's hand, looking a little solemn.

It is absolutely impossible to defend the north with Duke Raymond and the army of Jerusalem alone. If the north falls, his territory cannot be saved.

Andreas stayed behind and ordered Bolvar (Baron Tich) to lead his army back to his territory and be on guard for possible raids by Adil.

Inform the entire army that we will set off immediately tomorrow morning.

The system prompt sounds:

You have officially participated in a kingdom-level battle between the two warring parties: the Kingdom of Ayyubid and the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

The faction you belong to is: Kingdom of Jerusalem.

In this battle, your current contribution is: 1000 (logistics expenditure), currently ranking first.

After the battle is over, rewards will be calculated based on whether the battle was won or not and your contribution.

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