Gerald looked a little embarrassed. He crossed himself in front of the red cross on his chest: Praise Heavenly Father, your words are as precious as gold and gems. I look forward to it and am honored to fight alongside you. Chance.

The efficacy of Lazarus Potion has long been spread in Jerusalem. Although it is only effective against external injuries, isn't it the most common thing to happen on the battlefield?

A bottle of Lazarus potion sprinkled on the wound can quickly stop the bleeding. A scab will form in a day and heal in a week. It is tantamount to a second life in the military life where the sanitary conditions are worrying. .

Uldin was able to donate this precious medicine and claim to participate in the war. In comparison, the hermits in the monastery, including the people behind them, seemed even more despicable.

Gerald actually couldn't stand this kind of behavior.

However, as an armed order directly subordinate to the Pope, the Knights Templar, although it has now grown in power, in the final analysis, are still subject to the control of the Pope.

A piece of excommunication could not kill a feudal lord.

People in later generations only remember Emperor Henry IV's trip to Carnoson, where he was shut out by Pope Gregory, spent three days barefoot in penitence, and suffered humiliation.

Little did they know that only three years later, after Henry IV put down the rebellion, he imprisoned, deposed, and re-established the Pope.

But a piece of excommunication can definitely kill the Knights Templar.

Behind several monasteries, standing is His Majesty the Pope's spokesperson, Cardinal Sebastian, who is the spokesperson of the new pope.

Pope Celestine III had just succeeded the deceased Clement III. He was a wise, capable, and ambitious pope. The letter of request for help sent by Baldwin IV not long ago was addressed to this person.

The conscientious nobleman half sighed and half sarcastically said: Bishop Uldin is the truly virtuous cleric. In comparison, those idiots who only collect indulgences and cannot even explain the doctrinal scriptures are simply As disgusting as flies.

Oh, there are many 'glorious deeds' in Ascalon Monastery. I heard that Archbishop Kiel likes young and handsome little boys the most.

A nobleman sneered and said: I don't know what kind of sins are being nurtured in that small monastery. Those ugly behaviors, if it is not really impossible to announce to the public in this hall, I will definitely tell everyone.

Gerald was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

The monastery is inhabited by a group of monks who are not allowed to leave the monastery without permission. As a group of men live in a closed environment all day long, you can imagine what kind of evil is most likely to brew.

You have misunderstood. It's just that the sacred tree is indeed a miracle created by the power of Heavenly Father. I think you can't deny this. It is only natural that some clergy want to follow the convention and bring the sacred tree under the control of the church. There should be no harsh criticism.”

Gerald coughed slightly: However, I don't think this matter is appropriate. Let's wait until Marquis Lothar comes back to discuss it. I will persuade them to donate as much money as possible to serve as military pay.

All the nobles dismissed this.

They didn't know the power behind these monasteries, but they could make a guess. They were very dissatisfied with the Pope's behavior at such a critical moment, which not only did not call for Crusaders' support immediately, but also wanted to gain benefits for himself.

Gerald looked at everyone's reactions and sighed softly.

There is nothing the Pope can do.

The previous pope called for a crusade, and several kings shouted slogans loudly, but they refused to move their butts. Emperor Henry even showed no respect at all, and wanted to fight against these tax-resistant Lombard city-states despite the pressure of the pope.

The former Pope Clement III lost his prestige and almost died of anger.

It would be fine if the Holy Land fell.

He can also take this opportunity to rebuke the kings in exchange for enough benefits, and gain a lot of prestige for himself in the subsequent war to regain the Holy Land.

As a result, the Holy Land was defended.

The ink marks of the kings did not matter to Saladin, because they had foresight.

This was also the last straw that broke the camel's back. Within a few days of the news coming - and most likely to cover up the defense of the Holy Land, the Pope was angry to death. It was only in the past few days that Clement III died. .

Uldin said with a serious expression: The New Habsburg where the Sacred Tree is located falls under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Alandre. I don't need to worry about others. I will assist Marquis Lothar in governing the people of this land and persuade more people. Many pagans were converted to the true faith.”

Everyone, please forgive me, if the Holy Land falls, what will be left of your wealth, status, and reputation?

At that time, what's the point of worrying about these so-called gains and losses? The thousands of miles of fertile soil brought by the sacred trees will become pastures for the pagans to graze camels, cattle and sheep, and they will even be burned to ashes by fire and sacrificed. It’s not impossible to give them that pagan god.”

Uldin's eyes swept over everyone.

In fact, it is not that these nobles or clergy are stupid, but that the Saracens have lost to the Crusaders too many times. In Europe, many nobles and clergy never thought that the Holy Land would one day fall.

They firmly believe that the light of their Heavenly Father shines upon them.

This kind of self-righteousness that no matter how powerful the enemy is on the surface, they will eventually be defeated by themselves, which is both stupid and somewhat reasonable - just like the First Crusade, this process is already legendary. An epic novel-like feel.

Greed is the original sin.

Urdin's direct gaze made Gerald afraid to face him.

He was an upright and devout man. Even though there were mountains of wealth in the Knights Templar's treasury, his personal life remained extremely simple.

But when he is in a high position, he will inevitably do some unavoidable things. For example, he has a good personal relationship with Roger, the Grand Master of the Knights Hospitallers. However, after he succeeds as the Grand Master, he will still have no contact with Roger.

He made the sign of the cross in front of him and silently retreated into the group without saying a word.

Raymond stood up, came to Urdin in full view, bowed his head and kissed the bishop's ring on his finger: Praise Heavenly Father, praise you for your piety and generosity, praise your righteous deeds and good deeds, your virtue. As bright as the stars in the sky.”

You are exaggerating, Lord Tiberius.

Uldin looked at Raymond calmly: Sir, the safety of the Holy Land is really a top priority. Those who lose the Holy Land will be nailed to the Pillar of Shame forever. This is enough to wipe out all past reputations. disaster.

Don't worry, Bishop Uldin, I promise you in the name of a Christian that Jerusalem will eventually defeat all foreign enemies.

“May Heavenly Father bless you.”

Uldin made the sign of the cross to everyone, then turned and left.

He is a person who hates evil very much and can't stand these stupid people, but it's not that he doesn't understand the twists and turns inside. Otherwise, in the world of yesterday's giant ships, he wouldn't be able to achieve the high position of archbishop.

But there is always a limit to human patience.

When Urdin became the bishop of the diocese, he found that he still had no choice but to deal with the rampant wolves and the aloof French Holy Church, and was unwilling to take the risk of an all-out war to punish rape and eliminate evil. His mentality collapsed.

This is why Urdin admires Jeanne so much.

You know, with the help of otherworldly strength, dark creatures can easily establish a power in the secular world. Even if many people later know that there is a problem with his identity, due to the transfer of interests, many dignitaries will not only not eliminate the darkness, On the contrary, it is likely to become its protective umbrella.

Jeanne offended many people in the process of eliminating these dark creatures.

If she hadn't been so strong, she would have disappeared without a trace, just like those demon hunters who had just debuted and didn't know the heights of the world.

Everyone watched him leave.

Raymond's expression became serious again: Bishop Uldin is an example worthy of every Christian to learn from. Who is willing to donate extra money to protect the Holy Land? Please note that this is the place closest to Heavenly Father. , Heavenly Father is watching over you and me.”

As soon as the words fell, people stood up one after another.

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