New Habsburg.

After two months, the branches of the tree of life have become more and more lush.

The scope of the oasis has spread to unprecedented levels.

It is said that in the adjacent Barony of Zugar, farmers run to the border every day, looking far into the distance, hoping that the greenery will be closer.

Baron Zugar, who used to complain about the poverty of his territory every day, now talks about Lord Lothar's generosity and generosity to everyone he meets. He has become as loyal a fan of Lothar as Baron Argon of Petra.

The midday sun was shining brightly.

Farmers driving their horses, as well as an endless stream of pilgrims, knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly.

There is already the prototype of a city here. Simple wooden walls are built around the houses. They are made of logs with one end sharpened and inserted into the ground. In the future, they will continue to expand with the expansion of the city. .

The castle in the inner city has been completed. The lighting here is not good, and it has a strong European style, because the craftsmen who built it are pilgrims from Europe, and their craftsmanship cannot take into account both beauty and defense.

Andreas was sitting in the lord's hall, dipping his quill in the inkpot and writing furiously on the parchment.

The lord's throne in the center is vacant, with two coats of arms hanging side by side, the cross emblem of Jerusalem and the double-headed eagle emblem of Lothar.

Andreas was sitting at the square table under the throne.

He has grown a beard and is wearing a well-dressed silk shirt. He carries himself with the nobility he learned from Coors' butler. He is completely different from the little slave who followed the vulgar knight in the past.

Good day, Your Excellency, Guard Officer.

Footsteps sounded in the hall.

Andreas put down the quill in his hand, stood up and said: Good day, respected priest. I wonder why you are here?

The person who came was a priest named Mellen, claiming that he wanted to discuss with him.

Father Mellen wore a red and yellow cassock and said with a smile: Your Excellency, Guard Officer, I heard that you are a very competent official and knight. You once led the patrol cavalry to bring to justice the raging desert bandits. , this is a good deed praised by Heavenly Father.”

Andreas said sternly: Thank you very much. Father, if you have something to say, you can tell me directly.

As if he did not expect Andreas's bluntness, Father Mellen frowned, then relaxed his brows. The smile on his face squeezed out two folds: Your Excellency, Guard Officer, I want to rent a piece of land near New Habsburg. , to build a new monastery and listen to the teachings of Heavenly Father up close.”


Andreas frowned.

The monastery is not a church. The monastery is more closed. Under normal circumstances, outsiders are not allowed to enter, and there are even guards. For example, the monastery on the outskirts of Alandre is like a fortress that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

That won't do, Father Mellen.

Andreas shook his head and said: I have no authority to deal with such matters involving real estate changes. This requires the Earl's personal decision. Even His Majesty the King cannot bypass the lord and allocate his land to anyone.

Father Mellen wondered: You are the guard appointed by the Earl, don't you even have this power? This is just a lease, and it does not involve a change of property ownership - could it be that during this period, you settled in New Habsburg? Are all the outsiders stealing your master's land for free?

Andreas was speechless for a moment.

Of course, it’s not that he has no power to deal with land leasing matters, but he just doesn’t want to lease the land to the church. It’s easier to ask God than to give it away.

There was a strong temptation in Father Mellen's tone: This is a sacred cause, Mr. Guard Officer, think about it, every morning and evening, there are morning and evening prayers. The most knowledgeable great bachelors will be here. From listening to the voice of God to writing a theological classic that has been passed down through the ages, the entire Christian world will remember your contribution.”

Andreas shook his head and said: Sorry, Father Mellen, I know this is a sacred cause, but in your domain, all theological matters are the responsibility of the religious order.

Huh? Are you talking about those mud-legged warriors and the fighting monks who hold swords in their hands and know more scriptures than can be filled on a piece of parchment?

Father Mellen said sarcastically: With all due respect, their theological attainments are not worthy of carrying our shoes!

Andreas said, neither humble nor arrogant: You can confront Father Urdin about these words. He is the bishop of the Alandre Diocese. He is above you in terms of divine orders and holy orders.

Father Mellen was not surprised by Andreas' reaction: Yes, it is true. My theological attainments may not be as advanced as Bishop Urdin's, but I am here to represent His Excellency Bishop Sebastian. Come, he is His Majesty the Pope’s most trusted assistant, I think you should know what this means.”

He paused slightly and then said: A sacred place like this should not be placed under the jurisdiction of a secular lord. If you are willing to help, the bishop will not treat you badly.

As he spoke, he took off a large ruby ​​ring from his finger and placed it on the table.

Andreas's gaze swept across the ring, and a trace of heartfelt disgust flashed in his eyes. The church was occupied by such money-grubbing and vulgar people - if they owned the Tree of Life, there was a high probability that they would A towering wall will be built to enclose the entire tree, and every pilgrim who wants to take a look will have to pay, right?

He forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and pushed the ring back:

Father Mellen, you may or may not have heard about it. I was once just the personal servant of a vulgar knight. Your Excellency appreciated me and gave me the title of knight and the title of guard officer.

What else am I not satisfied with? Greed is the original sin.

Andreas stood up: Please leave, Father Mellen.

Father Mellen's face was ashen: This is your own decision, boy. Even if you are the master you are loyal to, you will not offend us.

I have received reports from others that someone has witnessed a black dragon hovering around the body of your family. I have a reasonable suspicion that your family has been bewitched by the devil Satan.

Dragons are often associated with Satan. According to legend, at the time of the Doomsday, Satan transformed into a big red dragon with seven heads and ten horns to fight with the archangel Michael.

Andreas's face became much uglier, his expression was serious, and his tone was even higher:

Father, I hope you can think carefully about what you are saying. Without evidence, you dare to accuse the savior of the Holy Land, the grand master of the Royal Knights of Jerusalem, the most trusted minister of His Majesty Baldwin, Transjordan and the The Lord of Hebron, a model Christian like a saint, was bewitched by the devil Satan?

Father Mellen was startled by Andreas' stern expression, and said a little unsurely: I just have reasonable doubts - everything has to be judged by the religious court.

Asshole, you still want to send my family to the religious court?


Guards wearing pot helmets, a full set of armor that had been eliminated from the standing army, and covered with a layer of white robes, rushed into the room with their halberds raised with a fierce look on their faces: Master Guardsman, is there someone making trouble?

Andreas pointed at Father Mellen and shouted angrily: Kick out this madman who insulted the lord!

The guard looked at the priest. He had a bald head and a cassock—he was obviously a clergyman.

But he only hesitated for a moment, and a fierce look appeared on his face. So what if the priest dares to insult the Lord, he must pay the price.

What are you going to do? I am Cardinal Sebastian's confidant.


The guard staggered him with a kick: Get out of New Habsburg, no, get out of the entire Transjordan, you are not welcome here.

Father Mellen screamed and shouted: You dare to hurt a noble priest. Such blasphemous evil deeds are a deep sin. I want to accuse His Majesty the Pope. Transjordan is a group of disrespectful people. Father’s heresy!”

Shut up!

The guard slapped Father Mellen on the face, and two broken teeth burst out from his mouth, and he almost sat on the ground.

The guard snorted coldly. Compared with the reverence of native Christians for clergy, the reason why he, a former Zoroastrian, turned to the Ecumenical Church was just because he could get two more fields. How could he get used to such a person.

Father Mellen's servants, the secretary and others immediately swarmed over.

You beat a clergyman in the street, which is an unpardonable crime!

Why don't you put down your weapons quickly and repent to the Father!

The guard snorted coldly: If there's a fight, my guys and I will always be with you, but don't forget, this is the New Habsburg. If I call out that you have insulted my lord, you may not even have a chance to leave alive. here.

The citizens of New Habsburg benefited the most from Lothar. This newly built city grew from a dilapidated village into a city with thousands of citizens in less than half a year.

In this process, every craftsman, hired worker, and farmer has benefited a lot.

Although people at the bottom are easily fooled, they are not stupid. They can distinguish who makes their life easier and whose arrival makes their life more difficult.

Father Mellen and his party thought about it again and again, and saw that the fellow guards also came to support them. Knowing that it was impossible to get back the situation today, they left in dejection without even saying a harsh word.

Sinful and blasphemous?

In the guard officer's mansion, Andreas had a self-deprecating smile on his face. He crossed himself on his chest and murmured in a low voice: Learning to govern from a vampire is better than instructing others to beat up a clergyman. Much more blasphemy.”

After thinking for a while, he wrote two letters and sent them to Curs in Hebron and Hans in Jerusalem.

Obviously, the so-called Archbishop Sebastian will not give up.

In this era, churches in various places are very persistent in making saints. Churches that claim to possess holy bones and holy foreskin can create a giant by putting all the holy objects together.

This alone can attract pilgrims from all over the world, who want to visit in an endless stream, not to mention a miracle like the New Habsburg Sacred Tree that is so obvious that it cannot be replicated.

And I’m afraid it’s not just the church that covets it.

A holy object that can turn the desert of the Holy Land into fertile soil can make every desert lord crazy about it. Before, only those who were interested did not dare to do it, or they had not received the news.

Now that the adults are not in the territory, we can only count on Coors and Hans, the most important among the remaining personnel, to respond effectively.

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