Jerusalem, the residence of Duke Raymond.

Raymond has been having a headache recently. As a veteran Crusader prince and a solid conservative, he is unwilling to fight with the pagans.

But the war will not stop just because he is willing or unwilling.

His attitude towards Lothar has always been complicated.

On the one hand, I am very optimistic about this young man who has made great achievements not long after he arrived. Now he is a crusader, a pillar that can stand firm among the wolves of pagans.

But on the other hand, he felt huge threat and pressure from Lothar.

As the largest prince in the kingdom, except for the two years of temporary personal expedition by Baldwin IV, the regent who had controlled the government for more than ten years originally had absolute authority in Jerusalem.

Even the former Archduke of Antioch, Leonard of Chatillon, later Count of Transjordan, and now Baron of Calleborg and Montreal, were all under his control in their heyday.

The so-called Queen Mother Party, Raymond's Baron Party, and the Royal Party represented by Baron Godfrey cannot actually summarize the sharp contradictions within Jerusalem. The contradictions between the Germanic Crusaders and the Gallic Crusaders are also becoming increasingly acute.

Lothar had two buffs stacked up on him. Not only was he of Germanic origin, he was the only prince who held a high position in the Holy Land. The powerful Teutonic Knights had actively joined his army; he also seemed to be in charge of the royal party, and he had The tendency of the Queen Mother's party to merge.

But just when the conflict was about to become increasingly acute, he retreated bravely, as if he didn't care about the power of Jerusalem at all. He jumped out of the political whirlpool and went to work as a mercenary for the Eastern Empire.

Losa hasn't come back yet?

Raymond's voice is a little hoarse. He may have been overworked recently. He feels that his physical condition is getting worse. It's time to donate some money to the Order of St. Lazarus and ask Bishop Uldin to come and take a look. .

Duke Raymond's attendant, who stood like a shadow, responded in a low voice: The people sent to keep an eye on the port have not yet received any news, but the Transjordan border area, the Holy Treasurer 'Kurs' who directly belongs to Lothar has already Start preparing for war.”

Oh? Is that the same Kurth who used to be in charge of the Jerusalem armor workshop and sell Gwent cards?

Raymond said with great interest.

After receiving a positive answer, he couldn't help but smile: That is a smart and capable talent. Lothar dared to leave his territory and lead an expedition alone. He has nothing to do with it.

Raymond looked a little envious. Limited by the church's monopoly on knowledge, a reliable internal affairs talent was even rarer than a general who was good at fighting.

The changes in Lothar's territory are visible to the naked eye. The population has nearly doubled, and large areas of desert have been reclaimed into land. It was originally just a large Transjordan. In a year or two, its size will really be linked to the territory.

I heard that Lothar made quite a splash in Constantinople. Not only did he get the position of general of the Limassol Military District, but he also forged a deep friendship with the princess in purple?

The attendant lowered his head and said: It is indeed true. According to rumors, he defeated Crown Prince Henry of Swabia in a competitive competition and killed a dragon beast with his own hands. According to rumors, Her Majesty the Queen also favors him. She has repeatedly Call him to see him alone.

Raymond's expression was obviously stunned.

Damn it, when we meet Lothar again, will he already be the emperor of the empire, Basileus?

He knew that Princess Sibera wanted to marry Lothar and had met with her many times.

It's also easy to understand.

Among the young nobles throughout Christendom, it is difficult to find someone who can surpass Lothar in terms of appearance or talent, and even fewer who have both.

For example, Guy of Lusignan, although he was a handsome guy, his abilities were mediocre, and he was still a stupid young man who had assassinated Eleanor, the Grand Duchess of Aquitaine.

Originally, Lothar's shortcomings were birth and wealth, but now they have been made up for.

In a different place, Raymond would survive on his own. If he were Sibera, he would be tempted.

Isn’t this a hundred times better than the William he proposed to marry before?

But never thought about it.

It was Balian who finally got engaged to Sibera. He didn't quite understand it at first, thinking that this move might have been a deliberate move by Lothar to signal that he would remain neutral in the confrontation with the Queen Mother's party.

Never thought that this bastard actually wanted to marry the queen?

He couldn't help complaining: When the Holy Land needed him the most, he actually ran over to flatter the Queen. Did he really think that the Queen would take a fancy to him and let him rise to the top and become a co-ruling emperor?

Such whimsical people don't even think about whether those Greek nobles would be willing to have a 'Frankish barbarian' on their heads as emperor, even if the Queen is willing.

The attendant behind her had no expression on her face, but she secretly thought in her heart that she was the queen, not to mention being a lackey.

Even if the empress is an old woman with half a foot in the coffin, and there is only a 100% chance of being favored by her, those who want to be her guests can still line up from the gate of Constantinople. Opposite the Golden Horn.

Raymond raised his hand, made the sign of the cross on his chest, and murmured in a low voice: Father in Heaven, I want to repent for the jealousy I just felt.

He removed his emotions from the news and asked: How is our mobilization status?

In your territory, mobilization orders have been issued to each of your vassals. Grand Master Roger of the Knights Hospitallers has made it clear that he will provide you with 300 knights in the war, including 800 light-armored ones. Support including riders.”

Raymond nodded slightly.

The Knights Hospitaller is Raymond's most important ally in the Holy Land. Although the cost is that Tripoli leases a large amount of territory to the other party, the support in exchange is definitely worth the money.

Where's the wizard?

Raymond said suddenly.

The attendant shook his head and said: No news yet.

Some time ago, Raymond had sent people to return to the Gaul region, hoping to use his connections to recruit some wizards as consultants, but there was no news.

Sir, I must remind you that under the influence of several kings, the lords of Europe realized the importance of spellcasters earlier than we did. The wars and troubles they faced were not as large as the ones we have here.

The implication is obvious.

Being your consultant is not only a long way to go, but also risky. There are very few wizards who are willing to serve as an official. After hearing this treatment from you, who would be willing to come?

Raymond frowned and said, You mean the conditions I offered before were too low?

Although he is wealthy and has many territories, many of them only have titles. Land, manors, and castles have all been entrusted to vassals or leased to knights. Tripoli is considered his core territory.

In addition, he had to maintain a large standing army, and he did not have particularly much surplus wealth.

You know, the annual salary he paid before was already a huge amount of wealth that could arm an entire heavy cavalry company.

That's it, the other party isn't satisfied yet?

Not low, my lord.

The attendant said helplessly: Saladin is the king of the Saracen world, second only to the Sasanian king. The wealth he controls is far richer than ours, and he has already invited many powerful spellcasters before us.

Raymond suddenly understood: These wizards don't think it's worthwhile to fight against powerful enemies, right?

The attendant was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, Yes, they are not willing to sacrifice their lives for money.


Raymond showed a helpless smile.

Is this what the church calls - all extraordinary power comes from Heavenly Father?

Doesn't this mean that Saladin is using God's power to punish the Crusaders?

He shook his head, putting this somewhat blasphemous thought behind him.

Satan's power also comes from God, but he is an evil devil. Perhaps the power of those extraordinary people who follow Saladin and want to destroy and occupy the Holy Land comes from Satan?

Then we can only rely on our dragon-slaying warriors.

Raymond was lying on the chair, with an expression on his face that was a little helpless and a little relieved: I hope this kid still has a trace of piety like his father Werner in his heart.

At this time.

There were rapid footsteps outside the door.

The knight, whose robe was covered with wind and sand, strode into the house.

Raymond stood up in a hurry, with an ominous premonition in his heart: Baroque, why are you so anxious?

My lord, Saladin's messenger has arrived.

The knight known as Baroque spoke in a hurry: He claimed that Lothar violated the armistice agreement and asked him to immediately hand over all the territory occupied by the Extraordinary after the armistice.

Sure enough, this day has come.

Raymond was silent for a moment.

The attendant behind him said: It seems that this condition is not unacceptable.

In his opinion, if he just betrayed Lothar's interests, he could avoid this war, which seemed pretty good.

After all, isn't Lothar his master's opponent?

Absolutely not!

Raymond looked stern: Do you really think that betraying Lothar's interests will stop Saladin? Who is Rauf, and does he deserve Saladin to claim his territory for him? This is just an excuse to declare war.

There is another reason he didn't mention. Under the political correctness of waging war against infidels, whoever dares to propose selling out his own interests and making peace with infidels will have his reputation disgraced and be looked up to in the entire Christian world. Don't start.

It is impossible for Baldwin IV to agree. Once he agrees, the entire Kingdom of Jerusalem will no longer have any meaning in existence.

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