At the moment, the Ocean Disaster seems to have passed through the eye of a hurricane.

Thanks to Miss Nina, otherwise we would have suffered heavy losses this time.

Hogg knows better than anyone else the terror of this sea beast.

Hogg frowned and looked at the Ocean Disaster, which was slowly repairing its hull. The damage it suffered this time was really serious. The white bone spurs growing out of the hull slowed down a lot. It took a long time to penetrate the giant ship. The remains of the squid began to slowly absorb the life inside.

I'm sorry, sir. It was my negligence this time and I almost put you in danger.

Captain Hogg's tone was a little sad. He and the sailors on the ship had not eaten seafood like octopus for many years. He had completely forgotten the common sense that anyone who often lives at sea knows. Finally.

It doesn't matter, it's enough that the ending is always good. Besides, there is nothing in this world that is not dangerous.

Lothar recalled the Bohemian proverb: Life is just a joke. Having experienced more dangers, he felt that he was no longer as cautious as when he first crossed over.

He patted the tall captain on the shoulder: Captain Hogg, it's time to go back to your old profession.

Captain Hogg grinned and said: The time has come again to make money from dead people.

The self-repair process of the Ocean Disaster is gradually speeding up. Bloody lines appear all over the ghost ship. The momentum of each zombie sailor has improved slightly. The life essence accumulated by this giant squid is unexpected. huge.

Bang bang——

The beating of the heart is clearly audible.

Until, the body of the giant squid was completely sucked dry, leaving only a huge plate-shaped skeleton, which Lothar sold to the trophy store in exchange for a few dozen gold coins.

The Disaster of the Seas resumed sailing, and the zombie sailors who died in the battle began to reshape their bodies.

This battle will be profitable after all.

As the Ocean Disaster slowly sailed into the place where the giant squid usually dines, it was like coming to a shipwreck city. There were complete or fragmented shipwrecks everywhere. Lothar even saw a Viking-style shipwreck. longship.

Captain Hogg reminded: Sir, the Ocean Disaster can temporarily give you the ability to walk and breathe underwater, but you must return to the ship within a quarter of an hour, and do not leave the Ocean Disaster too far.

For a quarter of an hour, I remember it.

Lothar frowned and reminded: We have to find a ship with a high probability of having the blue cross emblem of the Vasiliakos family.

General Nikephorus only wanted him to look for a ruby, but the wealth accumulated from so many sunken ships on the entire seabed must be amazing, and he couldn't go all out in vain.

The ability to walk and breathe underwater is actually equivalent to the shield on the Ocean Disaster, extending to the individual.

On the huge Ocean Disaster, zombie sailors were densely packed with green light, like fireflies, falling into various sunken ships.

Lothar and his party also picked a boat and went in.

This was a three-masted sailboat, with its keel torn open from the center. The cargo and human bones buried in the sand were spread evenly on the seabed in a radial pattern.

Jeanne opened a sealed box and immediately covered her nose and complained: Oh - the smell is really strong.

This is a box of leather that has been soaked in sea water and is most likely untanned. The rancid smell should be the product of the unscratched grease and rotting flesh and blood.

Tanners in this era often had to live in isolation because the process of tanning emitted a disgusting stench.

Some leather craftsmen even use dung water to soak raw hides. Therefore, some poor people will deliberately store and collect dung and sell it to tanners to earn a reward.

At the same time, the water pollution caused by cobblers is also very alarming. Therefore, in larger villages, there are restrictions on the places where cobblers can draw water and drain water.

No one in Lothar's territory used dung water to tan leather. After all, lime water was a better substitute, and farmers gradually became aware of the effects of manure, making the dung that had been neglected in the past become a treasure.

Sir, come and take a look.

Jeanne closed the box and opened another one.

It was full of silver coins. Although they were only silver coins, there were a lot of them. When they were forked with hands, they made a clear and pleasant sound of metal collision.

Lothar picked up a silver coin and examined it, shook his head and said, The quality is very poor, and it's not worth much.

The worthlessness of silver coins in the Middle Ages is completely opposite to the currency depreciation caused by the large inflow of silver in the Age of Discovery.

Silver coins were not valuable in the Middle Ages because of the shortage of silver. The number of developed silver mines on the European continent was very small. In addition, the church, nobles, and wealthy civilians used a large amount of silver to make tableware, candlesticks, and jewelry. The amount of silver was even less.

This is when black coins with extremely low silver content began to circulate in the market, which also caused the exchange rate of twelve silver coins for one gold and silver coin of equal weight to drop from one to twenty in previous years to one to five. ten.

Therefore, this box full of silver coins may seem like tens of thousands at first glance, but it is only worth a few hundred gold coins.

It's probably the profiteers on this ship who are using it to deal with the Rus and Cumans.

Merchants in this era need to face great risks, especially those engaged in maritime trade, such as pirates, storms, plagues, and voyages. It is difficult for a conscientious person to survive, let alone make a fortune.

So, this ship should be a Greek merchant ship. It is sailing north through the foggy sea. It is not our target.

Nikephorus said that the ship was wrecked on the way back to Constantinople. The merchant ship would not carry so much silver coins back to Constantinople. It would definitely have to be exchanged for goods on the grassland. This line.

But now that you’re here, you definitely can’t leave empty-handed.

Lothar directly sold all the bits and pieces in the cabin to the trophy shop. Mosquito legs are also meat. Although money can come quickly from undersea treasure hunting, it is not that easy.

Most goods lose their value after being soaked in water.

For example, Jeanne just opened a box of high-end wine from Bordeaux in Gaul.

Captain Hogg spent two months collecting treasures on the Red Sea, and his income was less than 40,000 gold coins.

Just like that, we searched all the way.

Sir, I think I've found it.

Jeanne shouted.

Lothar hurried over and found a coat of arms with a blue cross emblem in the cabin. After searching carefully, they found the so-called ruby ​​in the drawer of the captain's cabin.

Sure enough, you can recognize it at a glance.

This is definitely a treasure, it is at least the size of a fist, and it shines with crimson light in the dark cabin.

Lothar picked up the box and stuffed it back.

Things that can emit light independently are either supernatural or radioactive. Lothar has no interest in drinking radium water.

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