The size of the one-horned nightmare horse is even greater than the so-called giant horses of this era, that is, the Shire horses are still in the process of being bred and are specially used to pull goods and carts. They weigh as much as Measured in tons.

Such a behemoth, if it is strong enough, will definitely be comparable to a Tiger tank on the battlefield.

Lothar jumped onto the horse and waved to Jeanne: Come, let's have a test of our riding skills.

Jeanne hummed softly: Grape, it's time for this little black pony to smell your flattery.

Putao was naturally dissatisfied with this strange fellow and snorted excitedly.

The two chased each other in the manor.

The final test result is that the one-horned nightmare horse has better endurance and is as fast as the grape, but in terms of defense and combat effectiveness, it is far better than the sweaty horse.

That's great, little one.

Jeanne whistled.

The unruly Grape looked at this same kind angrily, and wanted to catch Lothar's neck and take a bite out of it while Lothar wasn't paying attention. However, he immediately saw the one-horned nightmare horse's open mouth. Those sharp fangs.

Hell, this freak isn't even a horse!

Putao threw off his hooves angrily and ran away. This guy's character of bullying the weak and fearing the strong can be regarded as the same origin.

Jeanne reached out and touched the horn of the one-horned nightmare horse. Seeing it trembling, she couldn't help but smile and said, Give it a name.

do you have any good advice?

Jeanne tilted her head and thought for a while, then made a serious suggestion: Carrot, just call it radish.

Lothar was silent.

I've never ridden a witch before, so don't blame someone's innocence out of thin air.

Jeanne wondered: Doesn't it sound good? It's really troublesome.

She thought for a while and clapped her hands: Let's call it 'Invincible'. It means that we can win every war it participates in.

Father Werner will not be happy.

Lothar raised his eyebrows. Invincible was the mount of the father-killing beast Alsace in his memory. This name was not auspicious at all: Your naming skills are really average. Prajna, what do you think it should be called?

Prajna said without changing his expression: Let's just call it 'solar eclipse'.

Jeanne wondered: Is this a good name? Black skin is the eclipse, and white skin is the sun?

Anyway, it's better than yours.

Ok, deal.

Lothar patted the big head of Eclipse: Come on, spit fire, let me test the power.

Eclipse took a step back hesitantly, blinking his eyelashes, showing a human look of doubt.

Don't worry, you can't hurt me.

Lothar, who has reached the milestone of King of the Volcano, is almost completely immune to fire damage in the conventional sense. In the end, the one-horned nightmare horse is only a four-star extraordinary mount, and the possibility of hurting him is extremely slim.

Under Lothar's encouraging eyes, Sun Eclipse snorted slightly and blew out two puffs of white smoke from his nostrils. The tiny green flames just licked Lothar's palm and disappeared.

Lothar reluctantly raised his palm and showed it to Sun Eclipse.

Look, he's unscathed.

Sun Eclipse's eyes widened in surprise, then he walked back a few steps excitedly and took a deep breath.

Green flames burst out, and the output power is very stable. Looking at the appearance of the eclipse, the consumption of magic power is obviously not high - this is not a good thing. After all, he has a Wing Rider Commander Helmet that can make the mount become Unlimited energy.

If Eclipse masters an attack method with extremely high output power that can drain all his energy in an instant, it will perfectly fit with the Wing Rider Commander Helmet and become a trump card in Lothar's hand.

Unfortunately, Eclipse is clearly not up to par.

Lothar felt thoughtfully as he felt the temperature of the green flames emitted by the eclipse.

The power is about the same as the fireball technique he normally uses, but the range is not as good as the fireball technique. It is enough to deal with ordinary enemies, but it is problematic to deal with enemies that are slightly more advanced.

However, Eclipse is just a horse after all, not a giant dragon, and there is no way to expect it to be able to stand alone.

It's pretty unsatisfactory.

Brachna Palace.

Listening to Anna's story, the Queen couldn't help but feel a little moved: Has he really expressed his willingness to help the empire recover some of its territory in Asia Minor?

Of course, Lothar is actually just like me. He doesn't like to owe favors to others.

Anna said helplessly: It's a pity, the timing is wrong.


A wry smile appeared on Queen Lagaia's face.

Asia Minor, as the empire's horse breeding ground, source of troops, and natural barrier against pagans, was of course of great significance to the empire. Unfortunately, the empire did not have the strength to attack the Normans in Sicily and the Turks in Asia Minor at the same time.

Moreover, horse breeding areas, military sources, and natural barriers - none of them can hide the desolation of the interior of Asia Minor. Many Greek nomads who have become Turkic are so brave and fierce that even the Turkic chiefs can do nothing. Not only are they unable to provide taxes, but they are also a major threat to regional stability.

This means that even if the empire regains Asia Minor now, it will be a low-quality asset with negative returns for a long time.

Unlike Sicily, it guards the Mediterranean trade route, has a prosperous economy, and is an important transit hub on pilgrimage routes. In addition, the island has fertile land and abundant products, making it the brightest pearl in the entire Mediterranean.

The main point of the current negotiations between the two empires of the East and the West is who can get a bigger share of the fruits in Sicily?

As for southern Italy, that is, Apulia, Capua, Calabria and other places, they are trivial in comparison.

But no matter which part of the Kingdom of Sicily it is, it is a well-deserved excellent territory in this era.

Although the Kingdom of Sicily is not very large, it is still one of the most powerful countries in the entire European continent.

Anna snorted: It's a pity indeed. I really can't figure it out. In my opinion, Lothar can't be a devout believer at all. He doesn't want the fertile soil in Sicily and always wants to return to his land of desert. What does the territory do?”

I'm afraid I'm worried about confronting the ambitious Henry Caesar.

Henry Caesar refers to the Emperor of Germania and the father of Crown Prince Henry.

That's right. Who knows that he is a German? The Habsburg family still has to beg for food under the emperor.

Anna has investigated Lothar's background, but she has always had doubts about it, because in her eyes, Lothar is more like an old antique who has been sleeping for hundreds of years. He is currently in the recovery period, and he does not look like a young man who made his fortune from scratch. .

How could a small German nobleman rise to become a prince with extraordinary power in such a short period of time?

Although in the eyes of Easterners, a lord with a few thousand soldiers and only a hundred thousand subjects was far from being a big shot, in this era of Europe, he was indeed a top dignitary.

Anna, are you busy with the association's affairs recently?

Busy, of course busy!

Anna snorted coldly: Several of my apprentices complain to me every day. Their job is to listen to those stupid people talking about trivial things that have nothing to do with extraordinary power.

Please show me quickly. The ugly witch from across the door put a curse on my cow, so it stopped producing milk.

My hoe disappeared. It must have been stolen by some greedy wizard.

My lord, that hateful and nasty neighbor of mine seduced my wife with his bewitching spell.

Anna learned vividly: I'm not blaming them for being stupid, but these things are sent directly to the association without screening, which really greatly increases the workload of the apprentices I train.

They have to organize books, copy scriptures, practice alchemy, magic, and meditation every day, and they have to concentrate on these trivial matters. It's not okay to go on like this.

Lagaia said with some embarrassment: I'm sorry, obviously Malos didn't implement my orders thoroughly enough. I will ask him to recruit more literate scribes to screen every reported rumor.


Lagaia asked: In short, the empire's next focus will be on regaining the Sicilian Military District. Do you have enough potion reserves to assemble a new extraordinary army?

Anna thought for a while: If it's just the lowest level of bull potion, it won't be a problem to reserve it.

Then let's get started. The Normans in Sicily are not easy to deal with. If the empire sends troops this time and loses its troops again, we will lose face with our 'allies', and the distribution of the spoils will have an adverse impact on us.

Lagaia said seriously.

The empire has suffered from internal and external troubles and has been suffering for a long time. It is extremely difficult to regain its vitality.

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