
Saladin's palace was a beautiful building like a garden. In the vast rectangular courtyard, a royal road separated two large pools with clear spring water.

The marble palace walls are engraved with a complete set of Zoroastrian scriptures as well as poems and mottos of sages and scholars. Gold-inlaid, ivory, and various gorgeous utensils and porcelains demonstrate the rich financial resources of the owner here.

The Lord of Egypt and Arabia, the two core territories of Syria and Egypt, are one of the richest places in the entire West Asia region.

In the palace, two black-robed warlocks were casting spells. On a ripple-like scene, they relayed the words and deeds of the former King of the Dead Sea, Leonard, who was on top of the city.

At the top of the city, the Crusaders were filled with indignation.

One could clearly see the expression on Leonard's face that was distorted by anger, and the fingers of the chain-mail gloves were even dug into the rammed earth wall.

After a long time, he let go.

He slowly said: Indeed, as the lord of Kaleborg and Montreal, it is my duty to protect the pilgrims. All the previous dereliction of duties are indeed my mistakes.

An unusual smile appeared on Leonard's face: If your army wants to pass, just escort Her Royal Highness away.

Or do you think your army thinks that the hundreds of soldiers in this small fort below are a serious threat to your army? Do you need us to throw the weapons under the city, tie our own hands, and leave the city to surrender? Only then can you dare to enter the country with confidence?

Leonard's response was completely stable.

Since the peace treaty was signed, he rarely even robbed caravans. Even if he did, it would be difficult to find evidence.

In the vast desert, it is completely normal for one or two caravans to disappear. No one knows whether it is the Bedouin nomads who come and go like the wind, or the merchants who occasionally appear as bandits.

In the previous attack on Jerusalem, Saladin was limited by the poor climate and logistics conditions, as well as the threat from the King of Kings from the east, and was unable to use his full strength.

At the moment, Sassanid Persia has been attracted by the enemies from the east. Saladin, who has just put down the civil strife of the remnants of Zanji and has received the help of spellcasters, is absolutely sure to take back the Holy Land. All he lacks is a reasonable excuse to start a war. That’s all.

The Saracen general below the city was speechless for a moment.

They originally wanted to anger Leonard, but with the greedy and reckless character of the King of the Dead Sea, they would most likely take risks in order to kidnap Princess Basma and extort a high ransom.

This gave them an excuse to go to war.

But never thought that Leonard didn't take the bait?

There are just a few hundred people like you, so naturally we don't take them seriously in our army's eyes.

Leonard smiled and said: Since it's not the case, your army can go. Now the lord of Transjordan, Count Lothar, has always been known for his justice. Any pilgrims and caravans can cross the border safely as long as they pay taxes and tolls. .”

Leonard paused slightly and sneered: I just don't know if he will allow such a huge 'convoy' like your army to pass through his territory.

Obviously this is impossible.

The Saracen general under the city was once defeated by Lothar. He knew better than anyone that Lothar, who had just defeated Zahn and Rauf the Impaler, was among the top in the Crusader Kingdom. .

His thousands of elites would only be swallowed up once they entered Lothar's territory.

It seems that Leonard's strength has become weaker, and even his temper has improved. This is a bit of a sign.

Saladin was a little emotional. He smiled and greeted the black-robed mage beside him: You two sirs, please convey my order to Camille. Since Leonard has agreed to our crossing, he will ask for a copy of the document with his seal. file, and at the same time ask him to escort my sister out of Leonard’s territory, and then she can return.”

By the way, be sure to warn him not to intrude or rob civilians. My sister's safety is the top priority.

Looking at the Saracen cavalry retreating in the distance, the Crusaders at the top of the city were angry and aggrieved, but also felt lucky to have survived the disaster.

Including Leonard, he was even a little happy, expecting this Saracen cavalry to rush into the territory of Lothar, Baron Argon and others and cause them a lot of trouble.

As for losing face, it is indeed a loss.

He could even feel his newlywed wife looking at him, the brave Crusader general, with eyes full of confusion and confusion.

Leonard was a little surprised that he was not as angry as he expected. His face had been completely lost since the king personally took back his titles of Earl of Transjordan and Lord of Hebron that day.

Therefore, once a person gives up his own bottom line, there will really be no new bottom line.

At worst, you can plunder my territory at will. Those villages were ravaged just a few months ago, and there is nothing left.

If he hadn't collected a gift money from his vassals by marrying a new wife, he wouldn't even be able to maintain the hundreds of standing troops in Kaleburg, let alone rebuild those villages.

Saladin motioned to the two spellcasters to cut off the screen.

Takiddin, Saladin's nephew, a fat white man with a round waist and a fat face, coughed lightly: My lord, we have captured Saleh, the leader of the rebellion. Do you want to interrogate him personally?

Saladin was silent for a moment and nodded slightly: Bring him up.

Takidin immediately shouted: Bring rebel Saleh forward to answer.

He was completely different from the high-spirited person he was when he first met Lothar in the hotel. Today, Saleh was covered in blood, and the broken armor on his body had been stripped away, leaving only a pair of tattered silk underwear.

He raised his head and looked at the man he already hated to the core of his heart. He sneered: Rebellious Saladin, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to kneel in front of you and beg for your forgiveness?

Saladin frowned, but his tone remained calm: I have treated you well enough. In your mansion in Damascus, you have never been short of maids, gardens, delicacies, and fine wines. Why did you betray me?

There was a hint of sarcasm on Saleh's face: Saladin, you took the position of Prime Minister of Fatimid Egypt by virtue of my father's status as an envoy, and then betrayed my father, not even willing to pay a small tribute. Pay, let me ask you, didn't my father treat you well enough? Why did you rebel against my father, imprison his son, and seize his city?

Saladin was silent for a moment.

Takidin thought to himself that his uncle was really lost. There was nothing to argue with the remnants of Zanji. How could he say that he was black and white?

What he means is that his side is black.

Oh, I'm speechless, you're rebellious.

Saleh straightened his back and sneered: You'd better kill me, otherwise, I will continue to fight with you.

I won't kill you, Saleh.

Saladin was silent for a moment and then said: There are still several Kurdish tribes north of Armenia. I have appointed you as the governor of Georgia and sent you to unify the Kurdish tribes.

Ha, Saladin, Georgia is also your territory? Why don't you make me the governor of Constantinople and let me go to the territory of the Greeks and become the emperor?

Saleh burst out laughing.

Georgia once belonged to the Eastern Empire, and now it is also an ally of the Eastern Empire in the east. Queen Tamara, who came from the Bagration royal family, is a female ruler who is often referred to as Queen Lagaia of the Eastern Empire.

A wolf king should have the ability to control a pack of wolves wherever he goes.

Saladin did not laugh, but said in a calm tone: You want to be my enemy. If you don't have a force that is truly loyal to you, how can you be an enemy? Do you really think I take you seriously?

From beginning to end, Saladin was just fighting against those opponents whose interests were harmed.

Saleh is just a down-and-out prince, a poor man with a so-called righteousness. In fact, except for a few fans, he doesn't have much power of his own.

Saleh was silent for a moment.

Sneered: Hey, Saladin, you are showing your hypocritical and ridiculous demeanor again, right? Do you think that in this way, others will no longer call you a despicable rebel, a person who is eager to tear up the contract you just signed? , a villain who wants to start a war?

You'd better kill me, otherwise I swear, I will become your most terrifying enemy!



Saladin didn't mean to be angry. He raised his hand to touch his chest: May the holy fire bless you, brother.


Saleh sneered.

Takidin, send Prince Saleh to his 'territory' to take up his post.

Takidin looked at Saleh's eyes full of hatred and thought to himself, is there something in his uncle's words and wants to kill this guy halfway?

Don't think nonsense, just take my orders literally.

Facing Saladin's wise and calm eyes, Takidin was stunned and said quickly: Yes, my lord.

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