In the distance, Guy and his knights had begun to evacuate.

The Kurdish convoy followed the Jaffa Crusaders led by Lothar.

Even after joining Lothar's command, these people's distrust of pagans is still obvious.

The front of the line.

Abdullah led more than a dozen Kurdish cavalry and surrounded Lothar.

Sir, we still have thirty cavalry and one hundred and fifty infantry left. Although the number is small, I can guarantee that they are all veterans who have been tested by war. Moreover, as long as you provide these young men with war horses, each of them will They can all become elite cavalry immediately.

The Kurds are nomadic people. Whether it is a dromedary camel or a war horse, even a teenager can master it.

I believe in your fighting ability. When we arrive in Hebron, I will provide you with mounts.

Lothar said with a smile.

Perhaps for Lothar today, joining such a powerful army is not really an important force.

But Lothar still gave Abdullah a high level of respect. Apart from emotional factors, the Kurds are also excellent mercenaries. Through Abdullah's connection with the Kurds, he can recruit more Kurdish cavalry in the future. .

Especially camel cavalry, in desert areas, can sometimes display stronger combat effectiveness than ordinary cavalry.

Sir, we are happy to participate in this battle and wash away the shame of the Mamluks who were defeated by Saladin, but we still need additional weapons and equipment.

Don't worry, I won't miss you. I promise to give you fair treatment.

Lothar said seriously.

Abdullah smiled bitterly and said: I'm sorry, sir, I shouldn't doubt your generosity and fairness.

Lothar rubbed his eyebrows: It's normal to be worried. After all, my territory is doing everything it can to prepare for war. If it weren't for the input of supplies from Ella Port, supplies might really be a problem.

For example, the quality of the self-produced iron ore in Transjordan is acceptable, but the quantity is very limited. When all parts of Jerusalem are preparing for war, it is difficult to meet the consumption of Malesna's increasingly large blacksmith workshop.

Outside the city of Hebron, the white-roofed tents look like a sea of ​​flowers growing in the desert.

It stretches endlessly, with no edge visible at a glance.

What is the concept of an army of ten thousand people in this era?

Except for the city-states in the Apennine Peninsula, most cities in this era had a permanent population of less than 10,000.

For example, Alandre had a population of only 6,000 before Lothar took over.

A large German city like Nuremberg has a population of just over 10,000.

What's more, this army of ten thousand people also has its supporting civilian husbands and baggage personnel. This is the so-called recruitment of old farmers, which has almost no combat effectiveness, but it is indispensable.

In the Battle of Hattin, the Crusaders rushed into the army in a hurry and were tossed around by Saladin's army in the desert. Their supplies were cut off and the soldiers were thirsty. Only then did they ruin the field army assembled by the entire Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Therefore, Lothar has repeatedly emphasized the importance of supplies.

Andreas obviously knows this too, as he has been so busy these days that he has black circles under his eyes.

Baron Tihe's messenger has just arrived. His army will arrive immediately. He will send people to receive them in advance and let them stay in Camp No. 5. The supplies stored there should be enough for them to use for three days.

How is the team purchasing clay pots? Every water pot needs to be inspected. Water storage is the most important thing.

Not only people need to drink water, but war horses and pack animals consume even more astonishing amounts of water.

The team has returned and purchased 20,000 water cans, all of which are filled with clean water.

Well...I'll go take a look.

Andreas stood up suddenly, his vision suddenly went black, and he almost fell to the ground.

Sir, are you okay?

The scribe on the side quickly stepped forward to help him.

Most of these scribes are composed of clergy from the Alandre diocese, and they can also be regarded as Andreas' old partners.

It's okay, help me stand up.

Andreas gritted his teeth and waved his hands. He took a deep breath, stood firm, and refused the scribe's follow.

Have the people sent to survey the water sources on the march route returned? Don't trust all the water source maps bought from the Bedouin. You must send people to verify on the spot.

Some of them came back one after another.

Keep it in mind at this time. I will go to the baggage camp. If there is any emergency, you can find me there.

Under the worried eyes of the scribe, Andreas walked slowly outside the tent.

At the same time, he also made a decision - to find Kurs who was receiving the lords.

The mortal body has its limits after all.

He felt that the reason why Teacher Coors had given him so many trivial matters during this period was to make him realize this, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with being like Teacher Coors.

Not afraid of the sun, let alone garlic or silverware.

You can also get the so-called immortality.

Andreas sometimes didn't know where his inner instinctive resistance to becoming a vampire came from.


Saladin, the king of Syria and Egypt, looked a little heavy.

He had just heard the news reported by the messenger. Baldwin IV, who he thought was terminally ill, had actually recovered from leprosy.

The Kingdom of Jerusalem also had a brief honeymoon period with Saladin. At that time, Saladin even sent his own physician to visit Baldwin. His condition was absolutely undeniable.

He had no need to lie. If Baldwin had not suffered from this disease, the situation in Jerusalem would be much stronger than it is now.

Did you see it with your own eyes?

The messenger said seriously: My king, I swear in the name of the holy fire. I saw with my own eyes that King Baldwin took off his mask. There was no sign of leprosy on his face.

He hesitated for a moment, and then said: My servants guess that it is the work of the pagan priest named Uldin. I heard that he had cured many old diseases of the Crusader princes, and he also developed the so-called The Lazarus potion is very effective in treating trauma.”


Saladin frowned and said, Did you bring back a sample of the Lazarus potion?

The messenger said with shame on his face: Those pagan poor people are very fanatical. Even if I offer a high price, they are not willing to resell the medicine to me.

Saladin sighed softly: You should be matched with a Frankish Mamluk for this trip.

Please step back. You have made great achievements in this trip and deserve to be rewarded.

Shut out others.

Saladin asked the black-robed spellcaster beside him: What kind of spell does this Urdin use? It can even cure Baldwin's leprosy.

Your Majesty, magic is not omnipotent.

Saladin frowned and said, But Baldwin recovered.

During this period of time, he felt that his physical condition was deteriorating. Even though he was not a womanizer and had always been very self-disciplined in his life, this was still the case.

This is why he is a little anxious.

He was worried that if he didn't take Jerusalem, the dynasty he founded would fall apart as soon as he died.

The black-robed spellcaster was silent for a moment and then said: Absorbing the lives of others and sacrificing them to the devil in hell may cure chronic diseases.

Saladin shook his head and said: Baldwin, I know him, he would not do such a thing.

He looked at the black-robed wizard and said, I wouldn't do such a thing. Besides, do you have any cure for my disease or a recipe that can extend my life?

The black-robed spellcaster shook his head and said: There are too many kings and emperors in the world who want to extend their lives and live forever.

But King Saladin, have you ever heard of any king who was truly immortal?

Saladin was silent for a moment and said: I don't ask for immortality, I just hope to live to the age I deserve.

The black-robed spell caster sighed softly: But how do you know that disease is not a shackle given to you by the Holy Fire to control the age you should live? The way of the Holy Fire never seeks immortality. If you force it, maybe you can find A pagan wizard comes to ask.

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